The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 669: Advanced

   The Sea Dragon God just snorted coldly, and instead of arguing with Jiang Li, he directly killed Wutian.

  The two sides fought again.


   Take advantage of this time.

   Jiangli waved his right hand to call out the nine-colored soul fire from the soul fire column. A move of his heart directly consumed the only Tier 9 soul fire and 10,000 trillion energy points.

   "Promotion number JX01 Star Destroyer Warrior Wang Gang."

   Jiangli selected the target.

   hum! ! !

next moment.

   Tier 9 soul fire and 10,000 trillion energy points formed a torrent, all surging out, poured into Wang Gang who was standing not far from Jiang Li.

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   In an instant.

  Wang Gang's body was shining with bursts of brilliance, covering the whole body, not real, the ninth-tier soul fire and 10,000 trillion energy points were fully evolving and transforming Wang Gang.

   a few seconds later.

   Advancement is complete.

   The light disappeared.

  The promoted Wang Gang stood in front of Jiang Li.

   Capable short hair, three-dimensional features, a firm face with Chinese characters, a sturdy body, a height of 1.8 meters, his appearance has become the appearance of a middle-aged man, and he is no longer the youth before.


   The military uniform on Wang Gang has also changed.

   has been promoted from admiral to marshal.


   Jiangli view information.

   [Arms: Super Robot Warrior-Antimatter Energy]

  【Stage position: Early stage of ninth stage】

  [Military Rank: Marshal-Star Grade]

  【No. CJJX01——FWZNY】

  【Seventh-order best skills: Star Space Fighting, Melee Master, Nether Energy Master, Super Ares Fist, Ares One Strike, Nuclear Flat Palm, Star Combat Skills】

  【8th Tier Ultimate Skill: Star Fist】

  【Nine-level low-grade skills: Anti-Matter Fighting Technique】

  [Equipment: Tier 9 low-grade anti-matter weapon gloves]

  【Antimatter energy: The super mechanical warrior powered by ‘antimatter’ has unparalleled destructive power, destroying the planet and destroying the galaxy as easily as eating and drinking water. 】


  【Promotion: 200,000 trillion energy points】


   Jiangli has checked the information about Wang Gang after his promotion. There have been comprehensive changes. The skills have been unified planning, and new ‘antimatter’ energy and skills, weapons, etc. have been added.


   ‘Super Robot Warrior-Antimatter Energy’.

   is a powerful mechanical warrior powered by ‘antimatter’ as the energy source.

   That is to say.

  Wang Gang’s body has an ‘antimatter’ energy reactor.

To know.

   The anti-matter explosion produced material annihilation. Jiang Li didn't know how powerful it was, and he could only test it through actual combat.

   Except for these.

   After being promoted to rank 9.

   also added a column for ‘Military Rank’.

To know.

   Although the mechanical soldiers in the past had military ranks, they would not be specifically divided into a column for introduction, but now there is an extra column for military rank.

   This is because the military rank is after reaching the ‘Marshal-Star Level’.

   there is a qualitative change.

It can be said.

   The military rank of ‘Marshal-Star Grade’, has been able to sit on the ‘Interstellar Base’, can freely command the mechanical army, and can sit on a planet.


   hum! Hum!

   in an instant.

   Jiangli consumed a full 1.4 million trillion energy points and promoted Wang Gang from the early stage of the ninth stage to the ninth stage of perfection, and he was promoted to the third stage in a row.

   Improved skills and strength.

overall enhancement.

   "Thank you Lord!"

   Wang Gang salutes Jiang Li.

   "Marshal Wang Gang!"

  In addition.

ML01, WMS01, and SSTS01 salute Wang Gang. Because they are special mechanical soldiers, even if they reach Tier 9, their ranks cannot be improved. They are basically always generals. They are also different in terms of skills, just like Wang Gang. there is a big difference.


   Wang Gang saluted and responded.


   WMS01, ML01, and SSTS01 have once again reached 100% evolution, and they can already be promoted to the mid-tier ninth stage.


   hum! Hum!

   Jiang's centrifugal thought directly consumed 600,000 trillion energy points, and promoted WMS01, SSTS01, and ML01 to the middle stage of the ninth tier.

   "Thank you Lord!"

  WMS01, they salute at the same time.


   Jiangli smiled, looking at the Sea Dragon God and Wutian, Wu Prisoner and Luo Yinsha who were still fighting, and the chaotic battlefield.

   "It's time for this war to end."

   Jiangli took a deep breath, waved his right hand, and shouted: "WMS01, ML01, SSTS01, Wang Gang, follow the order, kill!!!"




brush! brush! brush!

   The voice fell off.

   WMS01, their figure disappeared, in an instant, they had already killed the Sea Dragon God and Wutian at the same time, and they attacked and fell.

   rumbling! ! !

   The explosion sounded.

"not good!"

   Sea Dragon God was shocked, retreated extremely quickly, pulled a distance, and avoided WMS01's attack with extreme thrills. Wutian also blocked it with a pseudo-land book and quickly retreated.

   "Middle Stage Nine!"

   is just a brief fight.

   Sea Dragon God noticed WMS01's cultivation base and strength, and his faces were full of shocked expressions. It was unbelievable. I couldn't believe that they were WMS01 at the early stage of the ninth stage. Now their cultivation bases have reached the middle of the ninth stage.


   Wutian also widened his eyes, his face full of astonishment, "Middle stage 9! They are all middle stage Nine! How is this possible? How is this possible?!"


   They can't believe it!


   "The strength of your majesty's three subordinates has improved again."


   "Middle stage nine, three people in the middle stage nine!"


   Wu Wuji, Lin Tianjian, Crimson Lord and Old Brown were cheered with excitement.

at the same time.

   Luo Yinsha and Prisoner Wu also stopped. They looked at Jiang Li with heavy faces, with murderous expressions on their faces, and said in a deep voice, "This Xia Huang Jiangli is so hidden."

   "Mid-stage ninth! Three full-time ninth-stage!"

   "How did he do it?"



   Luo Yinsha and Prisoner Wu were extremely shocked.

   "Do you want to fight again?"

   Prisoner Wu asked in a deep voice, "If we continue to fight, with Jiang Li's current strength, Wu Tian is definitely not an opponent, and the Sea Dragon God must also be killed."

"By the time."

   "The human race will win the final victory."


   Luo Yinsha's face was gloomy.


   Five prisoners snorted coldly.



   Prisoner Wu's figure rushed towards Jiang Li, very fast, like a thunderbolt passing through the space, rushing in front of Jiang Li.

   "Death is sinking!"

   "The devil awakens!"

   "Heavenly Purgatory!"

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   WMS01, the three of them joined forces and rushed to Prison Wu, intercepting Prison Wu’s path. The strongest skills were activated, showing the character and character and attacked Prison Wu.

   "Thunder Dragon Totem!"


  The totem of five prisoners appeared manifestly, it is a five-clawed thunder dragon, the dragon roars, rises into the sky, roars, roaring terrifying dragon breath.

   blocked their attack on WMS01.

have to say.

   Prisoners Wu's strength is very strong, but the fighting power of WMS01 is not weak. Although they are only in the middle of the ninth stage, the three teamed together can still block the prisoners of the late ninth stage.


   Sea Dragon God and Wu Tian watched the battle in a daze.

   "Star combat skills."


   Wang Gang moved instantaneously, and in an instant, he had already reached Wu Tian and the Sea Dragon God, his face calm and cold, without the slightest fluctuation.


   Wang Gang makes a fist.

   On his fist, there was an extremely terrifying anti-matter energy attached to it, which produced a wave of indescribable material annihilation, and then blasted out with a punch.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Matter is annihilated, space is shattered.

   Click! Click!

"Do not!!!"

   Sea Dragon God widened his eyes, and he felt the breath of death. At the moment of crisis, all his power broke out in this instant.

   The blood of the demon **** burns.

   hum! Hum!

  The endless flame is surging.

Roar! Roar!

  The real dragon roared, and the sacred weapon exploded.



   When Wang Gang's punch fell, all matter was annihilated, the sacred artifacts exploded, the flames collapsed, and the defensive light curtain shattered. Everything was like paper, just like tofu.


   Unparalleled power!

  噗! ! !

   Blood splashes.

   Sea Dragon God’s head exploded, and it was annihilated into dust. The terrifying power of annihilation rushed into the Sea Dragon God’s body and wiped out all vitality.


   is just a punch!

   Sea Dragon God died.


   absolutely powerful!

   crushing destruction.

Roar! Roar! !

  The true dragon of the Sea Dragon Dynasty manifested, wailing in pain, and numerous cracks appeared on the huge dragon body, which was gradually breaking apart.

   "Qingdi Jue!"


  Jiangli revolving technique, Daxia Qinglong rushed out, opened the extremely huge dragon mouth, and then swallowed the dynasty of the Hailong Dynasty.


   Jiangli felt that the Great Xia Qinglong had reached its limit, but was missing a crucial factor, so he could not go any further and could only maintain the form of a true four-clawed dragon.


   Wutian couldn't help but his eyes widened. He stared at the corpse of the Sea Dragon God in a daze. Suddenly, there was a feeling of sorrow for a rabbit and a fox, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Wang Gang.

To know.

   Wutian relied on the power of the Pseudo Earth Book to be able to draw a tie with the Sea Dragon God in the middle of the ninth rank.


   The opponent was able to kill the Sea Dragon God with a single Sea Dragon God tried his best to use all the means, and could not resist the punch.

   That is to say.

   The opponent can easily kill himself.

   "The Sea Dragon God was killed by a single shot."

   Lan Lan was also stunned, her expression a bit wrong.

   "The Ninth Order is complete!"

   The Innate Ghost Race took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "This is a ninth-order perfect powerhouse, and his strength and cultivation are no worse than ours."


The Demon Race was shocked and said: "This San Anzhou human race actually gave birth to a ninth-order perfect super powerhouse, and most importantly, this ninth-order perfect powerhouse turned out to be the subordinate of the human race Xia Huang. And the minister."

   "What is this Emperor Xia's ability? He can surrender the ninth-order perfect super power, so that the other party can willingly become his subjects and subordinates."

"not good!"

   Prisoner Wu shrank in pain, and said in shock: "That's the powerhouse of ninth-level consummation!!! It turned out to be ninth-level consummation! There is no chance of winning! Wutian! Run away!!!"

   "Super Ares Fist!"


   Wang Gang gathered a vast amount of antimatter energy, and then wrapped it with a layer of mechanical energy, forming a jet-black fist, and blasted Wutian with one punch.

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