The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 652: Scared

To know.

   Great Xia Dynasty occupies three territories in the north, west and east of San Anzhou.

   So after the imperial regiment landed in San Anju in the four sea areas.

   The Great Xia Dynasty also encountered the joint invasion of the "Three Emperors Sea" in the Northern Seas, the "Chongming Seas" in the Western Seas, and the "Sea Dragon Seas" in the Eastern Seas.

and so.

   Although Jiangli occupied three-fifths of San Anju, it was also facing the invasion of the Imperial Army in the three seas.


   Whether it is a monster or a barbarian.

   They had actually anticipated that the Imperial Army Corps in the four sea areas would invade St. Anzhou when the decisive battle broke out.

and so.

   Wutian occupied the ‘San Anju Central Region’, which is in the center of the ‘San Anju’. Relatively speaking, there is no need to worry about the invasion of the Imperial Army in the sea.

   Dillon only occupied the ‘Southern Territory of Sheng’an State’ and only needed to deal with the invasion of the ‘Tuoba Sea’s in the southern sea.

   On the contrary, Jiang Li was under the greatest pressure.

   North Border.

   Around the coastline.

   Three Emperors Sea Area.

  Menglong Dynasty, Haihuang Dynasty, Penglai Dynasty.

  The navies of the three dynasties all landed successfully. All the ‘sea ships’ used the ‘floating formation’ to fly into the sky, and the ‘navy’ became an ‘air force’.

   The legion rushed to the land.

   The Three Emperors' coalition formed an extremely large army.

   gathered together.

   has reached 200 billion troops.

   is huge.


   Around the coastline.

  Chongming the sea.

   Heavy Demon Dynasty, Mingyue Dynasty, Chaotian Dynasty.

  The navies of the three major dynasties also landed at the same time, the ‘seaship’ became a ‘floating warship’, the ‘navy’ became an ‘air force’, and the army successively flew onto the land.

   Chongming coalition forces are mighty.

   Their military strength has reached 200 billion.

At last.

  'Hailong Sea Area' in the east.

   There is only one ‘sea dynasty’, named ‘sea dragon dynasty’. The ‘sea dragon dynasty’ completely unifies the entire ‘sea dragon sea dynasty’ and is the top dynasty.

   has assembled an army of 400 billion soldiers.

   marched towards the middle area.

   hum! Hum!


  Mechanical space station base, as well as interstellar space station base, transmitted the pictures of the maritime regiments in the north, west, and east to the ‘Interstellar Base 01’.


After receiving the news, the'Qianlong' in the'Interstellar Base 01' immediately sent a message to Jiangli through the'Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base' and reported: "The Northern Sea of ​​the Three Emperors, the Eastern Sea of ​​the Sea Dragon, and The sea fleet's whereabouts were discovered around the coast of the'Chongming Sea Area' in the west."

   "They have logged in."

"among them."

   "The strength of the coalition army in the Three Emperors Sea Area and the coalition army in the Chongming Sea Area both reached 200 billion, and the ‘Sea Dragon Dynasty’ in the Sea Dragon Sea area dispatched 400 billion troops."

   "The total strength of the enemy has reached 800 billion."

   "Sea Dynasty Dynasty."

   Jiangli's expression sank, and he reacted quickly, "The total force of the fleet in the sea area has reached a level of 800 billion."


   Jiangli ordered: "I immediately report the direction of the army marching in the three sea areas."


   Qianlong responded, "It can be confirmed that the Marching direction of the Three Emperors Allied Forces, the Chongming Allied Forces, and the Sea Dragon Corps, and the Three Sea Territory Corps are all directed towards the'San Anzhou Central Region'."

   "Immediately activate the'Interstellar Mechanical Space Station Base', the transmission target: 500 billion mechanical soldiers, the transmission destination: the coast of the northern border of San Anzhou."

   "The western and eastern borders of St. Anju are not important. Even if the western and eastern borders are lost, it has nothing to do, because only the northern border of St. Anju is the headquarters of the Great Xia Dynasty."

   "Sending a 500 billion mechanical army to block the Three Emperors is enough."

   "As for the Chongming Allied Forces and the Sea Dragon Army, let them come to the Central Region."

   "It is impossible for me to stop the dynasty legion in the three seas."


   Qianlong responded quickly.


   ‘Interstellar Machinery Space Station Base’ was launched.

   An invisible space beam descended, covering the Interstellar Mechanical Arsenal of the 01 Legion Base, and then spatial fluctuations emerged.

   The ‘500 billion mechanical soldiers’ in the interstellar mechanical arsenal were all teleported away.

   The screen turns.

   The sky over the northern coastline.

   Shortly after the Allied Forces of the Three Emperors landed.

   Haihuang, Menglong, Penglai.

   The three sea emperors gathered, the marching army was moving, covering the whole army, they led the Three Emperors' coalition army, and advanced at full speed.


   Position directly ahead.

   A full 500 billion mechanical soldiers arrived out of thin air. They appeared very abruptly, without the slightest sign, just appeared out of thin air.

   sent over.


   Poseidon’s pupils shrink.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

next moment.

   The mechanical legion directly launched an offensive, and countless artillery, artillery shells, energy missiles, and even a nuclear explosion group bombed the Three Emperors.

   "It was the "Mysterious Legion" that invaded the "Three Emperors Sea"."

   "It's... it's them!"

"Be careful!!"

   "Ready to fight!"

   "Arrange an array!!"

  Menglong, Penglai they roared loudly.

   hum! Hum! !

Roar! !

   The military formation is running, and the endless evil spirits of the military gather and shake the four directions. Because of the time is too hasty, it is just a rank seven military formation.

   formed several giant army formations.

   roaring the sky.

   rumbling! ! !

   The bombardment of the mechanical legion has come, and the explosion has exploded, and countless fires have soared into the sky, and the entire sky is all covered by the dazzling explosion.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Extremely intensive firepower.

   There is no pause for even a second.


   screaming sounded.

  The terrifying firepower is constantly bombarding the seventh-order military formation, even if the seventh-order military formation can block the bombing and coverage of firepower, it will consume a lot of energy.

   Many soldiers were backlashed.

   died one after another.

the most important is.

   The bombing of the Mechanical Corps did not have any pauses or intervals.


   Very scary!

   The firepower network formed by the 500 billion mechanical army is too terrifying.

   "Damn it!"

   Poseidon’s pupils shrank, and he roared, "Do it!"


   The sea emperor made a long roar, the real dragon of national fate manifested, and rushed out of the army, facing the sky full of artillery and nuclear explosions, rushing away at speed.


   The blue light of the knife tore open the firepower web of the mechanical legion.


  Menglong, the two sea emperors of Penglai took action one after another, rushing forward, the fighting power of Tier 8 exploded, and the terrifying attack burst, blocking the bombing of the mechanical legion.

   "Energy beam!"

at this time.

   From the mechanical legion.

   That is the emergence of huge ‘planet-class space combat ships’, and the number has reached 50,000, forming a terrifying battleship fleet.

brush! brush! brush!

   A full 50,000 ‘planet-class space combat ships’ simultaneously released the strongest ‘skills—energy-concentrating beams’, concentrating nuclear energy and condensing them into beams.

   seems to run through the space.

   The black ‘energy-gathering beam’, like an ‘interstellar railgun’, simultaneously bombarded Haihuang, Menglong, and Penglai.


   Haihuang and their pupils contracted.

   "Block me!!!"


   hum! Hum! ! !

   In an instant.

   They manifested the sacred artifacts of the national fortune, forming a series of light shields, blocking them, and 50,000 ‘energy-gathering beams’ bombarded those light shields.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   The explosion sounded.

   said ‘energy-gathering beam’ burst.

   Click! Click!

   There were cracks in the light shields.

   rumbling! ! !


   All the light shields exploded, but they also blocked the 50,000 energy-gathering beams.

To know.

   The power of each ‘energy-gathering beam’ is enough to penetrate a planet.

   Five thousand roads add up.

   Its power can be called ‘destroy the world’.


   Three eighth-order emperors joined forces.

   still blocked.


   Sea Emperor and the others also consumed a lot, their faces became paler, and the energy in their bodies was almost exhausted.

   "Seventh order! Fifty thousand seventh orders!"

   Haihuang's pupils shrank, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

   "Emperor Dynasty! This must be the Emperor Dynasty!!!"

   Menglong screamed in surprise.

   Penglai looked terrified, "There are millions of Tier 6, and there are a full 50,000 Tier 7, and the opponent's soldiers, the weakest are all Tier 2, who can send such an army besides the Emperor?"

   "The opponent must be from the imperial dynasty!"

   "Emperor Dynasty actually intervened in St. Anzhou."

   "Energy beam!"

  咻咻咻! !

   The'Mechanical Legion' did not give the Sea Emperor and the others any breathing time, 50,000 planet-class space combat ships attacked again, releasing 50,000 ‘energy-concentrating beams’.

   comes through.


  At this moment of crisis.

  The eighth-order army formation was formed.

   was transformed into a ‘military array space’.

   blocked all 50,000 energy-concentrating beams.


   A large number of soldiers were backlashed by the eighth rank army.

   screamed again and again.

   Numerous casualties.


   Sea Emperor roared loudly: "The whole army retreat!"

   "An emperor intervened in'San Anju', and we rushed in to die. Compared with the'no god', we are just bigger ants."

   "While the opponent hasn't sent an eighth-tier powerhouse over! Hurry up!"

   Menglong and Penglai quickly issued the order to retreat.


   The Allied Forces of the Three Emperors fled the northern border of St. Anzhou and returned to the sea area of ​​the Three Emperors at the fastest speed under the firepower bombing of the ‘Eighth Order Army’.


It can be said.

   As soon as the Three Emperors' coalition landed, they were blocked by the'Mechanical Legion'. In addition, Jiang Li once sent the'Mechanical Legion' to search for resources in the Three Emperors Sea, which left a deep impression on Haihuang and the others.

   As soon as the'Mechanical Legion' appeared and showed its terrifying strength, it directly frightened the Sea Emperor and their courage, deeply thinking that the'Mechanical Legion' came from an unknown ‘Emperor’.


   left behind the bodies of billions of soldiers and fled.


   With the combat power of the ‘Three Emperor’s Alliance’, if the Sea Emperor and the others were not scared away, but would fight head-on with Jiang Li’s ‘Mechanical Legion’.

   Although the strength of Jiangli's mechanical army is more than twice that of the Three Emperors' Allied Forces, and in terms of quality, it far exceeds the Three Emperors' Allied Forces.


   The Allied Forces of the Three Emperors rely on the power of the ‘Eighth-Order Army Array’, plus the Sea Emperor, who are the eighth-tier powerhouses.


   Jiangli’s'Mechanical Corps', even if it can win, will have to pay an extremely heavy price, and even 90% of the 500 billion mechanical soldiers will be scrapped.


   Qianlong reported the battle to Jiang Li, "The'Three Emperors' in the North have been repulsed."

"it is good."

  Jiang sighed in relief.

at the same time.

   The Chongming Allied Forces and the Sea Dragon Corps are not blocked by the army, UU reading www.uukanshu. The two armies of com were unimpeded and quickly approached the central area of ​​San Anzhou.

Roar! ! !

   Da Xia Qinglong made waves of dragons, and the national fortune was slightly shaken, but there was not much change.


   The base camp of the Great Xia Dynasty was in the north. Although the west and east were invaded and the territory was occupied, the influence on the nation's fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty was not great, only a slight shock.

Roar! !


at this time.

   Surprise happened.

   Di Long's complexion changed drastically, and the four-clawed black dragon rushed out of his body, making waves of dragons, and the national fortune shook violently.

   Emperor Longman Dynasty is obviously different.

   The dynasty coalition forces of the'Tuoba Sea Area' invaded into the southern border, and the base camp of the Emperor Longman Dynasty was in the southern border. Therefore, after the enemy invaded and the territory was captured, the national fortune was violently shaken.

"It's now."

   Boom! !

Wutian raised his head, a crazy look appeared on his face, incarnate as a'double-winged thunder dragon', roaring again and again, gathering the power of the whole body, and killing him, "Ti Long, the emperor waited for this opportunity for a long time. Up!"

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