The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 646: Set off

   01 Interstellar Base.

   Jiangli sat cross-legged on the ground in the dominating hub room.

   hum! Hum!

   cyan light flickered, surrounded by dragon shadows.

   Several hours.

   Jiangli successfully transferred the ninth-rank high-grade Qingdi Jue to repair.


   Jiangli opened his eyes.

   "Very good."

   Jiangli felt his own changes, "After practicing the ninth-rank high-grade Qingdi Jue, his strength has obviously increased, and the power of the'Qingdi Nine Seals' has also become stronger."

   "The Great Xia Qinglong swallowed all the dynasty's national fortunes in the capital of Emperor Wu. Although the Great Xia Dynasty could not be promoted to the imperial dynasty, the intensity of the national fortunes increased a lot."

   "I don't know if the energy feedback from the National Games will allow me to break through to the early stage of Tier Nine."


   hum! ! !

   Jiangli began to practice.

   Nine steps.

   condenses the five qi in the chest.

  According to the training records of the ‘Qingdi Jue’, he could eventually master the power of the five elements of ‘Golden Wood, Water, Fire, Earth’, and his strength greatly increased, many times stronger than the power of Sanhua.

among them.

   Heart is fire, liver is wood, spleen is soil, lung is metal, kidney is water.

  The first step.

   is to ignite the ‘heart fire’ in the heart and turn it into the heart fire.

   as long as it succeeds.

   will be able to break through to the early stage of the ninth stage.



   Jiangli no longer suppresses the feedback of the national movement, the vast feedback energy surging, gushing out of the huge dragon body of Daxia Qinglong, and merged into Jiangli's body.

   hum! Hum!


   Jiangli practiced exercises, refined the feedback energy, felt himself, and poured the power of the three flowers into the heart, trying to ignite the ‘heart fire’.


   failed again and again.

   is difficult to complete.


   With the energy feedback from the national movement this time, it was not enough to make Jiang Li ignite the "heart fire", or in other words, because Jiang Li injected the first to sixth order gene enhancement fluid.


   Jiangli is the emperor again.

   Although this allowed Jiang Li to be invincible at the same level, and even able to achieve higher-level battles, it also made it more difficult for Jiang Li to break through.


  Insufficient background.

   Jiangli has improved too much in a short time.

   failed to settle.

   "It's a pity."


   Unable to ignite the ‘heart fire’, Jiang Li had to give up the breakthrough. He began to use the energy feedback from the national movement to understand the ‘Nine Seals of the Qing Emperor’ and cultivate the ‘Nine Seals of the Azure Emperor’ to the level of consummation.

   can no longer improve.

At last.

   Jiangli then feels the ‘Emperor’s Law’.

time flies.

   When the energy of ‘National Games Feedback’ is all exhausted.

   Jiangli finally comprehended the ‘Buddhism Profound meaning’ of the ‘Emperor’s Dao Law’.

   is just a way of comprehension.

  Name: Shanhe Sheji.

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

can be seen.

   The purple and golden imperial laws of Jiangli are intertwined. Behind Jiangli, there are endless pictures of mountains, rivers and shrines, and you can see endless mountains and rivers, pilgrimages and so on.


   The vision disappeared.

   "Finally succeeded."

   Jiangli breathed a sigh of relief, he stopped his cultivation and comprehension, opened his eyes, and the vision entered his body, and the blue dragon shadow flashed by in his eyes, and quickly disappeared.

  In order to comprehend this trick, "the secret of martial arts", Jiang Li spent a lot of thought.


   Jiangli only realized the "Emperor Dao Law" and was able to apply the "Emperor Dao Law" to combat, but he failed to form a real move based on the ‘Emperor Dao Law’.

just now.

   is finally finished.


   At this time.

Qianlong appeared, walked in front of Jiang Li, and reported to Jiang Lihui: "The Interstellar Mechanical Space Base captured the situation of the Wutian Demon Dynasty and the Di Long Man Dynasty. The Demon Emperor Wutian and the Barbarian Emperor Di Long left the customs almost at the same time. "

"Not only that."

   "They all broke through to the early stage of the ninth stage."


   The voice fell off.

   Qianlong waved his right hand, and the purple rays of light were intertwined to form a projected image, which was captured by the "Interstellar Mechanical Space Base".

   appeared in front of Jiang Li.

Roar! Roar!

   Long Yin bursts.

   Jiangli clearly saw the visions and scenes after Wutian and Ti Lung broke through, the momentum was extremely vast, the aftermath formed, and even affected the spiritual fluctuations of the entire San Anzhou.

   "As expected, it is Tier Nine."

   Jiangli took a deep breath, his eyes were slightly solemn, "It's just that I have just broken through to the early stage of the ninth stage, and I have such power."

   The screen closes.

   Jiangli got up and left the room.


   Jiangliba Chizhu, Brown Lao, Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji, etc., a total of eighteen eighth rank powerhouses, as well as Yue Fengji, Xu Ya, Hong Tianqi, Pang Kui, Wu Zong and all the great Xiahou kings.

   All gathered.

   "See your majesty for ministers!"

   Lin Tianjian and the others bowed to Jiang Li in a respectful tone and said in unison.


   Jiangli nodded.

   "I wonder if your majesty convenes ministers, but what will you announce?"

   Mobei asked.

   "Your Majesty, are you going to prepare for war?"

   Lin Tianjian asked.


   The officials looked at Jiang Li.

   "The emperor got accurate information."

   Jiangli said directly: "The Demon Emperor Wutian and the Barbarian Emperor Di Long have left the customs one after another, and with the help of the energy feedback from the national movement, they successfully broke through to the beginning of the ninth stage."

   "Strength increased greatly."

   "The monsters and barbarians are gathering all their forces."

   "No accident, the decisive battle is imminent."


   Everyone looked up and their eyes widened.


   Wu Wuji said in a shocked voice: "Breakthrough, Wutian actually broke through to the early stage of Tier Nine, this..."


   Hong Tianqi and the others couldn't help taking a breath.

To know.

   Many of their talents are only Tier 6.


   Red Lord's eyes were heavy, "Unexpectedly, Wu Tian and Di Long both broke through to the early stage of the ninth stage. Although they just broke through, they are after all the ninth stage."

   "We don't have the ninth-tier combat power."

   "Your Majesty."

   Old Brown raised his head and asked: "What are your plans and response?"

   "Although Tier 9 is very strong, but we are not without chance."

   Jiang said, "First of all, the army of the Great Xia Corps has reached 560 billion. In addition to the Emperor's Trillion Corps, in terms of strength, it is several times that of the monsters and barbarians."

   "In addition."

   "There are more than 100,000 Tier 7 troops in their hands alone."

   "Our eighth-tier combat power is even more than eighteen."


   Lin Tianjian and their eyes lit up, and they were slightly excited: "The monsters and the barbarians, the number of their troops, at most, is the same as the Daxia Legion."

   "And your majesty's army has reached one trillion troops."

   "The weakest is the second order."

   "That's right."

   "We suddenly heard that Wu Tian and Di Long had broken through to the early stage of the ninth stage, so we were frightened for a while, and this was a little messy."

   "Although our human race does not have the existence of Tier 9, our military strength is several times more than that of the Monster Race and the Barbarian Race, and the powerhouses of Tier 8 are much more than the Monster Race and the Barbarian Race."


   All the kings said one after another.

regain confidence.


   They still feel a little worried.

after all.

   That is the existence of the ninth order.

the other side.

   The dynasties of the four oceans.

  The sea dynasty spies lurking in the territory of St. Anzhou, have passed the news to the sea dynasties of the four seas, and the sea kings have received the information.

   They all became serious.

   "The army of the Great Xia Dynasty came to the Wu Dynasty, Wu Wuji surrendered, and the Wu Dynasty merged into the Great Xia Dynasty, and the human race was unified."

   "The Great Xia Dynasty has greatly increased its strength this time."

   "In addition, the Heavenless Demon Emperor of the Demon Race and the Di Long Man Emperor of the Barbarian Race actually broke through both to the early stage of the ninth stage. This is not good news for us."

   "The demons and barbarians have assembled a legion. If nothing else, the decisive battle will break out in the next few days."

   "The order goes on and the fleet prepares to land in San Ann."


   The emperors of the sea dynasty communicate with each other.

   late at night.

   rumbling! ! !

   South of St. Anju.

   Ti Long led the Barbarian Legion, and Ti Long summoned all the Barbarian Totem Warriors, forming a Barbarian Legion with a strength of 600 billion.

It can be said.

   The whole barbarian.

   is almost all the people.


   The next war.

   is about the life and death of the entire San Anzhou barbarian.

   If defeated.

   The barbarians in the entire San Anzhou will die, become slaves, and even subjugate their country and species. Therefore, they must break the boat and fight to the death.

   Except for ordinary barbarians who have not practiced totem secrets.

  All totem warriors participated in the battle.

  The Barbarian Legion is riding on hundreds of millions of floating warships. Each floating warship is very huge, showing an oval shape, the formation is rotating, the light is foggy, and the aura is shocking.

   The whole army is advancing towards the middle area of ​​San Anzhou.

   The legion is in the center.

   The "Imperial Ship" where Dillon is.

can be seen.

   Dillon sits on the top dragon chair.


  The two vice-chamber masters of the Barbarian Chamber, Man Wuji and Tu Jiuling, and five eighth-tier Barbarian Chamber Masters, as well as the Great Witch of the late eighth stage, and the God Wuyue of the early eighth stage.


   There are three eighth-tier ministers of Di Long.

   Twelve eighth-order barbarians.

   As for the seventh-order barbarians.

The number of    is not very large, probably more than ten times that of the eighth level.

   There are two hundred and twenty in total.

   Sixth-order barbarians.

   That's more.

   reached around 100,000.

   "Your Majesty, why are we marching to the Middle Territory?"

  God no month asked.

   "The subordinate thinks that the human race is more threatening."

   said a courtier of Di Long.


   All the barbarians watched Ti The Emperor Wu Dynasty disappeared from the list, indicating that Wu Wuji failed to break through to the ninth rank, and lost to Xia Huang Jiangli, and had to merge the Wu Dynasty into the Great Xia Dynasty. "

   Di Long said: "It's just that with the background of Xia Huang Jiangli, his breakthrough speed is too fast, and there is no time to settle and accumulate. Therefore, even if Jiang Li received a lot of feedback from the national movement, he would not be able to break through to the 9th level in the end."

   "On the contrary, it is the Demon Emperor Wutian. He has a deep background and a deep accumulation. With the help of the feedback energy of this time, the national movement is enough to break through to the ninth level and awaken the blood."

   "Compared to the human race without the ninth rank, the monster with the ninth rank is more threatening."

   "Because you can't reach the ninth rank, you will never understand how powerful the ninth rank is. The eighth rank is simply vulnerable to the ninth rank."

   "That's it."

   "Your Majesty has a foresight."

   "The minister is convinced."

   The barbarians immediately flattered.

   "In addition."

   Di Long said again: "If the emperor is not wrong, when Xia Huang Jiangli learns that the emperor led the barbarian army to attack the Wutian Demon Dynasty, he will definitely send an army to invade the Wutian Demon Dynasty."

   "When the time comes, first destroy Wutian, then destroy Daxia."

   "The barbarian will win!"

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