The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 658: Come

   Jiangli looked at the figure who suddenly appeared beside Ti Long.

   Judging from the strength of the aura emitted by the opponent, it can be estimated that the opponent is definitely a ninth-tier powerhouse.


   The specific identity of the other party is not yet clear.

   But the answer soon came.

   "Lord of the Court!"

   Di Long exclaimed. When he saw this figure suddenly appeared, his face immediately showed an expression of surprise, and his tone was very excited.


   The figure wearing a black windbreaker nodded, and he reached out and took off the wide hat on his head, revealing a rough face, his face covered with dense totem patterns, like a twisted pattern.

After    is combined, this extremely strange pattern is formed.

   "He turned out to be the owner of the Barbarian Chamber."

   Jiang groaned in eccentricity, but the look on his face remained unchanged.

And the court master of the Barbarian Chamber that suddenly appeared raised his head and looked at them on ML01, and then his gaze fell on Jiang Li's body, after a few glances, he sneered, and said: "What a human king. , It really shocked me that I was able to cultivate three heterogeneous alien races in the early stage of the ninth stage."

   "It can be said to make this seat impressive."


   Jiangli looked at the barbarian chamber indifferently, and ordered ML01 to test the opponent, and shouted in a deep voice: "Do it!"


   "Death sinks-harvest!"


ML01 shot, with a wave of his right hand, the hazy, misty death **** behind him came to life, raised his head, revealing a pair of mist-shrouded faces, faintly seeing the outline of a skeleton. Only the pair of scarlet pupils were extremely clear.

   It seems like the purgatory of death, the place where the soul sinks.

"grim Reaper?"

  The barbarian chamber's court owner's expression was also stunned, and then stared at ML01 closely, "This is stealing a trace of the authority of the'Protoss-Death Line'?"


   The owner of the Barbarian Chamber laughed and said jokingly: "If this is to let the Protoss of the ‘Death’s line’ know, I’m afraid it will be destroyed by a ‘Divine Punishment’ directly.”


   ML01 scolded.


  The awakened "Reaper phantom" raised his right hand, raised the "Reaper's Scythe" and pointed it at "Di Long", and the "Reaper's Scythe" drew towards Di Long's neck.

  The attack refers directly to the "soul origin".


   Di Long's pupils contracted.

this moment.

   He really felt the coming of ‘death’, unavoidable, unavoidable, just like the law of cause and effect, the phantom of death’s sword is the cause, and the death of Ti Lung is the effect.

   is too scary.

"Do not!!!"

   Dillon screamed in horror.



   Wutian, Sea Dragon God, Lin Tianjian, Fu Tianqing, etc., they all couldn't help but look at them, and then there were shocked expressions on their faces.


   They all felt the horror of this trick.


at this time.

   There was a sound of swords that hit the depths of the soul.

It was the'Barbarian Chamber Master'. With a wave of his right hand, he took out a'Emperor's Long Sword' carved with'Five-Clawed Black Dragon' from the space ring on his finger, and the sword rang like a dragon. Yin.

   even contains the majesty of the ninety-five years.

   "Di Long."

The Lord of the Barbarian Chamber threw the'Emperor's Long Sword' towards Ti Long and shouted, "Get the sword!"


   Di Long woke up from the panic. When he looked up, he saw the "Emperor's Long Sword" flying towards him. He immediately stretched out his right hand instinctively and tightly grasped the hilt of the "Emperor's Long Sword".

Roar! !

   boom! ! !

   just holding the sword.

  Di Lung fell into a kind of real ‘illusion’, his eyes widened, as if he saw a lifelike ‘five-claw black dragon’ coming towards him, it was really terrifying.

   I want to die.

  At this moment of crisis.


   The ‘barbaric throne’ in the center of Di Long’s eyebrows manifested, releasing the vast majesty, blocking the culling of the ‘five-clawed black dragon’, and also surrendered the ‘five-clawed black dragon’.


   Ti Lung obtained the temporary right to use the'Emperor's Long Sword'.


   Ti Long also woke up.

   He opened his eyes.

   The gaze in the eyes is like electricity.

this moment.

  The vast dynasty's national fortune was injected into it, and the "Emperor's Sword" began to fully recover.

Roar! Roar! !

   The sound of the sword sound like a dragon's chant is earth-shattering.

   There is a ‘five-claw black dragon’ flying out of the’ Emperor’s Long Sword’ and entwined with Di Long’s body. The five-claw true dragon body seems to be blocking the so-called ‘Death’s Authority’.

   "Emperor Dragon Slash!"

   Di Long raised his head, and the "Emperor's Long Sword" was cut out. The black dragon-shaped sword light swept across the sky and collided head-on with the "sword light" transformed by the "Reaper Scythe".


   The sword light and the sword light exploded at the same time.

   bursts of shattered sword aura and sword aura raged everywhere.

when! ! !

   After the sword light and the sword light were shattered, the'Emperor's Long Sword' and the'Reaper's Scythe' collided together, making a very crisp impact sound, just like two iron objects colliding.

   Although the sound is not loud.

  , but it sounded like a sound in the soul of a creature.

   hit the soul directly.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   Around the space where the'Emperor's Longsword' and the'Reaper's Scythe' confronted, waves of waves appeared, like waves in the water, spreading out in circles, making the space feel twisted and distanced.

At last.

   There was a loud bang of ‘Boom’.

   Both sides separated at the same time.

   More terrifying energy explosions are produced.

   There is still a huge aftermath storm sweeping away.


  The ‘five-clawed black dragon’ guarding Di Long opened his dragon eyes. The dragon eyes were full of aura, as if possessing wisdom. With a dragon roar, the sound wave oscillated, and he blocked the impact of this aftermath for Di Long.

  嘭! ! !

   is ML01.

   The move he made just now exhausted his energy, causing the "death ghost" behind him to also dissipate, so he was shaken out by the aftermath of the explosion.


   Ti Lung laughed, happily, and in an extremely comfortable mood, "Good, good, what an'Emperor's Long Sword', what an'Emperor's Long Sword'!"

   "Jiang Li, what can you do with me?"

   Dillon is extremely proud.


   Jiangli was silent.

   "Thank you, the owner."

   Ti Lung will then salute the "Lord of the Barbarian Chamber" in a grateful voice.

The Lord of the Barbarian Chamber waved his hand, and then said: "Thanks to this seat, you don’t need it. This'Emperor's Long Sword' is an'Emperor Tool' borrowed from another'Barbarian Emperor'. ."

   "At that time, if you can successfully unify San Anzhou and establish a ‘barbarian imperial dynasty’, you will need to pay that ‘barbarian emperor’ the ‘imperial kingdom’s fortune’ as a fee.”

   "Even if you fail, you have to'sell your body' to the'barbarian emperor' and become his courtier and serve him."

   "The price is not small."

   "I know alone."

   Di Long nodded and solemnly said, "That said, but if it were not for the help of the court owner, I am afraid that I would not even have the opportunity to choose, and he might be dead now."


   The owner of the Barbarian Chamber nodded, and was fairly satisfied with Ti Long's answer.


   Since the owner of the Barbarian Chamber looked down and begged the Barbarian Emperor, he naturally wanted to help Dillon ascend the throne of God.

   is not to fail to make Ti Lung become the opponent's courtier.

   That's not worth the gain.



With a wave of his right hand, Jiang Li consumed a little energy point, and quickly recovered the energy consumed by ML01. He was pondering in his heart. He did not expect that the'Lord of the Barbarian Chamber' not only appeared, but also brought the'Emperor' Long sword' such a sharp weapon.

   almost reversed Ti Lung's disadvantage in one fell swoop.

Current situation.

   Jiangli is not good for them to continue to besiege Di Long on ML01. Let’s not say whether they can kill Di Long by force after exposing all the means. If it fails, it will be troublesome.


   The deputy chamber masters of the Demon Tribe Chamber and the Human Tribe Chamber, namely Fu Tianqing and Moherin, as well as Crimson Lord and Old Brown, are all looking at the barbarian Chamber Lord.

   They were silent.

   seems to be waiting for something.

   hum! Hum!


   There are very obvious spatial fluctuations on the battlefield.


   Two figures descended.

   appeared in the western and northern positions of the battlefield respectively

   They appeared one after another.

   "Network Yinsha."

   At this time.

The figure that descended on the western side of the battlefield first said: "You are willing to be willing to show your face and ask the'barbarian emperor' to take out an'imperial weapon' like the'Emperor's Long Sword' to participate in the'Imperial Hegemony' In the final decisive battle."


  The Lord of the Barbarian Chamber, "Luo Yinsha" laughed, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Prison Wu, you are afraid that you are not qualified to satirize this seat and compare with you."

   "I just asked for a ‘Emperor’s Long Sword’."

"what about you?"

  "But before the ‘Dynasty Hegemony’ started, I borrowed the ‘Pseudo Land Book’ from the ‘Barbarian Totem Fairy Garden’. At best, this seat can be considered as putting down the shelf, and you are already shameless."

   "You are jealous."

   The figure ‘Wu Prisoner’ standing on the west side of the battlefield spread his hands, shrugged, and said with a smile: "This is what we call precautions. It’s a foresight."

   "As for it is called Linke Digging Well."

   "When I was thirsty, I knew to dig a well to drink water."

   "Also, this is not a loan, but a price in exchange for it."

   "The Lord of the Court."

brush! brush!

   At this time.

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin had already come to Prisoner Wu, bowed their hands to Prisoner Wu, and praised them respectfully.


   Prisoner Wu nodded.

   "Where is the book from the ground?"

   asked five prisoners.

   "Return to the Lord of the Court, the ‘Book from the Earth’ is still in the ‘Demon Race’s Bloodline Temple’ in the Chamber of the ‘Floating Continent’."

   Fu Tianqing replied.

   "Why didn't you bring it with you?"

   Prisoner Wu frowned, and his proud expression just turned gloomy.

   "Sir, calm down."

   Fu Tianqing said nervously.

   "The genus... the subordinates are just worried that there will be problems with the ground book on our body, and they are afraid that they will be targeted by the human and demonic chambers, causing the ground book to be lost."

   Moherin replied in a slightly nervous tone.

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