The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 648: decisive battle

   I think about it.

  Wu Wuji and Wutian fought in the sea. The two sides were unmatched in victory and defeat, and their strengths were even more similar. They almost reached the limit of Tier 8.

   And now.

   Wutian took that step, awakened his blood, and entered the initial stage of the ninth stage.

   In contrast, Wu Wuji.

   Not only did he fail to break through the ninth rank, he even lost his human status, and even the Wu dynasty was gone, and he was incorporated into the Great Xia dynasty.

It can be said.

   If it were not for the emergence of the Great Xia Dynasty, Wu Wuji would have 90% hope that he could unify the entire San Anzhou human race, and then use the energy feedback from the national movement and his own heritage to ignite the ‘heart fire’ and break through to the early stage of the ninth stage.

   Achievement will never be worse than No Heaven.

   So there is naturally unwillingness in my heart.


   Everything is a foregone conclusion.

not to mention.

   Wu Wuji has voluntarily given up the position of'Human Sovereign'. From now on, he will no longer be able to become'Emperor'. Even if the dynasty is established, he will not be recognized by the'Hidden Dragon List'.

   "Wu Wuji."

Jiang Li naturally saw Wu Wuji's current mind at a glance. In order to avoid Wu Wuji from going to extremes, he said: "It's just a ninth rank. When Daxia is promoted to an emperor, with your aptitude and understanding, nine The order is just beginning."

   "It's easy to go beyond lawlessness."

   "Thanks your Majesty for teaching, the minister is only emotional for a while."

   Wu Wuji said quickly.


   Jiangli nodded, and said no more.


   Jiangli issued an order, "Start the'Interstellar Machinery Space Base' and prepare for space teleportation. The teleportation target: Interstellar Base 01."

   "Destination: Thousands of miles away from the capital without the emperor."


   Qianlong responded.



   All the ministers looked solemnly, the whole body vibrated, and they took out their weapons one after another.

   hum! ! !

next moment.

  The invisible space beam descended from the sky and directly enveloped the entire ‘Interstellar Base 01’, distorting the space, as if a vortex appeared, directly sucking the entire base into it.

   disappeared out of thin air.

   Teleported and left the capital of Daxia.

   The screen turns.

   St. Anzhou Zhongyu.

   There is no emperor capital to the north, thousands of miles away.

   hum! ! !

   There are extremely obvious spatial fluctuations.

   Space distortion.

   formed a huge vortex.

   The huge star-like "Interstellar Base 01" was squeezed out by the space vortex, suspended in the air, and teleported to the middle domain.


   The fluctuations in space calm down.

   Jiang left them and walked out of the room.

   came outside.

   into the air.

   They stood in the sky, looking at the imperial capital in the distance, and saw the dense floating battleships of the demon race, forming a circle after circle of defense, enclosing the entire emperor.

   hum! Hum!

   Not all that.

   The entire Emperor Wu Tian is covered with a thin layer of light curtain of formation. It is a powerful ‘Magic Array’, a formation that has spent countless efforts and resources of Wu Tian Dynasty.

   is extremely powerful.

Of course.

   This is only an eighth-order magic circle, and it has not reached the ninth order.

   rumbling! ! !


   Jiangli, they heard a louder roar, and immediately looked up in the direction where the sound came from, and their sights passed the Imperial Capital of Wu Tian.

   In the south where there is no emperor capital.

   Barbarian Emperor Ti Lung led a 600 billion barbarian army arrived.

   Hundreds of millions of barbarian floating warships were suspended in the air, flying in the air, marching extremely fast, but they stopped immediately when they approached the imperial capital thousands of miles away.

   hum! Hum!

   The formation began to operate, and various totems appeared.

   is like a beast galloping.

   "Your Majesty, the barbarian legion has arrived."

   Lin Tianjian said in a deep voice.


   Everyone looked at it with solemn expressions.


   Jiangli just nodded.

this moment.

   The three races are facing each other.

  The barbarians assembled all the troops and armies, the monsters also gathered all the monsters and legions, and Jiang Li also gathered all the soldiers of the humans.


   There are trillions of mechanical soldiers hidden in the interstellar mechanical arsenal.

   Just go to war.

   can be dispatched at any time.

   There is no emperor inside.

   "Your Majesty, as you might expect, the Barbarian Emperor Ti Lung and the Human Emperor Jiangli, they have led all the soldiers arrived."

   Qilian looked at the barbarian legion in the south and the human legion in the north, his expression became solemn, and he reported to Wutianhui in a deep voice.

   "Do you want to besiege me and wait?"

   Yitian Main Road.


   QianV snorted coldly.


   Fu Tianqing, they also looked solemn.

   hum! Hum!


   The demon army adjusted the position of the battleship under the orders of the demon marshals and generals, and used the mages to arouse endless evil spirits.

Roar! Roar! Roar! ! !

   roaring and shaking the sky.

   The demon clan army has arranged a large army formation.

   are all seven ranks.

   has formed one after another of the seventh-order military formation behemoths, each of which has reached the size of tens of millions of meters, which is as huge as a planet.

   is as vast as the mighty sky.

To know.

   700 billion demon soldiers.

  Because all the people are soldiers, there are many uninfluenced demon soldiers.

   Even so.

   That is also 700 billion.

   The seventh-order army array arranged by    reached dozens.

   That is to say.

at this moment.

   In the high sky without the emperor, there are dozens of huge army beasts with a size of tens of millions of meters hovering, roaring, and roaring.

To know.

   Every army behemoth is like a huge star.

   Such a magnificent scene.

   is too shocking.

   This is the top dynasty.

compare to.

   The difference between the ordinary dynasties in the past is too big.

   is a thousand times difference.

Of course.

   This is also related to the current situation.

   After all, the Wutian Dynasty had absorbed several demon dynasties, and even the overlord-level demon dynasties, and this was able to gather such a huge force.

   "What a monster army."


   Dillon's eyes were burning, staring closely at the Emperor Wudu and the dozens of behemoths in the army, with high fighting spirit in his eyes, he waved his hand, gave an order, and roared: "Arrangement!"



   "The whole army listens to the order and deploys the seventh-order army!"

   "Ready to fight!"


Roar! ! !

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

  The hundreds of millions of floating warships moved into action, adjusted their positions, and the Barbarian Array Mage used his magic tricks, mobilizing the endless evil spirit of the army.

   in the shortest time.

   quickly arranged the seventh-order army formations.


   Various anomalies manifested.

   The roar of the behemoth of the seventh-order army array resounded across the sky, shaking all directions, hovering in the sky, its size was extremely huge, covering the sky.


  The barbarians also arranged dozens of Tier 7 army formations.

   is not weaker than Yaozu at all.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

can be seen.

  The army of the barbarians and the monsters confronted each other in an imposing manner. The giants of the army roared again and again, shaking the surrounding areas, setting off an extremely terrifying storm of spiritual energy.

   Click! Click!

   has not yet started the war.

   It was just an imposing match, which actually caused the earth to crack, and a terrifying storm swept all over, crushing all the small mountains.

   is unimaginable.

   If the tribes really go to war.

   Will it break up the entire San Ann State, or even destroy it.


   There are countless large and small islands in the endless ocean.

   was originally a continent like St. Ann. After experiencing terrifying dynasty wars, even imperial wars, it was broken and turned into islands.

   Boom! !

   The demon clan and the barbarian clan confronted each other with equal strength, but suddenly a part of the power was separated and blasted towards Jiang Li.

   rumbling! ! !

   Like the world shaking.

   The terrifying momentum formed an overwhelming shock wave that swept towards Jiang Li.

   hum! !


   The energy defensive mask of the Interstellar Base 01 came out, invisible to tangible, showing transparency, blocking the impact of this legionary aura.


   The entire ‘Interstellar Base 01’ was also shaken by the impact.

   Jiangli was forced to be involved.

   "Your Majesty."

  Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji and their expressions were warm and angry, and their eyes glared at the monsters and barbarians. They shouted loudly: "Please order."

"it is good."

   Jiangli nodded, and ordered: "Arrange an array!"


   "Leaders, please!"

   "The whole army obeys the order and deploys!!"

   Boom! boom! boom! !


   560 billion clan soldiers formed an army. Under the orders of many Terran marshals and generals, Terran Array Mage mobilized tactics to mobilize the evil spirit of the army and condense the aura of heaven and earth.

Roar! Roar! ! !

   Sickness rushed into the sky, shaking the world.

next moment.

   The arrangement of dozens of seventh-order military formations is completed.

   There was a deafening roar.

   There is a giant army formation with a size of 10 million meters condensed and hovering around the'Interstellar Base 01'. Each giant army formation is no smaller than the'Interstellar Base 01'.

   is even bigger.

   is powerful.


   Daxia soldiers shouted in unison, murderous.

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

   The tribal legions are confronting each other.

   No one shows weakness.

   The power of the military formations are colliding with each other.

   There were roars.

   Vibrate everywhere.


   It didn’t take long.

   Di Long laughed wildly. He stepped on a four-clawed black dragon, and the dragon shook the sky. The 90,000-meter-long dragon body was not big compared to the tens of millions of meters of giant army formation.


  'S power was completely suppressed by the generals.

   "No sky, Jiang Li."

   Dillon shouted: "I can't come out quickly yet."

   Boom! ! !

   The voice fell off.

   There is no emperor inside.

   That is a thunderous four-clawed purple dragon flying up into the sky, stepping on the head of the purple dragon without heaven, surrounded by thunder, like a **** of thunder.

   "Di Long."

   Wutian's eyes were said coldly: "Are you in such a hurry to come out to die?"

   "No sky."

   Di Long's eyes sank, "You really broke through to the ninth rank."

   "What about it? How about not?"

   Wutian said indifferently: "This emperor kills you like trying to get something."


   Di Long snorted coldly, "Wu Tian, ​​you really are so eloquent."

   "Jiang Li."

   Wutian looked at the direction of the ‘Interstellar Base 01’.

   "Daxia Renhuang."


   Di Long's eyes also looked over.


   Jiangli stepped out.


   He has come to the sky.



   Dragon chants sounded.

   Daxia Qinglong appeared.


   Jiangli stood on the dragon's head of the Qinglong, with his hands on his back, surrounded by cyan haze, his aura was majestic, and his breath was as deep as an abyss.

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