The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 682: Mid-term

   "It should be right."

   Jiangli took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, staring at the giant bubble ball in front of him, and said: "It's him. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this feeling."

   "Good, good."

  Rejoicing in the river centrifugal.

   "This is the universe of this plane."

   Jianglidao: "Xiao Bai, you immediately establish a fixed plane channel with this plane universe."


Xiao Bai was startled, feeling a little dazed. He swallowed his saliva and looked at the giant bubble ball in front of him, then looked at Jiangli, and whispered, "I want...or..., Master, should change...for another, this plane universe is really terrifying."


   "The personality of this plane universe is not at all weaker than the super fantasy world. With your master's strength, I'm afraid you can't come back if you go."

   "Xiao Bai knows a lot of medium worlds. Although they are completely inferior to the resources of the universe on this plane, they are safe and have not been occupied by other imperial dynasties. They are very, very, very suitable for you as the master."


   Xiaobai is scared.

   "It's Him."

   Jiangli frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Establish a fixed plane channel immediately."


   Xiaobai wanted to speak but stopped.

  Jiang Li's eyes widened, and Xiao Bai was so frightened that Jiang Li closed his mouth, she didn't dare to talk any more.

   "Okay master, Xiaobai will start to establish the channel."

   Xiaobai had to respond.


   Jiangli nodded.


next moment.

   A flower in front of my eyes.

   Jiangli's consciousness returned to his body.


Only then did Xiao Bai sigh, and muttered in a low voice: "Could it be that the first master that Xiao Bai followed will fall before the journey begins? This is Xiao Bai's first master! And still so. Shuai, it's a shame to die like this."

  Xiandian core hall.

   Consciousness returns.

   Jiangli immediately woke up, opened his eyes, frowned, looked down at the white diamond mark on the back of his right hand, which was shining with light.

   "How come back? Is the channel established?"

   Jiang thought about it.

   "Your Majesty."

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown immediately asked with concern: "Have you chosen?"


   Jiangli nodded.

   "That's good, that's good."

   Akagi breathed a sigh of relief.

To know.

   The rules of the human martial arts fairy court are strict. Except for the official members of the fairy court, any candidate of the fairy court cannot establish a fixed plane channel.


   Xian Ting candidates want to enter the world of other planes through Xiandian or Xianting, they also need to pay expensive ‘ticket’ and ‘transport’ fees.

   The lower the rank of the Xian Ting candidate, the more expensive it is.


   Chi Zhu and Fu Lao have only heard of some legends and rumors. After all, they used to be the lowest ninth class candidates for the fairy garden, and now they finally have a chance.

and so.

   Chizhu and Brown are very excited.

   Jiangli opened a fixed plane channel, and they would naturally have the opportunity to visit other worlds without having to pay expensive tickets and transmission fees.

   "Your Majesty, what world did you choose?"

   Old Brown couldn't help but curiously asked, "The Ninth-Order Lower Immortal Palace is the lowest-level Immortal Palace. Even if your Majesty has the status of a formal member of the Immortal Court, you can only establish one plane channel at present."

"and so."

   "The choice of the first world is particularly important."

   "Although there is not much danger in the low-level world, the resources are relatively insufficient. It is best to choose a middle-level world, where danger and opportunity coexist."

"of course."

   "It is best not to choose a world occupied by other imperial dynasties, otherwise, there will inevitably be an imperial war, which is very detrimental to our Great Xia Dynasty."

   "After all, we have just ended the war, and our troops have lost a lot."


   The Red Lord also looked at Jiang Li, waiting for Jiang Li's answer.

   "The emperor chose the plane universe that was anchored by the six tribes of immortals three years ago."

   Jiangli said very calmly.


   Old Brown's eyes widened, and the whole person was stupid, completely dumbfounded, "Your... Your Majesty, you... What did you just say... What did you say?!"

"This this……"

   The Red Lord took a deep breath.

   "The emperor chose the plane universe that was anchored by the six tribes of immortals three years ago."

   Jiangli had to say it again, "In addition, Xianting assistant also explained to this emperor that the personality of the plane universe anchored by the six races of Xianting is no less than that of the super fantasy world."

"Oh my god!!!"

   Brown old screamed.

   "Your Majesty,"

   The red master was trembling all over, not knowing whether it was fear or anger.

   After a while.

   Chi Zhu and Old Brown gradually calmed down, but their faces were still pale and it was difficult to calm down, their hands were trembling slightly.

   "Your Majesty, do you really understand the meaning of this?"

   Old Brown took a deep breath, and said, "You know, that plane universe, but the entire six races of Xian Ting need to work together in order to build an anchored plane universe."

   "From this you can imagine."

   "How terrifying that plane universe would be. It is definitely a universe that is not weaker than the super fantasy world. There may be a terrifying force comparable to the fairy garden."

   "Your Majesty."

   "Our Great Xia Dynasty is just a human imperial dynasty that has just been promoted. We have also experienced a great battle and haven't fully recuperated. Now we are going to conquer such a terrifying universe."

   "This...this..., it's totally to die."

   "Please think twice."

   The Red Lord bowed and saluted.


   Jiangli flicked his sleeves, "This is the case, so don’t talk about it anymore."

   "Your Majesty..."


   Chi Zhu and Brown Lao sighed.


   Jiang Li naturally knows what Chi Zhu and Old Hu are talking about. If Jiang Li is really a creature in the super fantasy world, he really might not dare to go.


   Jiangli is not a creature in the super-fantasy world, but a person who has traveled through the rebirth. Jiang Li's journey to that plane universe can only be said to return to his'hometown.

  In addition.

The six races anchored that plane universe three years ago, and the super fantasy universe invaded. Although the plane of the universe is vast, Jiang Li can’t guarantee that no imperial army of a certain race will not come. Earth.

   If this happened.

  With earth technology.

   Even if the most powerful hydrogen bomb is used for bombing, it cannot fight against the imperial army, because the army formed by the imperial army is very powerful.

not to mention.

   There are also powerhouses above the seventh rank.

   as long as you want.

   only need an eighth-level super power, can easily destroy the entire earth.


On Earth.

   Jiangli has his biological parents who gave birth to him, as well as his younger brother who has just graduated from junior high school, and his sister who is less than three years old. They like to stick to Jiang Li the most.

   Every time Jiang Li goes home, the little girl sticks to Jiang Li's body and doesn't want to leave.


   Although Jiang Li missed his hometown and loved ones in his heart, he just didn't show it, because at that time, he didn't think he could go back.


   The opportunity to go back is already here.

   Jiangli is naturally impossible to give up.

   In this super fantasy world.

   Jiangli is a lonely person.

still remember.

   Just when he came into this world, Jiang Li couldn't believe anyone at all. He didn't dare to trust anyone. The only thing he could rely on and trust was the mechanical soldiers made through the ‘Super God Mechanical Legion’.


   Mechanical soldiers are mechanical creations after all. Even if they possess the wisdom that is no less than that of human beings, they still cannot resolve Jiang Li's loneliness, and cannot talk to Jiang Li at all.

   It was a kind of cold loneliness.

   About ten years.

   Jiangli did things that he could not even think of before.

   He slaughtered thousands of lives.

   is in his hands, I don’t know how many people have been killed, it’s already innumerable.

   was covered with blood.

   Jiangli finally unified St. Anzhou, enslaved the monsters and barbarians of St. Anzhou, enslaved all the heterodox races, established the Great Xia Dynasty, and became the emperor of the human race.

   in St. Ann.

   The river is above the sentient beings, overlooking the sentient beings.


   By Jiang Li's side.

   But there is no one who can say something intimate.

As for Du Xiaohua, and Su Yanwei and Su Xiao who had been in a relationship with Jiang Li, although they were also in the imperial capital, Jiang Li didn’t think about them. Naturally, they haven’t seen each other for a long time. It can be said that they have been left behind. Up.

   hum! ! !

at last.

   The ‘plane channel’ was successfully opened.

   The white diamond mark on the back of Jiangli's right hand appeared, with a dazzling luster, echoing the core of this fairy hall.

   Click! Click!

   The space is cracked.

   In front of Jiang Li, a huge space crack appeared, tearing time and space, breaking the barriers between world and world, universe and universe, plane and plane.

   hum! Hum!

   The white light shines.

   half a minute later.

   The space crack stabilized and turned into a white arched portal, only two meters in height and one meter in width, appearing in the core hall of Xiandian.


   Jiang Li's mind had a new wave of information out of thin air, which was transmitted by the white diamond mark, and it should be said that Xiao Bai had transmitted it to Jiang Li.

   Jiangli quickly remembered.

"shut down."


   White light flashed.

   The white arched portal closed and disappeared, and the space returned to normal.

   Jiangli can control this white arched portal, that is, the ‘plane passage’, by using the information in his mind, and then using the ‘Order of the White Ancestor’.

  In addition.

   Jiangli can also expand the entrance of the passage, move the entrance position, but can not leave the position of ten thousand meters away from the immortal palace, otherwise, the "plane passage" will collapse.

   "Your Majesty, just now..."

   asked Old Brown.


   Jiang Lidao: "The passage has been established. After a while, the emperor will personally go to the plane universe on the other side of the passage."

   Four days later.

  Wu Wuji and the others returned one after another. The Sifang seas were all occupied by Wu Wuji and they succeeded in taking all the Sifang seas and becoming the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty.

  In addition.

   Wu Wuji they have searched all the resources in the Sifang Seas and brought them back to the Great Xia Dynasty. Jiang Li converted more than 90% of the spirit stones, elixir, and medicinal materials into energy points.

   The harvest is not small.

   Increased the energy points of three to four million trillion points.

   [Energy point: 14.8 million trillion energy points. 】

   Jiangli opened the interface and took a closer look at the number of energy points.

   At the same time because of the expansion of the Great Xia Dynasty, coupled with the elimination of all the remaining sea dynasties and sea dynasties in the Sifang seas, a lot of national fortunes have been absorbed.

   The fortune of the emperor’s kingdom has grown.

   Great Xia Qinglong grew from one hundred thousand meters to one hundred thousand meters.

   That night.

   Jiangli, with the help of the energy feedback from the national movement, successfully condensed the'spleen soil', forming a twenty-fourth grade of the'spleen soil lotus' on the upper part of the abdomen, surging with an earthy yellow luster.

   Come like this.

   Jiangli’s cultivation base broke through and successfully reached the middle stage of the ninth stage.

the next day.

   Jiangli led Wang Gang, WMS01, SSTS01, ML01, and the pet servant Wick into the ‘plane passage’.

   "Gong send your majesty."

   "I wish your majesty return in triumph."


   Wu Wuji and other princes, as well as all the Great Xia Hou Wang, and the great officials of Great Xia gathered to send Jiang Li, Wu Wuji and the others persuaded Jiang Li, let them explore the way first.


   Jiangli still refused.

   He wanted to take a trip in person and let Wu Wuji and the others do it, Jiang Li was not relieved.

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