The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 647: discuss

   in the wee hours.

   In the sky above the Imperial Capital of Great Xia,'Interstellar Base 01' is like a vast star, quietly suspended in the void, surrounded by white clouds.

   filled the entire base with a sense of immortality and ethereal.

  In addition.

   In those clouds.

   is an air guard patrolling.

   There is a sense of immortality and science fiction that are combined with each other. It does not appear to be conflicting, but a perfect integration, which makes people awe at a glance.

   eyes narrowed.

  In the base.

The'Great Summer Legion' composed of 560 billion soldiers is all stationed in the'Interstellar Base 01'. Fortunately, with the size and area of ​​the'Interstellar Base 01', it is comparable to a planet and can accommodate more than five thousand. Billion soldiers.

   The soldiers camped.

  In the interstellar mechanical arsenal.

   Jiangli will contain trillions of mechanical soldiers.

   dominates the hub room.

   Including four complete mechanical soldiers of the eighth rank, eighteen strongmen of the Daxia Dynasty gathered here, all looking at Jiang Li in awe.


   There are also the kings of the Great Xia Dynasty.

   all here.


   Qianlong waved his right hand.

  The purple rays of light are intertwined to form a projection light curtain.

   In the screen.

   is the scene of the march of the ‘Barbarian Legion’. The momentum is extremely large, and the interstellar mechanical space base can only take a picture of the ‘Barbarian Legion’.

   can't see the whole picture of the legion.

   "The barbarian army!"

   Lin Tianjian said in a deep voice.

   "This is a rush."

   Wu Ji Dao.

   "Di Long just left the barrier and broke through to the early stage of the ninth stage. He actually assembled all his troops that night. Is he going to immediately start a decisive battle?"

   Lianzhen said: "Is he not afraid of being too anxious and capsize in the gutter?"



   Scarlet Lord, Elder Hu and others withdrew their gazes, and all looked at Jiang Li.

   "Emperor Xia, can you know the marching direction of the'Barbarian Legion'?"

  Brown asked.


   Jiangli nodded, and said, "It is no accident that the marching direction of the'Barbarian Legion' is toward the middle of San Anzhou. It is very likely that they will go to war with Wutian."


   Everyone's eyes lit up.

   "This is a good thing."

   Mobei looked overjoyed, and said: "In this way, we can completely skip the war and let the monsters and barbarians fight to death, and then we will go to reap the benefits of the fishermen."

"Ha ha."

   Duan Qilin sneered, and said contemptuously: "Mobei, you are afraid that you are daydreaming. You can think of such a simple thing. Would Ti Long and Wutian not think of it?"

   "Let's put it this way, don't look at the barbarians now aggressively, but if our Great Xia Dynasty did not go to war, Ti Long and Wutian would never fight."

   "That's right."

   Yue Fengji nodded, and said: "The words of King Duan Hou are very reasonable. The monsters and barbarians can't let our human mantis throw the cicada oriole behind."

   "The final decisive battle must be the presence of all three clans, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to fight."


   "If our Daxia Dynasty does not participate in the war, it is very likely that the army of the monster and the barbarian will invade the territory of the Daxia Dynasty at the same time, forcing us to join the war."

   "This will make the gain more than worth the loss."

   "Your Majesty."

   At this time.

   Hong Tianqi took a step forward and said, "The minister has a trick."


   Everyone couldn't help but look at Hong Tianqi.


   The river leaves the road.


Hong Tianqi bowed his hands and said, "Since the Barbarians chose to invade the central territory of St. Anzhou rather than the western territory of St. Anzhou, this shows that the barbarians are more afraid of the monsters, and thus despise our humans, thinking that the threat of our humans is far less than that of monsters Family."

   "If the minister is not wrong, the barbarian's idea should be to attack the Wutian Demon Dynasty, and then let our human race cooperate with it to destroy the Wutian Demon Dynasty."

   "It is estimated that I am thinking of destroying the monster race first and then destroying the human race."


   "It makes sense."

   "General Hong's analysis is somewhat reasonable."

   Everyone agrees.

"So we might as well take the tricks, hide our strengths, cooperate with the Barbarian Emperor Di Long, and first solve the Demon Emperor Wutian. When Di Long thinks that everything is under his control, we suddenly attacked and sent all our troops out to annihilate them in one fell swoop. Barbarian Legion."

   Hong Tianqi suggested.


   Jiangli pondered.


   Everyone also thought about it.


   They are all thinking about the feasibility of Hong Tianqi's plan.

after all.

   The next decisive battle is about the life and death of the entire San Anzhou human race. At present, the enemy of the foreign race should naturally abandon all past grievances and work together to fight against foreign enemies.


   When the decisive battle is defeated, no one will have a good end. Either die without a whole body, or become a slave of a foreign race, dark and eternal, unable to turn back.

   That was extremely miserable.

   Compared with this.

   The past grievances are nothing at all.

   "Your Majesty, the minister thinks this plan is inappropriate."

   Lin Tianjian said: "Compared to the barbarians, at least we know that the monsters’ hole card is the ‘Book of the Earth’, which can be guarded and dealt with."

   "But we have no idea what the barbarian's hole cards are."

   "I rashly assisted the barbarians to deal with the monsters. When the time came, the monsters were destroyed, but they failed to force the barbarians' hole cards. Instead, we were at a disadvantage."

   "The minister approves of General Hong's plan."

   Renzhen said.

   "It is better to be cautious."

   Duan Qilin said.

   "That's right."

  Jing Yueke nodded, "Before you know the true strength of the barbarians, you should not act rashly. It is better to wait until the decisive battle begins."

   "The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, we should see the trick."

   "Your Majesty, the minister thought..."

   Everyone expressed their opinions and thoughts one after another, and it seemed a little noisy. Jiang Li was expressionless, listening carefully to the opinions of the people.

   There is a way.

   There are three heads and one Zhuge Liang.

not to mention.

   Lin Tianjian and the others are not ‘smelly cobblers’. They were originally emperors of a generation, occupying a high position, broad-minded, and extremely deep.

and so.

   Everyone argued and said various flaws.

"be quiet."


   Jiangli raised his hand and gave a soft drink.


   "Your Majesty."

   "Please calm down your anger."


   The ministers quickly closed their mouths and saluted Jiang Li respectfully.

   "There is no need to argue about it anymore."

   Jiangli said: "The emperor has made a decision."



   "Your Majesty, please make it clear."

   The ministers were taken aback, and then said in surprise.

   "Hong Tianqi's plan is good, there is hope that it will work."

   Jiangli said.

   "Thank you for your praise."

   Hong Tianqi looked happy, but Lin Tianjian and the others frowned.

   "Your Majesty..."

   Lin Tianjian couldn't help it, but was interrupted by Jiang Li raising his hand.

   "The emperor hasn't finished speaking yet."

   Jiangli waved his hand and continued: "Although Hong Tianqi's plan is good, it also has major flaws. As Lin Hou Wang said, we don't know the strength of the barbarians."

   "If you rashly assisted the barbarian to deal with the monster, it is very likely to be in the arms of the barbarian."

   "Your Majesty is wise."

   Lin Tianjian breathed a sigh of relief.

   "What should I do?"

   "Aren't we heading to the monsters and barbarians directly?"

   "Perhaps we can only do this. In the battlefield, we are talking with hard power, especially in this final battle. Conspiracy and tricks will not make it to the stage after all."

   The ministers talked quietly again.

"of course."

   Jiangli said again: "The barbarians despise us, but we can use it. When the decisive battle begins, we can hide part of our strength."

   "In this way, on the surface, the strength of our human race is the weakest, so relatively speaking, the monster race and the barbarian race will ignore us more."

"By the time."

   "In a three-way decisive battle, our goal is only one. Find a chance to kill Wu Tian and Ti Lung. As long as you kill one of them, the emperor is 90% sure to win the final victory."


   After hearing what Jiang Li said, the ministers fell into contemplation again.

   "Your Majesty."

   Wu Wuji raised his head and said, "So what you said so much is actually asking us to do everything possible to kill one of Wu Tian and Ti Lung, right?"


   Jiangli nodded.

   "The minister got it."

   Wu Wuji nodded, "It's just that Tier Nine is Tier Nine after all. Even if it's only the beginning of Tier Nine, its strength far surpasses Tier Eight. It is too difficult to kill Wutian and Ti Long."

   "Unless Wu Tian fights Ti Lung and hurts one of them, we will have a chance."

   hum! ! !

   At this time.

   Qianlong waved his right hand, and another projection screen was displayed. It was the scene shot by the interstellar mechanical space station. The screen showed the army and scene of the monster race.

can be seen.

   The demon tribe army gathered together, gathered together, and formed a vast demon tribe army, with a strength of 700 billion.


   The demon clan is all soldiers.

  The number of troops even exceeds that of the barbarian army.


   Dragon Yin is shaking the sky.

   Wutian purple dragon soars in the sky, Wutian stands on the dragon's head, behind Wutian, is a purple dragon with a length of 10,000 meters.

  Fall on the dragon head.

   stood a famous monster Hou Wang.


   The original demon emperor: Qianfu, Qilian, and Yitiangan.

   KV’s cultivation base was originally only Level 7 Consummation. After losing the Demon Emperor's status, he was backlashed, and his cultivation base was lowered a bit. Fortunately, the backlash and cultivation base were all restored by the Fenghou King.

Not only that.

   Wu Tian gave the elixir and the eight-level elixir.

  KV retreat for seven days.

   successfully awakened a part of the bloodline and broke through to the initial stage eighth stage demon realm.

   Boom! boom! boom! !

   Legion is huge.

   The whole demon clan.

   There are a total of thirteen eighth-tier demons.

among them.

   Fu Tianqing and Mohelin, who were perfect in the eighth level, as well as five eighth-level demon clan chamber masters, three eighth-level ministers of the Wutian Demon Emperor, three former demon emperors, and now the demon kings.

   The number of Tier 7 monsters is more than ten times that of Tier 8.

   there are two hundred and thirty.

   There are even more monsters of the sixth order.

   reached more than one hundred thousand.


   "There is no demon king."

   "It's so powerful. Just looking at the screen, you can feel a terrifying sense of oppression. Is this the power of Tier 9?"

   "No innocence broke through to the ninth level."

   "The monster race has assembled all its troops, and it has responded quickly."


   Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji and the others all looked at the scene in the screen, couldn't help clenching their fists, felt a lot of pressure, and looked solemn.

   "Ninth order!"

   Wu Wuji stared closely at Wutian, his eyes filled with a majestic war spirit, and a trace of envy and jealousy.

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