The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 659: Come again

   "Enough is enough."

   Prisoner Wu scolded, his face was slightly ugly, and he shouted, "Stop explaining."

   "It is now the final battle for the Emperor of San Anju, and you two are still worried about these trivial things."

   "I think you are greedy for life and fear of death, thinking about keeping the'pseudo land book' so that you can save your life after losing the decisive battle."

   "I tried my best, and it was hard to get the "Pseudo Land Book" from the "Monster Bloodline Fairy Ting" for the victory of the "Final Battle", but you didn't even bring it."

   "I really disappointed this seat."

   "You really are two wastes."


   Luo Yinsha burst into laughter immediately after hearing it.

   "Big...sir, your subordinates will go back to the chamber to get it."

   Fu Tianqing also said nervously.

   "What's the use for you to go back now? Is it too late?"

Prisoner Wu coldly snorted, and then he took out a diamond-shaped'stone piece' from the space ring, and slowly said: "Fortunately, this hand is left in this seat. This is a corner of the'pseudo-land book'. This piece of stone will be able to summon the'Pseudo Earth Book'."

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and they lowered their heads in silence.

   The voice fell off.


   hum! Hum!

   Prisoner Wu squeezed his hands, and a series of purple seals appeared, all of which fell on the stone flakes and merged into it. The stone flakes exudes an earthy-yellow light, floats up, and turns into a fist-sized light ball.

  The fluctuations of space emerge quickly.

   In an instant.

   There was a larger earth-yellow light group that was transported over and merged with the piece of stone. The light gradually dissipated. Inside this earthy-yellow light group was a stone book.

   On the cover of this stone book, there is a typeface formed by intertwining ‘monster patterns’-the book from the ground (pseudo).

   "Good, good."

   Prisoner Wu raised the corners of his mouth, and reached out with satisfaction to catch the "pseudo land book".

the other side.

   Wutian was firmly entangled by the Sea Dragon God, and he didn't dare to be distracted.


   Sea Dragon God has noticed that the situation has become unpredictable.

and so.

   He wants to kill Wutian at all costs before the situation becomes completely uncontrollable.

   Even if I give my life, I don’t hesitate.

   for this moment.

  He has risen from being weak.

   Fighting in the sea for thousands of years.

   I am absolutely unwilling to fail like this.

   Wutian must die!

   must die!

   "What's the matter with this skylessness?"

After    Prisoner Wu got the book from the ground, his mood became good, and he looked towards Wutian and saw that Wutian was still fighting with the Sea Dragon God. It should be said that the Sea Dragon God must kill Wutian.

   "Why does that ninth-tier demon **** haunt Wutian?"

"This one……"

   Moherin groaned, then shook her head, and replied, "My lord, the subordinates don't know."

   "It seems that the demon **** and Wutian are so big and not small."

   Fu Tianqing said, "I don't know the specific subordinates."

   "It's really useless one by one."

   Prisoner Wu said in an uncomfortable tone, "That's it for you, Wu Tian actually made such a low-level mistake."

   "Since there is such a deep hatred, the enemy has grown to this level. This is the demon **** at the beginning of the ninth stage, and it is not so easy to deal with."

   "There are human races."

   Prisoner Wu looked to the north of the battlefield, frowned, and looked suspicious, "Huh? Why isn't it Ao Qinglong?"

   The screen turns.

   The northern position of the battlefield.

   It was the figure that stood there last.

   The other party is a beautiful woman.

   Jiangli's gaze also looked, and the first thing that caught his eye was a purple shirt. The purple phoenix mask on his face blocked the face above Qiong's nose, exposing the pair of phoenix eyes and sword eyebrows, and the feminine charm contained heroic spirit.

  Exquisite Qiong nose, rosy cherry lips, slender waist and hips, that purple shirt perfectly outlines the thrilling curve.

   There is a purple phoenix mark on her eyebrows, like a phoenix bathing in the sky with purple flames spreading its wings.

   The whole body exudes a shining purple light, as if a purple flame is beating, making all living creatures close.

   This beautiful woman seemed to have noticed Jiang Li's gaze, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing an upside-down smile.

   looked at Jiang Li.

   eyes meet each other.

   Jiangli's expression was stiff, because at this glance he seemed to see the infinite world and the infinite universe from the depths of the opponent's eyes, and the endless creatures were wailing and screaming in the endless purple flames.

   That is really a scene of purgatory than purgatory.


   The opponent has retracted his sight.

   Jiangli awoke from the ‘illusion’ just now, only to realize that cold sweat was already on his forehead.

   When I look again.

   The woman has already looked at the sky full of mechanical army.

   seems very interested.

   "You... are you?"

   At this time.

Red Lord and Old Brown had already arrived in front of the woman. The two looked at each other, wondering, but they still saluted respectfully, and asked: "Excuse me, why did Lord Ao Qinglong not appear? ?"

"he died."

   The woman replied.


   Scarlet Lord and Old Brown could not help their eyes widening, their expressions were extremely wrong, and they said in shock: "This lord, you just said..."

   "You heard that right."

   The woman's tone was flat and without fluctuations, and then said: "Ao Qinglong is dead. As for why he died and where he died, you are not qualified to know for now."


   Red Lord and the others bowed their heads and fell silent.


   The news hit them so hard, I couldn't believe it.

   "My lord, how do we honor you?"

   asked the red master.

   "Just call it'adult'."

   The woman said indifferently: "It was originally due to interest."


   Chi Zhu and Old Brown nodded.


   In the eyes of the woman, let alone her ‘real name’, even her ‘code name’ and ‘his name’, neither the red master nor the old man have the qualifications to know.

   "Haha..., that fellow Ao Qinglong died."

   "Good death."

  Luo Yinsha laughed again after hearing it, "This is really good news that makes me feel very happy."

   "I think it's not the right time for him to die."

   Prisoner Wu said sternly: "I am still waiting to unscrew his head personally today."

   "Two lingering rat generations."

   The woman said indifferently.

"you wanna die!"

   Luo Yinsha's expression was slightly cold, "Ao Qinglong is dead, and there is no one in the human martial arts fairy court, so I sent you here to die?"

   "It's arrogant."

   Prisoner Wu also sternly said.

   The woman ignored Luo Yinsha and Prisoner Wu.

   This time.

  Luo Yinsha and Prisoner Wu's face were even more ugly.


   The woman stepped on her slender legs and came over to Jiang Li.

   Jiangli's expression immediately tightened.

brush! brush!


   ML01, they quickly approached Jiangli.

To know.

   The scene Jiang Li saw from the woman's eyes just now was too terrifying and shocking, which made Jiang Li nervous.

   Because the other party is really not easy.

   such a scene.

   is unimaginable.

   What a terrifying level is needed to do it.

   The woman stopped and didn't approach anymore, she said teasingly: "Xia Huang, your'subordinates' are pretty good at this level of 9th order."

   "But to me, it's just a bigger ant."

   "What I really want to do, they can't stop it."

   "You lonely believe that."

   The river leaves the road.

   waved his hand.

   ML01 they spread out.


   The woman waved her jade hand and took out a ‘nuclear warhead’, and continued: “Xia Huang, this thing is called an ‘atom bomb’, it’s a very interesting gadget.”

   "It's just that this little gadget still carries the encryption of ‘Heaven’s Dao’."

   "And I happened to be passing by and heard it, plus Ao Qinglong is dead again."

   "I have nothing to do."

   "So, I'll come over and take a look. It's a relaxing trip."

"did not expect."

   "I really found a big fish."

   She laughed again, with a beautiful smile, as if it had made Wanhua a foil, the world lost its color, and everything fell into it.


   Jiangli was also stunned, a little unable to look away.

   "So what do you want to do?"

   Jiangli took a deep breath.

   "There is a ‘thing’ on you."

   She continued: "This to you is like a deadly trap in temptation. The sweet candy contains the poison of death."

   Jiangli can only be silent.


   The woman in purple shirt shook her head. She turned and walked away. The slender legs didn't take much steps, but she stepped out of the battlefield.

   "Jiang Li, when you can ascend to the throne of San Anju, you are barely qualified to change your destiny."

   "Before this, no amount of talk is of any use."

   Her voice reached Jiang Li's ear.

   "Shrink the ground into an inch."

  Luo Yinsha and Prisoner Wu had their pupils contracted and their expressions were shocked, "Who is she!? What is her identity in the human martial arts fairy court?"

   hum! Hum! Hum!

at this time.

   Above the sky.

   The space began to twist, forming two vortexes.


   The whirlpool on the left is surging with endless holy sounds, and blossoming white holy flowers bloom.

   Countless angels surround.

   The vortex forms an arched ‘Gate of Heaven’. Inside the gate is a heaven without pain that countless creatures yearn There is only joy and happiness in the kingdom.

   is full of endless temptations.


   The completely opposite scene.

   The cry of the soul, the flames of burning flesh, and scenes of endless creatures dying and struggling constantly surface.

  Pain, desolation, misery...


   The spatial vortex has turned into a vicious mouth.

   is exactly the "gate of purgatory".


   A figure walked out from the'Gate of Heaven' and the'Gate of Purgatory' respectively.





   These two visions have not disappeared yet.

   ‘Nine Nether Gate’ appeared, and a fierce crack opened in the sky, like a scar.

   hum! Hum!

   Silence, silence, without the slightest movement or sound.

   There is no picture or scene in the crack.

   Only a steady stream of Nine Nether Qi gushes out and spreads quickly.

  The ghost family descends.

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