The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 650: Fight

   Jiangli was waiting for the opportunity, but Wutian clearly understood Jiangli's thoughts, so he did not hesitate to shoot Jiangli, and Thunder Dragon roared and killed him.

   "Star Fist."


   Wang Gang jumped up, and he blasted out with a punch, and his fist pierced the sky, as if a punch collapsed the space and shattered the Thunder Dragon sound wave.


   "No sky."

   Jiangli looked up, his eyes cold.


  Di Long came through the sky, stood not far away, looked at Jiang Li and Wutian, and said mockingly: "Wutian, are you bullying the soft and fearing hard?"


   Wutian said coldly: "Is the emperor afraid of you? The emperor just thinks that Jiang Li should be dealt with first, so that we won't be seriously injured by the end of the human race."

   "It makes sense."

   Dillon nodded.

"it is good."

   Wutian said: "If this is the case, then kill Jiang Li first."

   "Thunder destroys the world."

   rumbling! !

   The voice fell off.

   Wutian unleashed powerful moves, summoned endless thunder, and the law of thunder spread, forming a terrifying thunder sea.

brush! brush! brush!


   Wang Gang, No. WMS01, SSTS01, ML01, four tier 8 mechanical soldiers guarded Jiang Li, and the power of the law was released.

   "Qingdi Jue."


  Jiangli revolves the technique, the whole body is shining with blue light, and the big Xia Qinglong under his feet roars, and then turns into a blue dragon-shaped streamer, which merges into Jin Jiangli's body.

   Great Xia national luck increases Jiang Li’s strength.

   "The Law of Darkness."

   Di Long shot, his hands pinched the seal, the totem appeared, it turned out to be a huge ‘black hole’ vortex, and the law of darkness spread.

   There is no sky.

   formed a dark world.


   The dark world actually fell to Wutian.

   "Di Long!"

   Wutian was taken aback, and then roared: "What are you going to do?"

   Boom! ! !

   Wutian quickly adjusted its direction, the Thunder Ocean collided with the dark world, and a terrifying explosion occurred, just like a star impact.

   destroyed everything.

   An endless storm shook away.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   even affected the battlefield below.

   The creatures of the three clans were all affected by this aftermath.

   "It's so powerful."

   Scarlet Lord raised his head, his expression shocked, "The ninth rank is really terrifying. If this aftermath is not supported by the military formation, I am afraid that the aftermath alone will smash many creatures in the battlefield."

   "The whole army listened to orders and immediately spread the battlefield."

   "Disperse quickly."

   "Avoid your majesty's combat range."


   The marshals and generals of the three clans shouted loudly and gave orders.


   Jiangli's gaze brightened, he took the opportunity to shoot, and the dominating dragon soldiers turned into a black dragon scale sword, and the blue dragon jade seal blessed on the dragon scale sword.

   "The Green Emperor Sword."


   Jiangli's figure flickered, teleported and disappeared, and then appeared behind Wutian in the next moment, and then pierced out with a sword, and the sword light was like a poisonous snake and pierced Wutian's forehead.

when! ! !

   The purple dragon imperial edict automatically protects the body, forming a purple light shield, blocking Jiang Li's sword.

"you wanna die."

   Wutian roared, turned around with a palm, like thunder shining, palm prints like electricity, blasted towards Jiang Li.

brush! ! !

   Jiangli teleported away, easily avoiding Wutian's palm. Wutian's palm fell to the ground and hit the empty space. The horrible palm power penetrated the sky and spread to the distance.

   "Space teleportation."

   Di Long's pupils contracted, staring at Jiang Li closely.

   "Di Long."

   Wutian raised his head, his eyes were cold, and he asked: "Why did you stop the emperor just now?"

   "It may be because you are so ugly."

   Jiangli shrugged.

"you shut up!"

   No heaven scolded.

   "Well, Xia Huang is right."

   Dillon said with a smile.


   Wutian's face was pale.

   The war of the tribal armies continues.

   But Wutian, Di Long, Jiang Li and they are in a deadlock.

  Wutian wants to kill Jiang Li, but Di Long wants to join forces with Jiang Li to kill Wutian, but Jiang Li wants to make Wutian and Di Long both lose, and then find a chance to kill.


Ti Lung was not completely sure that Wu Tian could be killed. He wanted to use Jiang Li's power to join forces to get rid of Wu Tian. When Wu Tian dies, the remaining cultivation base is only the eighth-order consummated Jiang Li, and he does not let himself. Butcher.


   Wutian also noticed it.

   So Wutian dare not act rashly.


Over time.

   The losses of the Daxia Legion are getting bigger and bigger.

   This is not good news for Jiang Li.

"Ha ha."

   Wutian sneered, "Jiang Li, don't think that Di Longan is kind, he just wants to use your power to jointly get rid of the emperor."

   "Let’s not say if you have this strength."

   "Even if you really succeed, do you think Ti Lung will let you go?"

   "Three clans battle."

   "From the beginning, there was only one winner."


   Jiangli was silent.


   Ti Lung laughed a few times, "Wu Tian, ​​are you scared?"


   Wutian shouted: "Ti Long, you don't think so much here. You should have seen just now that Jiang Li is able to teleport in space, which shows that Jiang Li is likely to master the power of space."

   "You should be very clear that the realm of space has always been only accessible to the ‘Emperor’, but Jiang Li has mastered it. Are you really sure you can take Jiang Li now?"


   Di Long's eyes flickered, and finally his expression became firm, and he said coldly: "Wu Tian, ​​shut up, this emperor doesn't know what you are talking about."



   The voice fell off.

   Di Long slew towards Wutian, and the huge dragon head slashed and killed, cutting out an extremely bright black sword light, as if splitting the sky.

   "Ti Long!!!"

   No sky roared, his eyes were cold, the purple dragon jade seal turned into a spear shining with thunder, the spear pierced out, and the purple lightning spear pierced the sky.


  The spear light collided with the knife light, and both sides exploded, evenly matched.

   "Then do it."

   Jiangli did not hesitate, he ordered four eighth-tier complete mechanical soldiers to join forces and quickly besieged Wutian, and the attacks containing the power of law fell.

  Since he can't be a oriole, he will shoot head-on and kill the opponent.

   "Thunder Dragon Defense!"

   hum! ! !

  With a long roar of Wutian, the lightning shield of the Purple Dragon's imperial edict spread out, forming a purple sphere, covering Wutian.

   bang bang bang! !

   After the attack of the four eighth-tier perfect mechanics fell, they were all blocked by the purple sphere mask.

   "The eighth order is complete."

   Wutian shouted in a deep voice: "Furthermore, there are four strong men who have mastered the profound meaning of the law, and their combat effectiveness has all reached the limit of Tier 8."

   "Jiang Li, what you hide is very deep."

   "If the emperor fails to break through to the early stage of the ninth stage, I am afraid that he is already dead now."

   "Black Dragon Slash!"


   Di Long slashed down, the jet-black blade light contained the power of the law of darkness, and it slashed directly at Wutian's head, but was blocked by Wutian's shot.

   "The Nine Seals of the Qing Emperor."


   Jiangli pinches the seal in his left hand, and holds the sword in his right, "The Law of Emperor Dao!"

   Boom! !


   released the power of the emperor's law.

  The texture of purple and gold intertwined the whole body.

   Increased Jiang Li's combat power.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Fierce battles.

   Jiangli united with four eighth-tier mechanical soldiers to assist Di Long in besieging Wutian, and the three emperors fought in battle, just like three streamers colliding continuously.

   Every confrontation produced a terrifying aftermath that swept around.

   Wutian's combat power is extremely strong.

   Jiangli and Dillon could not completely win Wutian.


   Wutian faced Jiang Li and Di Long's siege, obviously at a disadvantage, the rhythm of the battle was retreating, and it had been suppressed.


   Ti Long laughed wildly, "Wu Tian, ​​this time you will definitely die."

   "Dark Dragon's Breath Slash."


   Ti Lung roared, and released a powerful move, the dark law intertwined, the power of the national fortune, the totem secretary released.

   A huge black dragon appeared behind Ti Long.

   The black dragon roared.

   quickly roared out a dark dragon breath.

   This dark dragon's breath power was poured into the dragon head sword in Di Long's hand, and the blade was burning with a jet black flame, beating violently.


   Di Long slashed out, and the blade light burning with black flame hit Wutian like a giant dragon.

   "Blood awakening!"


   moments of crisis.

   The sky screamed to the sky, and the power of the terrifying blood exploded. His whole body swelled, and the endless thunder was shining, turning into a twin-winged thunder dragon.

   Road Thunder Dragon entangled himself.

   hum! Hum!

   Purple Dragon Jade Seal, a sacred artifact of the Purple Dragon, without a heavenly seal.

   The three Kowloon-class sacred artifacts of the imperial national destiny were integrated into the dragon's body.


   Dragon Yin is shaking the sky.

   Wutian opened his mouth wide, his eyes were like electricity, his wings vibrated, condensing energy, and then directly spit out a thick thunder dragon breath, with countless lightning intertwined.

  嘭! ! !

   The thunder dragon's breath collided head-on with the blade light burning with black inflammation. The scene was vast, and the energy continued to burst, forming a circle of energy aftermath.

   dazzling light blooms.

   formed a stalemate.

   "Star Fist!"

   "Swallow True Hitomi!"

   "The power of the law of purification!"

   "The power of the law of destruction!"

at this time.

   Wang Gang, No. WMS01, SSTS01, ML01, four tier eight complete mechanical soldiers, under Jiang Li's order, released the strongest blow.

   Boxing power, pupil light, sword light, sword light.

   killed Wutian from four directions at the same time.


   Wutian pupils shrink.

   hum! Hum!

  The power of the purple dragon imperial edict and the Wutian Fenghou Ling was released, forming a purple light shield. With a wave of Ti Long's right hand, the black dragon imperial edict and the Emperor Long Fenghou Ling flew out.

  嘭! Bang!

   The four Kowloon-class sacred artifacts of the Imperial Dynasty collided together.

   Wutian's defense was weakened.

   Click! Click! ! !


   Four attacks fell at the same time, shattering the purple light shield.

The Yu Wei contained in    blasted towards Wutian.


   No sky roars.

   "The Eighth Order Army Formation!"

   moments of crisis.

   hum! Hum! Hum! ! !

   The ten seventh-order behemoths of the monster army were fused together, and the ten seventh-order military formations gathered and quickly became an eighth-order military formation.


  The formation of an army formation quickly enveloped Wutian.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   In the eighth-order army array, there are countless thunder and lightnings. It is the world of thunder and lightning. Countless lightning intertwined, blocking all the attacks of the four eighth-order perfect mechanical soldiers.

   "The Eighth Order Army Formation."

   Ti Long's face sank, "The support is timely."

   "Arrange an array!"

   Dillon roared.




   Ten 7th-order military formations of the barbarians merged and quickly turned into an 8th-order military formation, forming a ‘dark law domain’, covering Ti Lung.

   Ti Lung received the blessing of the ‘dark law domain’.

   boom! ! !


   Di Long’s Dark Dragon Breath Slash and Wutian’s Thunder Dragon Breath were annihilated one after another, exploding, and the resulting aftermath shook both Di Long and Wutian away.


   Jiangli took this opportunity to catch up with Wutian by Space Teleport.

  锵! !

   The sound of the sword sounded.

   The blue and black sword light pierced Wutian.

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