The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 645: Awakening

   "Feng Hou Ling."


   Jiangli waved his right hand, and the "Great Xia Fenghou Ling" flew out of the air, suspended in the air, the diamond-shaped token bloomed with rich cyan brilliance, surrounded by the shadow of nine dragons.

  ""Wu Wuji" was named "Wuhou Wang"."

   Jiangli shouted.


   The voice fell off.

   First,'Da Xia Feng Hou Ling' dropped a cyan light beam, then Da Xia Qinglong roared out a cyan dragon-shaped beam of light, and merged into Wu Wuji's body.

   in an instant.


   The dragon roared.

   Behind Wu Wuji, there was a 10,000-meter-long four-clawed blue waterfowl, hovering in the air, bowed its head towards the Great Xia Qinglong, and bowed its head.


  Wu Wuji lost his emperor status, and also lost the "Wu Di Jue" he had previously practiced. He could not continue to practice, so he switched to the "Blue King Jue".

   is also the subsidiary exercise of "Qingdi Jue".

time flies.

   Wu Wuji's aura gradually stabilized, and his pale complexion slowly returned to normal, becoming ruddy, and a cyan glow appeared on his body.

after an hour.

   Wu Wuji transferred to the cultivation of the'Blue King Jue' successfully, and his cultivation was completely restored.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Wu Wuji salutes.


   Jiangli looked at Wu Wuji, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Yes, although you have lost your emperor status, coupled with the backlash of the dynasty's national fortune, your cultivation level has declined."


   "The'Qing Wang Jue' born out of'Qing Di Jue' is not much worse than Wu Di Jue. They are all'National Destiny Techniques'. With the assistance of Emperor Jiaolong, your cultivation is now completely restored."

   "If nothing else, the emperor will soon fight the monsters and the barbarians in the final battle. You need to master the new ‘Qing Wang Jue’ and the ‘Qing Wang Nine Seals’ as soon as possible so that you can play a role in the next war.


   Wu Wuji saluted again and responded silently.

"and also."

   Jiangli continued: "The military of King Wu will be merged into the Daxia Army."


   Wu Wuji nodded.

It can be said.

   Jiangli surrendered Wu Wuji, making the Great Xia Dynasty add another eighth-tier perfect combat power, plus Chang Hengyue in the late eighth stage, Ding Delin in the middle eighth stage, and Wu Tongtian in the early eighth stage.

   A total of four Tier 8 combat powers.

  In addition.

   There are also 300 billion clan soldiers.

   directly doubled the size and strength of the Great Xia Legion.


   River Centrifuge has a greater certainty to take down the monsters and barbarians of St. Anzhou, unify the entire St. Anzhou, and establish a human race.



   Jiangli revolving technique, the Daxia Qinglong turned into a blue dragon-shaped streamer, quickly escaped into Jiangli's body, and disappeared.


   Jiangli ordered Wu Wuji and the others to dedicate all the resources of the Wu Dynasty, including a large number of spiritual crystals, elixir and medicinal materials, and their precious materials.


   There are also 480 small-sized Lingjing veins, 210 medium-sized Lingjing veins, and 15 large-sized Lingjing veins. Jiangli used the “Spirit Vein Controlling Dragon Technique” and all moved to the Imperial Capital of Great Xia.



  Jiangli launched the ‘energy point conversion function’ and began to convert resources.

brush! brush!

  【Successful conversion, get one hundred trillion energy points! 】


  【Successful conversion, get 80 trillion energy points! 】


   a series of prompts appeared.

   half an hour later.

   Jiangli converted all spirit crystals, spirit vein ore, medicinal materials and elixir into energy points, and harvested a large number of energy points.


   Jiangli received a total of 580,000 trillion energy points.

"it is good."

   Jiangli is full of smiles, looking at the number of energy points, and muttering: "The number of energy points in my hand is now close to two million trillion."

To know.

   This time out.

   Jiangli almost effortlessly subdued the entire Wu Dynasty dynasty, surrendering Wu Wuji with a very strong strength, basically without losing a single soldier.

   is an unprecedented victory.

of course.

   This is also because Jiang Li's strength is strong enough, coupled with the same human race, so Jiang Li can achieve such a rich victory.

  If it is an alien.

   There is definitely a big battle.

   will definitely fight desperately.


   It's not that Wu Wuji's strength is not strong enough. On the contrary, Wu Wuji's strength is very powerful. His own cultivation has reached the level of half-step ninth rank.

   In addition, Wu Wou-ki is also the emperor, possesses the increase of national fortune, and is surrounded by sacred objects. He has also comprehended the ‘Martial Law’ and mastered the ‘Kudo’s Profound meaning’.

   is extremely powerful.

   What a pity.

   Wu Wuji encountered Jiang Li.

   Do your best.

   In the end, he lost and lost to Jiang Li.

  Youdao is "Ji Sheng Yu He Sheng Liang".

at dusk.

   After everything is ready.

   Jiangli ordered Wu Wuji to lead the'Wu King's Army', entered the'Interstellar Base 01', and used the'Space Teleport' to teleport the'Interstellar Base 01' back to Daxia Imperial Capital.


   Jiangli entered the'dominant hub room'.


   Jiangli sat cross-legged.

   Consciousness Communication Sub-Dragon Ranking.

   is on the list.

   There are only three dynasties left.

  The Emperor Wu Dynasty disappeared from the list.

Although the Daxia Qinglong of Jiangli had absorbed all the national fortunes of the Wuwang Jinlong, it did not rank higher than the Emperor Longman Dynasty and the Wutian Demon Dynasty.

   still ranked third.


   National Fortune Promotion.


   A purple-golden light group fell from the list and flew into Jiang Li's body. Jiang Li still got Jiang Li from the Qianlong Ranking.

  ’Congratulations on the promotion of the Great Xia Dynasty’s national fortune, reward: promotion to Qingdi Jue. ’


   The information about the inheritance technique was rubbed into Jiang Li's mind.

   Qingdi Jue has been upgraded from the ninth rank middle grade to the ninth rank top grade.

   hum! Hum!

  Running exercises.

   Jiangli began to change the ninth-level high-grade Qingdi Jue.

  In addition.

   Through the ‘Great Xia Fenghou Order’, the ‘Qing Wang Jue’ of the Great Xia Hou Kings was also promoted, and the princes sensed the inheritance information of the exercises and began to practice.

the other side.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   There is no emperor capital.


Roar! ! !


   Accompanied by the thunder, the dragon's voice resounded across the sky. It was a ninety-thousand-meter-long purple four-clawed dragon soaring in the sky, surrounded by endless thunder.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   The terrifying breath shook the sky.

this moment.

  All the demon races in the capital without the emperor were shocked, Qilian, Qianv, Futianqing, etc., many powerful demon race experts looked up.

   looks shocked.

"this is……"

   Qianfu's eyes widened, and he felt an incomparably terrifying aura, which spread from the depths of the Demon Imperial Palace, gradually spreading, and then enveloped the entire Wutian Emperor.

   "Level Nine! It's Level Nine!"

   Qilian screamed in surprise.

   "It really broke through."

   Fu Tianqing's expression was shocked, somewhat incredible.


   The demons were even more amazed.

brush! !

   It was a purple thunder rushing out of the place where there was no sky retreat, straight into the sky, reaching an extreme speed, as if cutting through the sky.



   It was a huge roar and roar.

   rumbling! ! !

   Thunder shines.

   The sky above the entire imperial capital, in the blink of an eye, has become a terrifying sea of ​​thunder, filled with endless thunder and lightning.


   in the vast thunder sea.

   was born a huge ‘double-winged thunder dragon’.

   purple all over.

   is surrounded by purple thunder and lightning.

   is like a ferocious western dragon.

   has wings on his back.

   spread its wings to cover the sky.

   is extremely powerful.

   "There is nothing wrong."

   Moherin shouted loudly: "This is the'Awakening Realm' of the ninth order. The blood in the body is completely purified and controlled, and finally the awakening is completed, and the incarnation of the Supreme Monster Race."

   "It succeeded, Wutian succeeded."

   "Your Majesty is invincible!!!"

  Countless monsters are shouting.

To know.

   The cultivation methods of the monster race and the human race are originally completely different.

   Humans practice martial arts.

  The demon race condenses blood.

among them.

   The cultivation of human race is divided in detail.

   Immortal cultivation Qi and blood, named: Quasi-Martial Artist (Blood Qi Realm), First-Order Internal Strength of Cultivation, Name: Martial Realm (Internal Strength), and Second-Order Training Attribute Internal Strength, named: Houtian Realm (Attribute Realm).

The third-level cultivation of true qi is named: Xiantian (True Qi), fourth-level cultivation of true essence, and its names are: Zhenguo (True-primary), fifth-level cultivation of true pill, and its names are: true pill, sixth-level cultivation True Spirit, named: True Spirit Realm, Seventh-Order Enlightenment World, named: Emperor Level Realm (Heaven and Earth Realm).

   The eighth-level condensed three flowers, named: Overlord State (Three Flower State).

   The cultivation base of the monster clan is divided in detail.

   Impassable cultivation of Qi and blood, named: Quasi-Monster Clan, the power of first-order resuscitation bloodline cultivation, named: Bloodline Realm, second-order Beginning to condense blood, named: Condensation Realm.

The third stage then purifies the blood veins, named: Huamai realm, 4th stage manifesting bleeding veins, named: Xianmai realm, and the fifth stage starts to practice Dharma stage, named: Dharma stage realm, 6th-order enhanced Dharma stage, named: Dafa realm , The seventh-order fusion method, named: Fusion realm, and the bloodline of the eighth-order beginning to awaken, can be partially demonized, named: Demon-transforming realm.

   The ninth-order awakening bloodline, named: awakening state.


   After a few minutes.

  All the visions have disappeared.

   Lei Hai quickly converged, and all the thunder was integrated into the body of the ‘double-winged Thunder Dragon’, and the Heavenless Purple Dragon also turned into a dragon-shaped streamer and escaped into Wutian’s body.

   Purple light shines.

   The twin-winged thunder dragon disappeared.


   Wutian figure appeared.

   He was wearing a purple dragon robe, with his hands on his back, the pupils of his eyes were upside down, like a dragon-shaped purple light shining, looking down at all the monster races.

brush! brush! brush!


   Fu Tianqing, Moherin, Qilian, Qianv, Yitiangan and many other powerful monsters came from the sky, stood in front of Wutian, and saluted respectfully.

   "Let’s see His Majesty the Wutian Demon Emperor!"

   They shouted in unison "

   Wutian's eyes were calm, "Proclaim the solitary will, gather all the demon army at the fastest speed, concentrate all the forces, mobilize all means, and form the "Wutian Imperial Army"."

   "Launch the final battle."

   "Victory must belong to the demon clan! It belongs to the emperor! It belongs to the Wutian Demon Dynasty!"


   "I respect your majesty's will!"

   The demons responded softly.

  In addition.

   almost at the same time.

   The imperial capital of Emperor Longman Dynasty.

  Emperor Dragon Emperor Capital.

   hum! Hum! Hum! !


   There are various phenomena manifesting, black brilliance fills the sky, as if a huge black star appeared, surrounded by black dragons.

  The Barbarian Emperor Dillon exited.

   He successfully broke through, took a crucial step, turned his totem into reality, stepped into the early stage of Tier Nine, and greatly increased his strength.


   The barbarian army is mobilized.

   gather all the troops.

   The final decisive battle was triggered immediately.

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