The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1180: Assassinate

As soon as the impeachment process started, the political circles of the Mordo civilization became lively. All factions were involved and forced to stand in line.

The three kings of Modo had to turn their focus back to the country to deal with the impeachment of the opposition. The foreigners must first settle in. The three men could only launch their men and women to conduct political fighting. Fortunately, they have been operating for many years. Their status is deeply entrenched. It is not easy. Toppled.

Dictatorships have very few advanced civilizations, and taking the position of supreme leader does not mean that they immediately obtain supreme power. Politics is the art of compromise, and power comes from obedience. Even if a civilized leader wants to consolidate his position, he still needs to win the support of various factions and cultivate a **** confidant, so as to add value to his power.

Otherwise, any order issued will be obstructed by political opponents secretly and secretly. It is not that when you become the supreme leader you can get unconditional obedience from others. The people who stare at this position are also not a minority.

In the following days, the people eating melon saw changes in the political world. The three kings of Modo and the opposition led by Maruko each showed their magical powers. Someone resigned yesterday, and who was summoned yesterday. Someone presented it today. The new report letter may be popped up by a big man tomorrow, and frequent news will make the public look overwhelmed.

Hearings were initiated one after another by the Tripartite House of Commons. The opposition produced a lot of evidence, and secrets that had not been known to the public became testimony, causing public outcry.

The Kunde incident is one of them. The opposition summoned key witnesses and asked the other party to provide the signature of the three kings of the motorcycle that agreed to the battle plan, and used evidence to explain that the reason why the black star targeted the motorcycle was the Kunde incident. Therefore, it was concluded that "Three Kings of Modo brought black stars to civilization and were the culprits that caused Modo to fall into trouble". The opposition used this as evidence to criticize the three Kings of Moto for making mistakes in decision-making, arguing that the ability of the current three Kings of Moto was insufficient to continue to be a leader of civilization.

There is still a lot of similar evidence. The opposition has thrown out some unseen things and pushed them to the three kings of Modo. By reason of the cause, they emphasized to the Tribal General Assembly that the power of the three kings was insufficient and proposed substitutions. .

This is not an injustice. As the supreme leader, even if the plan is not what the three kings came up with, the signature of three people is required to implement it. This pot can only be backed up.

Endless testimony and smearing have made the situation more detrimental to the three kings of Modo, but the status of the three kings has not been so easy to shake. Their relations are intertwined. Many factions including the military are strong supporters. These The factions have their own members in the three-community House of Representatives. They have united to block the impeachment process, which has achieved significant results.

The military is a firm requesting faction, which has led to more high-level dignitaries. Compared with the supporters of the three kings of Modo, the opposition led by Maruk is still not enough, and the investigation soon encountered obstacles. So the opposition set its sights on the next candidate for the three kings of Modo, hoping to get the support of these so-called "princelings." In the end, no suspense failed.

With the fermentation of the impeachment storm, things have gradually evolved into a political upheaval. The three kings of Modo have been delayed for too long, and do not want to waste more energy here, so they have no reservations at all.

Therefore, the farce did not end for too long before the curtain came to an end. The end result was that the House of Representatives rejected the impeachment procedure of the opposition. The impeachment ended in failure, which was basically a result of both losses.

The political opponents have been resolved, and in order to restore their reputation, the three kings decided to make a public speech and make a summary response to the impeachment incident.


Benet Plaza, one of the landmark buildings of the capital of the Modo civilization, is a tourist place with a large number of passengers on weekdays. This day, it was requisitioned by the government to serve as a venue for the three kings of Modo. The venue has been set up.

Due to the disadvantage of public opinion, the three kings of Modo did not speak in the government building this time, but chose to give a speech in front of the public. A large number of officials accompanied him. The screened audience filled the square and crowded people. Get out of the high-rise close to the scene.

A cordon was drawn around the square, and a large number of security personnel were deployed to guard the line without expression. At this time, an endless crowd of people had gathered outside.

Many people have banners in their hands, and most of them are written with opposition signs such as "Three Kings step down". These are demonstrators, and the sentiment is rousing ... Although the opposition has lost, but this time, Reputation has caused irreparable damage.

Official seats were all around the podium. Oppositions were all placed on the fringe, apparently left out. Others didn't even want to look in this direction, and didn't want to have any connection with the defeated opposition.

"I didn't expect the three kings to invite us to attend ..." an opposition murmured.

"They want us to be humiliated in public and to strengthen the effect of the speech."

Maruko doesn't look good.

He was very clear in his heart that the matter had come to an end, and the three kings of Moto deliberately invited them to the opposition. It was impossible to ease the relationship, and they must criticize their actions from the standpoint of the winner.

The opposition naturally jumped out to impeach the three kings of Moto when they had the chance to win, but in the end they lost. The hole cards played were resolved one by one, and some witnesses also changed their mouths. Maruk could only say that he was not as good as others.

In fact, there are still some opposition who have not jumped out and dare not take risks together. In order to change the development course of civilization, Maruko was willing to fight, but in order to maintain their status, even the hidden opposition to the decision of the three kings of the motorcycles did not dare to put into action, watching the army meaninglessly sacrificed. Although he lost Now, but also look down on this group of shrinking turtles.

After a while, the three kings of Modo attended, came to the podium, and the focused light chased the three.

The square immediately gave a warm applause, just like the rehearsal, suppressed the scolding and scolding of the onlookers outside the square, the three waving their arms at the same time, looking around the audience, smiling.

During the glances of the three kings of the motorcycle, his eyes deliberately paused at the positions of the opposition such as Maruko, and then turned away. The camera's image followed to the opposition's people, recording a blank expression or Strong smile face.


Maruco snorted quietly while applauding.

He naturally understood the eyes that the three kings of Shimodo had lost, and with the attitude of a winner, he was ready to settle accounts after the fall.

The applause gradually stopped, and one of the three kings of Modo then spoke loudly:

"Dear fellow citizens, Modo is a great civilization. We have united from exploration to the present, and the three kings have led us to create one development miracle after another ..."

After the opening remarks, the three began to read the manuscript. They opened the door and mentioned the recent social unrest and impeachment. They acknowledged that this was the impact of their own decisions, but emphasized that this was an enemy's conspiracy, and called it "because of the presence of Modo On the right path, so the enemy wanted us to flinch, so he used various plots in an attempt to scare us. "

The three also explained why they continued to send troops to the shining world, saying that the reason for such decisions was for the future of civilization. In the long speech, the three kings refuted and explained the items impeached by the opposition one by one, trying to restore their own reputation with the government.

The rhetoric of the three kings of Modo was well-founded, applause was heard from time to time, some onlookers were gradually convinced, and the number of demonstrators gradually decreased.

In addition to the reporters, there were countless onlookers recording the speech.

Among the crowd outside the square warning line, a tall and thin man held up a multi-function communication terminal for recording. It seemed to be just an ordinary person. In fact, he was one of the glorious federal secret eyeliners, responsible for inquiring information. Send over to record first-hand images.

"The opposition has failed, but the three Kings of Modo are also very weak, which is good news ..."

The intelligence officer muttered in his heart while working.

The melons that should be eaten have already been eaten, and now the dust has settled and nothing can be dug up. Now it's just up to the winner's declaration. The intelligence officer did not feel that he could inquire about anything of value. At this time, he came here to make fun of it, but it was his duty.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden flash of light in the sight, and the intelligence officer turned his head subconsciously.

Looking through the overlapping crowds, he saw the back of a hooded man's hand shimmer, as if a mark was shining.

At the next moment, a rush of golden light suddenly swept across the field of vision, bursting out like lightning.

The intelligence officer turned his head sharply, and saw that the light shot in front of one of the three kings of Mordor who was speaking.


A circle of clear blue magical shield suddenly opened up, blocking this light, and the super-a defensive enchantment on the three kings of Modo should be activated to resist various attacks.

The speech was suddenly interrupted, and the three queens of Modo knew afterwards that they looked at the incoming item. It was a golden spear, which was the weapon of the **** of Rotel.

"A killer!" The security personnel around were startled.

Several natural disaster-level bodyguards who had been standing behind the three kings were shocked, and immediately wanted to exert their ability to protect the three kings.

Although they reacted quickly, it was too late, and the super-a defensive enchantment with amazing resistance only resisted the stabbing god, and then was instantly penetrated. The spear brushed the ground and nailed one of the three kings of Modo to the ground.

Sudden changes caused the audience to hold back.

Someone assassinated the three kings? !!

After the brain analyzed this information, countless faces appeared at the same time.

"Run away!"


"Call the doctor!"

"Block the square immediately ... No, block the planet!"

The next moment, when the riots suddenly started, both the infield and outfield audiences fled in panic, and the security personnel shouted loudly, while protecting the remaining two kings to evacuate the scene, while searching for the entire site. Many officials were horrified and fled under the guard of the bodyguard. The lively speech scene was immediately chaotic and messy.

"Who sent this killer? Crazy!"

Maruko ran away in a panic, his face horrified.

In the superstar civilization's mother star, assassination of the supreme leader of civilization is simply fatal!

This kind of thing hasn't happened for many years, even the three major civilizations won't do it, who can think that it will happen suddenly. The three kings of Modo usually stay in the Central Government Building, and today's long-lost public speech has become an opportunity.

The most incredible thing is that the killer has succeeded. The super-a defensive enchantment on the three kings just seems to be a piece of paper.

Among the rioting outside crowd, the brilliant Commonwealth intelligence agents widened their eyes and turned to look for the hooded man, but the other party had disappeared.

"Where is this savage man who jumped out ... it was a suicide attack! He couldn't escape the Modo mother star!"

The intelligence officer twitched his face, his eyes full of incredible colors.

He did not expect that it would have been a routine business, but he would witness such a big surprise with his own eyes.

It was almost an instant that his professionalism made him keenly aware of the opportunity to use the subject.

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