The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 641: campaign

   Jiangli arrived in front of the ‘01 Legion Base’ that had already been promoted. He stood outside the base and looked at it. What he saw was a huge ‘interstellar base’.

   is very vast.

   can't see the whole thing at a glance.

   Looking far away.

The entire base of    presents the color of ‘black iron’. It is extremely large, like an ellipse, and is comparable to the size of a planet, with a diameter of tens of millions of meters.


   This time promotion.

   made the '01 Legion Base' a qualitative leap. It was originally a base the size of an island, but now it is comparable to a planet.

   suspended high in the air.

   is like a very huge star.

brush! brush! brush!

   Around the base.

   There is a patrolling ‘mechanical guard’.


   The entire base has an invisible ‘energy defensive mask’ at all times, covering the entire base, enough to resist all attacks below Tier 8.

   The defense is very strong.

   Generally speaking.

   Without Jiang Li's permission, no existence can enter the base.

   Unless forcibly breached.


   Jiang Chengli was very satisfied. He took a deep breath and flew towards the base. The invisible'energy defense mask' appeared automatically, showing a transparent black.


   When Jiang Li approached, the ‘energy defensive mask’ split automatically, and an arched portal appeared.

   Jiangli walked in.



   Just as Jiangli stepped on the base, a purple streamer broke through the air, stopped in front of Jiangli, and showed a figure, it was Qianlong.

   this moment.

   Qianlong already has a real body, capable of transforming between energy and substance.


   Qianlong can leave the room of the'Domination Hub' and can appear in any corner of the base. After he sensed Jiang Li's arrival, he immediately came to greet him.


   Jiangli nodded, looking at Qianlong.


   Jiangli asked: "What new functions and changes does the base have?"

   "Please dominate your eyes."


   Qianlong waved his right hand.

  Purple light gushes out, and the void is intertwined in front of Jiang Li's eyes into a virtual screen, which describes the basic information of the base in detail.

  [Interface: Legion Base]

   [Interface: Interstellar Base 01]

  【Order position: Seventh order】

[Facilities: Dominate the Interstellar Hub (expandable), Interstellar Mechanical Arsenal (expandable), Interstellar Research Center (expandable), Interstellar Construction Center (expandable), Interstellar Watch Tower (expandable), Interstellar Teleportation Room (expandable) ), Interstellar Nuclear Power Station (expandable), Interstellar Space Station (expandable), Universe Battle Station (unexpandable)]

   [Infrastructure conditions: ten ordinary mechanical engineering soldiers, one ordinary mechanical engineer, 100 million energy points. 】

   [Promotion conditions: nine tier eight soul fire seeds, one gigabit energy point]


First of all.

   The No. 01 Corps Base has been promoted to the ‘Interstellar Base 01’. With the functions of the No. 01 Interstellar Base, it is sufficient to navigate the universe.

  In addition.

   Each facility building has an extra ‘Interstellar’ prefix.

  【Facilities: Dominate the Interstellar Hub】

[Dominate units: Heart of the base (unlocked), ordinary dominate armored soldiers (unlocked), elite dominate armored soldiers (unlocked), dominate auxiliary equipment (unlocked), dominate mechanical manipulators (unlocked), dominate interstellar space soldiers (36/1) (Unlocked)]


   [Facilities: Interstellar Mechanical Armory]

[Factory units: ordinary mechanical production line (unlocked), ordinary mechanical production line (unlocked), elite mechanical production line (unlocked), elite mechanical production line (unlocked), interstellar mechanical production line (36/1) (Unlocked), Interstellar Machinery Production Corps (36/1) (Unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Research Center】

[Research troops: general scientific research equipment center (unlocked), ordinary mechanical scientific research unit (unlocked), elite scientific research equipment center (unlocked), elite scientific research unit (unlocked), biological research unit (unlocked), interstellar scientific research unit (36/1) (Unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Construction Center】

   [Construction units: ordinary mechanical engineer (unlocked), ordinary mechanical engineer (unlocked), phantom engineer (unlocked), levitation technician (unlocked), interstellar architect (36/1) (unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Guard Tower】

[Warning units: ordinary guard mechanical sentry (unlocked), ordinary guard mechanical sentry captain (unlocked), mechanical policeman (unlocked), air guard (unlocked), interstellar mechanical guard (36/1) ( Unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Teleportation Room】

[Transportation units: ordinary wormhole hair maker (unlocked), mechanical teleporter (unlocked), wormhole upgrader (unlocked), mechanical space teleporter (unlocked), interstellar space teleporter (36/1) (Unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Nuclear Power Station】

   [Nuclear energy units: mechanical nuclear energy manufacturing base (unlocked), mechanical nuclear energy force (unlocked), mechanical nuclear energy research and development force (unlocked), interstellar nuclear energy research and development force (36/1) (unlocked)]


  【Facilities: Interstellar Space Station】

   [Space station units: mechanical space station base (unlocked), mechanical space station soldiers (unlocked), interstellar mechanical space station base (36/1) (unlocked)]


   [Facilities: Space Battle Station]

   [Warrior units: temporarily unavailable]


   Jiangli carefully checked the basic information of Interstellar Base 01, and all ‘facilities’ have opened up a new type of interstellar troops.

  In addition.

   All the facilities and units of the base have all been promoted to Tier 7 after the base is promoted.

   Various abilities have greatly increased.

At last.

   is a brand new facility-the space battle station.

   is in a state where it cannot be opened.

"what happened?"

   Jiangli frowned and asked Qianlong directly, "Why can't the facility of the'Space Battle Station" be opened? Is there any requirement to meet?"

To know.

When    Jiangli played this game, this did not happen. After the promotion was completed, the "Space Battle Station" was directly unlocked.

   "Return to the master."

   Qianlong replied: "If you want to open the'Space Battle Station', you need to occupy the entire San Anzhou continent, establish an imperial dynasty, and you can open it."

   "Is there any inevitable connection between the opening of the "Space Battle Station" and the unification of San Anju?"

   Jiangli asked.

   "When the ruler has occupied the mainland of San Anju and successfully established an imperial dynasty, he will naturally be prompted accordingly."

   Qianlong answered.

"I know."

   Jiangli shrugged and stopped asking more questions.


   Qianlong led the way, Jiang Li went all the way, and checked the nine facilities of Interstellar Base 01, which were slightly scattered around the base.

   The current Interstellar Base 01 is already comparable to the size of a planet, with only nine facilities and buildings, which does not occupy much space at all.

and so.

   Most of the area is vacant land.

   can even build a city in the base.

   is endless.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli came to dominate the interstellar hub room.

   stood outside.

   Jiangli looked up and saw a huge high-rise building, 100 meters high, and black iron color on the whole. The whole body was made of steel materials.

   rumbling! ! !

   The door opens automatically.

   Jiangli walked in quickly.

The space inside    is extremely vast, and even space technology is used, which can be folded. As long as Jiang Li is willing, the space inside can be expanded ten thousand times.


   Jiangli can practice in this room and so on.

   Right in the center.

   is the core of the base.

   a huge purple ball of light.

   suspended in the air ten meters above the ground.

   exudes a faint light.

   "Unlock all new facilities and units immediately."

   Jiangli ordered.

brush! brush!

   prompt appears.

   After deducting Jiang Li's entire nine Tier 7 soul fires, only 27 of Jiang Li’s Tier 7 soul fires were left, and all nine facility arms were successfully unlocked.

   [Dominate the interstellar space soldier unlocked successfully! 】


  【The interstellar robot production line is unlocked successfully! 】


  【Successfully unlocked the interstellar machinery production soldiers! 】


  【Unlocked successfully! 】


  【Interstellar Architect unlocked successfully! 】


  【Successfully unlocked the interstellar mechanical guard! 】


  【The interstellar space teleporter successfully unlocked! 】


   [The interstellar nuclear energy research and development team successfully unlocked! 】


  【The interstellar mechanical space station base is unlocked successfully! 】


   "Create a dominating interstellar space soldier."

   Jiangli consumes ten trillion energy points.


  The manufacturing interface appears.

In the interface of    is a set of black iron-colored full-body armors, basically similar in appearance to the ‘ordinary dominating armor’ made by Jiang Li before.

   One minute later.

   [Manufacturing is complete! 】

   prompt appears.


   is made from the virtual.

   and others' height dominating interstellar space soldiers manifested out of thin air and stood in front of Jiang Li.


   The name of the soldier who dominates the interstellar space.


   Jiangli nodded and checked the information.

  【Dominate the arms: Interstellar dominates the space soldiers】

  【Order position: Seventh order】

  [Number: XJZZKJ01号]

   [Skill: Mastery of Level Seven Space]



   "XJZZKJ01, start immediately."

   Jiangli ordered.



   The silver eyes of the Space Soldier of the Interstellar Domination lit up, and there was a mechanical sound, the armor of the whole body was liquefied, and then the whole body of Jiang Li was covered.

   just a blink of an eye.

   Jiangli had already put on a full set of black iron-colored exoskeleton armor.


   Jiangli can then be manipulated by the ‘Master Auxiliary’, and he can fully master the ‘Interstellar Dominate Space Soldier’ and gain the skills of space mastery.

   "Space Master."

   Jiang said with a thought, the skill was activated.

   The space seems to be distorted.

next moment.

   Jiangli disappeared out of thin air.

   It is possible to perform' of course.

  'Teleportation' is just the most common ability derived from the'Space Master' skill.


   Jiangli can also block space, twist space and so on.

of course.

   These capabilities require further development by Jiang Li himself.

   "Not bad."

   Jiangli was very satisfied.

It can be said.

   After possessing the spatial mastering skills, Jiang Li is basically invincible innately.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli is basically familiar with all the abilities of interstellar dominating space soldiers.

   "To manufacture ten interstellar mechanical production lines and one thousand interstellar mechanical production troops, and fully equip the seventh floor of the interstellar mechanical arsenal.

   Jiangli consumes 10,100 trillion energy points.

  The manufacturing interface appears.

There are two illusory mechanical figures in the    interface, one of which is a huge ‘Starry Sky Furnace’, and the other is just like ordinary people.

   is filled with countless light spots around.

   gradually solidified.

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