The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 640: 4 seas


   Qianlong responded quickly and reported to Jiang Lihui: “To dominate, to manufacture one million Tier VI elite fusion mechanical soldiers, it takes 10 billion tons of steel materials and 10,000 trillion energy points.”

   "To make 40 million Tier 5 elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires 40 billion tons of steel materials and 8 gigabit energy points."

   "To produce 5 billion Tier 4 elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires 500 billion tons of steel materials and 10,000 trillion energy points."

   "It takes 200 billion tons of steel materials and 800 trillion energy points to manufacture 40 billion Tier 3 elite fusion mechanical soldiers."

   "To produce 600 billion Tier 2 elite fusion mechanical soldiers requires the consumption of 300 billion tons of steel materials and 120 trillion energy points."

   "A total of 645 billion mechanized soldiers were manufactured, and a total of 10,050 billion tons of steel materials were consumed, and 28,920 trillion energy points were produced."

   "Start manufacturing."

   Jiangli confirmed.


   Qianlong responded.

   hum! Hum! Hum!


   Qianlong made contact with all the sub-bases and conveyed Jiang Li's instructions.

   A series of projection screens were formed, all of which were presented in front of Jiang Li, and the "heart of the base" in the base began to report the manufacturing progress to Jiang Li.

as far as I can tell.

   It is enough to make these mechanical soldiers.

   As for resources.

   That is totally enough.

   Jiangli has searched so many dynasties, whether it is energy spots or steel materials, they have already reached an extremely rich level, and they are not afraid of consumption.


   Black iron, cold iron, star meteor iron and the like.

   Higher-grade materials than steel materials.

   Jiangli also collected a lot.


   Jiangli is very clear.

   After the'legion base' was promoted to the seventh rank, the'steel materials' alone could no longer meet the needs after the seventh rank, and higher grade materials were needed.

and so.

   Jiangli had already deliberately collected from the beginning.

  In addition.

   The big head that consumes energy points is still a high-level mechanical soldier.

   Low-priced units consume very little.

   is like the second-order mechanical soldier.

   made a full 600 billion people.

   only consumed 120 trillion energy points.

   Low-priced units are useful.

   But if the difference in order is too big.

   The number advantage is negligible.

  , for example.

   Two-way foil.

   No matter how large the number of low-cost robots is, even if it fills the entire galaxy, a ‘two-directional foil’ falls, collapsing the galaxy into a plane.


   There is no advantage in quantity.

Of course.

  'Two Direction Foil' is a dimensional weapon.

   Some low-level mechanical soldiers can't even cross the planet.

   The gap between the two is too big.

   That's why it has this kind of crushing effect.


   As long as it is not the gap between heaven and earth.

  The advantage of quantity still exists.

   "Master, all Tier 6 mechanical arsenals in the 36 sub-bases have started full-power work, and it will take about a day and a half."

   Qianlonghui reports.


   Jiangli nodded.

   late at night.

   The sea around San Anju.

   The waves rush into the sky.

   is tens of thousands of meters high.

   In this dark night.

   The sea water turned black.

   A thick mist appeared in the sea near San Anzhou.

   reached the point where he could barely see his fingers.

   eyes narrowed.


   A huge number of "sea ships" appeared, many, many, densely packed, forming an invisible front line, approaching St. Ann State.


   These fleets are not too close.

   about a hundred miles away from the coast of San Anju.

   all stopped.

  Four big ocean areas.

   The "Three Emperors Sea" in the North, the "Tuoba Sea" in the South, the "Chongming Sea" in the West, and the "Hailong Sea" in the East, these "fleets" are even foreign dynasties from these four seas.

   Their intention is obvious, they want to get involved in "San Anju".


  The'Imperial War' broke out in St. Anzhou. The three clans competed for hegemony, with the intention of vying for the'no-god throne' and establishing the'Imperial Dynasty'. The imperial war broke out, and the three clans suffered a lot of losses.

To know.

   in the territory of St. Ann.

   There are half-demons, demons, barbarians and other hybrid races lurking, many of them are eyeliners of the four big seas, reporting the situation in San Anzhou.

and so.

   The dynasty fleet was dispatched in the four sea areas.

   Three Emperors Sea Area.

   is near the northern border of San Anzhou.

   Northland Coast.

   The fleet of the Three Emperors Sea is divided into three main units.

   are respectively led by: Haihuang Dynasty, Menglong Dynasty, and Penglai Dynasty. They have assembled a huge imperial navy and are preparing to land in'Sheng'anzhou' at the best time.

   Then launch an invasion war.

   Sea Emperor Navy Corps.

   Right in the center.

   Sea Emperor's Royal Ship.

   Warship main room.

   "Dear Aiqing, tell me, what is our chance of winning this time?"

   is at the top.

   The devil'Sea Emperor' sat on it, surrounded by black mist, he was not real, but he was extremely powerful, and asked in a deep voice.

   "Your Majesty."


   One of the marshals said confidently: "This time, all of our four large sea areas are dispatched, and we have eyeliners inside, monitoring the movements of the three clans at all times and reporting the situation in time."

   "So, we will win this battle."

   "That's right."

   "We only need to land in San Anzhou immediately when the tribal decisive battle in San Anzhou breaks out, and then a mantis will attack the cicada and the oriole."

"By the time……"



   The marshals were full of confidence, as if they had seen victory.

"Ha ha."

   Poseidon’s eyes were cold, "It's so ridiculous and stupid. The war hasn't started yet, but you are so proud and complacent."

   "Do you really think there is no doubt that you will win?"

   "Your Majesty..."

   "Your Majesty calms down his anger."

   The marshals were a little frightened.


   Sea Emperor snorted coldly, "Don’t forget, there are three tribal chambers in St. Anzhou, and each of the chamber’s masters is a ninth-tier superpower."

   "In addition."

   "Human race, barbarian race, and monster race, do you really think they have no defense against our four big sea areas?"

   "Your Majesty."

   At this time.

   It was a thin-faced black scale demon who held his hand and said respectfully: "The minister thought that the three clans in San Anzhou might be really defensive against our four large seas."


   "In order to compete for the'throne of emperor', they must use all their strength to fight, without the slightest slack. In other words, they have no time to take care of us."

   "We have a great chance of winning."



   is not just the Sea Emperor Dynasty.

   The dynasties of the four large seas are now carefully discussing plans to invade San Anzhou.

   Make a detailed war plan.

  In addition.

   The emperors of various dynasties also have special means to communicate.

By the time.

   As long as the final decisive battle of the three clans of San Anju erupts, the imperial armies of the four sea areas will simultaneously invade San Anju, attacking from the directions of the south, east, north and west.

   One night passed.

the next day.

   Early in the morning.

   Great Xia Huangdu.

   hum! Hum!

   The No. 01 regiment base was still shrouded in black haze, undergoing a series of transformations and promotions, but Jiang Li walked out of the regiment base.

   first went to the Grand Summer Palace for breakfast.



   The river leaped into the air.

   came to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

   is the floating continent of the "Human Chamber".

   "Drink! Drink!"

   "The army is running!"

   "Get up!!!"

   hum! ! !

Roar! Roar! ! !

   Jiangli stood high in the sky, surrounded by clouds, staring down.

First of all.

   What came into Jiang Li's eyes was the endless evil spirit of the army, which shook the surrounding space and formed a vast fog of light, making the heaven and the earth swept across.

   The picture is shocking.


   under the performance of the generals.

   The army adjusted, formed a base, and arranged a large army.

   From the first order to the seventh order.

   evolve one by one.

   There were huge army beasts.

   there was an earth-shaking roar.

To know.

   This is a total of 260 billion soldiers.

   It is not an easy task to form a perfect cooperation with each other and then form a military formation together. It takes a long time to drill.

   Several days.

  All military formations from the first to the seventh.

   can be arranged and used in war.


  The eighth-order army formation is not yet perfectly arranged.

after all.

   The Eighth Tier Army needs hundreds of billions of soldiers to cooperate.

   can imagine.

   The population of the earth is only over seven billion.

just now.

   The number of Terran soldiers in Jiangli is 260 billion, which is thirty to forty times more than seven billion, so the entire floating continent has become a place for training legions.

brush! brush!

   "Your Majesty!"

   "See your majesty for ministers!"

  Lianzhen, Lin Tianjian, Mobei, Jing Yueke, Hong Tianqi, Yue Fengji, Xu Ya and other kings, they are also the marshals of the training legion.


   Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya's cultivation base is a bit low.

   is only the beginning of the sixth stage.

  Although there are a lot of resource training and genetic enhancement liquid to improve their qualifications, Hong Tianqi and Xu Ya's cultivation can only be upgraded to the early stage of the sixth stage.

after all.

   The improvement of cultivation.

   The more difficult it gets back.


   Jiangli glanced over them, and said, "Your legion has done a good job. It only took a few days to perfectly arrange the seventh-order army."

   "Thank you for your praise."

   Lin Tianjian and the others replied with joy.

   "When will the eighth rank army be completed?"

   Jiangli asked.


   Renzhen and they looked at each other.

   "It will take seven days to reply to your majesty."

At last.

   Lin Tianjian replied.

   "Seven days are too slow."

   Jiangli shook his head, and he said solemnly: "This emperor only gives you three days. You must train the eighth rank army perfectly and apply it to the battlefield.


   Mobei and the others were stunned, feeling a little troubled.


   Lin Tianjian arches the hand "

   Everyone responded.


   Jiangli waited and watched for a while, and then went to the martial arts tower. Originally, he wanted to see the red master and the old man, but Xia Miao told them that the red master and the old man were still in retreat.

   hum! Hum! ! !

  The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered, forming a vision above the martial arts tower.


   Jiangli also felt the origin of the Five Elements.


   Jiangli pondered, "According to the record of the technique in the'Qingdi Jue', the eighth stage condenses the three flowers so that the three flowers gather at the top, and the ninth stage uses the five elements to condense the five qi in the chest."

   "Looking at such a vision, is it possible that Chizhu and Brown are expected to break through the ninth rank?"

to be frank.

   If Red Lord and Old Brown can break through to Tier Nine, the benefits for Jiang Li outweigh the disadvantages. At the very least, Jiang Li doesn't have to worry about the appearance of Tier Nine in the Monster Race and Barbarian Race.

   Night is coming.


  【01th Army base promotion completed! 】

   Jiangli sensed the changes in the 01 Army base, and at the same time received a reminder. After the dinner, he immediately rushed to the 01 Army base.

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