The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 626: get away

next moment.

   Transmission begins.

  The invisible space beam descended, covering the'Super Transporter No. 1 Unit' in the Qianshou Manchao, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye, and all teleported away.

   The screen turns.

   The transportation unit No. 1 has appeared in the sky above the capital of Daxia.

   This movement naturally shocked the Red Lord and Old Brown who were sitting in the Imperial Capital of Daxia.

   "This is Jiang Li's army."

   "Why are you back?"

   Scarlet Lord and they looked at the troops that suddenly appeared high in the sky.


   The super transport force began to land, the door of the cabin opened, and a famous mechanical soldier quickly moved the materials in the cabin and transported them to the Daxia Treasury.


   "It turned out to be so many supplies."

   "Lingjing, pill, medicinal materials, various materials."

   "So this is Jiang Li's transportation unit."

   Red Lord and the others reacted.

"it is good!"

   Jiangli smiled even more after seeing these pictures.

To know.

  Most of these are resources that can be converted into energy points. Jiang Li only needs to solve the war in the west of San Anzhou, and all of them can be converted into energy points after returning to the Great Xia Emperor.


   all the time.

   Jiangli will have a lot of hints before his eyes, harvesting batch after batch of soul fire, all of which are the monsters and barbarians killed by the nuclear weapons sold by Jiangli.


The layout of    Jiangli has begun to harvest time.


   Just hung up the contact with the'Super Transporter No. 1 Unit', CJQX01 said again: "Sword Dynasty member Huang Lin Tianjian requests to communicate with you."


   Jiangli raised his eyebrows, "Lin Tianjian."


   When Lin Tianjian left the'Human Tribe Chamber' last time.

   Jiangli sent 10,000 "super transporters" to follow Lin Tianjian and Jing Yueke to leave, heading to the southern border of San Anzhou, so that they can be contacted easily.

   As expected.

   Lin Tianjian got in touch so soon.


   The river leaves the road.



   The ‘holographic communication’ skill is activated.

   forms a projection.

   was clearly presented in front of Jiang Li.



   "Blood bursts! Angry tiger cuts with blood!"

   "The Totem Phenomenon! The Corrosion Field!"

   "Nine Demon Slashing Techniques!"


   rumbling! ! !

next moment.

   Jiangli heard countless intensive killings and roars. Looking up, Jiang Li saw Lin Tianjian's figure and the fierce battlefield behind him.

   can only see the tip of the iceberg on the battlefield.

   Even so.

   is also extremely intense.

  The terrifying war caused the earth to collapse, the space oscillated, and the spiritual energy boiled.

   "Xia Huang!"

   Lin Tianjian was a little excited, "It's great, this can really be connected."

"Jian Huang."

   Jiangli nodded slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"


   Lin Tianjian suppressed his excitement, his expression was serious and solemn, and he quickly said: "The current situation in the southern border of San Anzhou is too tragic."

   "We can hardly resist the army of monsters and barbarians."

   "Not only is there a huge difference in military strength, but also in high-end combat power."


   "All nuclear weapons have been used up."

"So fast."

   Jiangli couldn't help but stunned.

To know.

   Jiangli specially gave Lin Tianjian a large number of nuclear weapons, and the total number of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs reached 20 million.

did not expect.

   This is all up.

   "No wonder there are so many hints to capture soul fire."

   The river is away from the dark road.

"it is good."

   Jiangli raised his head and said: "The emperor knows that, in this case, Gu will immediately send a super transport force to transport the atomic and hydrogen bombs to the battlefield in the southern border."

"where are you now?"

   "The very central location of the southern border-the southern prairie."

   Lin Tianjian answered immediately.


   Jiangli said, "Don't worry, nuclear weapons will arrive in five minutes at most."

   "Xiahuang, I hope..."


   Jiangli has hung up the communication.


   Lin Tianjian opened his mouth, his expression stiff on his face.

   "Sword Emperor, what did Xia Huang say?"

   Jing Yueke asked.

   "He disconnected from communication."

   Lin Tianjian said.

   "He actually..."

   Jing Yueke widened her eyes, furious, and shouted: "Xia Huang, this **** thing, lost orphans and others also supported him to become the'master of the alliance', and even paid 30% of the imperial national fortune."

   "At this moment of crisis, he was unwilling to lend a helping hand."

"It's not like this."

   Lin Tianjian interrupted Jing Yueke's words and said: "Jiang Li agreed, and he immediately dispatched a transport force to provide nuclear weapons for the southern battlefield."

   "Just when Gu wanted to ask him if he could provide military support, the communication was disconnected."


   Jing Yueke was taken aback.

   was silent for a while.

   "Maybe the situation in the West is not too good?"

   Jing Yueke said something.

"not too good?"

   Lin Tianjian shook his head, "If you now communicate with your consciousness about the sub-list of the Hidden Dragon Ranking-San Anzhou, you will know what the fighting situation in the Western Territory is like."

"it is good."


   Jing Yueke closed his eyes, and consciously communicated with Qianlong ranking.

"This is impossible!"

   a few seconds before and after.

   Jing Yueke returned to consciousness, his eyes widened, and he shouted in surprise: " long has passed since, Qianshou Manchao disappeared from the Qianlong ranking list-Shenganzhou."

   "This shows that Emperor Xia has overthrown the Qianshou Barbarian Dynasty."

   "Does this need to be surprised?"

   Lin Tianjian said: "Emperor Xia directly sent hundreds of billions of soldiers to the Human Race Chamber. With the strength of Emperor Xia and the others, it was not easy to destroy the Qianshou Barbarian Dynasty."


   "Not only the Thousand-Handed Barbarian Dynasty, but even the'Moro Dynasty', one of the five overlord dynasties of the Barbarians, disappeared from the list not long ago."

   "So fast, Daxia Dynasty really is..."

   Jing Yueke opened his mouth.

this moment.

   He deeply felt the power of the Great Xia Dynasty.


   At this time.

   Lin Tianjian and Jing Yueke felt the obvious spatial fluctuations, and when they looked up, they saw a large number of super transporters.

   formed a transport force.


   Lin Tianjian is overjoyed.

   "It is the support of the Great Xia Dynasty!"


   "Remove nuclear weapons immediately."

   all the human leaders shouted.

   half a minute later.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   On the tribal battlefield in the southern prairie.


   The ‘nuclear explosion’, which stopped for less than a few minutes, sounded again, and the atomic and hydrogen bombs exploded like a round of small suns.

   Very scary.

   set off a devastating storm.

   "Damn it!"

   "Terran! Terran!"

   "It's it again! This weapon again!"



   very angry!

  The Barbarian and Monster Savage Emperor and Demon Emperor seemed to have anger burning in their eyes, staring at the mushroom clouds produced by the ‘nuclear explosion’.

   his face was extremely gloomy.

To know.

   Although the monsters and barbarians can arrange the seventh-order army formation, the human race can also arrange the seventh-order army formation, in the case of both.

   Fight each other in chaos.

   military formations can cancel each other out.

   That is to say.

   The "atomic bomb" and "hydrogen bomb" thrown out by the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty can play a big role when the military forces cancel each other out.

and so.

   This has caused considerable losses to the monsters and barbarians.

   is precisely because of this.

   Sword Dynasty and Tianzong Dynasty can last so long.


   Lin Tianjian could only consider retreating, fleeing from the southern border of St. Anzhou and evacuating to the western border of St. Anzhou, trying to find a way to join Jiang Li and the others.

   This also brought a lot of soul fire to Jiang Li.


  The specific battle situation in the south.

   Jiangli is actually not very clear.


   only supports nuclear weapons, Jiang Li is naturally willing.

   manufactures atomic and hydrogen bombs.

   Naturally, too many resources can not be consumed.


   Jiangli also produced one hundred thousand'controllable nuclear fission palm control generators', all of which were transported to the southern border of San Anzhou and handed over to Lin Tianjian.


   If we can form a ‘nuclear energy corps’ with a strength of 100,000.

   I believe it will greatly increase the strength of the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty.

   can also harvest more soul fire for Jiang Li.



   Jiangli consumed six gigabit energy points, and successively promoted the three early-stage eighth special mechanical soldiers WMS01, ML01, and SSTS01 to the middle-stage eighth stage.

   Their eighth-level skills are all prompted to the eighth-level mid-level.

   Strength has increased a lot.

   After promotion.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   The three mechanical soldiers continued to absorb the remnants of the battlefield, and their evolutionary degree gradually increased, and in the end they all stayed at 60%.

   can no longer improve.

   "According to such an increase speed, at least one more overlord dynasty must be destroyed before they can all be promoted to the eighth level to perfection."

   Jiangli inferred.


   finished these.

   Jiangli once again activated the'fixed-point teleportation' function of the'mechanical space station base', leaving 10 billion super transport troops to search for resources on the Moro continent.


   sent all the Mechanical Corps, Mobei Corps, and Lianzhen Corps to the "Red Dragon Dynasty".

   The screen turns.

   The Red Dragon Imperial Capital of the Red Dragon Dynasty.

   high in the sky.

   hum! Hum!

   Suddenly a dense mechanical army appeared out of thin air.

   is like a boundless ocean.

   shrouded the sky on this side.


   Jiangli also teleported here.


   Lianzhen, Mobei Renhuang and the others looked down at the Red Dragon Imperial Capital below, but they were greeted by an empty city without a monster clan.

   "Where is the monster?"


   Everyone's faces were filled with amazement.

   That's right.

   The monster army of the Red Dragon Dynasty all evacuated.


   The Red Dragon Demon Emperor gave up the Red Dragon Dynasty.

   Actually was half a day ago.

   Fu Tianqing and the others evacuated from Daxia Huangdu and returned to the demon clan chamber, and then immediately went to the Red Dragon Emperor’s capital through the ability of the ‘Book from the Earth’ and notified the Red Dragon Demon Emperor.


   After knowing the horror of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   The Red Dragon Demon Emperor has wisely'strategic retreat'.

Not only that.

   With the help of the Demon Tribe Chamber, the Red Dragon Demon Emperor led the Red Dragon Dynasty Legion, evacuated at full speed towards the central area of ​​St. Anzhou, and then joined the Wutian Demon Emperor.


   The Red Dragon Demon Emperor has officially met with the Wutian Demon Emperor and merged the Red Dragon Dynasty into the Wutian Demon Dynasty.

   All the imperial fortunes were absorbed by the Wutian Demon Dynasty.

   That is to say.

   The Red Dragon Dynasty has disappeared from the list.

   The Red Dragon Demon Emperor lost his status as the Demon Emperor.


   Lianzhen came to Jiang Li, Shen Shenghui reported: "The Red Dragon Dynasty disappeared from the list, and there is no demon in the imperial capital. It is very likely that they have escaped."

   "The signs of marching around indicate that the demon army of the Red Dragon Dynasty should have fled to the middle of San Anzhou."

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