The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1181: You're such a **** genius

News of the assassination of one of the three kings of the Mordo civilization spread quickly across the entire interstellar society, and that night, one of the three kings assassinated was declared dead, and this sudden change shocked the entire universe!

Whether it is an official of a higher civilization or an ordinary person in the interstellar society, the first reaction to this news can basically be summarized in two words:

-Lying down!

It ’s not the cat and the dog that died, but the family members of the supercluster civilization, second only to the leaders of the three major civilizations. People of this status have been assassinated. It seems to be a thing of the last era in the eyes of interstellar citizens. I do n’t know how much No such terrible news happened in the year.

In the impression of normal people, the leaders of higher civilizations cannot be killed by assassination. Because of this, when things happen, it will become more and more incredible. It fully illustrates the truth that everyone is equal before death. Who will never be killed.

Just after the assassination event broke out, the entire Modo star entered the highest level of martial law. Numerous soldiers searched for the murderer in a carpet-like manner and had to find people by digging three feet.

The eyeliner of many other civilizations has been stabbed by pond fish. A considerable number of these people have been monitored by the Mordo civilization. However, Mordo has not taken any action to catch long fish, but now he doesn't care about others, and all these people are caught back. Severe interrogation.

The Modo civilization restricted the flow of images for the first time, and at the same time issued an announcement promptly, using extremely stringent wording, to emphasize that the assassination of the leader of the Modo civilization was a provocation and insult to the entire civilization, and stated that it would seriously investigate the cause and effect of the incident and claimed that Probably the actions of foreign enemies. Once the identity of the killer is verified, he will never give up.

The assassination shocked and confused the public. In this case, the announcement issued by the Mordo civilization immediately guided the public's thinking, sparked the anger of the entire population and the enemy, and tried to focus this emotion on foreign enemies.

Under normal circumstances, this method is correct. It can make the public unanimous and make the people's hearts available.

However, the organizations of the three major civilizations hidden within the territory of the Mordo civilization will not sit idly by, and will continue to stir up the flames, issue various announcements to affect the effects of the announcement of the Mordo civilization, change the thinking of the people, use topics to play, and confuse audiovisual.

The method is not fancy. It just uses various more conspiracy theories to make various new speculations for the assassination case. It can be divided into two directions. One is to bring the people's thinking to the road of political assassination. It is claimed that the opposition is just right. Failing to seize power, there is a motive for assassination of the three kings, and it is made up of something that is just like the real thing.

The other direction is to spread rumors, claiming that the assassin who assassinated one of the three kings is actually the radicals of the other two ethnic groups born under the recent racial disparity trend, in order to catalyze the evolution of the racial disparity trend.

There are loopholes in both of these statements. However, conspiracy theories have always had a market. Quantum networks, while facilitating interstellar social communication, have also become important rhythmic platforms. All kinds of true and false information are dizzying and weaken the people. Judgment and the assassination incident made it difficult for a large number of people to keep their minds, which made these two opinions even agree.

At the same time, there are dozens of overseas terrorist forces join in the excitement and have announced their responsibility for this matter. You fight for it, as if this has become an opportunity to lay a grey world status.

For a time, the crowd of racial differences and assassinations of political assassinations continued to grow, the seeds of chaos gradually took root, and numerous controversial voices appeared on the Internet. If you do n’t encounter major events, you never know what kind of bizarre remarks will appear. It can always break the three perspectives of the whole society.

The interior of the Mordo civilization is suffering from this assassination. There is no time to deal with public opinion slowly. It can only adopt a hard-line approach that prohibits people from discussing these two possibilities. Although the high-level government knows that this will cause a rebound, it can only The two harms are the least important, and the spread of rumors will be stopped first.

The assassination of the Three Kings was a scene of enthusiasm, countless forces' eyes were cast, and a storm was brewing under the eyes of everyone.

On the other side, Han Xiao, who was shining far away in the world, also received news.


"Well, someone was assassinating the three kings of Modo? Whose cute is this?"

Han Xiao's eyes widened and was taken aback.

He had similar ideas before, but in the end he did not take action, and he did not order his men to be assassinated.

The reason for not doing it is mainly due to the limitation of identity. Now that he is the hero of the orderly world, it is impossible for him to assassinate a leader of a higher civilization.

However, if someone else assassinates, Han Xiao is happy to see it happen. To him, it is equivalent to fighting for profit by the clams.

He can roughly speculate on the possibility of various subsequent influences on this matter. Whether the Mordo civilization can catch the murderer, he will eventually give the results of the investigation. Assuming that the truth cannot be found, he will also need to find a good target. To channel domestic social contradictions and to give people a sense of venting.

It depends on what kind of thinking Mordo chooses to solve. If you want to make small things small, it is most convenient to push them to foreign terrorist forces. If you want to do something, then the three major civilizations and yourself may be taken as targets. In this way, Moto found a new motive for the Shining Battle, sending troops out of the army and occupying the high ground of public opinion.

As for the truth ... the ghost knew what was going on, because the Mordo civilization banned the outflow of images, and at this time he could not see the video of the assassination process, but he believed that the three major civilizations were by no means murderers, and there was no need for it.

Could it be a racist?

Han Xiao just felt itchy.

"What kind of steamed bun is so reckless, it's almost self-denying!"

As he secretly sighed, the communicator suddenly sounded.

Taking a look, it was Rotel's application for encrypted communications.

Han Xiao's expression froze, his heart twitched, and suddenly he had a bad feeling.

"Give me news at this time, no ..."

After two seconds of hesitation, he answered the communication and heard the steady breathing in the call channel.

"Rotel?" Han Xiao lowered his voice subconsciously.


"Don't tell me, you did this ..."

"it's me."

After hearing this answer, Han Shao suddenly turned black.

Suddenly, I also guessed for a long time, I confirmed my eyes, it turned out to be my own iron head baby!

Too exciting, my little heart can't stand it ...

"Are you crazy? I didn't order you to do this!"

"You asked me to do my best to disrupt Modo's social order, and I realized your strategic intention." Rotel was serious.

Han Xiao couldn't breathe on his chest, "So you just claimed to assassinate the three kings of Modo?"

"Do not humiliate the mission."

You're so **** a little genius!

Han Xiao's mouth twitched.

With this subjective initiative, most players can't compare to you!

It is indeed a person who dares to assassinate a strange god, and it hurts my trigeminal nerves!

Obviously I am a stable man, why is there such an iron man? !!

Taking a deep breath, Han Xiao calmed himself down.

At this point, he can only accept the reality and help wipe his ass.

"... where are you, have you escaped from Modo?"

"I've been out or I won't contact you."

Rotel briefly recounted what happened.

He wasn't really reckless in the end, he sneaked into the Modo mother star more than a month ago, leaving a few back roads early, planning for a move, and waiting for opportunities. Because he couldn't reach the three kings, he waited patiently. Until a few days ago, when he saw the announcement of the three kings, he knew that the opportunity was coming, so he made the arrangement and shot.

After repeated assassinations, Rotel has accumulated a wealth of running experience. He is already an expert. From the success of the assassination to the execution of the blockade order by the Mordo army, a reaction process is required in the middle. He took advantage of this time difference to successfully escape and was methodical throughout However, it is only temporarily safe at present, and it will still face the wild pursuit of the Mordo civilization in the future.

After hearing from Rotel, Han Xiao reluctantly said:

"At the site of others, it is not so easy to run away. All your assassination missions have been suspended, killing a leader, the effect is enough, no need to continue to target them, focus on running away first, I will see if I can bring you back. "

Things had already been done, and he could not sit idly by when Rotel fell into Mordo's hands.

This kind of things can't be said, otherwise the harm outweighs the benefits. As long as you don't let Moto catch people, without evidence, you can bite and deny it afterwards.

It is impossible to say that Han Xiao did not blame Rothel's self-assertion. He had been sitting on the Diaoyutai station steadily, but now he posed a risk. The assassination of the three kings was not in his expected plan.

But in another way, there is also a benefit in it.

The killer is his own, representing the damage caused to the Mordo civilization by this incident. It is also counted in the mission progress of [Kunde Leader's Will]. Perhaps the date for completing this mission will be earlier than I expected.


Modo civilization mother star.


A group of soldiers broke into the office and looked around the venue, coldly: "Marucco, come with us and be investigated."

Maruko slowly got up, his face bitter.

All the opposition have become the subject of internal critical review. Whoever told them to have suspected motives, everyone was implicated. There is no reason to argue, even if they feel wronged, they can only be obediently investigated.

The sudden assassinations also pitted their opposition.

At this moment, Maruko had only one thought in his heart.


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