The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 670: Lore


   Wutian was screaming and roaring.

   He can't escape.

   can only work hard.

   bang bang bang! ! !

next moment.

  The power of the dynasty's national destiny, the national destiny artifact, and the eighth-order army formation all exploded and gathered together to form an extremely powerful energy.

   "The blood is awakened! The blood is burning!"


   Wutian incarnates into a double-winged thunder dragon. The dragon is huge as a vast star, bathed in endless thunder, and the purple thunder sea envelopes the dragon.

   hum! Hum!


   The blood of the double-winged thunder dragon burned, and Wutian, who was transformed into the double-winged thunder dragon, showed countless purple thunder fires, which burned violently.

   The momentum increased greatly.

   The combat effectiveness has greatly increased.



   The twin-winged thunder dragon roared, roaring a terrifying breath of the thunder dragon, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. It can burn all things and all souls and destroy everything.

   bang bang bang! ! !


   Such a powerful thunder dragon's breath, but under Wang Gang's fist, continued to collapse, the dragon's breath burning with thunder and entwining the thunder melted like snowflakes.

   Constantly annihilated.

   could not resist Wang Gang's attack at all.

"Do not!!!"


   Wutian's heart is full of fear.

   "Pseudo land book!"


  Wu Tian did not hesitate to explode the strongest power of the pseudo-land book, the pseudo-land book bloomed with immense light, brilliant and brilliant, flooding the space.


   The pages of the book kept turning.


   Before the power of the pseudo-land book exploded, Wang Gang stretched out his right hand, and the anti-matter energy annihilated all powers. The power of the pseudo-land book was like paper in front of the anti-matter energy.

   vulnerable to a blow.


   is like tearing a book.

   Wutian stretched out his hand and tore off the pages of the pseudo-land book one by one. The torn pages were turned into specks of light in the sky and dissipated.

   is like the stars in the sky.

   "No! No! Block it! Block it to the lonely!!!"

   No heaven shouts.


   Wutian blasted another punch. This punch pierced the pseudo-land book, and a fist-sized hole was blasted into the pseudo-land book. The luster of the pseudo-land book dimmed rapidly, exhausting all its power.

   "It's over, it's all over..."


   Despair without the sky!


   Prisoner Wu's eyes widened, and he roared sadly: "No!!!"


   The pseudo-land book was destroyed by Wang Gang, as if a piece of flesh had been dug out in Prisoner Wu’s heart, making Prisoner Wu heartache that he could not breathe.

To know.

   Prisoner Wu is to obtain the ‘part of the origin of St. Anzhou’, which is used to completely complete the ‘false land book’ and complete the false land book truly.

just now.

   Not only the original source is not available, the pseudo-land book is also destroyed.

It can be said.

   Five prisoners died, everything, all preparations, all became dreamy.

   "Jiang Li!"


   It was a long time to contact Yinsha. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they were dragged by prisoner Wu on WMS01. Wang Gang was about to deal with Wutian, and Jiang Li had no one to protect him.

   This is the best opportunity.



   The silver sand of the network crossed the void, and in an instant, he smashed in front of Jiang Li, and his palms fell, like the sky is turned upside down, covering the sky and the sun, and it is vast.


   is very powerful!

   The power of the attack of the network silver sand is extremely terrifying!

   is carrying an extremely surging murderous intent.

   "Just because you want to kill the emperor?"

   Jiangli raised his head, extremely calm, and raised his right hand. On his right hand he wore a jet black manipulator, which is the ‘master mechanical manipulator’.

   and it has already started.

   "Target: CJJX01-FZNNY."

   hum! Hum! Hum!

   The manipulator on Jiangli’s right hand was surging with bursts of light, "Skill: Anti-Matter Combat Technique."

   "Annihilation Palm!"


   Jiang Li manipulated Wang Gang's skills and temporarily acquired the'anti-matter combat technique', able to master anti-matter energy. Jiang Li's fist was wrapped with a layer of anti-matter energy.


   Turn fists into palms.

   The palm print blasted away, and the matter was annihilated.

   bang bang bang! ! !

   Countless explosions sounded.

can be seen.

   Where Jiangli’s Zhang Jin passed, everything was annihilated, every energy exploded, countless materials turned into dust, and the terrifying power destroyed everything.


   Luo Yinsha screamed.


   He vomited blood, his body flew upside down, flying a very long distance, his hands were bleeding, his face was pale and bloodless.

"you you……"

   Luo Yinsha looked at Jiang Li in horror.


   Jiangli used the'dominant mechanical manipulator' to manipulate Wang Gang and was able to use Wang Gang's power, thus performing antimatter annihilation moves.

   is extremely powerful.

even though.

   Jiangli could not exert all his power.


   is enough to deal with Luo Yinsha in the late stage of the ninth stage.

"How is this going?"

   Prisoner Wu said in astonishment: "Luo Yinsha was injured by Jiang Li's palm? How is this possible? Jiang Li is only an eighth-order perfect cultivation base, and Luo Yinsha is already in the late-stage ninth stage."


   Lan Lan and they were also shocked.

   Click! Click!

   The lacquered manipulator in Jiangli's hand was constantly cracking open, cracks appeared one after another, and finally turned into pieces of scrap iron falling.

  'No. ZZJXCZ01 Dominating Mechanical Manipulator' was completely scrapped and turned into a pile of scrap iron.


   Dominating the mechanical manipulators is only the seventh-order, crossing several steps to manipulate the ninth-order complete Wang Gang, allowing Jiang Li to directly control Wang Gang's power.

   Obviously the price is not small.

   A dominating mechanical manipulator can only let Jiang Li release his skills once.

  After use.

   Dominating the mechanical manipulator will be scrapped.

of course.

   As long as the ‘Interstellar Base 01’ is upgraded to Tier 8, and the dominating mechanical manipulators are upgraded to Tier 8, this will not happen to the mechanical soldiers that control Tier 9.


  噗! puff! puff! !

   screamed again and again.

   Wutian's body was full of blood. After Wang Gang's punch through the pseudo-book, the power of antimatter annihilation shattered Wutian's defenses, leaving countless wounds on his body.


   extremely tragic!

   Wutian had to retreat from the state of awakening and returned to the state of human form.


   Wang Gang's figure disappeared.


   appeared in front of Wutian the next moment, Wutian just felt a flower in front of him, when he reacted, Wang Gang had reached out and pinched Wutian's neck.

   "Let go... let go of me!!!"

   Wutian's face flushed, almost turned purple, and roared loudly.

   hum! Hum!

   Antimatter energy surges, annihilating the energy of Wutian resistance.

   "Stop it!"

   Prisoner Wu roared and looked at Jiang Li, and shouted loudly: ‘Jiang Li, stop it, if you kill Wutian, our demons will not let you go! "


   Jiangli sneered, "You are worthy of threatening the emperor?"

  噗! ! !

   The voice fell off.

   Jiangli waved his right hand, and the Yin-Yang Emperor sword flew out, transforming into a Yin-Yang sword style, like a black and white five-clawed real dragon flying out of the sky, directly piercing Wutian's head.

   Blood splashes.

  Wu Tian was confined by Wang Gang, unable to exert all his power, he could only watch Jiang Li's sword pierce his head.

   has no ability to resist.

   "Jiang Li!!!"

   Five prisoners roared and roared.


   Wutian opened his mouth, and the vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared. Although his head was pierced, he did not die immediately. After all, he was the emperor in the early stage of Tier Nine, with strong vitality.


   but can't hold on for long.

   Wutian looked at Jiang Li, and opened his mouth to say something.


   The Yin-Yang Emperor Sword turned around like a boomerang, and with a ‘swipe’, Wu Tian’s head was chopped off from behind, and then turned into a sword light and returned to Jiang Li’s hand.

Roar! Roar! !

   The real dragon of national fate of Wutian Demon Dynasty immediately rushed out of Wutian's body.

   Yang Tianlong Yin.

   is full of pain and wailing.

   Click! Click!

   The huge dragon body, which is 90,000 meters long, is constantly cracking open.

   The fortune of the dynasty began to collapse.

   Demon Race Demon King!


   has fallen!

   died under Jiang Li's sword.

   "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

"Do not!!!"

   "We lost, the demon... the demon clan lost!"

   "It's over! It's all over!!!"


   Qilian, Qianfu and many other monster kings looked panicked.

   "Qingdi Jue!"


   Jiangli's operation technique, Daxia Qinglong once again manifested, opened his mouth and sucked, and quickly swallowed and absorbed the imperial state of the Heavenless Demon Dynasty.

   "Network Yinsha!"

   Prisoner Wu had scarlet eyes, raging killing intent, and shouted: "Don't you still join forces with this seat? Do you really want to watch the human race win the final victory and establish a human race?"


   Luo Yinsha was silent.

   "As long as we kill Jiang Li together, St. Anzhou will fall into chaos again, and after a few hundred thousand years, the human race, the barbarian, and the monster race will rebuild the dynasty, and the dynasty will fight for hegemony again."

   "Everything is over again."

   "We still have a chance."

   "It's only a hundred thousand years. With our ninth-level cultivation base and life span, we can fully afford it."


   Jiangli suddenly burst into laughter, and the Qingdi Jue worked, swallowing all the imperial destiny of the Wutian Demon Dynasty, and even the national destiny of the Sea Territory Dynasty was absorbed and refined.

this moment.

   Jiangli's power rose to its peak.

Not only that.

   hum! Hum!

   in the dark.

   The "Hidden Dragon Ranking-San Anzhou" seems to be manifested. It began to echo with each other in Jiang Li, the national luck improved, Jiang Li won Jiang Li.

  His Qingdi Jue directly reached the 9th-order best.


   With the help of the energy feedback from the national movement, Jiangli successfully converted the 9th-order best Qingdi Jue almost instantly. Not only that, but the energy of Jiangli's feedback from the national movement only consumed a tiny fraction.

It can be said.

Current state.

   Jiangli is able to use the energy feedback from the national movement to ignite his The cultivation base will be broken to the early stage of the ninth stage, but Jiangli has no time to do this for the time being.

   "Just because you want to stop the emperor?"


   Jiangli's momentum is like a rainbow, and there is even a faint imperial might surging, and the emperor's personality at the center of his eyebrows is shining with brilliance, and it becomes more and more brilliant.

brush! brush! !

   Wang Gang, WMS01, SSTS01, ML01.

   A ninth-order complete.

   Three mid-stage ninth.


   Jiangli himself can also use the power of Wang Gang with the help of the ‘master mechanical manipulator’, and he can barely display the combat power of the late ninth stage.

   Such a lineup.

   is extremely powerful.


   There are also this mechanical army and the big summer army.

   "We have already lost."

  Luo Yinsha looked at such a lineup, and already had a retreat in his heart, "Prison Wu, our strength alone cannot hurt Jiang Li."


  Luo Yinsha looked at Lan Lan and the others, who had been watching the game but had not done anything.

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