The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 633: Opposition

at this time.

   Jiangli clearly saw ML01, SSTS01, WMS01, the damage of the three tier eight complete mechanical soldiers was extremely serious, and the whole body was full of cracks.

   The degree of damage has reached 50%.

   The injury is serious.


   Although Jiangli can recover the damage of ML01 and the others by consuming energy points in the air, it takes time to repair the damage, which takes about a few seconds.

   A few seconds is not short.

   Especially high-level battles.

   The eighth-tier strong.

   is enough to make many moves in a few seconds.

and so.

   ML01, they were besieged by ten eighth-ranked monsters. The situation can be said to be quite a crisis.

   In Fu Tianqing and Wutian, regardless of the cost.

   It will take another ten minutes at most.

   ML01, they will be completely destroyed because their recovery speed cannot keep up with the speed of the damage, and they will be scrapped in the hands of Wutian.


   Support arrived in time.

should say.

   Wang Gang and their support arrived to avoid this loss.


   completely scrapped three eighth-tier complete mechanical soldiers.

   Jiangli’s loss will be unprecedented.

   "Fortunately, I arrived in time."

   Jiang sighed in relief and stared at the battlefield screen intently.

   "Azure Seal! Nine Lotus Seal!"


   Click! !

When Wang Gang’s nuclear flat palm fell, Fu Tianqing reacted and immediately fought back. He gave a long scream, and quickly pinched out the Dao Dao Yin tactics with both hands. The cyan haze was diffused, and the Dao Seals were condensed together to form Nine green lotus flowers.

   Each cyan lotus has nine petals.

  The lotus condenses.

   becomes one.

   is like a lotus array, rotating around each other, blooming with bright brilliance, just like the blue sun, directly facing Wang Gang's nuclear flat palm.


   The nuclear explosion group collided with the Qinglian formation.

   A terrifying explosion occurs.

   Such a vast scene is like two huge planets colliding head-on, producing an extremely vast explosion power, as if tearing space apart.

   Arrays of energy storms swept across the square.

   is also ‘nuclear explosion’.

   Mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super combat soldiers’ nuclear explosions, even if millions of them overlap, the strongest power can only reach the seventh-order limit, at most, the explosion range becomes larger.


  Wang Gang’s "Nuclear Ping Palm" produced a nuclear explosion, but it could reach the level of the eighth-order consummation, and its power was more than a star and a half stronger than the mechanically controllable nuclear fusion super fighter.

   This is because Wang Gang condensed the power of ‘nuclear energy’, overlapped and aggregated, not scattered, so the power can reach this level.

brush! brush! brush!

   The figure flickered.

   Scarlet Lord, Old Brown, Xia Miao, He Qingshu, Xing Lingqi, etc. all came through the air and stood beside Wang Gang. There were seven eighth ranks, six seventh ranks consummated.

   "It's Human Race."

   The pupils of the Seven Lotus Demon King shrank, especially when they sensed the extremely powerful aura of Scarlet Lord and the others, their complexion became extremely dignified.

   "And there are seven and eight ranks."

   Wutian's expression also became very solemn.

   He feels a lot of pressure now.

   "Red Lord."

   Fu Tianqing's face was gloomy, and he looked at Wang Gang again. The fight just now gave Fu Tianqing some understanding of Wang Gang's strength, and the opponent was at least an eighth-order perfect superpower.

   The specific strength is still uncertain.


   The cultivation base definitely reached the eighth level of Consummation.

   "It's really troublesome."

   Moherin took a deep breath and looked at ML01 and them again. Because of the delay of this moment, ML01 and their injuries have all recovered.

   "Damn it."

   Moherin's face turned dark, "He recovered."

To know.

   Moherin and the others didn't even see ML01 taking any medicine or healing treasures, just like ML01 they recovered out of thin air.

   is simply unreasonable.


   Moherin and the others feel that there is a pair of silent big hands behind them controlling everything, and these eighth-order perfect powerhouses in front of them are just chess pieces behind the scenes.

   thought of this.

  Mohelin and they shuddered.

   after recovering.

  ML01, SSTS01, and WMS01 immediately got rid of Wutian's siege and stood beside Wang Gang and the others.

   merged together.

   high in the sky.

   Wang Gang and the others confronted Wutian and other monster races face to face.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

this moment.

   The momentum of the two sides collided.

   The top powerhouse of the monster race and the top powerhouse of the human race finally collided head-on on the battlefield, and the aura of both sides gradually released, causing the surrounding heaven and earth aura to form a terrifying storm.

   swept the surrounding space.

   Click! Click!

can be seen.

   The space around it seemed to be a terrifying hurricane, and the ground under their feet collapsed even more under this spiritual energy storm, causing the ground to collapse into one layer, and numerous cracks appeared.

   hum! Hum!

   Above the sky.

   The wind and clouds surging, formed a distorted vision, which turned into a horrible vortex, covering a range of millions of miles, extremely terrifying.

Roar! Roar!

   Dragon chants sounded.

   The real dragon of the demon emperor’s national destiny manifested.

   increased power.

as far as I can tell.

   Jiangli has six eighth-ranked consummators here, and there are only three eighth-ranked consummates on the Yaozu side.

   In terms of the top combat power of Tier 8.

   Jiangli occupies a great advantage, twice that of Yaozu.


   This is the middle area of ​​San Anzhou.

   The demon army of the demon clan is in the middle area of ​​San Anzhou.

   Really want to fight.

   The support of the demon army will arrive soon.


  Because of the constraints of space, Jiang Li could not directly transmit the mechanical legion to the central area of ​​St. Anzhou through the ‘mechanical space station base’, so he would be inferior to the demon legion in terms of support.


   If I really fight.

   Jiangli is not completely sure of victory.

of course.

   Really want to fight.

   Jiangli is not afraid.

  When it’s a big deal, keep on violent soldiers, keep on supporting the battlefield, and believe that with the energy points you have now, at all costs, you can use energy to beat the opponent.

   "Book from the ground!"


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin looked at each other, pinched their hands, and then their seals overlapped, and behind them, a huge phantom of the earth book appeared.

   Looking far away.

   is like a stone book carved from purple-golden jade. On the cover of the stone book, the two characters "Book of the Earth" are formed with weird and mysterious patterns.

   mysterious and unpredictable.

   exuded a mighty power, even if he was thousands of miles away, just looking at the shooting screen, all put a lot of pressure on Jiang Li.

   from beginning to end.

  The strongest hole card of the monster clan is the "Book from the Ground".

   The power of "Book from the Ground".

   is more than just monitoring San Anzhou and space teleportation.

   Even if it is just an imitation.

   That is also an imitation of Yaozu's treasure.

   is definitely not to be underestimated.

   "Since the Monster Race Chamber has a treasure like the'Book of the Earth', does the Human Race also have similar treasures?"

   Jiang thought about it.


   Jiangli has never heard of Red Lord and Old Brown mention it.

   So is there any?

   Jiangli didn't know either.

   "This is indeed an imitation of the Book from the Ground."

   The Scarlet Lord took a deep breath, staring at the phantom shadow of the earth book behind Fu Tianqing and them, and said in a deep voice: "I just don't know how many levels of the hand of the master of the monster race."


   Old Brown nodded.

   They felt a lot of pressure.

   As for whether to open the fight.

   Regardless of whether it is Red Lord or Fu Tianqing.

   I'm actually playing drums in my heart.

after all.

   Neither side was ready to fight immediately.

not to mention.

   If they go to war, no matter who loses or wins, the victorious party will lose a lot. If the barbarians get the news, they will come in.

   actually made the barbarians the final winner.

   "Red Lord, brown old."

   Fu Tianqing shouted in a deep voice: "You really want to go to war now?"


   The Scarlet Lord shrugged. Although he didn't want to fight, he still wanted to show no fear on the surface, and said indifferently: "What about the fight? Will this seat be afraid of you monsters?"

   "And even if there is a war, we will win."

   Old Brown said solemnly.

   "You can try it."

   Fu Tianqing's eyes were cold, "It just happens to let you old things see and see the power of the Book of the Earth."


   Chizu laughed, and said in a disdainful tone: "What kind of shit, it's just an imitation, so I'm afraid of it? A joke."

   hum! Hum!

   The voice fell off.

   The Red Lord immediately ran the exercises, displayed a lot of martial arts, and had the power of the law intertwined, staring at Fu Tianqing extremely vigilantly.

   so as to avoid Fu Tianqing's sudden trouble.

time flies.

   The two sides continued to confront each other, but they never did.

   Wutian's fists clenched and loosened.

   but endured it.


   Wutian is very clear.

   Now is really not the time to go to war.

  He must first digest and precipitate the gains of this war, and turn them all into his own strength, and finally make adequate preparations to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

   "Leave Zhongyu immediately."

At last.

  Wutian walked out, staring at the Scarlet Lord and the others coldly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Otherwise, when the emperor's demon clan army arrives, all of you have to stay."

   "You are Wutian."

   The red master stared at Wutian and looked at it silently. From Wutian's body, the red master felt a lot of pressure and aura, which was no small matter.

   "As expected, he is the strongest of the demon clan and demon emperor."

   Old Brown took a deep breath, "Among all the demon emperors, I am afraid that only Wutian has the qualifications and background to become a demon emperor. If he has a chance, he must be killed."


   If it weren't for the emergence of the Great Xia Dynasty and the rise of Xia Huangjiang Li.

   From the very beginning, Chi Zhu and Huang Lao had the most optimistic view of Wu Huang Wu Wuji.

   thousand years ago.

   chance coincidence.

   Wu Wuji and Wu Tian had a battle.

  The two sides are in the endless ocean on the battlefield.

   is only the specific battle situation and result.

   I am afraid that only Wu Wuji and Wutian are the two who So we let them go? "

   Qilian was a little unwilling, "Just a little bit, we were able to completely leave the three eighth-order complete demons, false demons, and angels."

"To shut up."

   Wutian glanced coldly.


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin were silent.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   At this time.

   The Crimson Lord heard the roar and looked towards the direction from which the sound came. From a distance, they had seen the dense army of monster soldiers and the floating battleships of the monster race.

   The human soldier legion in the middle area of ​​San Anzhou has been destroyed by the demon legion.

   is feeling the movement here.

   The demon army is coming to support.


   Scarlet Lord and their expressions sank.

  In addition.

  Because Fu Tianqing's "Space Ban Order" is a one-time consumable, the time to ban the space is approaching, and the spatial texture printed on the surrounding space is gradually dimming.

   is about to disappear.

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