The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 651: Sword world

  Wutian’s ‘Thunder Dragon’s Breath’ just now consumed a lot of his blood, and he had to retreat from the ‘awakened’ state, and the huge double-winged Thunder Dragon disappeared.

   Wutian changed back to its original state.

   his face was slightly pale.

   stabilized his figure.

  锵! ! !

   The sword of Jiangli is as fast as lightning, like a cyan lion piercing the sky, it is combined by the power of the three flowers, the power of the nation, and the power of the sacred artifact of the dynasty.

   plus the increase of the emperor's law.

   A very strong sword.

   has even surpassed the limit of the eighth order, reaching the level of a half-step ninth order.


   The timing of Jiangli’s attack was extremely delicate, just when the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born.

  Wutian had just stabilized his figure, and Jiang Li's sword had already been killed.


   Wutian pupils shrink.

Roar! !

   moments of crisis.

   ‘Tier 8 Army Formation-Thunder Law Domain’ is operating, and the vast thunders are gathered together, turning into a huge thunder dragon, rushing into it.

   boom! !

   The explosion sounded.

   Jiangli's sword stabbed Thunder Dragon, the two sides collided, bursts of energy burst, thunder overflowed, and many broken sword qi splashed around.


   Thunder Dragon exploded, but it also blocked Jiang Li's sword.



   Without a long whistle, I took the opportunity to counterattack. The spear that Yuxi had transformed was held tightly in his hand, and the energy gathered on the spear. The spear shook out to Jiangli while shaking.

   "Space Master."

   Jiangli had already activated the ‘Interstellar Domination Space Soldier’, and he released the ‘Space Master’ skill, which allowed him to manipulate a bit of space power.


   The figure flashed.

   Jiangli disappeared from the place in an instant, and moved in space, avoiding Wutian's gun. The purple spear light penetrated the sky, spreading to the distance, and finally disappeared gradually.

brush! brush! brush!

   The three parties retreated quickly.

   Wutian, Di Long, and Jiang Li all moved a distance apart, separated from each other by thousands of miles, standing in the east, west and south of the battlefield.

   staring at each other.

   Boom! boom! ! !

  'Thunder Law Domain' collided with'Dark Law Domain', and the powers of the two tier 8 army formations confronted each other, producing bursts of roar and shaking the Quartet.

   Jiangli was suppressed by the army, and his strength was weakened by several percent.

   "Arrange an array."

   Jiangli shouted.


   "Military fusion!"

   The generals of the Daxia Army responded in unison.

Roar! Roar!

   In a blink of an eye.

   There are ten giant beasts with a size of ten million meters fused with each other, and ten seventh-order military formations are combined to form an eighth-order military formation.

   turns into ‘Military Array Space’.

  锵锵锵锵! ! !

  'Military Formation Space' shrouded and covered Jiang Li. Jiang Li saw countless blue sword lights, and the sound of swords rang in his ears.

this moment.

   Jiangli seems to have entered the "world of swords".


   All the sword lights flickered.

   The eighth-order army formation-the infinite sword world.


   This ‘Eighth Order Army Formation-Infinite Sword Realm’ comes from the ‘Sword Dynasty’, and most of them are arranged by soldiers of the original Sword Dynasty.

   hum! ! !

   The power of "Infinite Sword Realm" was blessed by Jiang Li.

   "This is the increase of the eighth rank army."

   Jiangli took a deep breath. He felt the power of the ‘Military Formation’ and could clearly feel that he could manipulate the ‘Infinite Sword Realm’ as he wished and master the power of the ‘Infinite Sword Realm’.

   This force is extremely powerful.


   is within the scope of the "Infinite Sword World".

   Jiangli controls everything.


   Jiangli just waved his hand, and countless swords swept across it. It was like a picture of the return of ten thousand swords, and it contained powerful power and was full of shock.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Thunder law domain, dark law domain, infinite sword world.

   The three eighth ranks are fighting each other.

   Mutual stalemate.

   hum! Hum!


   in the entire battlefield.

   The creatures and soldiers of the three tribes fought each other. Every second, creatures fell, and a large number of remnants emerged, all of which were swallowed and absorbed by WMS01, SSTS01, and ML01.

   The evolution of the three mechanical special units is slowly increasing.


   Their degree of evolution has only reached one percent.

   The battlefield continues to the present.

   Only half an hour.

   The soldiers of the three tribes add up.

   billions have fallen.

   can see the cruelty of the battlefield.

   is like a meat grinder.


   On such a tragic battlefield, after the death of the creatures, the aftermath of the fighting energy swept the surroundings, and even the complete bones could not be preserved.

   The real ‘Bone Nothing’.

   [Capture a first-order soul fire! 】


   [Capture a second-tier soul fire! 】



   Jiangli's eyes also appeared a series of reminders, there are soul fires one after another, colorful, forming a torrent of fire, rushing to Jiangli.

   Capture as many as possible.

of course.

Jiang Li did not send a mechanical army. The creatures killed by the Daxia soldiers could not allow Jiang Li to capture the soul fire. All the soul fires captured were derived from the'nuclear army', and the'atomic bomb' and' hydrogen bomb'.

to be frank.

   No mechanical army was sent.

   This really caused Jiang Li to lose a lot of soul fire.


   If Jiang Li sent out the Mechanical Corps and showed a powerful army and terrifying combat effectiveness, he would definitely be jealous of Dillon and Wu Tian.

By the time.

   If Wu Tian and Ti Lung join forces to besieged Jiang Li.

   Then Jiang Li is really dangerous.

and so.

   Jiangli can only tolerate temporarily, and cannot send out the'mechanical legion'.


   Wutian took out an elixir and swallowed it, refined the elixir, and restored his bloodline power. Ti Lung immediately took the elixir to restore his own consumption.

brush! brush!

   Jiangli spent four energy points, restoring Wang Gang's energy.



   Di Long scolded, he took the lead and mobilized the power of the ‘dark law realm’, blessed him, and slashed against Wutian. The black sword light seemed to divide the sky in two.

   "The Nine Seals of the Qing Emperor."


   Jiangli also made a move. He pinched the seal with both hands, condensing a dharma seal, bursting out of the sky, rising against the wind, and turning into a star-like huge in an instant.

   The suppression was directed towards Wutian.

   "The nuclear flat palm."

   Wang Gang rushed forward, his palm prints fell, like a small sun was born.


   WMS01, SSTS01, ML01 followed closely behind.

   Surround and kill Wutian.


   No sky cold hum, high fighting spirit, he faced the enemy forward, speared out one after another, accompanied by thousands of thunder, blocked Ti Long's attack, and repelled Wang Gang and the others.

   boom! ! !

   The Blue Emperor's seal burst.



   Fierce fighting broke out again.

   Jiangli, Di Long, Wutian fiercely fought, and their moves were matched one after another. They all had their real skills and gradually hit the real fire.


  Wutian was at a disadvantage, but he abruptly resisted the siege of Di Long and Jiang Li, and in a short time he could not tell the winner.


   It is too difficult to kill an emperor who has reached the ninth rank. It is not so easy to do.


   Jiangli is not in a hurry.

  According to this situation.

   Even if they can't win Wutian, with the passage of time, countless creatures fall, WMS01, SSTS01, and ML01 have steadily improved their evolution degree with the help of the talent of ‘Evolution of Devouring’.

By the time.

   As long as their evolution degree is increased to 100%.

   will be able to promote them to the early stage of the ninth rank.

   Jiangli must be invincible.

time flies.

  The war lasted all night.

   Until the early morning of the next day.

   The morning sun is rising.

   The shouting and killing on the battlefield never stopped.

   The earth is cracked, the mountains are shattered, and the sky is everywhere.

   corpses are everywhere.

   A scene like purgatory.

  厮 was killed till now.

   Nearly hundreds of billions of soldiers have fallen.


   Wutian coughed up blood, his face was pale, the purple thunder light all over his body flickered, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he stared at Jiang Li and Di Long.

   "No sky."

   Di Lung's face turned pale, he was very exhausted, holding the dragon's head sword tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't struggle anymore, you will definitely die."

   hum! ! !

   Wang Gang and their bodies were covered with a white light, and after a few seconds, their injuries and broken arms recovered.


   Jiangli's face was also pale, the power of the three flowers in his body was exhausted, and the true spirit was somewhat dimmed.

To know.

   Jiangli, Di Long, and Wutian.

   The three emperors fought all night, Wutian was injured, and Ti Lung and Jiang Li were in bad condition. Speaking of which, this was the first time Jiang Li had fought for such a long time.


   Jiangli consumed energy points and restored Wang Gang and the others several times.


   The most dangerous time.

  Wu Tian, ​​in order to kill Jiang Li, resisted Ti Long's blow and slammed Jiang Li, but was blocked by Wang Gang and others. Wang Gang was almost torn to pieces by Wu Tian and scrapped.

   But in the end.

   Wutian was still blocked.


   Jiangli unfolded their information on ML01 and checked their degree of evolution, which has increased from 1% to 20%.

   is still a lot worse.

   is gradually approaching.

Jiang Li pondered in his heart, thinking about his own cards, secretly muttering, "The trillions of mechanical legions, coupled with the profound meaning of the law of the emperor-the mountains and rivers, and the ultimate move of the crown of the emperor, 'Dominate the manipulators', borrowing the power of Wang Gang and the others, merge the power of the four rules."

   "If you finally burst out with all your strength."

   "My combat effectiveness can definitely reach the level of the initial stage of the ninth stage."


   "There is only one chance. If you fail, then your previous efforts will be lost."

   "Don't be reckless."

   "Furthermore, I cannot guarantee that Wu Tian and Ti Lung have no hole cards."

   Jiangli shook his head.

the other side.

   The coastline of San Anju.

  East, West, North, and South.

  Four big ocean areas.

  The dynastic coalition formed by the Sea Dynasty at this moment.

   rumbling! ! !

   The sea vibrated and the tsunami soared.

   set off a huge wave of tens of thousands of meters.

   "The time has come."

   "The whole army followed the order and landed in San Anzhou."


   "The whole army goes out!!"

   If you look down at the entire San Anju from the sky, you will find that from the four sea areas, the fleets of many maritime dynasties are approaching towards San Anju.

   ten minutes later.

   Those huge sea ships docked on the coast of St. Ann.

   "Activate'Floating Formation'."

   "The seaship lifts off!"

   hum! Hum!

   The sea ships lit up with a bright light, arranged a ‘floating formation’, forming a formation, and the sea ships floated up from the sea.

   In a blink of an eye.

   shrouded the sky.

   ‘Sea Ship’ became ‘Floating Battleship’.


   The imperial army in the four sea areas successfully landed in San Anju.

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