The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1171: Believers ca n’t be counted as betrayal (thanks to the Silver League, which broadcast

Without the blockade of information, two days later, the images of the first ring of the Earth's ring were fully blossomed on the Internet and spread quickly, causing surprise and shock to the vast number of interstellar citizens.

The Black Star Corps's tracing events during this period are quite well-known. The interstellar society thinks that Black Star is just looking for someone, and many people are actively participating in it. Unexpected breaking news.

Aren't you looking for someone, why did Heixing work with Jiguo again? !!

Not only did we have a fight, we even won this time!

In the last smart plague incident, due to its position exposure, the weapon country plummeted its reputation, but its strength and position were limited. Although the three major civilizations have been propagating nominal tie-breaking records, the publicity effect is not good because of insufficient evidence. A little meaning.

However, the strength of Black Star is there. Although many people don't sniff at it, they also understand that there is water in their hearts. It is only because of the success of Black Star that everyone supports and will not come out to sing.

But this time, the circulating video data recorded the whole process without any omissions. The black star basically singled out to win, proving the authenticity of the record, and this caused the uproar of the masses.

The powerful impression that Jiguo has always created in the minds of countless interstellar citizens has gradually begun to fade, and the image of Heixing has become more and more profound, gradually taking away the prestige of Jiguo.

In the past dozens or hundreds of years, the impression made by Ji Guo never seems to have suffered. However, in the last less than a year, Ji Guo has eaten twice and it has been on the black star alone. !!

Black Star was born, and in just a few decades, it has created a period of legendary stories, which has become the most noticeable super-A grade recognized in the last half century, this time The impact is even greater than the last time. Most of the interstellar society feels that the times are changing, and it seems that a new round of new and old alternation is happening under the eyes of all of them.

Of course, shock is shocking, most interstellar citizens are even more confused about the cause of the matter, wondering why this time Black Star and Jiguo fought.

The interstellar society knows that these two are the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the super-a level association, and the purpose of the association is to mediate the armed conflicts of the super-a level. It does not mean that the name of the development federation is real. It is known that these individuals with strong power are indifferent to nature, like dogs cannot change feces. They are brave and hard to fight.

A considerable number of interstellar citizens have deep-bone stereotypes about super-a, respectful and fearful, longing and disgusted, but Black Star is one of the few exceptions.

Regarding this matter, there is another version of conspiracy theory that is more widely circulated. It is believed that this time it must be another conspiracy brewed in the secret state of the country, and the black star once again stopped him-a smart plague, The good reputation of Jiguo is completely broken. As long as his behavior is exceptional, it will touch the sensitive nerves of the public, making people subconsciously think that he is planning a conspiracy that is not conducive to the peace of the universe.

Moreover, this statement is not groundless. In the video of the Earth Ring Star, it is clearly shown that the reason why the country blocked the planet is to track the fugitives, and the identity of the fugitives is hardly reminiscent of the recent Aesop wanted by the Black Star Legion.

In this way, many people "suddenly realized" and felt the truth came out.

So it must be that the machine country found that Aesop was lost, so he wanted to intervene and secretly abduct Aesop, in order to slay Dragon and Black Star!

This man is too bad. He is obviously the family of the Black Star Corps, but he has to take advantage of it and kidnap someone else's relatives, which is shameless!

This version of the conspiracy theory seems to be well-founded and has been recognized by more and more people. On the Internet, the condemnation and contempt actions against the machine country have intensified, as if overnight, the machine country became everyone's shouting. The object is notorious.

Such a rapid dissemination of public opinion is naturally indispensable, and more than one. The forces that once resented with the state of weapons, or who have always disliked the state of weapons, are playing on the topic to secretly contribute to the situation. In light of the reputation of the machine nation among its peers, it is not difficult to guess who sent these unsolicited naval forces.

It took a few days for public opinion to ferment, and the Black Star Corps released a brief announcement that took things to a new level.

The Black Star Corps claimed that they had recovered Aesop and found that Aesop ’s departure was not voluntary, but was abducted. It has been verified that the country of weapons is one of the accomplices, and the real culprit behind this is the Mordo civilization. The Legion said, The possibility of taking further action is not excluded.

Of course, the official speech is more euphemistic, but the interstellar society can understand the subtext of the black star.

——Small sample, want to hide me behind? Wash your neck and wait!


"It can be confirmed that the soul-changing instrument has fallen into the hands of Black Star ..."

In the high-level conference room of the Mordo civilization, the air seemed to be gelled, and every breath in the audience was stagnant.

They grasped the inside story, and naturally knew that the real reason for the battle between Heixing and Jiguo was robbing the soul-changing instrument, and Jiguo himself confirmed that the soul-changing instrument had fallen into the hands of Heixing.

At first, Modo didn't know that Madison had come to the soul-changing instrument, thinking that the information was well concealed, but now he knew it was too late.

Even if the cooperation motive of the machine nation is not simple, but the ultimate success is the black star, and then the behavior of the entanglement of the machine nation has little meaning, but may terminate cooperation and lose a helping hand.

In contrast, Modo prefers that the country of weapons grab the instrument of turning souls, but falls into the hands of the black star. For them, this is the worst result.

"The soul-changing instrument is too suitable for the installation of spies. If the black star penetrates the high-level expeditionary forces, there will become a black hole and devour all the forces and materials we put in." The military high-level face was ugly.

"He will certainly do this. The statement from the Black Star Legion is his book of war. We will endure a larger attack, and even the Black Star himself may do it himself."

"I can only try my best to remedy it, and find a way to get rid of the soul-changing twins, so that the black star can't use the soul-changing instrument." The three kings of Maduo Shen said.

Because there is no source of information, everyone naturally does not know that the soul-changing twins have died. At this time, in the speculation of the high level of Mordor, the black star also controlled the soul-changing instrument through the soul-changing twins, so the plan to remove the twins was brought up again. .

Hearing that, everyone nodded and agreed with each other, feeling that this is one of the few feasible plans at present.

Naturally, the failure of the action has to pay a price. The Moroccan civilization knows the risks and can only blame its bad luck for losing. Now how to deal with the counterattack of the Black Star is an important issue. The pressure brought by the Black Star is too great. Everyone is at Worry, just like the enemy.

I knew it would cause such a chain reaction. At the beginning, I did not seduce the Kunde people to attack the Red Empire. Because of small mistakes, many seniors in the room felt strong regrets.

The allies of the Superstar Group can't be trusted. They are too lazy to deal with the mess caused by Modo. They only hope that the Modo family will carry the Black Star hard, and stop engaging in moths, affecting the overall strategy ... But this is obviously impossible, and no one wants to pay. Without corresponding gains, Modo would not be reconciled to a predicament, and he must plan for himself.

Because of the differences in their positions, the behavior of the Mordo civilization is in the eyes of other superstar cluster civilizations. It does not stand up to the black star, but may provoke others to end in person. So the dissatisfaction of the allies of the superstar cluster can be imagined.

A senior executive hesitated for a moment, cautiously: "This is the end of the matter, it is not useful to say more. Given our current situation, if the situation is not right, maybe we can only quit the competition that shines in the world ..."

"Impossible!" The three kings of Modo said firmly. "As long as there is a little chance, we will never quit the competition that shines at all costs!"

The words fell, and everyone quickly reconciled, showing that they were politically correct.

However, in my heart, not every senior management agrees. It is naturally important to seek a future for civilization. They do not mind working for this, but if the price is to affect their original status, thereby indirectly damaging the power and identity of the people in these positions in the universe, then many high-level attitudes are ambiguous. .

From the development of the exploration calendar to the present, the leadership has changed from one crop to another, even if the spirit of progress still exists, but the overall concept continues to be conservative, which is an unavoidable natural law.

Compared with the high-level people who grew up with blood and fire in the beginning, not everyone at the high-level level now has a high sense of mission, and no system can curb the spread of selfishness ... What will the future of civilization become? What people think about most in the present moment is still the present moment, or the position of power they can enjoy while they are alive.

To some people, if nothing can be done, the status quo of maintaining the supercluster civilization is not bad. Those who are willing to go all the way to the dark will never be the majority.


Ancient star desert, mechanical gods teach a temporary residence.

Zacks changed into his best dress, looked in the mirror, rolled up the cuffs with oil stains, stuffed a few pieces of cardboard into the collar to smooth the folds, and took care for five minutes. Push the door open and walk towards the direction of the holy mountain temple in the center of the city. On the road, you can see a group of neatly dressed mechanical theologians going in the same direction, smiling at each other and nodding.

Mechanical theology has some characteristics of a nomadic tribe, and it constantly migrates across the universe. Every great priest is in charge of a migrating team. Every once in a while, the great priests will hold a unified ritual, and all believers in their respective places of residence. Will wear the best clothes to participate, this is one of the traditions of mechanical theology.

Zachs is an ordinary believer and holds the position of Heavy Mining Armor Operator. He originally believed in Madison, but after the intelligent plague event, he changed his beliefs and began to worship the Black Star.

Therefore, he has received a lot of cold eyes from his neighbors for months, because most of the time, believers with the same object of faith will choose to live in the same area.

Although mechanical theology promotes freedom of belief, there are only a few ordinary believers who are not affected at all, so Zachs who blatantly changed the gate is very conspicuous in the community. Although neighbors ca n’t do anything, there is definitely no good face. .

Especially a good friend named Modil, who is a **** believer in the country of weapons. After Zacks converted to the Black Star, Modil came to persuade more than once, but in the end it will evolve into a fierce debate. It was the credibility of the original draw. Zacks believed that it was reliable, and Modil insisted that his record was only a means of falsifying the country.

No one could persuade anyone, and gradually they didn't communicate much. He hadn't contacted each other for many days.

While thinking, Zacks maintained a pious attitude, followed the crowd to the temple square, took the ritual supplies from the clergyman, distinguished the direction, and walked toward the Black Star Temple. Each mechanical **** has his own. Divided hall.

On the road, Zacks found a different place. There were basically no believers of the Black Star in the past. Although there was a little more after the intelligent plague event, the number was still scarce. At most, it was only about one tenth of the country. The palace has always been deserted, far less than the gate court of the National Palace of Arms.

But this time, he found that the number of believers who went to the Black Star Hall was several times greater than before, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed and happy.

"There are more and more like-minded people, and my choice is indeed right. The Black Star is more worthy of belief than the Nation."

He was secretly happy and walked into the Black Star Hall. At this time it was very lively and gathered many believers. If he didn't know it, he might think it was the Hall of Armed States.

Soon, Zacks completed a set of ritual procedures and was about to give way to the people behind him. Then suddenly his eyes turned and he saw a familiar figure not far away.

"Well, Modil? Why are you here?"

Hearing someone himself, Modil turned to look around, and found that it was Zachs, his face suddenly became unnatural, and he hurriedly covered his face with his hands and walked away.

Seeing this, Zacks quickly chased after him, grabbed Modil's arm for a moment, and did not let him escape.

"Coincidentally, I didn't expect to see you here." Zacks teased.

"Oh, it's a coincidence. I originally wanted to go to the National Palace Hall, but I didn't expect to get lost." Modil smiled stiffly.

"Gui Guodian is in the opposite direction, and you can get lost. Are you following the crowd, because there are so many people here, so you acknowledged it wrong?" Zacks shouted.

"That's right, that's it." Modil quickly agreed.

"So ... what's this!" Zacks suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a mechanical product. It was Hei Xing's hand-made statue, which belonged to the family model enshrined in the house. He looked at the distressed Modil, hehe laughed: "Don't tell me it's the wrong one. Only when you have blind eyes can you recognize the wrong idol. Honestly, have you also betrayed the machine nation and changed to the black star?"

"Blind! What kind of betrayal betrayal ..." Modil's voice flushed, arrogantly justified: "Can believers be counted as betrayal?"

Zacks looked scornful and didn't speak, he laughed twice.

Facing his old friend's gaze, Modir's momentum quickly weakened, and he whispered, "Don't laugh, I admit that I started to believe in Black Star."

"Yeah, now you recognize it, why did you just quibble?"

"Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings ..." Modil was flushed.

The two had debated a dozen times before, and he determined that Black Star was inferior to Ji Guo, but a few days ago, the video of He Xing cutting the blast of Ji Guo ’s face swollen his face swollen, so he secretly scolded Ji After a nation, I secretly changed my faith, hiding and daring not to let people know, afraid of being joked, and then I met my former friends and wished to hide.

Looking at his appearance, Zacks shook his head dissatisfied. "When you first saw that you just believed in Black Star, you were completely a newcomer and did not realize the essence at all."

"Essence?" Modil was very interested, but embarrassed to follow up.

"Huh, look at you, you just encountered this little thing, you feel embarrassed and embarrassed. It's so ridiculous, how can we be a black star believer? As a black star believer, there is nothing else, but the skin, It must be thick! "

Zachs was righteous with his hands on his hips.

"Is that still the case?" Modil stared.

"Of course! This is the attitude that Black Star taught us in life. Many times, you feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but ... who cares about your feelings! Don't be affectionate!"

"Ha?" Modil opened his mouth wide and stopped talking.

"Shut up, don't ask so many questions, listen to me spread the teachings." Zacks stared.

"... I haven't asked yet ?!"

"Ah, in short, as believers, we must learn the excellence of idols. Hei Xing's skin is well-known in the universe. Look at me. I do n’t even change the community. Whatever they say, dare to come and argue with me. I will be a missionary. Now, look at you again, they all believe in Black Star, and they are afraid that others will know that they are not qualified! "

"It sounds like it makes sense ... Is there anything else to note?"

Modil was shocked, a little ashamed, and hurry to ask for advice.

"Of course, Hei Xing told us that a qualified mechanic should exercise every day to build a strong body!" Zacks rolled up his sleeves, bulging his arm muscles, and his muscles were knotted.

Most people have never believed in a black star. The doctrines and rules are fixed. Believers will extract characteristics from the actions of idols and use them as the purpose of the denomination. As for the characteristics of the black star, many believers saw a new world and broke the old ideas.

It turns out that a true mechanic should take martial arts standards to demand that as long as he is physically fit, he can make up for weaknesses and use himself as a trap to seduce the enemy's face!

Hei Xing has proved with actual records that this is a more advanced method of combat!

The news that Mannison was defeated by the Black Star for the first time caused a large number of believers to be lost in the Machine Country. Many people changed the court and voted under the Black Star's door. For a time, the fitness gods aroused an upsurge of fitness, and fitness equipment was repeatedly out of stock. The same scene was performed simultaneously in many residences of mechanical gods.


"Hey Black Star, he can fight more and more ..."

Sorokin looked at the news war report with an uncertain complexion.

Even judging by his harsh eyes, the machine country is also a rare strong man in history. Hei Xing was abused more than ten years ago, but now he is able to directly eat Manison, and twice.

A guy suspected of guessing his bottom line, having such a strong combat power, is not good news for Sorokin.

"With Hei Xing's current fighting power, if I want to do something to him and clear up the hidden dangers, I must recover all souls and restore the full physical strength. But then, this body can't bear it, basically it must be scrapped. I I have to change my identity again ... "

Sorokin paced back and forth, distraught.

Among the many super-a levels, someone asked for a name, someone asked for power, someone sought strength, and someone wanted nothing, and he wanted nothing but money.

Over the years, in order to achieve various plans, Sorokin changed one vest after another, but this time, he was reluctant to be the leader of the infinite consortium, but it took too much effort to gather the huge wealth.


On the other side, in the fleet returning from the Black Star Corps, Han Xiao dealt with many chores and spared time, finally remembering to test the characteristics of the soul-changing instrument, so he called Fording to temporarily collect the soul-changing instrument.

The fingertip rubbed on the mirror and tried to press it in, but it couldn't get in at all. No matter how much strength was used, the turn to soul instrument would rather die, and the situation in which it actively sucked fording was basically two extremes.

"There are still qualified people, let me see, what the **** are you ..."

Han Xiao's eyes moved and he launched the [Bold Secret Explorer].


(Thanks to the Silver League Millionaire reward for beating the leather and leather armor if you don't write it carefully! Good name! I only slept until the afternoon, I got up, I saw that dinner has not been eaten, and I have n’t finished writing it yet. Baiyinmeng, thank you very much to everyone who contributed! The moderator has written down the list and will post it in related works (??????)

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