The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 656: Fall

   "Space Master."


   Jiangli's figure flickered, teleporting back, "Momentary!"

   "Jiang Li, you can't escape."

   Dillon shouted: "Even if you can teleport, it's useless!"

   "Control skills: Star Fist, the power of the law of purification, the power of the law of destruction, devour the true pupil!"


   Jiangli looked calm.

First of all.

   Jiangli used a space teleport to extend the distance, and he also won the world where he could use his skills. Four skills were released at the same time.



   Jiangli raised the dragon scale long sword in his hand.

this moment.

   The sword is infinitely wide.

   The blue dragon roared.

   The compressed nuclear explosive power, the law of purification, the law of destruction, and the power of the law of swallowing contained in the engulfing true pupil contained in the star-fighting fist.

   The four powers are integrated into this sword.


   Jiangli’s own three-flower gathering power, the power of the imperial national destiny, the power of the three Kowloon-class imperial national destiny artifacts, and the power of the eighth-order army formation-the infinite sword world are also integrated.

   "The Law of Emperor Dao!"


   Jiangli governs everything with the "Emperor Dao Law" and integrates all forces.

   "Emperor Dao Sword!"


   Jiangli scolded, slashed out this sword, and burst out a colorful sword light, bright and splendid, and its beautiful appearance contained the power of destroying the world.

   This sword!

   is very strong!

   is very strong!

   has surpassed the eighth level, and can reach the initial stage of the ninth level.


   Sea Dragon God Yu Wutian couldn't help but looked over.

  Because the power of this sword has reached the level of the early stage of the ninth stage, it attracted their attention and couldn't help but look at Jiang Li.

   "Level Nine!"

Wutian's pupils contracted, "How did Jiang Li do it? He clearly only has a perfect cultivation base of the 8th order, even with the help of the 8th order army formation, the imperial national destiny, and the national destiny artifacts, as well as the increasing power of the law, it is impossible to exceed Step position!"

"how is this possible?!"

   Wutian can't believe it.

   "This Emperor Xia is really tyrannical!"

   Sea Dragon God showed a look of jealousy in his eyes, and said in shock: "It's just that the eighth rank is complete, and he can cut a sword comparable to the early stage of the ninth rank."

   "It is hard to imagine how powerful his combat effectiveness would be if he broke through to the early stage of Tier Nine?"


   This is Jiang Li's fusion of the power of the four-fold law, cutting out the limit of a sword, so it can touch the power of the early stage of the ninth stage.


   Jiangli’s Emperor Dao sword collided with Di Long’s sinking sword, and the sword light and sword light clashed, and the sword energy and sword energy continued to burst and splash out.


   With a loud noise of ‘Boom’.

   The sword light exploded at the same time as the sword light. The white light was dazzling and extremely eye-catching. It was like the birth of a white scorching sun, and the aftermath of a terrifying storm swept all over.

  噗! !

   The shock wave shook Jiang Li.

   Jiangli's face turned pale, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he flew thousands of miles away. Only then did he stabilize his figure, and when he looked up, only the dazzling white storm caught his eye.



   Di Lung's face was also slightly pale. The move just now used a lot of energy, but he resisted the exploding storm and rushed out of the white light.

   "Black Dragon Slash!"

   slashed out with a big knife.

   Di Long cut out a black dragon-shaped knife light.

   "Star Fist!"


   at the same time.

  Wang Gang and the others had all recovered their damage, their damage recovered, and they rushed to Jiang Li's front, blocking Ti Lung's attack.

  Fist burst out.

  The dragon-shaped knife light was shattered.

brush! brush!

   WMS01, ML01 and SSTS01 guard Jiang Li's side.

   "Damn it!"

   Di Long saw this scene, his face gloomy to the extreme, he tightened the dragon head knife in his hand, took a deep breath, and immediately took out the pill from his arms and swallowed it.

   The totem secret method works.

   Refine and absorb the pill.

   Restored his own consumption.

   "Recovered again."

   Di Long stared at the four mechanical soldiers beside Jiang Li with a cold expression, his face was very ugly, "Almost all of them were cut in the waist, and they can be completely resurrected in a few seconds."

   "Damn it."


   When Di Long and Jiang Li joined forces to deal with Wutian, Di Long discovered the strangeness and difference between Wang Gang and the others. No matter how badly they were injured, they could recover within a few seconds.

because of this.

   Wutian is very uncomfortable being entangled.

at that time.

   Di Long and Jiang Li are considered "allies", so when he saw Wutian being embarrassed by Wang Gang and the others, Di Long felt very relieved.

but now.

   After Di Long personally felt Wang Gang and the others' troubles, he knew firsthand what Wutian felt in his heart.

   "Di Long."

   Jiangli said: "Although you are in the early stage of the ninth stage, but if you want to kill the emperor with your strength, I am afraid it is not enough, but look at your barbarian army."

   "If you continue to entangle with the emperor, I am afraid that it will not be long before your barbarian army will be slaughtered by the sea dynasty coalition forces."


   Di Long's face was gloomy.


   Di Long didn't expect Jiang Li to have so many methods. In the case of a full explosion, he could reach the level of the initial stage of the ninth stage.


   Four eighth-tier mechanical soldiers assisted.

   It is too difficult for Di Long to kill Jiang Li.


   Ti Lung is willing to pay a sufficient price.

   Expose the hidden means for a long time.

   "Jiang Li, do you think this is the true strength of the emperor?"

   Dillon shouted.

"Ha ha."

   Jiangli smiled, shrugged and said, "Di Long, how do you know that the emperor has used all his strength?"


   Ti Long laughed, "Jiang Li, what are you talking about? With your eighth-level perfect cultivation base, you must have used all the means, so that you can play a sword comparable to the early nine-level."

   "The sword just now is your limit."


   Jiangli shook his head, "Di Long, you can try!"


   Dillon's eyes flickered.

   was a little uncertain.


   His gaze turned to the battlefield between Wu Tian and Sea Dragon God.

at this time.

   The battle between the Sea Dragon God and Wutian has become more intense, and both sides have gradually come up with various methods and exert a very strong combat effectiveness.

   We must divide birth and death.

   Wutian's face was gloomy, he had never expected the strength of the Sea Dragon God to be so powerful, the power of the monster **** combined the power of the monster and the gods.

among them.

  The Sea Dragon God inherited the power of the ‘Protoss: One Line of the Water God’ and the thunder power of the ‘Double Wing Thunder Dragon’, turning the power of thunder into the power of the Water God.


   makes thunder in the water.

   is very powerful.

   Wutian is difficult to win the Sea Dragon God.


   seems to be at a disadvantage.



   The "Black Light Knife World" surrounded by Di Long began to shake and fluctuate. This is a sign of the instability of the "Eighth Order Army Formation-Black Light Knife World".

"what happened?"

   Dillon looked towards the battlefield.

can be seen.

  The Barbarian Legion suffered heavy losses. It was attacked by Jiang Li’s Mechanical Legion, Daxia Legion, and the Allied Forces of the Sea Dynasty Dynasty. The casualties rose sharply.


   nearly two hundred billion brutal soldiers have fallen.



   Di Long directly slammed into the battlefield. With his strength in the early stage of the ninth stage, he was invincible, and he cut out with a dragon-shaped knife, killing a large number of mixed blood alien races.


   Ti Lung entered the battlefield of Tier 8, like a tiger entering a flock, staring at the emperor of the sea dynasty, with one enemy six, and no wind at all.

"Be careful!"

   "Ti Lung is a powerful ninth rank."

   Lin Tianjian, Wu Wuji and the others said in a deep voice.

   "Arrange an array!"

   rumbling! ! !

   The six emperors of the sea dynasty, including Takuri, took advantage of the power of six eighth-order army formations to join forces against Di Long, and they could barely block Di Long.

   Failure is only a matter of time.


   Jiangli stood on the battlefield, overlooking the entire battlefield of the Middle Territory, but did not send Wang Gang and the others, but let Wang Gang and the others guard him.

   hum! Hum! !

   WMS01, SSTS01, ML01 rely on the talent of devouring evolution, constantly absorbing a large number of remnants in the battlefield.

   The degree of evolution is steadily improving.

  Especially trillions of heterogeneous aliens participated in the peace.

   More and more remnant souls were absorbed.

   directly doubled.

   The speed of promotion is even faster.

brush! brush!

   Jiangli view information.

   The degree of evolution has reached 60%.


   After the mechanical army bombarded and killed a large number of creatures, Jiang Li captured a huge amount of soul fire, and the number of soul fire increased rapidly.

time flies.

   came quietly late at night.

   hum! Hum! Hum!


   ML01, SSTS01, WMS01 beside Jiang Li, the bodies of the three special mechanical soldiers lit up at the same time.

   only half a night passed.

   It's not dawn yet.

   Their evolution degree has reached 100%.

"it is good!"

   Jiangli is overjoyed.


   Tier 8 battlefield.

   There was a screaming scream suddenly.

   Jiangli looked at immediately.

   Finally, an eighth-order powerhouse has fallen.

  The ‘Heavy Devil’, one of the six sea kings, came from the Western ‘Chongming Sea’, and the ‘Heavy Devil’, the emperor of the Heavy Devil Dynasty, died in the hands of Di Long.


can be seen.

   Di Long made a forceful move and shredded the eighth-order army formation of the'Heavy Devil Dynasty'. The space of the army was shattered. Di Long broke through the encirclement of the other five emperors and slammed in front of the heavy devil.

  噗! !


   The dragon head slashed down with a big sword.

   smashed the head of the heavy demon.

   Blood splashes.

   The headless corpse fell from the air.

   "Heavy Demon!"

   The five emperors of the sea dynasty looked horrified and felt the chill, as if a chill rushed from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.


  The war continues to the present.

   Finally, there was a "Royal" who began to fall.


  It is the emperor of the sea dynasty who died.

Roar! ! !

   The four-clawed black dragon rushed out of Di Roaring and roaring in bursts, quickly devouring the imperial destiny of the Heavy Demon Dynasty, absorbed nearly half.


   The four-clawed black dragon became more solid.

   is stronger.


   Dillon immediately relied on the energy of the "National Fortune Feedback" to directly recover all his injuries and consumption, and returned to the peak state.

Not only that.

   Dillon’s breath has also been strengthened.


Ti Long laughed wildly, staring fiercely at the remaining five emperors of the sea dynasty, "As long as you kill all of you, even if you can’t be promoted to the emperor’s dynasty, the energy feedback from the national destiny is enough to raise the emperor’s cultivation base to Mid-Ninth Stage."

   "Di Long!"

   Wutian glanced at it with a solemn expression.


   Sea Dragon God directly kills.

   "Sea Dragon God, are you watching your alliance allies being slaughtered by Dillon?"

   Wutian shouted angrily.

   "Since you are so worried about them, it's better for you to get killed."

   Sea Dragon God said indifferently: "After killing you, this emperor can also come to help.

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