The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 683: Return

   Universe starry sky.

   It is vast and endless, even if it is a poor life, you can only see the tip of the iceberg, dark and silent, countless stars dotted in the dark universe.

   is like painting on black paper.

   in a corner of this endless universe.

Milky Way.

   shone with silver brilliance, and its appearance was extremely beautiful, like a vortex in a river.

   His eyes continued to narrow.

  Solar system.

   The starry sky very close to Mars.

   Click! Click!


   The space of the starry sky cracked open without warning, gradually expanded, and then finalized, emitting a faint white light, forming an arched portal.

   hum! Hum!

   The light flickered.

   Jiangli, the three mechanical soldiers, and the pet servant Wick, they simultaneously walked out of this white arched portal and stood in the starry sky of the universe.

   loneliness and darkness.


   Jiangli opened his eyes. His transmission across the universe was naturally not so easy. After passing through the plane channel, he finally arrived at the plane universe anchored by the six race fairy gardens three years ago.

   It's a long time.

   Jiangli came back to his senses.

   deserves to be the ‘plane channel’ established by Xian Ting. Even if it was teleported across the space and time of the universe, Jiang Li did not feel any discomfort.

To know.

   Jiangli used the space teleportation array of "Human Martial Arts Fairy Court-St. Anzhou Chamber" at the beginning, but there was a feeling of spinning around the world, and after the teleportation, there was still a feeling of dizziness.


   Jiangli didn't feel any discomfort this time.

"the host."

first timing.

   Wick changed back to its original form, a huge thunder dragon appeared in the universe, and purple thunder surrounded the dragon.

   has a body length of kilometers.

   "This is really an extremely vast cosmic starry sky."

   Wick said with emotion: "I can feel the ubiquitous cosmic energy in this universe."


   Jiangli nodded slightly. He stood on Wick's dragon's back, looking at the surrounding space, watching the familiar sights that came into view, which made Jiang Li's mood extremely complicated.

   Mars, the earth, and the huge sun, the fire of the sun is burning.

   Even if it is far away.

   Jiangli can feel the terrifying power contained.

   "I didn't expect that I actually came back."

   River Centrifuge is still a little bit unbelievable until now, when he looked ahead, he clearly saw the blue planet revolving around the sun.

   Beside the blue planet.

   There is also a smaller satellite-the moon.

   After being excited.

   Jiangli gradually calmed down.

after all.

   Jiangli has experienced a lot of things in San Anju, and his mood has already been tempered. Although he is very excited, he has recovered his calm in a very short time.

   "It's okay."

   Jiangli breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This time he descended through the plane channel. Although he did not return directly to the earth, he was also next to Mars, the nearest to the earth."

"To know."

   "The entire universe is vast, and the universe that humans can observe on Earth alone is composed of more than two trillion galaxies the size of the Milky Way."

   "The diameter is calculated with the earth’s light years, reaching 93 billion light years."

   "As for the more unknown unobservable universe, it is even more unknowable, how big it is, what is it made of, etc."

   "Everything is unknown."

   "In other words, I can establish a ‘plane channel’ from the super fantasy world and directly come to the solar system of the Milky Way, and even next to Mars."

   "This is already extremely lucky."


   Is this really just lucky?

Not necessarily.

   Jiangli originally traveled from the soul of the earth to the super fantasy world. The origin of San Anzhou collected information on this plane and universe through Jiangli, and formed the ‘universe imprint’ and the ‘world coordinates’.

   More possibilities.

   The information recorded in the "Universal Imprint" is probably mostly related to the earth, the solar system, or even the Milky Way.


   can also explain why Jiang Li can come directly to Mars.


   Jiangli can be directly teleported to Mars, so the armies of other imperial dynasties in the super fantasy world will also have a high probability of appearing in the solar system or around the Milky Way.

more than this.

   may come directly to the earth.

   "I must return to Earth as soon as possible."

   Jiangli took a deep breath. After careful thinking, he looked at the azure planet in front of him, preparing to move in space and reach the earth at the fastest speed.

To know.

   The distance between Mars and the Earth will change with the revolution of the two planets. It can reach 55 million kilometers recently, and the farthest is more than 400 million kilometers.

   is nearly four times different.

   Close contact between the two occurs approximately once every fifteen years.


   The distance between the Earth and Mars is about 100 million kilometers.


   Jiang Lidao, "As fast as you can, move towards that blue planet."

   "Yes, master."

   Wick responded.


   Purple lightning flashes.

   Wick prepares to turn into Thunder and travel through space.

brush! brush! brush!


   Before Wick set off, the space in front of him fluctuated, and about seven figures appeared out of thin air, blocking their way by Jiang Li.

   The light faded.

   The seven figures showed their true faces.

   They were all dressed in emerald green cloth armor, their weapons carried bows and arrows and quivers, and their weapon was a wooden spear, three women and four men.

   Both men and women have excellent looks, with long hair that is as cold as forest green, pointed ears, and skin white as snow.

   is like a ‘elf’.

   Seventh order!

   These seven men and women who are like elves.

   are all seventh-order cultivation bases.

   That's why it can travel freely in the universe.


   They just borrowed the power of space teleportation, and they came here, blocking Jiang Li and their way, and staring at Jiang Li and them coldly.

   "You are so bold."

   Among the seven ‘elves’, the middle-aged man standing in the middle is the slenderest man. He wears a blindfold on his left eye. I don’t know if he is blind in his left eye or for other reasons.


  His cultivation base is the highest.

   is the seventh level of perfection.

   "It is so bold to dare to break into the jurisdiction of the'Starfall Emperor Dynasty'."

   The middle-aged man scolded in a deep voice, "You wait to report your name immediately."

   "Starfall Emperor Dynasty."

   Jiangli groaned, his mind moved, even if he was in the universe in this direction, his consciousness could enter that space in an instant and communicate to the true dragon list.


   The vast list of true dragons appeared.

   Jiangli swept his gaze, and immediately found the "Starfall Emperor Dynasty" on the True Dragon List. The ranking was not very high, and it was only in the ninth sequence.

   No. 120800: Emperor Xingluo Dynasty, country name "Star", Demon Emperor "Luo Xinghe".

   Consciousness returns.

   only a few seconds before and after.

   "Starfall Emperor Dynasty."

   Jiangli looked at each other, and looked at him a few times, "The country is named ‘Star’, the Emperor of the Demon Race, and the Demon Emperor is ‘Luo Xinghe’, ranking 120800th."

   "You... how do you know?"

   The seven ‘elves’ stared at Jiang Li with shocked eyes.

   "A question for you, are you ‘elves’?"

   Jiangli asked.


   The other party answered directly.


   Jiangli understood, and said, "Although races in other worlds cannot be brought into the'super fantasy world,' it does not mean that they cannot be brought into other worlds."

   "So when you dominate other worlds, you should tame or enslaves the race creatures of other worlds, then form them into an army, and then use them to conquer other worlds."

   "It is indeed a good idea."


   Jiangli is in Sheng'anzhou. In the super fantasy world, he can't see other races, but he believes that in the years to come, he will be able to truly see the many styles of the ten thousand worlds and ten thousand races.

   "In addition to the'Starfall Emperor Dynasty', what other dynasties have descended into the solar system?"

   Jiangli asked again, "Could an emperor send an army into the earth?"


The middle-aged elf man recovered from the shock just now and didn't want to answer Jiang Li's question. He shouted loudly: "No matter where you learned the information, you dare to trespass into the rule of the Xingluo Emperor. I was so bold, I immediately grabbed my hands and went to the barracks with me, waiting to be sent."

   "Otherwise, we will let you all fly into ashes."

   "Kill, leave a living mouth enough."

   Jiangli's indifferent way.



   The voice fell off.

   ML01 disappeared in an instant, and it was teleported in space. The next moment it appeared in front of the seven elves, and the Blade of Nirvana condensed.

   holding the knife in his right hand, swinging out.

  噗! puff!

   Blood splashes.

   can only see the black light flashing away. Seven elves died and six of them were cut off with a single knife, without any backhand strength.

   The late ninth stage.

  ML01 is already in the late stage of the ninth stage.

   The last dynasty battle is over.

   ML01, SSTS01, WMS01, the evolution of the three special mechanical soldiers have reached 100%. After Jiang Li gained a large number of energy points, they were all promoted, and all the ranks reached the late stage of the ninth stage.

   "Nine... Nine orders!!!"



   The only middle-aged male elf of Tier 7 who survived, his face was full of horror and horror, his whole body was trembling, and he felt a chill from the soles of his feet hitting his head.

   He didn't expect it. It was just a patrol mission. He accidentally discovered that several ‘human races’ had entered the ruling area and came to stop them, but they encountered a Tier 9 superpower.

   is really horrible.


   "What a courage!!"

   "Dare to commit crimes within our command!"

   Boom! boom! boom! ! !

   In an Above Mars.

   In the barracks where the army of the Starfall Empire was stationed, several marshals and generals discovered the energy fluctuations, and immediately reacted, and a terrifying aura rose to the sky.

   They rushed over at the fastest speed.

   "What a fast speed."

   Jiang looked away, and he clearly felt several powerful auras. The positive direction came quickly, and it was estimated that he could be here in at most half a minute.


   The river leaves the road.



   Jiangli’s right hand popped out, and the imprint of emperor personality appeared on the center of his eyebrows. The vast true essence was surging, forming a huge palm, directly grasping the middle-aged male elves that was shocked by the emperor’s personality.


   The lightning flashed.

   Wick turned into Thunder, shuttled through the space, and disappeared in place.

   Half a minute passed.

   Jiangli had already left them.

   And when the Marshals of the Starfall Empire arrived, they had already lost Jiang Li and their traces, and even if they wanted to pursue them, there was no trace.

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