The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 649: Fierce battle

   Three emperors gather.

   Jiangli, Di Long, and Wutian are fighting against the power of the three emperors.

   The whole scene is like an invisible storm colliding, forming a wave of aftermath, sweeping across the world and affecting most of the central area of ​​St. Anzhou.

   The aura between heaven and earth seemed to boil.

   is extremely powerful.

   "Xia Huang Jiang Li."

   Wutian stared at him, standing on the head of the purple dragon, with his hands on his back, and his body was wrapped in lightning mist.

   Around him is an army of hundreds of billions of enchanted soldiers, and there is also a huge army of giant beasts surrounding the arch.

   "It's a sad human race."

   Wutian's contemptuous tone is even more sarcasm: "As the emperor of the same clan, you only have a perfect cultivation base of the eighth level. How can you fight the emperor who has not reached the ninth level?"

   "It's just here to die."

   "Now you kneel down and beg for mercy, the emperor can spare you and let you live as a slave."

"and also."

   Wutian continued to shout: "Wu Wuji, you are really disappointed by the emperor. Originally, the emperor thought you would be the enemy of the emperor in his life, but he never thought that you even lost the ‘human throne’."

   "It's so sad."

   "You have completely lost the qualification to confront the emperor."

   "No sky!"

   Wu Wuji gritted his teeth, he clenched his fists, raised his head, his eyes glared at Demon Emperor Wutian, his face even more angry.

   "Wuhou Wang, don't be provoked by Wutian."

   Lin Tianjian reminded.

"I know."

   Wu Wuji snorted coldly, "I don't need you to remind me."

   "No sky."

   Jiangli's expression is calm, his eyes are indifferent to Wutian and Di Long, "You have just reached the initial stage of the ninth stage, have you been so arrogant?"

   "Even if the emperor only has an eighth-level perfect cultivation base, it is enough to kill you."

   "It's extremely ridiculous."

   Wutian shook his head, and said with a sneer: "You don't know how big the gap between the 9th and the 8th is, so you have this illusion."

   "Wu Tian, ​​Xia Huang, stop talking nonsense, go to war directly."

   Di Long snorted coldly, and he waved his hand and roared: "The barbarian army obeyed the order and attacked Wu Tianhuang."


   rumbling! ! !

   The voice fell off.

  The barbarian army took the lead in launching an offensive. Dozens of Tier 7 giant beasts roared, like huge stars, rushing into the capital without the emperor.

   "So courageous! The demon army obeyed! Ready to fight!"

   Wutian looked cold, his killing intent skyrocketed, "Ti Long, you are looking for death!"


   "The whole army obeys the order, charge!!!"


   "Kill the barbarians!"


   An army of 700 billion monsters, countless monsters, roaring, roaring the sky, dozens of Tier 7 giants rushed out, and the giants of both sides fought together.

  The war broke out.

   The resulting storm swept through most of the central area of ​​St. Ann.

   is just a tentative battle.

   Just let the ground crack and the mountains collapsed.

   is like a scene that destroys the world.

   "Black Dragon Slash!"


   Ti Long shot, he roared and waved his right hand. The Jiulong grade black dragon jade seal was transformed into a huge black dragon long knife. The long knife slashed out and cut out a very bright black blade, showing a dragon shape.

   "Thunder Spear."


   Wutian waved his right hand, and the thunder converged, forming a huge thunder spear, piercing through the hole, and colliding with the black dragon blade in the air.

   Both sides exploded at the same time.


   There was no sky and a long howl, rushing to Di Long, surrounded by thunder, thunder and lightning raged, like a thunder python giant snake, forming a swarm of pythons.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   The explosion sounded one after another.

   Dillon held a knife in both hands and swept around, smashing waves of lightning.


   rumbling! ! !

   Di Long and Wutian were in a fierce battle, and the two ninth-tier early powerhouses fought against each other, and rushed into the tens of thousands of meters in the sky in an instant.

   The terrifying aftermath shakes the surroundings.

   "Your Majesty."

   Red Lord said: "Wu Tian and Ti Lung are fighting."

   "Should we make a move?"

  Brown asked.


  Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji, Lianzhen and the others mentioned the spirit of Twelve Points.


at this time.

  The barbarian army and the monster army, they divided about one-third of their troops at the same time, formed a vast army, and rushed in at an extremely fast speed.

   The floating warships are overwhelming.

   charged towards the Daxia army.

   "Ready to fight."

   Jiangli waved his right hand and shouted loudly: "The kings of the Hou, following the order, immediately led the Daxia Army to meet the enemy."


   "Leaders, please!"


Roar! Roar! ! !


   The Great Xia Legion composed of 560 billion Great Xia soldiers has already laid out a Tier 7 army formation, forming a Tier 7 army formation giant.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Countless explosions sounded.

   In the sky.

   The army battles with giant beasts, the floating battleship collides, and a famous human soldier, barbarian totem soldier, and monster soldier rushes together.

   Look around.

   The entire battlefield was in chaos.

  Countless creatures are fighting desperately.

   roars, roars, screams, screams, etc., all mixed together, extremely harsh, and the explosions are deafening.

can be seen.

   The battlefield of the tribal decisive battle.

   There are more than one trillion creatures fighting each other.

   The river was away from the gaze, but couldn't see the edge of the battlefield at all, spreading to the distance, the front line almost reached hundreds of thousands of miles, which affected the entire central area of ​​St.


   The vast San Anju was shaken.

at this time.

   If you look at St. Ann from the tens of thousands of meters above the endless ocean, you will see a terrifying aura storm covering the entire St. Ann.

   is like a huge vortex.

   was full of evil spirits and death.

   is daunting.

   In this seemingly endless battlefield.

   The soldiers of the three races went from the lowest level of incompetence to the god-like seventh and eighth superpowers. They were fighting each other and gradually divided into different battlefields.

   There is not too much temptation between each other.

   After the decisive battle started, I was afraid that I would fight all my strength.

   High above the battlefield.

  The battlefield of the eighth-tier strong.



   The red master and the brown boss shouted, the whole body was filled with light and fog, the three flowers gathered on the top, the terrifying power erupted, forming a huge shock wave, and penetrated.

   killed Fu Tianqing and Mohelin of the monster clan.

   "The blood is demonized."


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin shook their whole bodies, part of their bodies demonized and turned into huge monster bodies, blocking the attack of Scarlet Lord and Old Brown.

   "Secret Totem: Black Flame of Purgatory."

brush! brush!

  Man Wuji and Tu Jiuling took the opportunity to shoot. The power of the totems gathered to form a strange totem texture, intertwined together, forming a pattern of rising flames.


   The black flame burned.

   is like a vast sea of ​​fire, rushing to the red master and old brown.

   "Red Flame Dragon Breath."

Roar! ! !

The red lord yelled and displayed a powerful martial arts. The vast power of the three flowers condensed into a huge red dragon head. The dragon head opened its mouth and blood basin, and roared out a dragon's breath like a beam of light, blocking it. Black Flame of Purgatory.


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin's eyes were cold, their expressions solemn, and they said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, Chi Zhu and Old Brown took a half step, reaching the level of a half step ninth step."

   "Book from the ground!"


   Fu Tianqing and Moherin pinched their hands, summoned the ‘Book of the Earth’ phantom, blessed them on their bodies, and increased their strength.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Fierce fighting broke out.

   Because Crimson Lord and Old Brown reached the half-step ninth step, Fu Tianqing and Mohelin of the Monster Race, and Man Wuji and Tu Jiuling of the Barbarian Race joined forces to deal with the Red Lord and Old Brown.

on the other side.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Three armies collide.

   There were bursts of explosions.

   The energy roars, bursting like fireworks.

can be seen.

   The battlefield is chaotic.

   Five eighth-tier chamber masters of the human race, five eighth-tier chamber masters of the monster race, and five eighth-tier chamber masters of the barbarian race.

   Fifteen eighth-tier powerhouses are fighting each other.

   The strength of the three parties is evenly matched.

   can't tell the winner in a short time.

  In addition.

Terran Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, Lianzhen, Wu Tongtian, Chang Hengyue, Ding Delin six eighth-level strong, barbarian great witch, Shen Wuyue and other five eighth-level strong, monster seven lotus, kilovolt, Yi Tianqian and other six eighth-tier powerhouses.

   There are a total of seventeen eighth-tier powerhouses.

   are also fighting each other.

   There are countless attacks and constant collisions.

   The battle is fierce.

   "The nuclear army is dispatched."

   in a place on the battlefield.

   Yue Fengji led the'nuclear army', a nuclear army composed of a fifth-order warrior wearing a'mechanical controllable nuclear fission control device'.


   Jiangli mobilized one hundred thousand Tier 5 warriors, plus one hundred thousand ‘mechanical controllable nuclear fission control generators’ to form a ‘nuclear army’.

The main function of    is to penetrate into the enemy's army, cause a'nuclear explosion' and severely damage the enemy.

   This ‘nuclear army’ Jiang Li was led by Yue Fengji.


   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   In an instant.

   was born out of one hundred thousand ‘nuclear explosions’, exploded among the enemy forces, and huge mushroom clouds appeared one after another, rising into the sky like a blazing sun.

   An exploding storm swept everywhere.


   "Damn it!"

   "Kill them!!"


   The monsters and barbarians reacted and quickly dispatched a powerful army to encircle and kill the ‘nuclear army’ led by Yue Fengji.


   There were casualties in the ‘nuclear army’.


   Jiangli condescendingly looked down on the chaotic battlefield, countless creatures fighting, arrays colliding, army beasts fighting, army fighting.

   It is hard to describe such a scene.

time flies.

   The war started.

   After the three tribes fought together, they immediately smashed their eyes. Every soldier’s ears were full of countless shouts, roars, and explosions.

   The commands of the generals of the three tribes were all covered by the sound of fighting.

this moment.

   What strategies and plans they can manage.

   The enemy is right in front of you.

   If you don't try your best to kill the opponent, you will be killed by the opponent.

   This is a real melee.

   The three races are opposed.

   Cooperation is impossible at all.

   Fight to the death ~ you can see it.

   The strength of the Great Xia Corps is only 560 billion.

and so.

  The war is fought until now.

   The Great Summer Legion suffered the most.

   is at a disadvantage.

   10,000 meters high in the sky.

   Boom! boom! ! !

   Wutian and Di Long fought hard, their cultivation bases were both in the early stage of the ninth stage, and they were both emperors.

   There is no way to tell the winner in a short time.

   "Not in a hurry."

   Jiangli took a deep breath. He stared at the battlefield, watching Wutian and Ti Long's battle, "Don't worry, it's not the time to take action."


   Jiangli is waiting.

   waiting for the best time to shoot.

   "The Thunder Dragon roars."

Roar! ! !


   Wutian launched an attack on Jiang Li, only to see that his head suddenly enlarged and turned into a purple dragon head, and then roared.

   Substantial sound waves were formed and crushed towards Jiang Li.

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