The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 634: 3 flowers

   "The space ban is gradually disappearing."

   Jiangli shot through the mechanical space station base. It is clear that the space forbidden texture is dimming and disappearing. It is estimated that it will be completely invalid after a long time.

   "Do you want to fight?"

   Jiangli groaned, faintly having the impulse to directly send more than 400 billion mechanical corps to the central area of ​​San Anzhou, with the idea of ​​direct war.

To know.

   Lin Tianjian and Jing Yueke are both in the capital of the Great Xia Empire, and the Human Soldier Corps of the Sword Dynasty and the Tianzong Dynasty are also there, plus the regiments of the Mobei Dynasty and the Lianzhen Dynasty.

   There is definitely an army of Terran soldiers over 200 billion.

even more.


   As long as the Terran Soldier Legion is teleported over, the Terran Tier 8 can also be deployed to fight against the Demon Race’s Tier 8 Army.

   "What does Xia Huang mean?"

   At this time.

   The Scarlet Lord asked Wang Gang.


  Wang Gang was silent.


   Moherin waved her right hand.

   He took out another ‘Space Confinement Order’ from the low-grade space ring, intending to use it before the space ban disappeared, so as to avoid any accidents.


   Jiangli curled his lips when he saw this scene.

   If space teleportation is not possible.

   Jiangli’s support could not arrive in time.

"come back."

   Jiangli passed the instructions through the mechanical space station base.

   "Your Majesty’s order, let us go back."

   Wang Gang answered the Scarlet Lord and them.

"it is good."

   The Scarlet Lord nodded, and he was relieved, "Fortunately, Emperor Xia didn't have the urge to go to war directly with the monster clan. If this is the case, then we will leave immediately."


   "The purpose has been achieved."


   hum! Hum!

   Before the demon army came, Wang Gang and Scarlet Lord evacuated at full speed, leaving this space restricted area as quickly as possible.

  Wutian, they just watched silently, did not pursue them, and watched Wang Gang and they left.

   "Just let them go?"

   Qilian Demon Emperor clenched his fists, and cursed in an uncomfortable tone: "Fuck!"

   Not long after.

  The demon army has arrived.

   But Wang Gang and the others have already left.

"go back."

   Wutian took a deep breath, the aura on his body converged, the magical appearance disappeared, the real dragon of national luck also retracted his body, and issued an order, "The entire army returns to the capital of the Emperor Wu."

the other side.



   After Wang Gang and Scarlet Lord and the others left the ‘Space Forbidden’ area, Jiang Li immediately started the space teleportation, teleporting all Wang Gang and Scarlet Lord back.

   safely returned to Daxia Huangdu

"nailed it."

   The river leaves the road.


   Jiangli passed through the mechanical space station base, continued to observe the middle and southern regions, and monitored the follow-up actions of the monsters and barbarians after the war.

among them.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   Under Wu Tian’s order, the monster army began to clean up the battlefield, dispatched one army after another, and began to search for all resources in the central area of ​​San Anzhou.


   Qilian Demon Emperor and they are migrating the veins of the spirit crystal for the skylessness.

   all moved to the capital without an emperor.

  In addition.

   After returning to the capital of Wu Tian, ​​he immediately entered the retreat room, sorting out the gains and gains and losses of this war, digesting resources, and improving himself.

   With the help of the energy of the national movement feedback.

   Wutian practiced'Lei Di Jue' and launched an impact on the ninth level in retreat.

   As for whether it can break through.

   This is unknown.


   Wutian has spent more than ten thousand years in the realm of the eighth-order Consummation, which shows how difficult it is to break through, and it is too difficult to break through the nineth-order.

   Even if there is feedback from the National Games, it is difficult to do it.

of course.

   is not completely hopeless.

the other side.

   South of St. Anju.

   Dawu and other three barbarians led the army of barbarian soldiers in the central area of ​​St. Anzhou. They successfully evacuated from the central area of ​​St. Anzhou and came to the south of St. Anzhou.

  The Barbarian Legion is fully integrated.

   rumbling! ! !

Because the Central Territory of St. Anzhou has been occupied by the Monster Race, if the Barbarian Chamber is still in the Central Territory, it is obviously very dangerous, so Man Wuji and Tu Jiuling and the others drove the'floating array' to locate the Barbarian Chamber. The floating continent moved to the south.

can be seen.

   The floating continent, which is several times larger than the planet, entered the southern border under the influence of the ‘Floating Array’, driven by Man Wuji.

   This kind of movement was extremely large, which attracted the attention of the Yaozu, and the message reported the news.

   Wutian is in retreat.

   didn't know about this.

   Qilian, Yi Tiangan, Qianfu and other demon emperors, and Fu Tianqing did not send troops or intercept them after learning the news.

   seems to have acquiesced.


   Red Lord and the others also started to act.

   met Jiang Li, and after obtaining Jiang Li's permission, they first teleported back to the Human Race Chamber, activated the Human Race Chamber’s ‘Floating Array’, and transferred the floating continent to Daxia Huangdu.

   "The things that should be done are almost done."

   dominates the hub room.

   Jiangli groaned, thinking in his heart, "At present, the Yaozu occupies the middle area of ​​St. Anzhou, which can be said to be the most resource-rich territory."

   "The barbarians occupied the southern border."

   "Whether it is the monster or the barbarian, several dynasties were destroyed in this dynasty war that swept the entire San Anzhou, and the loss was great."

   "That is to say."

   "On the surface, Terran has the greatest advantage."

   "It's a pity that Wu Wuji has no idea of ​​joining hands with me."


   Chi Zhu and Elder Hu took the time to go to the Wu Dynasty in person yesterday, persuading Wu Wuji to join the Great Xia Dynasty, but they were flatly rejected by Wu Wuji, and they refused very firmly.

  The great human race split into two parts.

   leads to the loss of advantages.

to be frank.

   Jiangli still felt a lot of pressure.

   Wu Ji, Wu Tian, ​​Ti Lung.

   They are all eighth-order perfection.

   has the status of emperor.


   This time the war.

   Their gains are not small, their respective national destiny dragons have swallowed a lot of imperial national destiny, and with the help of imperial national destiny, they hope to break through to Tier 9.

   If I really want to break through.

   Jiangli's difficulty to win the final victory will be greatly increased.


   At this time.

   Qianlong Xiangjiang Lihui reported: "There is good news. The fifth and sixth order gene enhancement liquids have been researched out. May I ask whether we are producing them now?"

   "Fifth and sixth order gene enhancement liquid."

   Jiang Li was taken aback, "has been researched?"


Qianlong nodded, "Because you have built a total of thirty-seven Tier VI Legion bases. With thirty-seven Tier VI scientific research centers conducting research at the same time, the time required to research Tier VI gene enhancement liquid has been greatly reduced. ."

   "In fact, the fifth-order gene fortification liquid was researched a long time ago, but because you have no time to dominate you, it didn't remind you."

"it is good."

   Jiangli's face showed joy.

   This is indeed good news.


   Jiangli almost forgot about the fifth-order and sixth-order gene enhancement solutions, and his gene enhancement solution was only injected to the fourth-order level.

   "Immediately create the fifth and sixth order gene enhancement liquid."

   Jiangli gave the order.


   Qianlong responded, "It consumes 10 billion energy points to make a grade 5 gene fortification liquid, and 1 trillion energy points to make a grade 6 gene fortification liquid."

   hum! Hum!

   The Tier VI Scientific Research Center at the No. 1 Army Base.

  The mechanical scientific research soldiers on the fifth and sixth floors started to work.

   It didn’t take long.

   The fifth-order gene enhancement solution and the sixth-order gene enhancement solution are all manufactured, and the finished products are placed on the finished product shelf.

"take out."

brush! brush!

   Two syringes were sent from the research center to Jiang Li.

   [Scientific research product: Level 5 gene enhancement liquid]

  【Order position: fifth order】

   [Consumption: improve the level of life, further optimize genes]

   [Place of Origin: No. 01, Legion Base-Fifth Floor of Research Center]


   [Scientific research product: Sixth-order gene enhancement liquid]

  【Order position: Sixth order】

   [Consumption: Improve life level, deeply optimize genes]

   [Origin: No. 01, Legion Base-Sixth Floor of Scientific Research Center]


  The message appears.

   "Not bad."

   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction.


   Jiangli exchanged a mechanical scientific research soldier, and asked the mechanical scientific research soldier to help him inject the gene enhancement solution, first injecting the fifth-order gene enhancement solution.

   hum! Hum!

  The fifth-order strengthening fluid began to work.

   is optimizing Jiang Li's genes, carrying out in-depth enhancements, and filling in the defects, so that Jiang Li's life level has been improved, aptitude, understanding, life span and other aspects have been changed and evolved.


   The effect of the fifth-order gene enhancement liquid has passed.

   Jiangli clearly felt his own changes, things that he could not understand in the past suddenly became clear, and his understanding of heaven and earth was further improved.

Not only that.

   Jiangli's perception of the'Emperor Dao Law' has also been further strengthened.


   Jiangli touched the threshold of the eighth step.

"carry on."

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli adapted to the changes made by the fifth-order gene fortification liquid, and asked the mechanical scientific research team to inject the sixth-order gene fortification liquid into his body.

   A terrifying chill swept through his body.

   did not cause any pain to Jiang Li.

   is extremely comfortable.

   Transform and evolve from the inside out.

   Further optimization of genes has realized the leap of life level and achieved the goal of evolution.

   This kind of evolution is different from cultivation.

   Cultivation relies on improving the realm, understanding the heaven and the earth, stepping into the transcendence step by step, and even reaching the same life as the heaven and the earth in the end, immortality and immortality.

  Gene fortification liquid is like a step to the sky.

   has taken advantage of external forces.

   Both have their advantages and disadvantages.


   After the combination of the two the advantages and disadvantages complement each other.

   made Jiang Li a perfect evolution.

   The effects of the sixth-order gene enhancement liquid all exploded.

at this moment.

   Jiang Li really touched the barrier of the eighth level, and clearly felt that now Jiang Li only needs to break the barrier, and he can break through the eighth level.

   "Great Xia Qinglong Gong."

   hum! !

  Jiangli runs the eighth-tier middle-grade Daxia Qinglong Gong, the power of heaven and earth surrounds the whole body, arousing Jiangli's ‘essence’, ‘qi’ and ‘shen’, and the whole body is boiling.

   Under the guidance of the exercise method, it began to gradually condense on the top of the head.

  Eighth order!

   Overlord class powerhouse.

   Seventh order.

   Feel the world and add to the body with the power of the world.

  Eighth order.


   is based on the power of heaven and earth to condense the three flowers of ‘heaven’, ‘earth’, and ‘people’, which is called: the top three flowers, so this state is also called: the three flowers state.

just now.

   Jiangli began to condense the first top three flowers, transforming his own "Essence and Spirit" into the "Human Flower". If it succeeds, Jiangli will be able to break through to the early stage of the eighth stage.

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