The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 643: Fierce battle

  The army of soldiers of the Wu Dynasty quickly laid out an extremely large encirclement, already surrounding the huge star-like ‘Interstellar Base 01’.

   Jiangli stood in the base, and then looked up and saw that the surrounding sky was covered by countless floating warships.

   The scene that covered the sky and the sun was extremely shocking.



   Wu Wuji yelled, he took the lead in attacking the temptation, and blasted a punch towards the huge star-like ‘Interstellar Base 01’. The golden light was brilliant, the fist turned into a golden dragon shape, and the bombardment arrived.

   The huge power contained in the fist light almost shook the surrounding space.

   is very strong!

   Wu Wuji is very powerful!

To know.

  Wu Wuji After unifying the entire east border of San Anzhou, King Wu Jinlong absorbed a lot of the imperial national fortune, so Wu Wuji used the energy feedback from the national fortune to practice for a while.

   Although it finally failed to break through to the early stage of Tier Nine.

   has also reached the level of a half-step ninth step.

   Strength has improved a lot.

   "Star combat skills."


  Wang Gang displayed his skills and disappeared in place, making a short-distance space leap, blocking Wu Wuji like a teleport.

   "Star Fist!"

  Wang Gang made a fist with his right hand, and the vast nuclear and mechanical energy gathered together, carried out extreme compression and condensation, and finally turned into a powerful star-killing punch.

   boom! ! !

   punched out.

   As if space collapsed.

   The golden dragon-shaped fist burst open.

  嘭! ! !

   The aftermath of Star Annihilation Fist spreads forward, containing terrifying power.


   Wu Wuji pupils shrink.


  Wu Wang Jinlong at the feet of Wu Wuji let out a dragon chant.

   The golden light is bright.

   formed a golden light curtain, blocking the aftermath of the star-killing fist.


   Wu Wuji and Wu Wang Jinlong were still shocked by this aftermath, and then quickly stabilized his figure.

   "A strong blow."

   Wu Wuji stared at Wang Gang solemnly.

   hum! Hum!

   The golden light flashes all over him.

   gathers strength.

  Wu King Jinlong blended into Wu Wuji's body, amplifying himself.

  In addition.

   After Wang Gang blocked Wu Wuji's move, under Jiang Li's order, he did not continue to do it, but returned to Jiang Li's side.

   "Wu Wuji."

   Jiangli's gaze was calm, he stared at Wu Wuji who was directly in front of him, "Is this your method and background? It really disappoints the emperor."

"too weak."

   "Why did you fight the emperor if you didn't reach the initial stage of the ninth stage?"

   "The Great Xia Legion listens to the order."

   Jiangli waved his right hand and shouted loudly: "Going out!"



   "Get up!!"


   Boom! boom! !

next moment.

  Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen and other Great Xiahou kings, as well as the marshals and generals of the Daxia Legion, they shouted in unison, with great momentum, like thunder.

   rumbling! ! !


   The Great Xia Legion composed of 260 billion Great Xia soldiers, led by Lin Tianjian and the others, set off, with floating warships flying into the air.

Roar! Roar!

   The army is running.

  The endless evil spirits of the army gathered, and the vast aura of heaven and earth swept over, condensed into a huge army formation behemoth with a size of tens of millions of meters.

   appeared in the sky above the base.

can be seen.

   The size of each giant army formation is comparable to a star, no smaller than Interstellar Base 01, and even more massive and huge.

   "King Wu's army, ready to fight."

   Wu Wuji's pupils contracted and he roared loudly.


   "Arrange an array!"


   hum! Hum!

   The army of King Wu began to take action. Hundreds of billions of soldiers shouted in unison, like a rainbow. They were arranging a powerful army formation. The vast army of evil spirits condensed like black clouds covering the sky and the earth.

   "Mechanical Corps."

   Jiangli waved his hand again, gave instructions, communicated with the interstellar mechanical arsenal of the 01 interstellar base, and thought, "Go!"

brush! brush! brush!

   In an instant.

   There are countless mechanical soldiers flying out of the interstellar mechanical arsenal. The seven-story, 10,000-meter-high interstellar mechanical arsenal is like a terrifying mechanical soldier’s nest.

   A large number of mechanical soldiers rushed out.

   is like a locust.

   in a blink of an eye.

   Hundreds of billions of mechanical soldiers formed a mechanical corps like a dark cloud and appeared in the sky around the interstellar base 01.

   densely packed.


   Very scary.

To know.

   Jiangli did not send out all the mechanical soldiers, only half of them, that is, 500 billion mechanical soldiers, but it has already formed such a scene and scale.

   is in Interstellar Base 01.

   Scarlet Lord, Old Brown, Lianzhen, Lin Tianjian, Sheng Baochen, they all looked up at the sky, looking at the mechanical legion that could not be seen at all, and took a breath.

   "It's horrible."

   The Scarlet Lord exclaimed, "Emperor Xia still has such a huge army, it's incredible."

   "That's right."

   Old Brown, they nodded.

   "Jiang Li!"

   Wu Wuji's gaze became extremely solemn, he looked at the boundless mechanical army and the giant army formation like a star.

   felt a huge pressure.

   There is almost no hope of victory.

   The gap is too big.

To know.

   The entire Wu Dynasty, plus the Chongwu Dynasty.

  Wu Wuji gathered the "Wu Wang Army" with 300 billion troops, which is only 40 billion more than Jiangli's Daxia Army.

just now.

   Jiangli, in addition to the Great Xia Legion, also has a mechanical corps with a strength of 500 billion.

   The gap between the two sides is huge.


   is not just Wu Wuji.

   The original Chongwu emperor'Duan Qilin', as well as the princes and princes of the Wu dynasty, and the princes and princes of the Wu dynasty, that is, Wu Tongtian and the others, were extremely heavy.

  A person with a clear eye can see it.

   The odds of winning the Wu Dynasty are too low.

   Compared with troops.

   is several times different.

   If there is a war.

  The Wu Dynasty is almost certain to lose.

   "It's really hateful."

   Wu Wuji clenched his fists, his heart was full of unwillingness, "If the Chamber can stand on the side of the emperor, why is the emperor so passive."

To know.

   Wu Wuji made all preparations, but when the army of the Great Xia Dynasty actually arrived, Wu Wuji suddenly discovered that no matter how well prepared he was, there was a clear gap in the strength of the two sides.

  300 billion to 800 billion?

How can    win?

   In fact.

   Jiangli only dispatched half of the mechanical army.

   If Wu Wuji knew the truth, he would be even more desperate.

not to mention.

   Jiangli’s mechanical corps, the weakest ranks are the elite second-tier arms, the sixth-tier elite mechanical forces have reached millions, and even the seventh-tier planet-class space combat ships are in units of 10,000.

   Such a gap.

   is no longer a star.

   "The Emperor Wu."


   Jiangli's figure flew into the sky, like a cyan streamer, flying directly out of Interstellar Base 01.

Roar! ! !

   there was a dragon chant.

   The Great Xia Qinglong, who had reached 90,000 meters in length, manifested itself, making a sound of dragon chanting like the sky. Jiang Li stepped on the head of the Qinglong dragon, looking down at Wu Wuji.

brush! brush! !


   Wang Gang, ML01, SSTS01, WMS01.

  Four eighth-tier perfect mechanical soldiers followed Jiang Li closely.


   "We will follow along."


   Chi Zhu and Fu Lao looked at each other.

   The figure flickered.

   also stood behind Jiang Li.


   There are also Sheng Baochen and Lin Tianjian in the late eighth stage, Meng Tianyun and Meng He in the middle of the eighth stage, Xu Shiying, Hu Dianyu and Lianzhen in the early eighth stage.

   That is to say.

   Including Jiang Li himself.

   There are a total of fourteen eighth-order three-flower realm hegemonic powerhouses in the Daxia Dynasty.

among them.

   Seven eighth-tier combat powers, two eighth-tier late combat powers, two eighth-tier mid-tier combat powers, and three eighth-tier early combat powers.

   Look back at the Wu Dynasty.

  Only Wu Wuji is the eighth-order Consummation, and there are also three eighth-order ministers.

   Make it all up.

   is the four eighth rank.

   is nearly four times different.

   "Wu Wuji, the emperor asks you, surrender or death?"

   Jiangli looked coldly, looking down at Wu Wuji, "You only have one choice now."


Wu Wuji gritted his teeth. In this situation, Wu Wuji was not reconciled to surrender, so he shouted: "The lone can surrender. As long as you can defeat the lone, the lone will surrender to you and bring the entire Wu dynasty. Merged into the Great Xia Dynasty."

   "It's ridiculous."

   Jiangli looked contemptuously, "Wu Wuji, what qualifications do you have to bargain with the emperor now? Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die. If you don't surrender, there is only one dead end."


Wu Wu roared extremely loudly: "If you don't even have the courage to fight against the lonely one, what qualifications do you have to make the lonely surrender to you? Don't forget, the lonely king Wu's army has divided up to 300 billion. ."

   "As long as you fight to the death alone, it is enough to arrange three eighth ranks."

"By the time."

   "Even if you can win the final victory, your army will suffer heavy losses."


   Jiangli snorted coldly, "You too value yourself."

   "Stars dominate the space soldiers! Start!"


   01 Interstellar Base.

   No. XJZZKJ01 Interstellar Domination Space Soldier raised his head, his eyes lit up, his whole body liquefied and turned into a mass of black iron liquid.


   Teleport through space.

   came directly from the dominating hub room to Jiang Li's side.

   Click! Click!

   The invisible space beam enveloped Jiang Li, and the black iron-colored liquid gradually covered Jiang Li's body, forming a black iron-colored exoskeleton armor.

   "Space Master."


   Jiangli shot.

   The space around him was twisted.

   disappeared out of thin air.

   "This is the power of space!"

   Scarlet Lord opened his eyes wide, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "The space is distorted. Although it is very weak, it is really distorted. Does Jiang Li already master the power of the space?!"


   Wu Wuji looked solemnly.

   "The nuclear flat palm!"


   Jiangli appeared on the right of Wu Wuji in the next Borrowed Wang Gang’s skill ‘Nu Ping Palm’ through ‘Dominating Mechanical Manipulator’.

After the palm of    Jiangli was shot, it was like a blazing sun was born in the palm of the palm, containing compressed nuclear energy, and the picture was like a planet explosion.

   blasted towards Wu Wuji.

   "The Emperor Wu Jue!"


   Wu Wuji didn't dare to hold back the slightest amount of support. Facing Jiang Li's attack, he ran the technique, and behind him appeared a figure wearing a golden dragon robe.

   is wrapped around a golden dragon.

   "The law of martial arts!"



   Wu Wuji released the power of the law again, and the law of martial arts was like intertwined purple lines, rubbed on Wu Wuji's body.



   Wu Wuji hit a punch, and the fist imprints bloomed with immeasurable golden light, dazzling like the sun, blocking Jiang Li's nuclear palm.


   Boom! boom! boom!

   Wu Wuji yelled, his eyes flickered, and he rushed towards Jiang Li, countless fist marks fell, Jiang Li's figure flickered, flashing continuously, avoiding all Wu Wuji's attacks.

   all fell through.

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