The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 642: Declare war

   One minute later.


   [Manufacturing is complete! 】

   prompt appears.

   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli immediately transferred all the manufactured production units to the seventh floor of the "Interstellar Mechanical Arsenal", and the seventh time facilities and units were all fully equipped.

   Come like this.

   The seventh floor of the Interstellar Mechanical Armory can produce ten Tier 7 interstellar mechanical soldiers every second.

   "The submerged dragon, activated the seventh floor of the interstellar mechanical arsenal at full power, and manufactured 100,000 planet-class space combat ships."

   Jiangli gave the order.


   Qianlong responded, “To make a planet-class space combat ship requires one trillion energy points, ten thousand tons of steel materials, and one ton of black iron.”

   "To manufacture one hundred thousand planet-class space combat ships requires a total of one hundred thousand trillion energy points, one billion tons of steel materials, and one hundred thousand tons of black iron."


   Jiangli nodded.


  To manufacture interstellar units, not only steel materials are needed, but also higher-grade mysterious iron.

   Although there is more demand for mysterious iron, it does not require much steel materials, which is the same as the manufacture of Tier 6 mechanical soldiers.


   The seventh floor of the Interstellar Mechanical Arsenal began to operate at full power.

   The manufacturing screen was sent to Jiang Li's eyes.

   There is a "Starry Sky Furnace" reaching a height of 1,000 meters. The outer surface of the furnace is like a starry sky dotted with roaring sounds inside.

   hum! Hum!

  The interstellar machinery production team first created a ‘wormhole tunnel’, and sent a large amount of steel and iron materials through the ‘wormhole tunnel’ into the ‘starry furnace’.

   rumbling! ! !

   The "Starry Sky Furnace" melts steel materials and black iron, and then integrates them into the energy point for manufacturing.

brush! brush!

   Beam projection appears.

   Then there were ships of ‘planet-class space combat ships’ were created.

   all docked in the seventh floor.

   Seventh floor factory.

   can produce ten seventh-order mechanical interstellar units per second, so it takes 10,000 seconds to produce 100,000 planet-class space combat ships, which is less than three hours.

   During the manufacture of 100,000 planet-class space combat ships.

   Jiangli successively produced interstellar scientific soldiers, interstellar architects, interstellar mechanical guards, interstellar space teleporters, interstellar nuclear energy research and development troops, and interstellar mechanical space station bases.

   Viewed the information and skills of all new facilities and units.

as far as I can tell.

  The only ones that can come in handy are the ‘Interstellar Space Teleporters’ and the ‘Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base’.

   After these two facilities were manufactured.

   It is possible to transmit the ‘Interstellar Base 01’ through space.

  In addition.

   ‘Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base’ is an enhanced version of the ‘Mechanical Space Station Base’.

   That is to say.

  General means cannot restrict and confine the space transmission of the ‘Interstellar Mechanical Space Station’.

  【Teleport Unit: Interstellar Space Teleporter】

  【Order position: Seventh order】

  [Number: XJKJCS01号]

   [Skill: Seventh-order Interstellar Space Teleport]



  【Space Station Arms: Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base】

  【Order position: Seventh order】

  【Number: XJKJZJD01】

   [Skill 1: Seventh-order interstellar space surveillance]

   [Skill 2: Tier 7 Interstellar Space Base]



First of all.

   Jiangli made ten interstellar mechanical space station bases and ten mechanical space soldiers, and allocated all the ten interstellar mechanical space station bases.

   is used to monitor the entire San Anzhou.

   and around the coastline.

   Three hours later.

   "Master, one hundred thousand planet-class space combat ships have been manufactured."

   Qianlonghui reports.


   Jiangli nodded.



   The picture of the seventh floor was completely presented in front of Jiang Li's eyes. Looking at the neatly ordered 100,000 Tier 7 planet-class space combat ships, Jiang Li's face was full of smiles.

   Three days later.

   From No. 02 to No. 037, the thirty-six legion bases have already completed the production of 645,041 million mechanical soldiers.

   Come like this.

   plus more than 400 billion mechanical soldiers before.

   The total number of mechanical forces in Jiangli's hand has exceeded one trillion.

  In addition.

   Lin Tianjian, they have completed the training of the eighth rank army formation.

   In the Qinglong Hall.

   "The minister waits to see your majesty!"

  Lin Tianjian, Hong Tianqi, Lianzhen, Pangkui, Mobei and so on, Daxiahou kings, Daxia important ministers, all gathered in the Azure Dragon Palace.

   They respectfully bowed to Jiang Li.


   Jiangli sat on the dragon chair, nodded, raised his hand slightly, and said, "Flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   The ministers said in unison again.

   "Your Majesty Qizou, the Great Xia Legion, composed of 260 billion soldiers, has been able to deploy the Tier 8 army and use it in actual combat."

   Lin Tianjianhui reports.

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded in satisfaction, "Lin Tianjian, you have done a good job, and you have not lived up to the emperor's expectations. The eighth-order army has completed the exercise."

   "This time I alone summoned you to make a plan for the next decisive battle."


   The officials and kings in the hall looked at each other.

   "The ministers, please follow your majesty's will."


   they shouted in unison.

"it is good."

   Jiangli smiled and looked at the head of the Human Tribe Chamber, that is, Sheng Baochen, Tang Zhishu, Xia Miao and ten of them, and asked: "Are the Red Lord and Elder Hu leaving the customs?"

   "Return to Emperor Xia, the two adults have not yet left the customs."

   Sheng Baochen Road.


   Jiangli frowned.

To know.

  If Chi Zhu and Old Man Hu still didn't leave the customs, it would be equivalent to the fact that Jiang Li had directly lost two eighth-tier perfect combat power, which was not a good thing.

   Boom! ! !


   The floating continent of the Terran Chamber has undergone a huge shock.

   was swept by aura, forming a vast aura storm, like a storm dragon, the scene is vast, this kind of vision also shocked Jiang Li.


   Jiang Li's figure flickered, disappeared in place, and left the Azure Dragon Palace.


   "Let's go and see."

   "It is very likely that Chi Zhu and Hu Lao left the customs."

brush! brush!

   In the hall.

   Lin Tianjian, Sheng Baochen and they also left the Azure Dragon Palace.


   hum! Hum!

   It didn’t take long.

   There are two figures falling from the sky, surrounded by colorful haze, standing in front of Jiang Li, bowing their hands to Jiang Li.

   is the red master and brown old man.

   They left the customs.

   The breath on his body can't calm down.

   "Welcome the two of them out."

   The river is away from the archway.

"grown ups!"

   Sheng Baochen and they came.


   Chizhu and Brown nodded with a smile.

   "Crimson Lord, Old Brown, did you condense the five qi in your chest this retreat and break through to the beginning of the ninth stage?"

   Jiangli asked directly.


   Chi Zhu and Fu Lao looked at each other.

   "How easy is it."

   Red Lord shook his head, "How easy is it to break through the Ninth Tier? Although we retreat this time, although we have gained some gains, we have not been able to break through to the initial stage of the Ninth Tier."


   Lao Hu sighed: "Of course, although I didn't break through to the early stage of the ninth stage, he also took a half step, which can be regarded as a half-step ninth stage."

   "That's right."

   Red Lord nodded, "This is also thanks to Emperor Xia's ‘Gene Enhancing Liquid’, otherwise, it would be difficult for the two of us to get a glimpse of the mystery of Tier Nine."

   "I believe that as long as we are given two more years, we will be able to gather the five qi in our chest and break through to the early stage of the ninth stage."

   "Half step nine steps."

   Jiangli nodded, "It's really a pity that I didn't break through."

   "Since the two have already left the customs, we don't have to wait any longer. The emperor is preparing for the final battle. This time, the emperor will officially declare war."

   Jiangli said with his eyes burning.

"it is good."

   Chizu nodded, "The timing is almost here."

   "Just as Emperor Xia said."

   Old Brown Road.


   After Chi Zhu and Fu Lao left the customs, because of their diligence, it was the time when their fighting spirit was high.


   Scarlet Lord reminded: "In addition to the monsters and barbarians in St. Anzhou, we must also pay attention to the sea dynasties of the four sea areas, so as not to be taken advantage of by the sea dynasties."


   Jiang said, "Don't worry, Gu has already deployed troops around the coastline of San Anzhou, and is always monitoring the condition of the coastline."

   "As long as there is an invasion by the sea dynasty army, the emperor will receive news as soon as possible."

"That's good."

   Chi Zhu and Fu Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

   "The sea dynasty can leave it alone. Let's concentrate our forces and energy first to destroy the monsters and barbarians in St. Anzhou and take the entire St. Anzhou."

   The river leaves the road.


   Both the Red Lord and Old Brown nodded in approval.

   "Emperor Xia, what do you plan to do with Emperor Wu Dynasty?"

   asked Old Brown.

   "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish."

   Jiangli said solemnly.

after an hour.

   at Interstellar Base 01.

   Jiangli gave the order, and then the 260 billion Daxia soldiers have all entered Interstellar Base 01.

  Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen, Mobei, Hong Tianqi, Xu Ya, Yuefengji and many other kings are also in the 01 interstellar base.

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !


  Space transfer started.

   Jiangli transferred all the mechanical corps from Subbase 02 to Subbase 037 through the "Mechanical Space Station Base" to Interstellar Base 01.

To know.

   Tier 6 mechanical arsenal.

   can hold 100 billion mechanical soldiers.

   Now the mechanical arsenal of Interstellar Base 01 has been promoted to a Tier 7 interstellar mechanical arsenal, which can accommodate a full ten trillion mechanical soldiers.

and so.

  The trillions of mechanical corps in Jiangli have all been accommodated in the seventh-tier interstellar mechanical arsenal.

   can be dispatched at any time.

   to fight.

   "This is really an incredible base."

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown looked around, looking at the essence through the phenomenon, and sighed.

"set off."

   Jiangli waved his hand and issued an order, "Qianlong, immediately contact the'Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base', and transfer the target: Interstellar Base 01."

   "Teleport location: the imperial capital of Emperor Wu Dynasty."


   Qianlong responded.


next moment.

   There is an invisible beam of space that seems to come across time and space, covering the entire interstellar base 01, and everyone feels extremely obvious spatial fluctuations.


   The diameter of the interstellar base No. 01 has reached ten million meters and is as huge as a planet.

   just disappeared out of thin air.

   Teleport away.

   The screen turns.

   St. Anju east boundary.

  Wu Dynasty.

   The sky above the capital of King Wu.


   The space is distorted It seems like a huge vortex appears, and then an extremely huge black iron-colored sphere seems to be spit out by the space, appearing above the imperial capital out of thin air.

   shrouded an invisible ‘energy defense mask’.

"We have arrived."

   Jiangli condescendingly looked down at the Emperor Wu's capital below, with a calm expression. Wang Gang and other four eighth-tier mechanical soldiers stood beside Jiang Li.

Roar! ! !

   Dragon Yin is shaking the sky.

   That is a dazzling four-clawed golden dragon rising from the center of the Wuwang imperial capital to the sky, uttering a sky-shaking dragon chant, reaching 90,000 meters in length.

   "Xia Huang!"


  Golden Dragon's dragon head.

   Wu Wuji carried his hands on his back, his eyes calmly gazing at the huge sphere in the sky, but his eyes could not stop showing shock.

"You finally came."

   King Wu said in a deep voice: "The emperor has been waiting for you for a long time."

   Boom! boom! boom!

   The ground shakes.

   The surrounding sky.

   There are huge floating warships appearing.

   came around.

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