The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 663: Giant eye

   "The true power of the pseudo-land book requires you to use the power of the'monster emperor' and the power of the'dynasty nation' to be fully stimulated, but after being excited, this'pseudo-land book' will lose all its energy."

   Prisoner Wu said: "This seat will do everything in its power to help you seize San Anju and achieve the status of the demon emperor. Of course, it requires a return. When you succeed, you will naturally meet the conditions of this seat."

   "Please rest assured, Lord Wu, I must do my best."

   Wutian solemnly said.

"Ha ha."

   Prisoner Wu just smiled and said nonchalantly: "This is natural. When the imperial dynasty is established, of course you have to repay the cause and effect, even if you want to rely on it, you can't afford it."

   "I would never have such thoughts alone."

   Wutian said.


   Prisoner Wu nodded, no longer bothering about this issue, and said: "Let Ti Lung explore the way first, and test the background of the human race. Don't rush to take action. First get familiar with the power of the pseudo-land book."

"it is good."

   Wutian nodded.


   He sat down cross-legged, and the imprint of the demon emperor's personality appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

   "You guard him."

   Prisoner Wu looked at Wu Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged, and ordered Fu Tianqing and Mohelin.


   "Oh, Lord."

   Fu Tianqing and Moherin immediately responded respectfully.


  Whether it is Wutian or Fu Tianqing, they don't know that the "Pseudo-di" is just a "semi-finished product", it is a work that has not really been completed.

   is still missing a crucial thing.

because of this.

   Prisoner Wu can only get this ‘false land book’, otherwise, even if it’s just a ‘false land book’, it’s not something that Prisoner Wu is qualified to acquire.

and so.

   Prisoner Wu did all this. What he wanted to do was to complete this vital thing and complete this ‘pseudo-land book’.

By the time.

   The lost energy can also be recovered.

   "Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian, ​​I have put so much effort into this seat. Don't let this seat down, but don't care about it at the end. Everything is wasted."

   Prisoner Wu said secretly in his heart.


   Prisoner Wu turned around and looked at the battlefield ahead.

at this time.

   in the entire battlefield.

   has become extremely empty, all the troops from the four sides withdrew, but arranged an eighth rank army in the rear, blessing the power of the eighth rank army on Di Long, Wu Tian, ​​and the sea dragon god.

   The only battle.

   happened in the north.

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

can be seen.

   After playing a lot of tricks.

   Dillon has been unable to win WMS01 and ML01.

   This is because WMS01 and ML01 have formed an extremely perfect cooperation with each other, and Jiang Li has consumed energy points, allowing them to recover from their injuries at an incredible speed.

   Ti Lung was naturally very aggrieved.

   "Such a weird ability can almost be called immortality."

   Luo Yinsha frowned, this situation was beyond his expectation, and said in a deep voice: "They are definitely not pseudo-devil gods, and they are definitely not a family of demons."

   "What the **** is it?"

   Luo Yinsha's face was gloomy.

   Fight till now.

   It's not just that Luo Yinsha found a difference.

   Lan Lan, Innate Ghost Clan, and Wu Prisoners also all discovered something strange.

   "Since they are not pseudo-devil gods, nor are they the devil clan, then what are they?"

   Lan Lan looked up, secretly pondered, and then looked at Jiang Li, her eyes flickering, "I can't see through the methods of the human emperor of this human race, and it seems that the secrets on my body are not small."

at this time.

brush! brush!

   Jiangli teleported in space, and had quickly caught up with the black and white light group.


   "Space imprisoned!"

   Jiangli immediately used the ‘Space Control’ skill of the ‘Interstellar Domination Space Soldier’ to control the surrounding space of the black and white light cluster that looked like two real dragons.

   The space on this side was confined and blocked by the power of space.

At last.

   formed a cube invisible space box, trapped it.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   One black and one white entangled light like two real dragons kept hitting the invisible space wall, the light gradually dimmed, and the energy was gradually exhausted.

   slowly revealed his true face.

   "Di Long."

   Luo Yinsha's pupils shrunk, and he shouted directly: "Shoot with all your strength, and don't let the people of the race get that thing."

at this time.

   Di Long's face was gloomy.

"it is good!"

After hearing Luo Yinsha's words, Ti Lung nodded in response, looked at WMS01 and ML01, and said in a deep voice: "The emperor doesn't believe you really have any'immortality'. Now let you wait for your knowledge. The true power of the Emperor's Long Sword."

   hum! Hum!

   The voice fell off.

   Di Long took a deep breath, and the exercise technique "Black Emperor Jue" was running at extreme speed. The power of the totem was surging, and the vast dynasty's fortune was surging, just like a surging river, all poured into the emperor's sword.

   The sword's body was radiant, covering Di Long, making Di Long's power stronger and stronger, and the five-clawed black dragon entwining Di Long's body became more and more solid.

   "Three styles of emperor sword!"

   Di Long raised his head, his eyes were sharpened, his body and his sword were unified, and his body moved with the sword, turning into an ultimate sword light, directly piercing the night sky and beheading ML01.


   This is the power and move that Ti Lung temporarily controls after obtaining the right to use the "Emperor's Long Sword". It can fully integrate the "Emperor's Long Sword" and its own strength and display it.

   "Speed ​​sword style!"


   Jianming tears the space.

   This sword!


   Extremely fast!

   It was so fast that all the creatures present could not catch Ti Lung's figure, and the next moment they killed ML01. When ML01 reacted, Ti Long's sword had already been killed.


   saw the sword of the emperor swept past.


   Click! Click!

   bang bang bang! ! !

   The heavy curtain of light on ML01 was shattered.

   from top to bottom.

   The entire body of ML01 was split into two by Ti Long’s sword.


   The damage degree of ML01 dropped at a crazy speed.

At last.

   directly reached the level of 80%.

   With this degree of damage.

   Di Long just needs another sword casually.

   ML01 has to be scrapped.


   Dillon is doing this.



   Ti Lung made a fist with his left hand, and a swirling black fist appeared above his fist, exuding terrifying power, like a black hole.


   Boom! !

   Di Long hit the body of ML01 with a punch.

   "The devil awakens."

   hum! ! !

   WMS01 had already used his skills, and the ‘Devil’s Blood’ was revived and killed Di Long.

can be seen

   The nine-meter-high body of WMS01 has long been distorted, and once again transformed into a giant living eye that is as huge as a planet.

   The whole body is purple and black.

   huge eyes opened.

   The eyelashes around the eyes are twisting like a tentacle python, full of a horror, suffocating creatures, and distorting the senses.

  咻! ! !

   The pupils of this giant eye have accumulated a vast amount of energy, condensing the power of the devil to the extreme point, and then shot out, turning into a purple-black extreme sharp light.

   put in a little bit of light to pierce the void.

   pierced directly at the back of Ti Long's head.


   Extremely dangerous!


   Di Long's pupils contracted.


   If he wants to destroy ML01 forcibly, he has to resist the blow of WMS01. The power of WMS01's blow is enough to kill Dillon.


   Luo Yinsha snorted coldly, his right foot just raised.



  The woman in purple shirt standing on the edge of the battlefield just raised her head slightly, revealing her peerless face hidden by the mask, and the corner of her eye cast a faint glance at Luo Yinsha.


  Luo Yinsha suddenly stood up, and his footsteps paused slightly.

   A short pause but also missed the opportunity.

   boom! ! !

   The explosion sounded.

   "Split sword style!"


   It is obviously impossible for Di Long to change the name of ML01 with his own life, so he splits the sky with a sword, and the extreme sword light contains a kind of power that is sharp to the limit.


   He tore the pupil of WMS01 with a sword.

  噗! !

   Click! Click!

Not only that.

   The giant eye, which was as huge as a planet, was cut in half by the remaining power of this sword's "splitter-style", and split into two from the middle, the scene was horrified.

   "This eye!"

Lan Lan looked at the giant eyes created by WMS01, with a look of astonishment, and there was fear in her tone, "Could it be that the blood of this'pseudo demon' actually comes from the'that demon'? It is from the blood of the'that demon'? Made it?"

   The Innate Ghost Clan said in a deep voice: "He is not a'pseudo demon', didn't you feel it? Although this eye is very similar, I didn't really feel the great erosion from this eye."

   speak this time.

   This congenital ghost clan did not show his iconic "Jie Jie Jie" sneer.

   "But this kind of form and power are so similar."

   Lan Lan suddenly widened her eyes and said in surprise: "Is it possible..., no, it is absolutely impossible!"

   "I also think it's impossible."

   The tone of the innate ghost race became solemn, "But if it wasn't because of the isolation from the ‘that demon god’, how could this happen?"

   "This human race is king!"

   Lan Lan's face is heavy.

   "It's too easy."

   The innate ghost race nodded.


   Di Long severely wounded WMS01 and ML01 almost at the same time, cut them in half with a single sword, broke through their obstacles, and killed Jiang Li.

   "Jiang Li, who can stop the emperor now?!"

   Dillon shouted.

"go to hell."

   Dillon took off at a rapid speed.



   A white sword light descended from the sky and cut to Di Long. Di Long's figure flickered and easily avoided. SSTS01 blocked Di Long's front.

   "Heavenly Purgatory!"

   hum! Hum!

  SSTS01 directly releases the strongest skills.

   "There is another one!!!"

   Dillon gritted his teeth, the blue veins on his forehead burst, and finally repelled WMS01 and ML01, and as a result, another SSTS01 popped out.

   "Isn't this a war soldier angel of your protoss?"

   The innate ghost clan was surprised and looked at Lan Lan with weird eyes.


   Lan Lan's expression stiffened on his He was also very confused.

To know.

   He has never heard that the war angels of the Protoss will betray the Protoss and take refuge in the Humans, just like the mechanical soldiers made by Jiang Li cannot betray Jiang Li.

and so.

   Lan Lan is really daunting.

   And this time.

   Jiangli has controlled the two light groups, one black and one white, and has been controlled and refined through the human throne and the imperial state.


   Jiangli's face showed an expression of surprise.


   This is a ‘imperial weapon’.

  The offensive "Emperor Weapon" has the same nature as the "Emperor's Sword" in the hands of Ti Lung.


   Ao Qinglong made preparations for today’s decisive battle very early, very early. Compared to Luo Yinsha and Prison Wu, I don’t know how much ‘foresight’ is needed.

   can be inferred from this.

   With Ao Qinglong’s temperament and ability.

   If they are still alive and appear on this battlefield, it is estimated that Luo Yinsha and Wu Prisoner will be played to death by Ao Qinglong.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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