The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1176: This is the technology you missed

When Han Xiao and Emerson entered the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force, it was like adding water to a pan. The large troops of Modo stationed in the center of Emerald immediately began to move, searching for the two men's tracks throughout the country. A part of the front line of defense was also relocated to increase manpower and cooperate with the operation.

If the defensive strength of the superstar civilization base camp really exists, any sub-a super-a level will be difficult. However, after all, this is a shining world in the era of large development. The few planets have not completed their infrastructure.

More than just motorcycles, all members of the Super Cluster Alliance have limited control over the territory of the free competition zone. The strength of the expeditionary force was not exaggerated. It was only a few years before the fourth phase of the development. Most of the time There is not much room for exploration, and now it is in a wartime state. The territory is more or less defensive.

Therefore, under the influence of various factors, Han Xiao and Emerson were in a no-man's land at the moment in the territory of the Motorcycle Expeditionary Forces. They were chic and comfortable, and went wherever they wanted. Can follow the **** to eat ash.

A celestial meteorite belt drifts slowly across the universe, like a black black horse. On one of the meteorite, there are two figures sitting side by side. It is Han Xiao and Emerson.

"... The location of the positioning and tracking has not changed. The leadership of the Modo Expeditionary Force is still at the headquarters. Alas, it should be replaced with a lower level civilization. Maybe it will flee everywhere, fortunately."

Han Xiao's eyes flashed through a dense data stream, withdrawing the data probe penetrating the Modo Expeditionary Army network, his eyes turned back to black.

Emerson played with two high-density metal blocks removed from the meteorite, and Xiumei slightly picked, saying: "We have been here for more than half a month, and everyone in Modo knows that we are here, but they even run. Do n’t run, stay at the headquarters. Is this waiting for us? ”

"Maybe it's useless to know how to run, let's take a fate, and only advanced civilizations know how to do so." Han Xiao shrugged, not very concerned.

Then, he opened the barracks in the secondary dimension and released a batch of mechanical warfare soldiers. He nodded slightly, and these war soldiers turned into streamers, leaving in batches in different directions.

Emerson looked at this scene aside, and said with some helplessness: "Black Star, we can obviously go directly to the headquarters of the Modo Expeditionary Force, and we can save most of the time. You have to detour the road, otherwise you must solve this problem early. Target. "

Han Xiao sighed and stood up, "It turns out you don't like me spending more time with you, okay, let's go to a quick battle now ..."

"Who said it, sit down!" Amos's eyes turned, if nothing happened: "You said that you would install a large number of dark whistle in the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force, and the plan has been carried out for more than half. How can it be abandoned halfway?"

Hei Xing is a very busy person. The next time I go to the secondary dimension is at least ten years later, but now people are busy and take time to accompany her. Naturally, she does not want to end so early.

Han Xiao smiled secretly and regained his seat.

When he entered the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force, in addition to the execution of the beheading, there was another important goal, that is, to frantically interject in the Modo's territory, otherwise he would not rush into the enemy's hinterland and go for more than half a month The way.

During this time he had sent out unknown batches of mechanical troops, lurking in the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force.

These mechanical units can be controlled remotely, one is to cause damage to Modo, the other is to confuse audiovisual and involve the fleet of Modo, and the third is to probe the intelligence and monitor the trends, trying to find the end point of each secret transportation line of the Modo civilization By the way, leave the "throne" node, so that you can penetrate into it at any time in the future.

Leaving these mechanical warfare soldiers, the Mordo civilization must know, and had to pay a lot of manpower to search Han Xiao's mechanical forces in the territory, exhausted.

On the other hand, Han Xiao deliberately turned around and had other meanings.

"I deliberately left such a long preparation time for Modo, and I don't know if I came over to protect the headquarters ..."

Han Xiao scratched his chin.

If there is no A-class asylum, it is easy to drop the commander, and Han Xiao wants to lead the snake out of the hole. Going so slowly on purpose, one is to allow more time for the senior managers of Mordo, and the other is to put pressure on them. After all, they have swayed their eyes in other people ’s territory.

If the senior management of Modo couldn't help sending the super-a level as a bodyguard, then there would be a chance to cause greater losses to Modo and really make Modo hurt. This is the biggest goal of his trip.

It seems that the commander of the Mordo Expeditionary Force is actually fighting against the high-level civilization of Mordo.

Thinking about this, he opened the forum and glanced. At this time, Melos and the large army were still attacking the outer defense line of the Modo Expeditionary Force, but they could not attack. Even if they broke the enemy line, they would not cross the line of defense, but went back. After taking a break, move on to the next position.

If the armed groups that followed the soup are still in the Ferdinand theater, this opportunity will definitely not be missed and they will continue to advance. This is why the outer defense line of the Modo Expeditionary Force has been shrinking.

Now, all of these armed groups have been driven away by Han Xiao, and no one has attacked the city along the flaws, so Modo has time to mobilize troops to fill the gap, but they are even more uncomfortable.

The practice of the Black Star Army Forced the commanders of the various lines of defense of the Modo Expeditionary Force to go mad-to stop outside, just to refuse to enter, is a torture, and their duties are not allowed at all Lying flat and exploding, you have to fight resistance in vain again and again.

On the other side, the front line was without Han Xiao, and the guild alliance of the Superstar Group felt that they were doing it again. Obviously it was a fight, but both sides enjoyed it. On the one hand, it was fortunate that the big boss had gone, and on the other, it was fortunate that they did not have to watch cg.


Shining in another part of the world, on a super-A-occupied planet, a tall figure paced back and forth in the palace, holding a communicator in his hand, looking very anxious, as if who was waiting for a call,

嘀嘀 ——

The communicator rang, the tall figure immediately connected, and hurriedly spoke:

"How is my application? Has it been approved?"

"No, the high-level officials do not allow you to support the Expeditionary Army of Modo. You must not act without permission!" A secret messenger on the secret channel said solemnly.

"The Black Star has been lingering on the site of Modo for almost a month. We have so much preparation time, but we have never sent a super-A to support it. It is simply unreasonable! How will other forces think of our Modo? The colleagues of the expedition will Will you feel cool? "The tall figure was furious.

If Han Xiao were here, he could recognize that at this time, it was the kid who was arching at the regular A-level association meeting at that time, which is the secret line of the Mordo civilization. But even though he was not stern, he didn't have his own temper and was quite brave. Otherwise, he would not dare to speak in the face of the top stars of Hei Xing and Ji Guo.

Hei Xing announced that he would end himself, and almost all the forces in the shining world were staring at his actions, knowing that he had entered the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force for almost a month. If this is the case, Modo will do nothing and let the black star fall over the river in his stomach, losing the entire civilization's face, and this name cannot be angry.

"What's the use of going, can you beat the Black Star? It's not to die! Don't talk about you, even if we have all the hidden Super A levels together, they are not Black Star's opponents!" The messenger said : "Keep your mind, every super-a level is hard-won, can't be exposed or broken here! The moment of forbearance, just for the future outbreak!"

The tall figure was unwilling, but he had to admit that Hei Xing was terribly strong and he could only deliver food in the past.

If you send a super-a, the black star will eat it. If you do n’t send a super-a, the reputation and image of the Mordo civilization will be damaged. It will not only be ashamed, but also make people feel indifferent.

This effect can be achieved simply by walking slowly on purpose ...

This is the conspiracy of the black star!

Thinking of the black star talking at the regular meeting, the super-A level was resentful and frightened.

What kind of evil did Mordo create before he met such an opponent?


Time slowly flowed, and about a half month passed, Han Xiao and Emerson grind along the way, and finally reached their destination.

The densely packed Modo Fleet unfolded in front of them, guarding the command of the Modo Expeditionary Force. The crew of the Fleet were now tense and dignified. Although the number was dominant, they were the nervous side.

"The two **** are finally here!"

In the headquarters, Roddick gritted his teeth, his eyes were blood red, and his hair was messy. At first glance, he didn't take care of him, his expression was ridiculous, but his face was burning with iron blue anger.

"Finally here ..." Lagos next to him was not much better, but he was relieved.

The two knew that Black Star Dragon was coming at them, but they were too slow to walk. They were nervous and desperate from the beginning, gradually transitioned to anxiety, and finally waited for madness. Like two knives to the head, let the two live like the years.

This feeling of watching the sword slowly chop his head, exerting pressure on the two as heavy as a mountain, is a psychological torture.

Originally, Roddick and Lagos did not want the enemy to come, but then they were really anxious, and the thought in their hearts changed from "better to come slowly" to "how can tm not come, you go around your horse", can't wait Come in personally to get a whip to urge the enemy to hurry up.

Coupled with the fact that the Modo civilization has not sent super-A-level reinforcements for one and a half months, Roddick and Lagos are more certain that they are abandoned sons, sad in heart, and have a sense of death. Cut it down quickly.

Roddick opened the wide area channel, his tone was fierce, and he felt a bit broken in a jar:

"Black Star! Aren't you here to kill us? Come!"

Listening to the roar on the channel, there were many Moto soldiers present, and my heart was not a bit of a taste.

They are all parties. Naturally, they do not understand the fact that Moto does not send strong support, forcing them, ordinary superpowers, to have to confront the great cosmic **** of the black star. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in their hearts. But as soldiers, they knew they were going to die nine times and would obey orders.

Han Xiao glanced at the audience, feeling full, and shook his head with a smile:

"Oh, Modo can bear it. I knocked on the door and gave them plenty of time. In the end, I didn't even send a super-A class. Are you so afraid of me?"

Emerson smiled gently. "How many people in the universe are not afraid of you now?"

"Forget it, this also proves that Moto was beaten enough by me, and learned a lesson."

Han Xiao shook his head. Although he could not lead the snake out of the hole, he didn't mind. Anyway, he could still beheaded and crack down on the image of Modo.

His inspection tour finally locked at one of the locations of the Modo Expeditionary Base, where the headquarters was located, and the goal to be solved during this trip was among them.

"How to say, are you going to target yourself or let me come?" Han Xiao asked, turning his head.

In the beginning, Emers originally wanted to kill Lagos and others with her own hands, but shook her head indifferently at the thought of these days and Han Xiao's experience.

"It's the same when you come and I come, it makes no difference."

"Then let me, it's more efficient, you're too slow."

Facing Emerson's white eyes, Han Xiaogan coughed, and the mechanical soldiers who followed him all came forward.

He knew that the Mordo civilization would definitely deploy a large number of space stabilization devices near the base, so he summoned a number of mechanical troops early before arriving, saving the trouble of starting a barracks on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the Modo Fleet responded immediately. Many crew members suppressed the complex emotions and became hard-hearted again. They stared at the black star in the far-famous universe, and waited for the battle.

Han Xiao glanced at them, and twitched his fingers, and saw a sudden meal of these mechanical warfare soldiers, with dense white noise and faint space distortion appearing on his body.

The next moment, this team of mechanical warfare disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, the position had moved a long way forward, and it was still, like a fixed portrait.


Facing this peculiar scene, the Modo Fleet fired without hesitation, blasting this team of soldiers.

However, what shocked them happened, and I saw that this team of soldiers appeared again, not only restored to the original state, unscathed, but also moved a large distance forward from nothing, getting closer and closer to the headquarters.

This weird scene surprised the Modo Fleet.

"Taking Kund's skills and hitting you behind the scenes is also well-placed."

Han Xiao narrowed his eyes and poked his lips.

This frame-jumping action mode is precisely the black technology that Han Xiao got from the Kunds—space-time cutting technology!

And after so many years of research and improvement, the spatio-temporal shearing technology in his hand is no longer the original version, and has been perfected by him too much. It is quite mature and is not easily resolved by various space-time devices like the original version. Now, the difficulty and time of cracking it by the same method have been increased by at least seven or eight times, which is equivalent to a longer operating time.

Although the Red Empire did not allow him to easily use it in front of outsiders, just now, when Han Xiao had a clever move, he instinctively felt that using the Kunde killer to beat Mordor was a good thing for the task. He now believes in intuition So I did just that.

In the face of this unknown technology, the Modo fleet was a little panicked and all methods came out. However, no matter how they attacked, it could not prevent the mechanical soldier from skipping frames. Some fleets could only turn to Korea. Xiao himself attacked, but all were easily resisted by Han Xiao and Amos, and from time to time, warships were virtually invaded and fell into his control.

"how is this possible!"

Roddick's eyes widened in shock, staring at the closer and closer mechanical forces, his eyes seeing intense despair.

In order to battle with Black Star, he mobilized a large number of fleets, claiming that he could resist at least one or two, but he did not expect that Black Star could easily break through the fleet's defense line and threaten his threats by simply using an ability he had never seen before. life.

"What technology is this ?!" Lagos was also aggressive.

Hearing the shocked shouts of the two in the wide area channel, Han Xiao's eyes moved, and he suddenly smiled slightly, his tone was playful:

"It's the fate of fate ... tell you the truth, this is the technology that your Mordo civilization missed. At first, you were only a little bit short of it, and you can get it, unfortunately."

The smugglers of the Mordo civilization first discovered the Kunds. If they did not want to harm the Kunds, the red empire behind them would not be incompatible with the spatio-temporal shearing technology. Now, they have just picked sesame and lost watermelon .

"The technology we missed?"

Lagos muttered to himself, telling him intuitively that Black Star might be telling the truth.

For a while, his inner taste was mixed and extremely complicated.

Finally, under the mad siege of the Modo Fleet, the mechanical unit jumped framelessly outside the command porthole.

Roddick and Lagos widened their eyes and watched as the energy stoves on the chest of this mechanical unit lit up, flashing dazzling incandescent light.

The next moment, their consciousness was left blank and vast.

Bang! !!

A violent explosion occurred, and the blue-and-white corrugated psionic shock wave spread far and wide across the universe.

The headquarters has been completely annihilated, and even the ruins have not been left. The entire base is missing a large piece, and the shield explodes from the inside out.

Roddick and Lagos, and most of the leadership of the Modo Expeditionary Force, died in the explosion without leaving any trace.

"It's just charging a little interest, I hope that Maduo will not be discouraged, we have enough time to play slowly."

Looking at the furious Modo Fleet, Han Xiao smiled, stretched his arms around Emerson's waist, and then the Emperor's Mech extended and wrapped them.


The light flashed.

Before the Modo Fleet came up, the figures of the two disappeared out of thin air. No trace was found. The space stabilizers in this area could not prevent them from leaving.

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