The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1179: Impeachment start

"Battle suits ... it's still coming."

Han Xiao opened the post and browsed it, seeing that the content was not bad as he expected, he couldn't help but sigh.

The post was jointly published by a number of guild alliances such as the Pan-Shenzhen Federation, the September Conference, the Southeastern Alliance, and the Tropic of Light. In simple terms, it is a war book for all player alliances. Battle.

Players in various alliances generally follow the orders of the camp, but this battle has little to do with the camp, basically derived from subjective initiative, but only the activities between players.

The same thing happened in the previous life. The various guild alliances fought, and eventually evolved into a melee of tens of millions of players. They fought for several days and recorded in the "Chronicles of Xinghai", which is called "Taipor Star Battle" .

The previous technician of Han Da also played an active role in this battle for a period of time, mainly in order to fight the autumn wind, search for the equipment and props dropped by the player, and sent a wave of war money. This time, although the engagement took place, but because of the butterfly Effect, there are some changes in specific time and place.

In his view, the war books initiated by these guild alliances are not sudden. Now the 4.0 version is the last stage. There is no chance to make a big news. On the one hand, it is to organize a big war. On the one hand, it is killing the enemy's troops. It is to mobilize ordinary players and increase the cohesion of major guild alliances.

"... To put it bluntly, I just can't help but want to fight."

Han Xiao shook his head. The internal fun of the player had nothing to do with him, and he didn't think of getting involved.

The location of the appointment is not in the Ferdinand theater. It is located on the frontline of a planet named Marison. Legion players will then run to join the group, which will affect the frontline battles for a certain period of time. Although the Legion can restrain players with commands and prevent them from running to participate in large-scale battles for all players, this has a bad impact, and Han Xiao has no intention of doing so.

After all, players aren't really wage earners. If the camp is too restrictive, then it will be counterproductive.

Of course, it's not just him, so the forces that enable players will be affected to varying degrees. If these factions block players with a tough attitude, it will help the army to recruit new ones in the future.

"It's just that this battle, the legion players have formed their own lineup, the largest scale, it is estimated that they will be under siege ... but I do not lose."

Han Xiao's eyes moved.

Originally at the end of the version, the professional league was the best promotion opportunity. Many players would spend a lot of savings to strengthen their own strength. In this way, the sales of the Legion would skyrocket, and Han Xiao could harvest a large wave of experience.

But the professional league has been held for three times, and most ordinary players know that they have no chance, and there are many guys who would rather save their experience to the next version.

However, large-scale battles are different. Basically, a player will not miss it. It is also a natural promotion opportunity, which is very beneficial to him. It allows him to harvest more experience in the last time of version 4.0 and become a reserve during the version update.

"If you remember correctly, the timeline interval of the 4.0 to 5.0 version should be 40-50 years, which is longer than the last version update ..." Han Xiao secretly said.

The next version is a super calamity, super-a-level conflicts broke out, and some of the original ones returned, and they changed so many plots, just like snowballs. The 5.0 version of the event must be affected by the butterfly effect beyond recognition.

But this is a trivial matter. Han Xiao knows important characters and is not afraid to change the original plot. The biggest problem in the next version is actually the players.

The upper limit of the level is open to level 180, and natural disasters have emerged on a large scale. The version code of "Super Calamity" is actually a hint to players that the impact of their next version on the universe will far exceed version 4.0.

"However, this is good news for me."

Han Xiao thought to himself.

At that time, the middle and high-level combat power of the explored universe will increase sharply. Although the players bring chaos, they will also become an important helper of the explored universe against the world's tree civilization. In the previous version of the World Tree War, the importance of players is basically irreplaceable. Without tens or even hundreds of millions of natural disaster-level players, the loss of the universe that has been explored will only be more severe.

On the other hand, the legion's power will increase greatly, so many versions are laid out in order to wait for the player to change.

There are still decades to go before the next version, and he has enough preparation time, and some of the old Maitou's words make sense. The mechanic's background is very important. He also intends to spend decades studying mechanical technology while waiting for [ The Key of the Mechanical Gods] has been growing in effectiveness.

Nowadays, the effect of this feat is self-reinforcing every few days, continuously improving his strength, representing more and more believers of Madison into his embrace, and it is conceivable that the beliefs in the mechanical theology are changing.

All kinds of thoughts flashed, Han Xiao depressed his mind and continued to brush the forum for a while. When the troops cleared the battlefield, he took the spacecraft to return to the Black Star Palace, and was determined to complete the remaining 27 consultations within two months. .


A secret military training base in the Red Empire.

Gao De, wearing the uniform of the Imperial High Officer, strolled around the training base, and was not in a good mood.

Just now, Gaode received a message from the top of the empire, telling him to delay his original plan indefinitely, that is, to borrow his ability to try to analyze the core energy solution of the evolution block.

When planning the plan, the idea was okay, but the current situation changed too quickly, disrupting the rhythm of many hard-liner empires. By now, the strength and status of Heixing has reached a new level, so this plan is It ’s getting more and more risky, so the high-level can only help but temporarily stop, not to provoke the black star, but also to protect the card of Gaode.

The root cause is that the terrible speed of the rise of the Black Star has made the situation change with each passing day, and it is too fast to make people react.

Gao De's subtle mood comes from this-the growth rate of Black Star is even more exaggerated than that of his trumpet, and he can't even see his exhaust, and it is hard not to feel depressed.

"Black Star ... Black Star ..."

Gaode whispered to himself, and unknowingly walked to a public training facility.

The sound of fierce fighting came, and when he heard it, he saw that a low-level elite class was catching and killing under the supervision of the instructor, and it looked like a group of freshmen.

At this time, there were two c-level martial arts players fighting in the field, one of them had the upper hand, and the other was struggling to support. It seemed to be a matter of time before defeat.

Sure enough, only a few seconds later, the discussion was divided. The man who fell on the downwind was pulled out by one leg, gliding on the ground, and stopped right in front of Gaode.

"Carrot, you lost again." The instructor frowned, looking at the loser, Shen said: "A record of 0 wins and 9 losses, it's ridiculous."

"Sorry." Carlot rubbed his chest and stood up, smiling helplessly.

The instructor looked hesitant and shouted: "Almost every test of yours is at the bottom. I really don't know why the above arranged you to my elite class and dragged down the grades of the whole class. I let you stay in the class It's because you're hard-working, but if you are still at the bottom of the assessment next time, I will never give you another chance, I will let you go! "

The words fell, and the classmates present looked at Carote indifferently, without concealing the rejection.

Although these people were students, they were also selected by the empire from various units to study in this secret base. In addition, this class is an elite class, all of which are talented imperial sergeants, and are among the best in the army.

The opportunity for further studies is extremely precious, so these students are very rare. It is because of this that they don't want to see Carrot, because Carrot is too mediocre, unlike an elite, it stands to reason that it has not been cultivated at all. Qualifications.

Because the opportunities are hard to come by, so these elites feel unbalanced. In their eyes, a mediocre soldier has studied with them, and everyone can easily associate words like "relationship households" at the first time. Squeeze Carrot.

And they are all soldiers, and they believe in the strongest. Carrot's ability is really bad. They can't see it from the heart, naturally they won't have any good looks.

Perceiving the cold eyes of the crowd, Carlot sighed secretly.

A long time ago, he accepted the fact that he was mediocre. From the beginning, he knew that these people were elites with far more talent than himself, and he was not frustrated at this time.

The opportunity to receive key training is also tainted by the light of the black star. Although he is a Buddhist, he is not a person who does not know how to cherish opportunities, but he has already tried his best to the best of his ability, so he still cannot keep up with those elites. The speed of growth, he is not wrong.

Gaode watched silently, his eyes flickered.

He heard someone say some time ago that a black star who once favored entered the training base with the name of Carrot. Because of the black star, Gaode was in his heart. Today is the first time I saw the Lord .

He glanced up and down, only to find that Carrot revealed the word "mediocre" all over his body.

Gao De's own eyes were extraordinary, but he didn't find anything special in Carrot, and couldn't help but feel confused.

"Why did Black Star optimistic about this guy before? His eyesight is notoriously precise, should he not look away ..."

Gao Debai was puzzled. After thinking about it, he waved at the instructor.

The instructor noticed Gaode early in the morning and immediately came over with a smile. Almost no one in the base did not know that Gaode was the most likely person to reach the super-A level, and obtained the base's resource tilt and focus training, and his status was very high.

"Gauder, what's the matter?"

"The newcomer named Carrot, whether he passed the assessment or not, let him stay in the base." Gaode whispered.

Hearing that the instructor could not help but hesitated.

According to the assessment results, Carrot was destined to be eliminated and left the training base. He did not expect Gaode to plead for him.

"Not so good. This person has little training value. Keeping him is a waste of teaching resources."

"Be as accommodating as possible."

Gold did not see what Carlott was special about, but because of the favor of Black Star, he wanted to leave Carrott for more observation.


Han Xiao has been staying in the Black Star Palace without going to the front line. Time hastily passed, and one and a half months passed quickly.

On this day, a sudden news broke out in the Mordo civilization!

The tribal generals suddenly announced the start of the impeachment process for the current three kings of Modo. In history, the impeachment of the supreme leader has not happened many times, immediately causing shock to the whole society.

As the name suggests, this body is jointly controlled by three ethnic groups and has a wide range of powers, including the right to impeach the supreme leader. The impeachment was led by thirty-three members of parliament, who jointly proposed an impeachment proposal. The tribal general assembly finally passed the high vote and quickly began preparations. At first glance, it was prepared.

Shocked and shocked, the people of Morocco are quite supportive, because the chaos in civilization has severely disrupted the normal operation of society. Although this is a means of the enemy, where the people care so much, they directly throw this pot on the supreme leader, which is convenient for saving trouble.

Maruko gathered more opposition and grew stronger. He found a valid reason. He claimed to restore law and order to the outside world. He used a rigorous report to analyze the extremely low victory rate of Modo in this war. Using this as evidence to oppose the decision of the three Kings to continue supporting the Expeditionary Force is called a meaningless sacrifice.

This kind of statement has been recognized by a considerable number of officials and the public. Not everyone is willing to sacrifice immediate interests for the so-called future development space. Nowadays, there is increasing pressure and opposition is also growing.

The three kings of Modo did not expect that the opposition suddenly jumped out to stab their backs. In this section, the backyard caught fire, and the three's positions were immediately disrupted.

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