The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1177: Infiltration and attack

Han Xiao only felt that the mech was slightly shaken. When he opened it again, he had returned to the Black Star Regiment's large fleet that was attacking the outer defense line of the Modo Expeditionary Force and was in the main ship command room.

Hearing the noise here, many of the cadres who were staring at the battlefield turned around and looked at him, first looking at Han Xiao's face, then his eyes moved involuntarily, looking at his big hand covering Emerson's waist and belly, A glance at Emerson's calm expression made the room silent for a moment.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it before?" Han Xiao glanced at everyone and retracted his hand.

"Boss, the goal is solved?" Melos coughed and winked.

"Otherwise, the Mordo civilization does not even send a super-a grade, so how can I miss the expeditionary army."

Melos wanted to ask "how did it take so long", but looked at Emerson's radiant complexion, hesitated, and didn't ask.

Han Xiao ignored him and raised his eyes to the battlefield outside the window. At this time, he was in a fierce stage. The two sides of the fleet fought fiercely. The Legion side had already broken the outer shields of the two planetary bases. Large-scale battles with players in hostile guild alliances, regardless of time.

At this time, Amos turned and patted Han Xiao's chest muscles, and said, "Okay, the first evil has been killed, I will return to the broken star ring first."

"Huh? Let's go so soon?" Han Xiao said slightly. "Don't you say you want to deal with the black hands behind the scenes?"

He thought that Ames would stay here, participate in a battle against Mordo, continue to vent his anger, and did not expect to leave now.

"I'm out of breath to kill the initiator of the plan. Besides, it's enough to have you here." Emerson smiled, feeling very good.

Her original idea was to help Han Xiao aside from revenge, which has helped a lot. Without her, Madison would have lost at least one prisoner. During this time, Han Xiao convinced her, so Emerson Decided to listen to Han Xiao's advice, go back and continue to sit on Long Tan.


When the voice fell, Han Xiao's panel reacted, and I saw [Imers' Rage] turned into a "mission completed" state.

‘That ’s it? Fortunately, I do n’t really want to go through the entire Mordo civilization. It is probably frustrated, so she dispelled such an exaggerated thought. It seems that my persuasion during this time is still effective ... ’

Han Xiao secretly said.

"I'll take it back, and keep it under strict supervision in the future, and never let him run away again." Emerson frowned at the horns.

Han Xiao mourned for Isolar for a third of a second, then nodded decisively.

"Arrange him casually, don't give me face."

Emerson held out her long, white fingers, and smiled at Han Xiao's chest with a smile, and said, "Then I'll go back first, and have time to come to me, anyway, thanks to your help this time, I will not say thank you again Now, we don't need to be so polite between us, you don't like to listen to this ... "

"Okay, go back." Han Xiao waved his hand indifferently.

"By the way, before I leave, I have a gift for you." Ames seemed to remember something suddenly. The enchanted rune in the back of the hand flashed, and a book appeared in her hand.

"What is this?" Han Xiao looked down, a little curious.

"I sorted out and summarized the experience of strength training so far, and created a new strength training method, which should be universal, and you can also practice." Emerson said with a smile.

Han Xiao took the book and read it again. It turned out to be a handwritten version. The content recorded above is a strength training method called "Dragon's Star Power Intake Method". The specific effect is unclear, but it seems to be quite profound. , Not lost in the original Hebaer's "Herber Star Furnace Exercise."

"Will it be more convenient to write by hand and write it to me on a smart device?"

"This will train patience." Ames smiled unchanged.

Her idea is simple, handwriting can be used as a gift for the face, and a memorial to the black star.

With such surprises, Han Xiao did not refuse, put away the handwritten copy, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and practice."

"I'm leaving."

Emerson smiled, and didn't mess around, let Han Xiao send her back with another set of emperors.

After she disappeared, Han Xiao reopened the panel and took a closer look at the reward.

The mission evaluation is excellent. The basic experience of 2e5 has been turned to 10e. It is still passable. The contribution of the Longtan camp has increased by tens of thousands. The feeling of Emerson is full and cannot rise. , The random reward increased from 2 to 4, and the character card was doubled, and 2 were obtained, all of which were Emerson's character cards.

The ability of the first character card is called "force field shooting star". Using the force field power to grab the target is a good control technique, and the upper limit of use is 5 times. The other character card's ability is called "Warblade · Dragon Arc", and it is also a skill to apply force field ability. It has both aoe lethality and control. It also has 5 chances to use it, and the effect is ok.

In Han Xiao's mind, this general task was originally a supplement, without much hope. At this time, getting these rewards is a little bit profitable. The highlight in his eyes has always been the task of the Kunds.

Open [Kund's Leader's Will] in the task list, Han Xiao glanced at, request one is still not moving, and task request two is the same, because it is an s-level task, so there is no specific progress display. But his intuition told him that his successful raid had made great progress in the mission.

After thinking about it, Han Xiao secretly thought:

"According to the current situation, it is estimated that the day when the Mordo civilization was completely tortured by me to give up the shining world competition will be when the second requirement of this task is completed."

He has been eyeing the three ability rewards for quest requirement two, namely [Avenger], [Certificate of Leadership], and [Kund's Wrath], all of which are excellent abilities, especially the semi-template expertise with growth. Leader's Card].

Thinking of this, Han Xiao summoned Philip from the perspective of the quantum network and ordered:

"You sent the video of the space-time shearing technique that broke the Modo Expeditionary Forces Command to the garrison of the Kunds, and let them play in loops in all settlements. Try to let every Pippi shrimp ... Germans see it. "


Han Xiao's battle against the Modo Expeditionary Force was brief, and Philip recorded the entire journey. He was never the type to do things by himself and help Kund to avenge his enemies. He must use the video to gain popularity with the Kunds and let the whole family know his kindness. This will also increase the completion of the mission.

To deal with this matter, Han Xiao called to Fording, avoided everyone and stepped aside, and whispered, "Did I let you do it?"

"This month and a half, I have converted the souls of 15,420 Mordo soldiers and mid-level officers. These are our spies inside the Mordo Expedition." Fuding nodded.

He obtained a secret order from Han Xiao. When the Black Star Army fleet attacked the Mordo defense line, he used the soul-changing instrument to transform some of the enemy soldiers, penetrate the Mordo Expeditionary Force, and install spies.

The Mordo civilization used to use the soul-changing instrument to deal with the Legion. Han Xiao asked Fuding to treat his body with his own way. With the strangeness of the soul-changing instrument, even if he was prepared, he could not avoid the move.

"Good job."

Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction. With a multi-pronged approach, he has buried pieces of chess in the territory of the Modo Expeditionary Force. As a result, there are more sources of internal information, which can not only control the military of the Modo civilization. Whereabouts, you can also try to investigate the location of the secret transportation line, which can slowly torture the other party.

"It was my order to temporarily retreat, and we returned to base to rest for a while."

Han Xiaolang said, all the cadres present were stunned.

Now we have the upper hand, how to withdraw and withdraw, even if we do not break into the line of defense, at least we will finish the battle.

They didn't know that Han Xiao didn't let the Black Star Corps rest, but the commander who had just killed the Modo Expeditionary Force, knowing that the other party had no heads and would inevitably fall into chaos, so he intentionally left the enemy time to rest.

He didn't want to chase while winning, give Mordo a little hope, and then crush it again and again. In this way, it will be easier for Mordo to give up the competition in despair and to focus on it.

Although many cadres are confused, no one will question the command of the regiment.

Soon, the large troops of the Legion reclaimed the battleships from the heated battlefield and evacuated in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, the Mordo garrison on this line of defense was all confused.

Aren't we at a disadvantage, why did we stop at halfway?

"Strange thing, tell the command quickly." The fleet commander of this line of defense hurriedly informed the top.

But waiting for him was a long silence, no one answered.

After a while, he received the bad news released by the internal network, and was shocked to know what happened-the entire command was beheaded by the black star, and even the people took the base with them!


On the other side, the Kund people live on one of the planets.

After about two decades of transformation, the new generation of Kunds gradually adapted to today's captive life, accepting the culture infused by the Red Empire and the Black Star Legion, with the batch of old Pippi shrimp naturally dying, all The cultural transformation of the ethnic group has gradually become effective.

Each inhabited planet is isolated, and cannot be connected to other planets. Basic productivity has been restored. The streets are crowded with people. The heavy and depressed atmosphere has faded a lot, and the younger generation has injected new vitality into the Kunds.

On this day, a major event happened on this dwelling planet. Every screen in the world was playing a video. It was Han Xiao who destroyed the Modo Expeditionary Forces headquarters. Philip was also intimately equipped to explain the ins and outs. , Try to make the Kunde people understand what Han Xiao did for them.

Every Kund who saw the video understood that Black Star continued to carry out his promises and persisted in revenge for their group. Moreover, Black Star also used their technology specially.

Seeing the scene where the mechanical warfare used time-space shearing technology to smash the headquarters, the kunds' individual crusts glowed with orange light, only to feel extremely proud.

Look, the people who calculated us are not our strongest technical opponents of the Kund civilization!

This made everyone feel that instead of just watching Hei Xing presiding over justice, they helped.

Accompanied by pride is the deep gratitude of the black star.

Over the years, not only have they been sheltered, but they have always remembered the original commitment to seek justice for their ethnic group ... Such a good person is now the only protector of their ethnic group, which is simply a blessing in misfortune.

The same scene is played on every planet of the Kunde tribe, and countless people of the Kunde tribe more and more respect the black star.

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