The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1172: The origin of the soul-changing instrument

His vision changed rapidly, and when he looked back, Han Xiao found himself suspended in the outer space of a huge planet, overlooking the planet under his feet.

Looking down from the starry sky, the planet has a vast area and green green as a whole. The brightly lit urban areas are all over the planet's surface, and it seems to reproduce a rather prosperous civilization.

Through the technology of planetary orbit satellites, Han Xiao can probably judge that this civilization is at the surface stage, and has both science and magic systems, and is trying to develop into interstellar civilization.

The surface lights flickered brightly and darkly, as if you pressed fast forward. Everything in front of you is like walking around, condensing how many days and nights you do n’t know. In Han Xiao ’s perception, it seems that only three seconds have passed, and here it is At times, as if some kind of node was encountered, time suddenly returned to normal.

The next moment, the planet underfoot changed, and he saw the ground shaking in an urban area, and then a huge seven-finger palm broke out.

A Titan-like giant with a wide back broke away from the ground covering his head, as if a pillar of sky stood up, taking up a large area of ​​land, just like a person lifting a tablecloth from the middle, and The building on the ground was like a bowl on a tablecloth, and it collapsed and shattered.

Climbing out of the ground, this gray-white giant showed a figure of thousands of meters in height, and it was just the aftermath of the ground that destroyed most of the city.

He walked towards the mountains, each step can cause a chain of earthquakes, countless rocks seem to be pulled by some force, climbed up his body along his legs, compressed and condensed into layers of dark brown protective properties The carapace is like wearing an armor.

Soon, the fighter group of the civilization rushed to the scene and fired wildly at this giant. Numerous fires exploded on him, but the damage was minimal. I saw the giant waved his hand, the air compressed, and the surging blast wave swept away. However, the fleet was crushed into pieces of scrap iron in the air and exploded into fireworks in the air.

At the same time, Han Xiao saw similar situations in dozens of locations. One giant life form after another emerged from the ground. Each individual had a different appearance. There were giants, giants, and some indescribable. Some of the life forms are in the old forests in the mountains, some in the loess desert, and some in the deep trenches, as if they were collectively awake.

"An ancient god's wake-up disaster?"

Han Xiao was moved.

This is a rare type of disaster. The so-called "ancient god" is a general term that refers to a powerful individual, not necessarily life, and even a mechanical body can be counted. In simple terms, it is a powerful individual sleeping on the planet, who has spent countless years in sleep, and for some reason regained consciousness, causing a devastating blow to the civilization that later spawned on the planet.

The causes are mainly divided into two types. One is that in the distant past, the "old god" came down from the aliens and fell asleep, but it was a foreign guest. The other is that the "old god" is the life born on the planet, and the latter will basically There is some connection between the planet's religious systems.

If he now buried an apostle weapon of the giant King Kong type on a planet and set it to wake up hundreds of thousands of years later, if the planet was born a civilization, this situation can also be regarded as "the ancient **** awakened."

When Han Xiao thought about it, the image did not stop. I saw that time accelerated again for a short while, and civilization used various modern weapons, but with little effect, even the cultivation of mushrooms could not kill these "old gods".

They seem to have different capabilities. In addition to counterattack, they will not deliberately operate against the civilized forces. Instead, they will continue to use their power to guide the changes in the planet's environment. Volcanic eruptions, tsunami, land plate drifts, magnetic field changes, global temperature Disasters such as rising seem to want to reshape a planet suitable for its own survival. And this drastic environmental change is fatal to the civilization ’s race, so it cannot coexist, and it can only use the weapons of war to attack again and again to try to stop the action of the "old god".

During this period, more "old gods" awakened, they seem to be the ancient masters of the planet, and the population of this civilization has dropped sharply, giving up one city after another, and retreating to the last "old god" is the rarest The continent is called the "last place."

But at this moment, the turnaround had appeared.

Knowing that the "Ancient God" awoke from the ground, the civilization spared no effort to dig the earth around the world, trying to capture individuals during the dormant period, and in the end, they actually found an individual ten thousand meters below the last land. However, this individual He has already died, but his body has not decayed and shrunk.

The civilization was overjoyed and organized a research unit to find the weaknesses of the "old gods", but the more they became more desperate, various evidences showed that with their current level of weapons, there was no way to kill the "old gods".

In Han Xiao's eyes, the level of these "old gods" is at the level of natural disasters, and it seems to be a rare cosmic life race. Because of their extraordinary racial talent and huge vitality, they are more powerful than ordinary natural disasters, mainly very very meat. It is not difficult for a natural disaster-level strongpower to sweep a surface civilization. For this civilization, so many special natural disaster-level life forms have far exceeded their processing capabilities.

Desperate, someone came up with a whimsy and made a suggestion. Since the existing weapons are not working, can we find a way to transform this dead and incorrupt "Old God" corpse, using it as a weapon, and other " Ancient gods "fight.

Under no circumstances, the civilization naturally did not have many objections. It could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, but there were differences in the control method. Normal remote control cannot adapt to high-intensity battles, and neural links cannot support the neural load brought by the huge body. At least tens of thousands of people are barely qualified, which will inevitably reduce flexibility. Artificial intelligence technology has not developed to be practical. Level,

In the end, this civilization decided to advance multiple plans together, and one of the solutions was to develop a device to transfer the soul, free their souls from the weak body, and settle in the remains of this "old god" for manipulation. In this way, the "old god" 's combat power during the lifetime can be maximized, and there is also a chance to retain its eye-popping "power".

"This sense of sight ... Ultraman ?!"

Han Xiao twitched.

At that moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he came to a huge laboratory, where he saw the remains of the "Old God" standing high, and the layers of scaffolding were suspended in various parts for reconstruction and various machinery was implanted. arms.

On the ground, there are a group of dead men in white clothes. The back of the brain is implanted with a mechanical socket, and a cable is extended, all connected to a large device in midair.

This large device is suspended in front of the head of the ancient god's body, and the launch port is a black crystal mirror, facing the center of the body's brows.


Han Xiao saw that the experimenter in the console pushed the wrench. The next moment, there was a thumping sound in the field, all the dead men in white fell to the ground, and a dim light entered the device along the cable. A strange beam of black light emerged from the crystal mirror and fell into the eyebrows of the "Ancient God" body.

Time passed minute by minute, however, the body of the "Old God" did not respond, and many experimenters showed frustration on their faces.

But at this time, the entire underground laboratory shook violently, and the cracks spread on the wall. I saw dozens of huge tentacles breaking the wall. Among the mud, a huge figure came through the ground. An "ancient god" has a semi-plant body, like a magnified piranha and octopus, with the earth as a swimming pool.

But at this moment, the remains of the "Old God" suddenly opened their eyes.

At this moment, Han Xiao took a look and returned to the spaceship's office. The vision brought by [the bold explorer] came to an abrupt end.

He thought about it and secretly said:

"I feel that the amount of information this time is not small ..."

If you read it correctly, the large device in the illusion is the prototype of the soul turning instrument, and the crystal mirror that acts as the launching port is the soul turning instrument in my hand. I do n’t know what has changed in the long years, and it finally became Cosmic wonder items.

Recalling the appearance of the civilization race in the illusion, Han Xiao searched in the database, but there was no matching record, not even the space-time research institute database that focused on collecting the data of the lost civilization.

"It seems that this is an undiscovered race of civilization, which may be located in the unexplored universe, or it may be a more ancient lost civilization. Will it be in the same period as the civilization that produced the domino virus ... I do n’t know if this civilization later how was it."

Han Xiao is quite curious, but unfortunately [Bold Explorer] has a cooldown of 14 days, and the next use will be half a month later.

According to the illusion, the plan to control the remains of the "old god" with the soul-changing instrument seems to be successful. The souls of those dead men should be merged into one body. Although the dead body does not rot, the soul has already dissipated, so there is not much resistance and the body is smooth Accommodates a new soul ...


At this moment, a bit of aura was like the lightning that pierced the darkness, and it burst into a burst in Han Xiao's mind.

Hella tortured the souls of the soul-changing twins, coupled with the tests of Fordine during this time, he had a preliminary understanding of the efficacy of the soul-changing instrument. Then as long as the goal is a still-living body without a soul, it can easily be "revived."

So to say ...

Han Xiao turned his hands and took out the time-space amber, his eyes gradually brightened.

He suddenly found that the functions of these two gadgets seemed to be perfect matches!

The soul-changing instrument in his hands seems to have a special purpose!

"Hei Xing, what are you laughing at, why are you laughing so much ..."

Fording, who was across the table, was too verbal to speak, and he was embarrassed to say the word insignificant, for fear of being beaten.

"Cough!" Han Xiao hurriedly put away his brain tonic and coughed, "I thought of something happy."

"What happy thing?"

"My wife is born ... oh, it's about your fart." Han Xiao almost said smoothly, returned to God, raised Yang's soul-changing instrument in his hands, and said, "I'll take the experiment first, I'll give it to you when you run out. "

"I'm fine." Fording hesitated, and said, "In fact, I want to ask you for help. You also know that although Nian Lishi can transfer the soul, the risk is very high, so Morning Star stays in me , But now with this cosmic treasure, there is no danger, I plan to get her out. "

"Is it good to have something to do with it?"

"It's like you've tried it." Fording was speechless.

Han Xiao scratched his nose and shifted the topic: "So you want me to find a body for Morning Star?"

"Not only this ..." Fording was a little embarrassed. "She said she didn't want to use other people's second-hand goods, so she wanted to order a body, and her body and appearance should be pinned by her."

"I'm okay." Han Xiao waved and refused, "I'm just an ordinary mechanic. If you let me do it, it's okay for me to make a man. Let me be the creator?"

"Isn't it possible to make a bionic person with something like biochemical muscles, nano nerves?"

"It's true, but that requires the use of a chip. The consciousness inserted is a virtual intelligent format, which is not compatible with the soul of your mind master."

"Can't imitate the brain structure without a chip?"

"It can be, but I can't guarantee any sequelae."

"What to do then." Fording was a little distressed. "You can't kill a beautiful young female creature just to find her a body."

"In my opinion, you can first find a pet and temporarily transfer your wife in, wouldn't it be beautiful ..."

"She scolded you more and more abnormal." Fording glared, "I think so too."

"... What's in your head?"

Han Xiao rolled his eyes and the whole army was not qualified to say so.

Fording shook his head, his face straightened. "To be serious, I separated the parasitic soul in Aesop's body with a soul-changing instrument. He has recovered.

"Oh, let him see me, I'm wondering how he is doing now."

"He is already outside the door."

Fording greeted him, the door was pushed open, and Aesop came in. As soon as he saw Han Xiao, he could not help showing a bitter smile.

Han Xiao looked Aesop up and down, "Old man, are there any sequelae?"

"No, I am normal now."

Aesop sat down with a complex expression, and finally sighed, "Hei Xing, thank you this time. If it weren't for you, Amos would definitely be involved in me."

"Don't say that. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been conspired." Han Xiao shook his head.

"Well, I have lived for so long. It doesn't matter if I die. I just don't want my death to be related to Amos. I understand her temper, and under anger, I will definitely regret it for life."

You really guessed it ...

Han Xiao secretly said.

"What are you going to do now? Although it is someone else's calculations, Emerson has taken precautions in the future. Even if you take the initiative, you can't leave easily."

"What else can I do, just stay with me."

Aesop smiled helplessly. He had already said to Hei Xing. After the incident was complete, he went out and continued to travel around and die everywhere. However, he planned not to keep up with the changes.

If Hei Xing didn't inform Emerson, his situation wouldn't be so painful, but people saved him, and he naturally has no reason to blame Hei Xing.

Han Xiaomo clutched his chin and suddenly said, "In fact, I have a best of both worlds."

"Oh?" Aesop's eyes flashed and he couldn't wait to say: "Come on."

"It's actually very simple. Now that the soul-changing instrument is in my hand, transfer your soul to the body of a strong person, and you can take risks with others everywhere. Although you can't control the body, it is better to stay at home moldy and safe There is protection. "

Aesop's eyes brightened and he was a little tempted.

"This is a way ... but what about my body?"

"Simple, I can save it with space-time amber ... but I suggest you contribute and temporarily use it for others. I just have a choice here."

"What candidate?"

Han Xiao pointed at Fording, hehe smiled, "Would you go into Fording's body, and Morning Star borrowing your body, wouldn't it be the perfect solution?"

Heard that the two had a chill at the same time.

Fording thought of his lovely wife becoming a bad old man, he wanted to insert his eyes.

Aesop pinched his legs in horror as soon as Aesop thought of Ferdin's habit of being in communion.

"I would rather die!"

The two spoke in unison.


Fein Xing, Super A Class Association Headquarters.

Today is also the day of the regular meeting. Many super-a-level remote projections have come to the venue, waiting outside the conference room to start. They are circled in pairs and chat.

"Have you heard that Hei Xing fought another battle with Ji Guo recently? This time, he actually won." The hunter floated in the air and said.

"Our news is not blocked, of course I know it." Kant stood with his arms folded and said with emotion: "Do you remember the battle we watched a few months ago? At that time, Heixing was at best tied with Jiguo temporarily. How long has this been? Ah, it's terrible to be able to repel Madison directly. "

"Hey, this time Madison was a big loss, and I'm comfortable." A neutral mechanic smiled happily.

Csuye shook his head. "I know very well the strength of the country. He put out so many cards and finally lost. It was incredible. I watched the video. Hei Xing seems to have learned some new method and it is just restrained. Machine Country. "

Sierra snorted, "Good luck."

"My real name is against your evaluation of his luck. You are questioning my professionalism." Mi Zhu expressionless.

Sierra was suddenly speechless, and his face was not good-looking, so I stiffened my lips. Do n’t break the table!

"Speaking, I don't know if I guessed it correctly. Are the three super-a weapons in the video that the machine country later took out the three guys we know?" Milizaus hesitated.

With this remark, the audience was quiet for a moment, and everyone looked a little weird.

These veteran super-a-levels, naturally know who will be defeated by the machine country, and even some people still have friendship.

At this time, watching the previous acquaintances suspected of undergoing ** transformation by the machine nation, many people present were not in the heart.

Although ** transformation is not a taboo, it seems out of place in the super-a circle, because everyone has great power. Once a guy who uses ** transformation appears, all super-a levels will warn this person more or less. Fear of being treated as a prey.

"I watched the black star captured two objects in the video. When he comes, we can just ask." Kant spread his arms.

Just then, another projection came not far away, and everyone turned to look at it.

"Yo, say Hei Xing Hei Xing is here, that guy is here."

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