The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 655: fighting

   Countless flares, soaring artillery and missiles, and the laser beams, formed a scene like a galaxy.

   Countless bombings hit the battlefield in the middle area.

"Be careful!"

"this is……"

   "Avoid them."

   "There are too many to avoid, and it is impossible to avoid it."

   "Then blast them to pieces!"

   "Arrange an array! Use a military array to resist!"

   In the battlefield.

   The pupils of countless creatures shrank, and they watched the gunfire falling from the sky, yelling loudly, and displayed numerous methods.

To know.

   Jiangli’s mechanical legion’s attack enveloped most of the battlefield, almost covering the barbarians, monster tribes, and the sea dynasty legions.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   The explosion sounded constantly.

   A creature on the battlefield released a series of attacks, with totems, beams of blood condensed by the power of blood, and various attacks of mixed blood and alien races.

   There are more beams of array method.

   formed a stream of light in the sky.

   The attacks of these creatures collided with the shells, energy missiles, laser beams, and even the nuclear explosive light group of the mechanical army in mid-air.

   rumbling! ! !

  The earth-shaking roar and explosion sounded through the entire battlefield in the middle area, and you could see the extremely splendid explosion flame, flooding the sky.

   The aftermath of the explosion swept around.


   The attacks of these creatures only blocked a small part of the firepower. Nearly 70% to 80% of the firepower was not blocked and all fell.


   hum! Hum! ! !

   The army is running.

   The eighth-order army formation cooperates with the seventh-order army formation to form a'army formation space' and a huge army formation giant with a size of ten million meters, blocking the fire bombing of the mechanical army.

   this time.

   The sound of the explosion was at least several times that of the previous one, and the flames of energy soaring into the sky were endless, reaching the level of thousands of miles.

   Very scary.


   screaming sounded.

   In the battlefield, there are countless creatures screaming and screaming, vomiting blood, even bleeding from seven holes, or being sucked into corpses by the seventh and eighth military formations.

   Numerous casualties.

brush! brush! brush! ! !


   from the battlefield.

   Above the corpses, soul fires of different colors flew out, forming a flood of fires, like a rainbow, rushing towards Jiang Li.

   and then capture all of them.

   [Capture a first-tier soul fire! 】


   [Capture a Tier 5 soul fire! 】


   in front of my eyes.

   jumped out a series of prompts.

"it is good."

   Jiangli smiled on his face.

   My heart moved.

   He closed the prompt window.


   The power of the seventh and eighth ranks is very powerful, covering a wide range, and can block any long-range attacks below the seventh and eighth.


The power of    military formations can also form extremely strong suppression.

   Boom! boom! boom!


   The mechanical corps’ fire bombardment was followed by a round without even a half-second pause. When the soldiers on the battlefield blocked the first round of bombing, the second round of artillery fire had fallen.

   "Daxia Dynasty!"

   Di Long's pupils contracted, his eyes staring at Jiang Li, and a look of anger appeared on his face, "How is it possible? How could such a huge and terrifying army appear in the Great Xia Dynasty?"

   "The number of troops is too much."


   Di Lung was shocked.

   Such a sudden change completely exceeded his expectations.

   "Sure enough."

   Wutian's eyes were gloomy, and he looked at the mechanical legion that suddenly appeared, his expression became more and more ugly, "I didn't expect it to be wrong, Jiang Li really hid a hand."


   "Trillions of legions, and the weakest ones have reached the second-tier level, so many soldiers can be hidden, until now."

   "No sky."

   Sea Dragon God shouted: "Where are you looking?"

   "Sword Light Purgatory!"


   In an instant.

   The sea dragon **** screamed and released his moves. The power of the demon **** was surging, and the vast blue light condensed into countless water knives, covering the sky, like a rainstorm, and countless water knives sharply slashed towards Wutian.

   "Thunder Sea."

   Click! Click!

   There is no sky and howl.

   The endless thunderbolt manifested and condensed into a vast thunder sea. Wutian was in the center of the thunder sea, and countless thunderbolts raged and blocked the sea dragon god’s attack.

  The battle between the two sides gradually became fierce.

It can be said.

  As soon as the Sea Dragon God appeared, his goal was to kill Wutian. Although Jiang Li's mechanical legion shocked him, compared to killing Wutian, other things were temporarily irrelevant.

the most important is.

  In the eyes of Sea Dragon God.

   No matter how strong the army of the Great Xia Dynasty is, no matter how many soldiers there are, after all, there will be no ninth-tier powerhouse who can set the world, so it is not a concern.

   Boom! boom! boom! !

   on the battlefield.

   Because of the emergence of the mechanical legion, the war became more fierce and chaotic, and the fire bombing of the mechanical legion did not even stop for half a second.


"dash forward!"

   "Kill them!"


   The soldiers of the sentient beings also reacted quickly.

can be seen.

brush! brush! brush!

   With the 7th Tier Army formation resisting the bombardment of firepower, countless floating warships rushed to the mechanical legion, and the two sides directly rushed together.

   hum! Hum!

   The seventh-order army formation and the eighth-order army formation immediately suppressed the strength of the mechanical soldiers.



   Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian and the others yelled, the army formation was in motion, and the seventh and eighth army formations were arranged, covering the mechanical legion.


   The suppression of the enemy's military formation was cancelled out.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Aerial battlefield.

  The soldiers of the barbarian race, the soldiers of the heterogeneous race, were fighting in close combat with the mechanical soldiers. The shells and missiles bombed away, and they were all blocked by the opponent.

   Strong personal force and technological soldiers fight head-on.


   screaming sounded.

   There are many soldiers who fell, their bodies fell from the air, and one after another floating warships were directly sunk by the planet-class space combat ships.

of course.

  While killing a large number of enemy soldiers, a large number of mechanical soldiers were also scrapped due to excessive damage, turning into scrap iron and falling from the air.

   "Seventh rank! A hundred thousand full seventh rank!"

   Lin Tianjian and the others looked excited, and said excitedly: "That's the seventh rank, there are a full 100,000 people, this is really incredible."

   "In addition, there are millions of sixth orders."

   "The fifth order is even more numerous."


   Wu Wuji took a deep breath, looked up at the mechanical legion, and said: "I understand a little bit now, why Chizhu and Brown Laohui chose Daxia Dynasty and His Majesty Xia."

   "Xia Huang, you hide so deeply!"

   Di Long's expression was so gloomy to the extreme, the killing intent on his whole body soared, as if it turned into substance, and roared: "Kill!!!"


   Dragon chants sounded.

   Di Long's figure broke through the air, ignoring the emperors of the sea dynasty, and slammed straight towards Jiang Li, holding the dragon head sword in both hands, splitting a jet black blade.

   The sword light seems to divide the space in two.

   "Star Fist!"


   Wang Gang took the lead and yelled, the power of the nuclear explosion condensed and compressed, and the power of fist formed a black fist that penetrated the sky.

   blocked Dillon’s knife.


   The exploded Yu Wei blasted Wang Gang out. The military uniform on his body was torn apart by the broken sword energy, and there were also knife marks on his body.

   Damage degree increased by 10%.

   "You want to block the emperor even with the eighth level?"

   Di Long Long Xiao, three pieces of Nine Dragons-class national sacred artifact protectors, all kinds of energy fusion, powerful, and terrifying momentum, passed Wang Gang and killed Xiang Jiangli.

brush! brush! brush!


   Dillon has not yet approached, SSTS01, WMS01, ML01, three complete special mechanical soldiers of Tier 8 blocked his way.

   "The Azure Emperor Sword!"


   Jiangli held the dragon scale long sword in his hand, and took the opportunity to cut it out with a single sword. The bright cyan sword light was cut down, and the sharp sword light slashed towards Di Long's neck.

   "I can't help myself."


   Di Long's whole body shook, and the black light rushed into the sky, turning into a totem like a black hole whirlpool, swallowing and crushing the cyan sword light that Jiang Li had cut out.

   "Jiang Li."

   Di Long shouted: "How can you imagine the power of the ninth rank."



   Di Long's figure is like light, and the totem like a black hole whirlpool blends into one with him. He is powerful and powerful, and he rushes towards Jiang Li.

   "Your Majesty, be careful!"

   Wu Wuji they shouted.

   Boom! boom! !

next moment.

  The eighth-order powerhouses of the barbarian and demon clan killed Wu Wuji, and six emperors of the sea dynasty, including Takuri, Moyue, also joined the eighth-order battlefield.

   Quartet melee.

   The aftermath of the battle seemed to tear the sky apart.

   "Star Fist!"

   "The power of the law of purification!"

   "Swallow True Hitomi!"

   "The power of the law of destruction!"

   Boom! boom!

   Wang Gang, No. WMS01, SSTS01, ML01, four complete eighth-tier mechanical soldiers have accumulated the strongest strength and the strongest skills.

   formed four terrifying beams, intertwined with each other.

   blasted towards Ti Long.

   "The Law of Darkness!"


   Di Long scolded, his eyes burning, the power of the law of darkness intertwined, and he raised the dragon head long knife in his hand, "Black Light Knife World, Knife Light Converges, Sinking Knife!"

can be seen.

  The dragon head long knife combines heavy energy, countless knives and lights are intertwined, blooming with infinite light, and the surrounding space seems to be eroded by darkness.



   Di Long cut out with this knife, and the black light of the knife fell, Jiang Li seemed to see the world sink into an endless darkness and purgatory-like scene.

   As if this knife can destroy the world and sink the world.

   Boom! boom! boom! boom!

   The explosion sounded.

   The blade light slashed down, shattering Wang Gang's attacks one after another, the punches shattered, the sword shattered, and the huge swallowing magic eye like the eye of God was also shattered.


   There was an explosion.

  Wang Gang and the others were all smashed out, and the waist was even more split. They were almost cut in the middle by Ti Long, and the damage increased sharply.

   almost scrapped.


   Jiangli's pupils contracted, and immediately consumed four energy points to restore Wang Gang and the others.

   "Suffer to death!"


   Di Long's expression was slightly mad, the sword beam transformed by the sinking knife cut away Wang Gang and the others, its power was weakened, and then it slashed towards Jiang Li.

   "Dominate the manipulators to start!"

   hum! Hum!

   Jiang thought with a centrifugal thought, and with the help of the ‘Master Auxiliary’, four ‘Master Manipulation Robots’ were activated at the same time, "Manipulation targets: GD01, WMS01, SSTS01, ML01."

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