The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 653: Holy stele

   Wutian had anticipated in advance that the Imperial Legion of the Four Great Oceans would invade San Anzhou at the time of the tribal battle.


   He doesn't know when the Sea Territory Dynasty Legion will invade.

and so.

   Wutian has been secretly insisting and waiting.

   is waiting for the opportunity for the coalition army of the'Tuoba Sea' to invade the southern border of San Anju.

To know.

  The base camp of the Emperor Longman Dynasty is in the south of St. Anzhou.

   In addition, Di Long has led all the barbarian armies to the central area of ​​San Anzhou, resulting in no barbarian army stationed in the imperial dynasty.

   So the southern border was invaded by the sea dynasty coalition forces.

   Territories are lost one after another.

  The barbarians in the southern border were slaughtered by the coalition army of the "Tuoba Sea".

   This caused a violent turbulence in the national fortune of the Emperor Dragon Barbarian Dynasty. The Ti Lung who was protected by the true dragon of the national fortune naturally suffered the backlash of the national fortune and his breath became unstable.


   Dillon was coughing up blood even more.

   His face was pale, and the four-clawed black dragon appeared and hovered above his head. The national fortune was shaking extremely violently, and the true dragon of national fortune also made a slightly painful dragon roar.


   Wutian's attack has been killed, and the huge body is as fast as lightning.

   The Law of Thunder, the power of blood, the power of national destiny, and the power of the three sacred artifacts of imperial national destiny quickly merged into one.

   Finally, the increase of ‘Tier 8 Army Formation-Thunder Law’ is added.

   "Thunder and Dragon's Breath."

Roar! ! !

   Wutian roared, he had already transformed into a "double-winged thunder dragon", opened his blood basin and his mouth once again roared out a terrifying breath of the thunder dragon, endless thunder shining, and quickly gathered together.

   is like a very thick purple thunder beam.

   penetrated to Dillon.

   "Dark Law Domain!"

   hum! ! !

   moments of crisis.

  The ‘Tier 8 Army Array’ of the Barbarian Legion quickly turned around, born with endless darkness, and finally formed a huge black sun, hanging high in the air.

   exudes immense light.

   boom! ! !

   In an instant.

   The skyless thunder dragon breath penetrated and directly hit the jet-black sun that was condensed by the'eighth rank army formation-dark law domain'.

   The two sides hit each other.

   There was a earth-shattering explosion, the light was immense, and the vast and boundless energy raged, as if the space was torn apart.

   shook the sky.

   bang bang bang! ! !

  The light of energy bursts out continuously, forming a dazzling flame like fireworks, the black light and purple light of the sky are intertwined.



   The black sun exploded, and the Thunder Dragon's Breath smashed it to pieces, and even penetrated the entire dark law domain, unable to withstand Wutian's full blow.

   This is obvious.

   The power of the ‘Eighth-Order Army Array-Dark Law Domain’ is indeed very powerful, but after all, it is only an eighth-order army array and cannot block the power of the ninth order.


   Di Long screamed, and the remaining power of the thunder and dragon's breath hit him, tearing the defenses on Di Long's body.

   Dillon screamed again and again, vomiting blood, and staggering back.

at the same time.

   Click! Click!

   After the black sun exploded and the ‘dark law’ was penetrated, the ‘dark law’ began to shatter gradually.

   There were cracks in the entire eighth-tier ‘Military Array Space’.



   ‘Tier 8 Army Formation-Dark Law Domain’ finally failed to hold on, and completely exploded and shattered.

   This eighth-order army formation was broken by Wutian.

   The aftermath of the explosion shook the Quartet, and there was an extremely vast energy storm sweeping the surrounding space.

   This kind of scene is extremely astonishing, Jiang Li is the first time to see what kind of scene the eighth rank army is broken, it is like a small world shattered and destroyed.

   As if the space collapsed.


  Countless barbarian soldiers screamed, vomiting blood, even bleeding from the seven orifices, falling straight down, and being killed by the army.

   There are serious casualties.

to be frank.

   Jiangli also did not expect Wutian to have such a hand, waiting for the invasion of the Imperial Army of the Sea, and waiting for Ti Lung to be attacked by the national movement.

the most important is.

   It depends on this situation.

   Wutian seems to be about to succeed.

   "Ready to shoot."


   Jiangli took a deep breath, fixed his eyes on Wu Tian and Ti Lung, and mobilized a lot of power, the emperor's magic array, the power of national destiny, and the three sacred artifacts of the Kowloon-level dynasty's national destiny were also mobilized.

  In addition.

   Wang Gang and they are also accumulating strength.

   For Jiang Li.

  Whether it is killing Wutian or Di Long, the result is the same. Jiang Li originally wanted to be able to kill Wutian and Di Long.


   Wutian took advantage of the victory and pursued it. The purple thunder was shining, and the thunder wings vibrated, like a bolt of lightning piercing the sky and slammed into Di Long.

Roar! ! !

   Dragon Yin is shaking the sky.

  The skyless dragon claws stick out, entwining countless thunders, tearing to Di Long.


   The explosion sounded.

   Dillon was blasted out by a claw, spit out a mouthful of blood.

   "No sky!"

  Di Lung quickly stabilized his figure, he raised his head, his pale face was not flustered at all, and he shouted loudly: "Don't think that you are the only one who anticipated the invasion of the sea dynasty."

   "The emperor has already prepared."

   "Sacred Monument of Town Country!"


   The voice fell off.

   Ti Long waved his right hand and took out a black ‘Holy Stele’.

   There are four words on the tablet: Zhenguo Sacred Tablet.


   This is a sacred artifact for national luck, a special type of sacred artifact.

   is somewhat similar to Jiang Li’s "Crown of the King".


  'Emperor's Crown' allows Jiang Li to temporarily gain'Emperor's Power'.

   and it is a special one-off holy artifact.

   The "Sacred Stele of the Town of the Country" is completely different.

can be seen.

   When Ti Lung used the "Sacred Stele of Town and Country", the turbulent dynasty's fortune was immediately stabilized.

Roar! !

   The four-clawed black dragon roared and merged into Di Long's body again.


   Boom! boom!

   Dillon roared, the power of the totem exploded, and the forces merged, splitting out a series of blades.

   blocked Wutian's fight.

   "The sacred monument of the town country."

   Wutian's expression darkened, "You actually have this kind of thing."

   "Damn it!"

   Wutian’s expression is ugly, and he feels very upset.

   "Sure enough, Ti Lung still has a back hand."

   Jiangli saw this scene, did not rush to do it, and thought to himself: "It is extremely difficult to kill a ninth-order emperor."

   "Wu Tian must also hide his hole cards."

To know.

   Whether it is Ti Lung or Wu Tian, ​​they have been able to get to where they are today and have experienced too much.

   can be said to have gone through the dangers and difficulties again and again.

   In other words.

   They are all characters with destiny and luck.

   wants to kill them.

very difficult.


   Wutian took advantage of the turbulence of the emperor dragon's national fortune, and Di Long was backlashed and wounded Di Long.

   wants to kill Ti Lung.

   As a result, Dillon took out the ‘Sacred Monument of Town and Country’ and stabilized the situation in one fell swoop.


   Jiangli's eyes flickered, and he waved his right hand and ordered Wang Gang and the others to do it. Wang Gang and the others broke through the sky and quickly combined with Di Long to kill Wutian.

   "Asshole thing!"

   Wutian yelled, thunder sea expanded, countless thunder smashed over, knocking Wang Gang and the others away.

   "Arrange an array!"

   Dillon shouted.


Roar! ! !


   is another ten seventh-order army formation giants fused together.

   is brilliant, dazzling, covering the sky of one party.


   There were countless black knife lights.

   floods the sky.

   eventually formed the'eighth rank army formation-the black light knife world'.

   successfully arranged.


   Dillon roared, and the fighting went to Wutian, and fierce fighting broke out.

   Jiangli followed suit.

   is basically Ti Lung's main force, Jiang Li assists.

   Start when you have a chance, avoid it when you have no chance.


  WMS01, their evolution is slowly improving.

the other side.

   Three Emperors Sea Area.

   Sea Emperor and the others fled back into the sea after they fled from the north.


   Sea Emperor and they contacted the dynasty coalition forces in the other three sea areas and informed the sea dynasties of their guess.

   "Sea Emperor, do you think they will listen to our evacuation?"

   Menglong asked.

"do not know."

   Haihuang shook his head, "Anyway, we have done our best."

   "That's right."

   Penglai nodded and said, "No matter if they will withdraw or not, I will definitely withdraw."

   "I will not only evacuate, but after returning to the Penglai dynasty, I will also take the entire Penglai dynasty and escape from the Three Emperors Sea, completely far away from St. Anzhou."

   "Otherwise, after the unknown emperor takes possession of San Anzhou, they will free up their hands, and they will definitely clear the surrounding waters."

   "If I don't take this opportunity to escape, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape again."

   "It makes sense."

   Haihuang nodded.

   "We will run away together then."

   Menglong said.

the other side.

   South of St. Anju.

   The three dynasties that extended the sea.

   Shanhe Dynasty, Moyue Dynasty, Takui Dynasty.

   The coalition armies of these three great dynasties have already landed in the southern border of San Anzhou.


   The strength of the coalition army has reached 300 billion.

  Because there is no obstacle from the barbarian army, the extension coalition forces have been unimpeded all the way, attacking the city and occupying the barbarian capitals.

   slaughtered a large number of barbarians.

   "It's ridiculous."

   The emperor of the Shanhe Dynasty sneered You have all received the news from the Sea Emperor, right? "


   The emperor of the Moyue Dynasty nodded, and said, "I got it. They said that there was an unknown imperial dynasty in San Anzhou."


   The emperor of the Takuri Dynasty ‘Takuyang’ laughed, "Do you believe it? The emperor doesn’t believe it anyway."

   "What kind of dynasty, it seems that the sea emperor and the others are too courageous."

   "That's right."

   Ba Shanhe nodded, "Ignore the Sea Emperor and the others. According to our current marching speed, we will definitely arrive in the middle of San Anzhou before tonight."

   "It is estimated that the Sea Dragon Corps will arrive at the same time if the Allied Forces are renamed."

   "At that time, our three armies will successfully join forces and we will surely destroy the barbarians, humans and monsters in San Anzhou."


   West and East.

   The Chongming Allied Forces and the Sea Dragon Legion also received news from the Sea Emperor.


   They ignored it.

   They didn't believe what the Sea Emperor said at all. In their opinion, it was impossible for the emperor to intervene in St. Anju.

   They have never received such news.

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