The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 644: surrender

   "Damn it!"

   Wu Wuji's face was gloomy, "All my attacks were avoided."

   "It actually teleports in space."

   "There can be no mistake."

   Old Brown said in a deep voice: "This is the power of space. Jiang Li used a short space teleport to continuously avoid all attacks by Wu Wuji."


   Red Lord exclaimed, "How did Jiang Li master his spatial ability?"

   "His Majesty Xia's strength is really amazing."

   Everyone was shocked in their hearts.

   "Qingdi Jue."


   Jiangli's operation technique, the blue brilliance bloomed, and the brilliance was immeasurable. Behind him appeared a figure wearing a cyan dragon robe.

   is surrounded by a four-clawed blue dragon.

   "The Law of Emperor Dao!"


   Jiangli mobilized the power of the'Emperor Dao Law', and purple and gold lines appeared, and the intertwined soldiers rubbed on Jiang Li's body.


   under the increase of the law of Emperor Dao.

   Jiangli clearly felt the enhancement of his own strength.

   "The Law of Emperor Dao!"

   Wu Wuji's eyes widened, and he screamed aloud: "You have not only mastered the power of space, but also realized that soldiers mastered the power of the'Emperor Dao Law'."


   Jiangli attacked Wu Wuji.


   Space teleportation.

   In an instant.

   Jiangli appeared behind Wu Wuji, a palm fell, and shot a cyan dragon-shaped palm jin, which blasted Wu Wuji's body.


   Wu Wuji screamed.


   He had no time to react, so he could only reluctantly turn around to defend, because he hurried to meet the enemy and failed to completely block Jiang Li's attack, his whole person was shaken out.

   vomit blood.

   "Your Majesty!"

   Wu Tongtian they shouted in shock.


   Duan Qilin's face turned pale, "When did Xiahuang Jiangli's cultivation base become so strong, he actually reached the level of eighth-level Consummation? You know, when we first met Jiang Li, he was only sixth-level Consummation!"

   "Calculate time."

   "The period is only a few months."

   "Jiang Li actually broke through to the eighth level of Consummation. Such an increase rate is almost unprecedented. At least in the history of St. Anzhou that I know, there has never been an existence like Jiang Li."

  The surrounding war.

  The Army of King Wu did not go to war with the Army of Great Xia.


   There is a tacit understanding on both sides.

   are all humans after all.

  In this situation.

   There is no need to fight to death or death.


   Jiangli did not let Wang Gang and the others participate in the war.

have to say.

   Wu Wuji is indeed a good ‘whetstone’.

To know.

After    Jiangli’s cultivation base broke through one after another, his strength increased tremendously in a short period of time, and his control of his own strength failed to reach the perfect point.

and so.

   Jiangli needs a suitable opponent to control his own power.


   Jiangli can also determine how strong his strength is through a battle with Wu Wuji, and he can have a general grasp and estimate.

   "Sacred Artifacts of National Fortune!"

Roar! !

   Three dragon chants.

   Wu Wuji roared, and released three pieces of the Nine Dragons dynasty's national destiny artifacts. The Wu Wang Zhenlong has long been integrated with Wu Wuji, increasing Wu Wuji's strength.

   The sacred implement manifests.

  The imperial edict turned into a battle armor, the jade seal turned into a golden glove, and the seal of the princes turned into a golden light shield, guarding Wu Wuji's side, releasing power.

   "The sacred instrument manifests."

Roar! ! !


   Jiangli also manifested the three sacred artifacts of the Kowloon-class National Games, and the imperial decree turned into a cyan battle armor, covering the outer of the battle armor of the interstellar dominating space soldiers.

   an extra layer of tough defense.

   "The sword is coming!"


   The dragon-shaped wrist formed by the ‘ruling dragon **** soldier’ at Jiangli’s wrist turned into a liquid form, and a black dragon scale scene was condensed in Jiang Li’s hand.

  The green dragon jade seal became a cyan dragon-shaped streamer, wrapped around the black dragon scale long sword, blended into it, and turned into a green dragon texture.

At last.

   Great Xia Feng Hou Ling turned into a blue light shield.



   Wu Wuji and Jiang Li roared at the same time, staring at each other, with a high fighting spirit, rushing and fighting head-on.

   Jiangli cut out a cyan sword light, and each sword light seemed to tear the space apart.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Wu Wuji blasted countless golden fist marks.

   The sword light collided with the fist mark.

   The explosion sounded one after another.

   The whole war.

   It's like the cyan streamer and the golden streamer are constantly confronting each other, constantly colliding, and every time they confront each other, there will be a huge explosion.

   has formed a vast battle storm sweeping all over.

  噗! ! !

   Blood splashes.

   Wu Wuji screamed.

After fighting against each other for hundreds of moves, Jiang Li seized the opportunity and approached Wu Wuji by teleporting in space, and then cut out with a sword, defeating the defense of King Wu Fenghouling and tore the golden armor .


   Wu Wuji flew upside down, a **** wound was drawn on his chest. This sword wound almost spread from the right shoulder to the left lower waist.

   "The Nine Seals of the Blue Emperor!"

   hum! Hum!

   Jiangli pinched his hands, and there were countless dragon-shaped runes, intertwined, and finally condensed into a huge cyan seal, which fell from the sky and suppressed Wu Wuji.

   "The Emperor Wu kills punches!"

   Boom! !

   Wu Wuji roared, roared like thunder, and punched with all his strength. The golden fist light was like the laser beam of an interstellar railgun, as if penetrating the sky.

   Cyan French seal and golden fists collide.

   boom! ! !

   Both sides exploded at the same time.

   The aftermath of the explosion and the spread of the storm swept across the surrounding area.

   hum! ! !

   The river shook his whole body, and the space was distorted, forming a spatial field, which easily blocked the aftermath of the explosion and the storm.


   Wu Wuji screamed screaming, but was shocked to fly out, vomiting blood.

Paled face.

   The injury is getting worse.


  The battle continued until this time.

   Wu Wuji had already revealed his ruin, and it became more and more obvious.

not to mention.

   Jiangli hasn't fully used all his strength yet.

   "Your Majesty!"

   Wu Tongtian and their expressions are heavy.

   "I'm about to lose already."

   Duan Qilin sighed, and his heart was full of mixed flavors.


  For Duan Qilin.

   He had already surrendered to Wu Wuji, had lost his emperor status, and could no longer participate in the'Emperorship Competition'.

   He just didn't expect Wu Wuji to lose.

   and still lost to Xia Huangjiangli.

To know.

From the beginning.

   The Great Xia Dynasty is only ranked at the end of the top ten human dynasties, with the lowest national fortune and the weakest strength, but now it counterattacks as an emperor and defeats Wu Wuji.

brush! brush!

   "Wu Wuji."

   Scarlet Lord and Elder Hu quickly came across the sky, stood beside Jiang Li, and shouted loudly: "There is no need to fight anymore. You have lost now."

   "Don't surrender quickly!"

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli just smiled, he looked at Wu Wuji faintly, holding the dragon scale scene in his right hand, surrounded by blue light, and he didn't rush to move.


  If Wu Wuji can surrender.

   is indeed a good thing.

First of all.

   Jiangli will add another eighth-tier consummate combat power under his hand, plus three eighth-tier powerhouses, and an army composed of 300 billion soldiers.

By the time.

   Jiangli’s Daxia Army Corps will expand to 560 billion.


   Jiangli has a greater certainty to destroy the monsters and barbarians in St. Anzhou.


   Wu Wuji coughed up blood, wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised his head, staring closely at Chi Zhu and Old Man, before looking at Jiang Li.

   remained silent.


  Lin Tianjian, Sheng Baochen, Lianzhen and they broke through the air.

   "Wu Wuji."

   Lin Tianjian persuaded: "The winner and the loser, we have given you enough respect. In a one-on-one situation, you have already lost to His Majesty Xia."

   "So surrender, merge the Wu dynasty into the Great Xia dynasty, surrender to His Majesty Xia, and assist His Majesty Xia to unify San Anzhou and create a godless dynasty belonging to the human race.

   "There is only a dead end in negative corners."

   "Submit Daxia!"

   hum! Hum!


   Lianzhen, Sheng Baochen and they all also released the aura of an eighth-level powerhouse, with three blossoms appearing all over their bodies, and their power suppressed the audience.

   "Your Majesty Wu Huang."

brush! brush

   Wu Tongtian, Chang Hengyue, Ding Delin and the others rushed over immediately, standing beside Wu Wuji's left and right, the vigor of the eighth-tier powerhouse was released, sharing the pressure of Wu Wuji.

   "Your Majesty."

   Chang Hengyue said in a deep voice: "No matter what choice you make, the minister will always follow you."

   "Your Majesty!"

   Wu Tongtian looked solemnly.

   "Your Majesty, please decide!"

  Ding Delin Road.


  All the soldiers of King Wu's army also looked at Wu Wuji.


   Wu Wuji has no choice.

   There is only one way before him.

   That is: surrender.

   Wu Wuji had known for a long time, but Hou Jiangli had a fight because he was unwilling.


   Even if Wu Wuji can win.

   He couldn't change the final result.

   Because of the gap between Daxia Dynasty and Wu Dynasty.

   is not something he can reverse alone.

   "Chen Wu Wuji knocks on Emperor Xia!"

   Wu Wuji took a deep breath, knelt in the void on his knees toward Jiang Li, and bowed his bow to Jiang Li, "The minister was defeated by your majesty, and I was convinced."

   "From today."

   "The Wu Dynasty was merged into the Great Xia Dynasty and became a part of the Great Xia Dynasty."

Roar! ! !

   The voice fell off.

   After Wu Wuji swore the oath, the four-clawed golden dragon rushed out of Wu Wuji's body. The dragon shook the sky, the golden glory bloomed, and the golden dragon gradually collapsed.

  噗! !

   Wu Wuji vomited blood.

   suffered a terrible backlash.

   "Qingdi Jue."


   Jiangli revolving technique, the Great Xia Qinglong rose into the sky, opened the huge dragon mouth, spreading the terrifying power of devouring, swallowing and absorbing the Wu Dynasty's national destiny.

To know.

  The imperial fortune of the Wu Dynasty almost reached the limit of the dynasty.

just now.

   Great Xia Qinglong swallowed King Wu Jinlong, and the strength of the national fortune increased. Although the size of the dragon's body remained unchanged, the Great Xia Qinglong became more solid.

   is getting stronger and stronger.

   In the end the national fortune of the Wu Dynasty was absorbed by the Great Xia Qinglong, and the Great Xia Qinglong reached the limit of the real dragon of the Dynasty's national fortune, and then he was promoted to the real dragon of the Emperor.

of course.

   This step is extremely difficult to cross.

   wants to be promoted to the imperial dynasty.

   There is another precondition.

   must completely master a big state.

and so.

   It is imperative to reunify St. Anju from the river.

Roar! ! !

   Daxia Qinglong looked up to the sky and chanted, Jiang Li soared into the sky, standing on the head of Qinglong, condescending, looking down at the hundreds of billions of people present.

   "The ministers wait to see His Majesty Xia!!!"


  Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen and others, the soldiers of the Daxia Legion, the soldiers of the Wuwang Legion, shouted in unison, and bowed neatly to Jiang Li.

this moment.

   Jiangli unified the entire San Anzhou human race.

   The northern border of St. Anju, the west of St. Anju, the east of St. Anju.

   all became the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty.

It can be said.

   Jiangli won three-fifths of San Anju.

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