The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 662: Spicy

   hum! Hum!

   In the air.

   The one black one hundred light group, which was entwined like two real dragons, seemed to have come alive at this moment, possessing wit, and it broke away from the shackles of Scarlet Lord and Old Brown.

of course.

   This is also because the red master and the old man were not vigilant, and they were taken advantage of.

"not good!"

   Stanley and Brown Lao exclaimed.


   The two light groups quickly flew to the distance.

   hum! Hum!

Roar! !

Jiang Li also reacted, and immediately ran the'Qing Di Jue'. Da Xia Qinglong rushed out, the dragon shook the sky, Jiang Li stepped on the dragon's head, and the imperial dragon flew. He went straight for nine days and quickly chased the black and white. Dao is like a light ball entangled by a real dragon.

   "The Nine Seals of the Blue Emperor-Sealing the Forbidden Seal!"


   Jiangli pinched his hands, then waved his right hand, transforming into a light curtain like a sky and earth, spreading away, and quickly enveloped the black and white light.


   The black and white light clusters were combined together and turned into yin and yang fish, and quickly broke free.


   Jiangli was also taken aback, "No wonder I can break free from the shackles of the red master and the old brown."

   "It means that Red Lord and Old Brown did not lose their vigilance, and they were afraid they could not stop them."

   "Space Master."

   Jiang Li quickly activated the'Interstellar Domination Space Soldier'. The mechanical soldiers liquefied and formed armor, and Jiang Li wore this black mechanical armor.


   Space distortion.

   Jiangli teleported in space, chasing the two light clusters, one black and one white.

at the same time.


   Ti Long has already killed him.


   WMS01 and ML01 have been intercepted.

   "Infinite Sword World!"

  锵锵锵锵! ! !


Lin Tianjian shouted, he had already taken the lead in rushing up, and it was up to him to control the'eighth rank army formation-the infinite sword world'. There were countless sword lights appearing, gathering together, the scene was like a thousand swords returning to the sect. Formed a river of swords like a shining galaxy.


   The Sword River fell like a waterfall of Xinghai, carrying a powerful sword towards Ti Long.

   "I can't help myself."


   Di Long sneered, holding a sword in his right hand, and cutting out with a single sword. The "Emperor's Long Sword" cut out a black dragon-shaped sword light, pierced the sky, and defeated the "Infinite Sword Realm" offensive.

   Boom! ! !

   The explosion sounded.



   Lin Tianjian screamed blood, he was knocked out, tried to stabilize his figure, and cut out a **** sword wound on his chest.


   ML01 and WMS01 also took advantage of this time, and have quickly reached Ti Lung’s front.

   hum! ! Hum! !

   WMS01 waved his right hand, and the Demon God's Halberd was held tightly in his hand. Various skills were released, the Demon God's breath, the Demon God's power, the Demon God domain, and the Demon God's true body.

   The four boosting skills are released at the same time.

   hum! Hum!

   A powerful force surges.

   "The devil is buried!"


   WMS01 yelled, holding the Demon God's Halberd in both hands, the halberd body bloomed with a rich purple-black light, and directly hit Dillon.

   "Pseudo Demon God."

   Lan Lan looked at him, "In addition to the ‘Sea Dragon God’ in St. Anzhou, there are actually ‘alien species’ with the blood of the gods that can advance to the ninth rank."

   "But if the pseudo-devil god, should it be considered a **** among different species?"


   And the innate ghost clan who did not show up also grinned gloomily, "It seems that this pseudo-devil is still a servant of the human emperor, this emperor is not small."

   The voice fell off.

   Lan Lan and the innate ghost clan looked at the demon clan again, only to find that the demon clan was still motionless, still not moving at all.

   "What is this guy doing?"

   Lan Lan frowned and thought.

   "There hasn't been any movement until now, and I haven't said a word. Is it a dumb guy sent by the Mozu?"

   The innate ghost clan secretly said in his heart.

   "Emperor Dragon Slash!"


   Di Long slashed out with a sword, and the sword body of the Emperor's Long Sword uttered a long cry, and there were waves of dragons roaring, and the horrible sword light broke through the air.


   The halberd light burst, and the remaining power of the sword light spread forward.


  Dillon’s sword not only defeated WMS01’s skill ‘Devil’s Devil’s Death’, it also blasted WMS01 into the air.


   hum! Hum!

   ML01 is coming.

  All kinds of skills are activated.

   The two abilities of Master Nether Energy and Master Soul are released, producing mechanical phantom energy and soul power. The combination of the two becomes powerful demon energy.


   Demon Realm released.

   "Destroy the storm!"


   ML01 waved his right hand, and the energy of the demon shattered, producing destructive power, like a vast storm, spreading toward Ti Lung.


   Di Long swept across with a sword, and the sword light drew a half-moon shape, smashing the annihilation storm.

   "The pupil of the demon god."

   After WMS01 stabilized his figure, he immediately coordinated with ML01, and a huge pupil of the Demon God appeared, with a purple-black pupil with pupil lasing out.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   Fierce fighting broke out.

   The fighting between the two sides is fierce.

   ML01 and WMS01 successfully stopped Dillon.

   "I have to say that the two alien subordinates of this human race are not small."

   Luo Yinsha secretly said: "With the strength of Ti Long, if there is no Emperor's Longsword, it is not the opponent of the opponent at all, but now with the power of the Emperor's Longsword, it is only a matter of time before they can defeat them."


   Compared to the Daxia Legion.

   Whether it is a barbarian or a monster.

   Their soldiers suffered even more losses than the Daxia Legion, because the Barbarian Legion and the Monster Legion were bombed by the Mechanical Legion.

just now.

  The Barbarian Legion has only two hundred billion left.

   lost nearly 400 billion.

  In addition.

   Demonic Legion.

The total force of    has dropped sharply from 700 billion to 300 billion.

   also lost nearly 400 billion.

   That is to say.

   This decisive battle is not over yet.

   The soldiers of the three tribes of shemales, monsters and brutes add up.

   trillions of creatures have fallen.

Of course.

and so.

   Jiangli has already harvested a large number of soul fires. The specific number of Jiangli is not clear, but the evolution of ML01 is about to reach 100%.

   is already ninety-nine percent.

   is only one percent away.

the other side.

   Sea Dynasty Alliance.

   The Central Corps.

  The emperors of the seas gather.

   "Sea Dragon God, how is your injury?"

  Takuri asked.

   "It's nothing serious, right?"

   Moyue asked with concern.


   The other three emperors also looked at the Sea Dragon God.

   Sea Dragon God opened his eyes, the blue light mist all over his body disappeared, he was awake from the healing, and he looked up at Taku and the others standing around.


   Sea Dragon God got up.

   "It's okay."

   Sea Dragon God said: "This emperor is too high to look at Wutian. I thought Wutian was powerful. If the emperor wanted to kill him, he might have to fight for his life."

   "That's all it seems now."


   "Wu Tian would have died in the hands of the emperor if it wasn't for the court master of the **** demon clan chamber to intervene at the last moment."

   "But it doesn't matter, the war is not over yet, the emperor has a chance."

   "Haha..., well said, it really deserves to be the Sea Dragon God."

   Takuri flattered and said: "There is no heaven, something like ants, you can pinch it to death at will."


   As soon as Takuri’s flattering words fell, he was slapped and slapped by the Sea Dragon God. Takuhiro, whose cultivation level reached the eighth level of Consummation, had no chance to react. Half of his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.



   The other four sea kings were scared and pale.

   "What are you?"

  Hailong Shen's eyes were cold, "A **** thing, can you comment on Wutian?"

   "Sea Dragon God, you..."

   Takuhi's face darkened, and he just wanted to scold him a few words.


   Sea Dragon God disappeared.

next moment.

   The Sea Dragon God appeared in front of Takuhi, reaching out, and the power of the vast monster **** surging out, directly suppressing Takuhi's power.

   pinched Takuhi's neck, and slowly raised Takuhi.

   Takuhi's eyes showed horror, his face turned purple, and he struggled hard.

   "Sea Dragon God, calm down! Stop your anger!!!"

   "Takuri is just speaking without covering, just speaking without covering, he deserves to die for sin!"


   The other four emperors interceded in horror.



   Sea Dragon God’s expression was calm, without the slightest fluctuation. With force with his right hand, he crushed Taku’s neck, and the vast power of the monster **** rushed into Taku’s body and wiped out all of Taku’s vitality.

Roar! ! !

   In an instant.

   The real dragon of Takuhi Dynasty's dynasty's national fate manifested and wailed, the blue real dragon of the Sea Dragon Dynasty rushed out, and the real dragon of Takuhi was quickly swallowed and refined.

   hum! Hum! !

  The fortune of the country has been strengthened.

  The blue real dragon of the Sea Dragon Dynasty began to feed back to the Sea Dragon God.

"it is good!"

   Sea Dragon God absorbed the energy feedback from the national movement, his injuries all recovered in a blink of an eye, his cultivation base rose a little, and he approached the middle stage of the ninth tier.

   "Not bad."

   Sea Dragon God's eyes were bright, "Sure enough, relying on increasing the national fortune and absorbing the energy feedback from the national fortune to improve cultivation is really fast."

   "Since the sea dragon sea area was unified, the emperor hasn't felt it for a long time."

   hum! ! !

   The blue flame rose.

  The shape of the flame is like water flow.

   Takuhi's body was turned into ashes in the hands of the Sea Dragon God.

   "The emperor needs to borrow your dynasty's national fortune. Do you have any objections?"

   Sea Dragon God looked at the other four emperors of the sea dynasty and asked.

"No no."

   "It should be, it should be."


   Mo Yue, where did they dare to refuse.

   After all, they saw Takuhi's end.

   The corpses were all turned to ashes.

   "Very good."

   There was a hint of joy on the face of the Sea Dragon God, and he scolded: "Why are you waiting like this?"

Roar! Roar! !


   Moyue, they manifested the real dragon of national fortune and handed over the national fortune of their own and they lost almost ninety-nine percent of the national fortune.

  The real dragons of national fate have all degraded to 10,000 meters.

  The blue real dragon of the Sea Dragon Dynasty absorbed a large amount of the national fortune of the dynasty, and the huge dragon body became more and more solid, as if it was about to grow the fifth claw, but it could not break through this limit.

   hum! Hum! !

   Sea Dragon God sits cross-legged.

   He absorbs the energy feedback from the national movement, runs the exercises, and improves himself on the battlefield.

   is quite an adventure.


   Monster Race.

   "Your Majesty Wu Tian, ​​how is your injury?"

brush! brush!

  KV, Qilian and the others came to ask.

   "It's all right."

   Wutian got up, his injuries have recovered, and his face has returned to ruddy.

   "No sky."


   Prisoners of five came out of the sky, and threw the ‘pseudo ground book’ towards Wutian.

   "Master Wu, are you...?"

   Instinctively catching it, he looked at the stone book in his eyes, and his expression was a bit stunned, unable to understand why Prison Wu gave him the ‘false land book’.

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