The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1191: Attribute skyrocket

"Alarm! Alarm! High energy response in sector 4! Specific coordinates are ..."

The Fenrir Galaxy c0075d space monitoring station suddenly sounded an alarm, and the staff in the observation room hurriedly gathered in front of the radar screen, wearing the black star emblem on the uniform, all members of the army.

The Legion builds a large number of space stations in the territory under its jurisdiction, monitors the situation throughout the territory, intelligently handles it, and supplements it with a small amount of labor as insurance measures.

At this moment, a dazzling light spot suddenly lit on the real-time monitoring star map. The staff hurriedly operated the ultra-long-range astronomical observation device to enlarge the field of view. Soon, the position of the energy explosion was displayed on the screen.

The barren planet at this location has disappeared, replaced by an ever-expanding mass of golden energy, just like a star in his old age is turning into a red giant, and the bright golden arc thunders like a projecting sundial.

Seeing this, the staff in the room looked puzzled and talked.

"What is this phenomenon?"

"It looks like star decay ... but there was only one barren planet here, where did the star come from."

"The energy level fluctuates very much, and the band and frequency are more like super-a-level energy. No super-a level will sneak in."

Everyone discussed a few sentences and unanimously decided to conduct field surveys in accordance with the provisions of the operation manual.

An unmanned spacecraft exited the space station, the transition accelerated, and it quickly arrived at the site of the incident. I saw that the golden energy was still expanding and the volume was extremely large. .

This continued for a period of time, the golden energy suddenly stopped expanding, shrinking at a speed of hundreds or thousands of times, as if continuously being swallowed. And when it shrinks to a certain extent, it explodes again, turning into a shock wave of energy that spreads far away, and the observation picture suddenly becomes blank.

The shield of the unmanned spacecraft was stimulated by an arc flashing, and the shield value plummeted. Fortunately, it was far away. Although it was damaged, it was not destroyed. The spacecraft finally stabilized, and the staff far away from the space station hurriedly looked to the eruption position, and saw that this area was already empty, the golden energy mass had disappeared, all the material of the barren planet had been wiped out, nothing was left .

After a round of inspection, the crowd did not see anyone at all.

"After observation, the source of the outbreak was not found, and requested to return."

Listening to the intelligence report without emotion, the staff present were staring at each other.

"This thing is too strange, we can't handle it. Hurry up and report it to the top."


At the same time, on a barren planet in another galaxy in the Legion Territory, Han Xiao replaced with a new set of Royal Mech suddenly appeared on the black wasteland.

"Huh, I was almost seen."

Han Xiao took off the mech and took back the "throne" here, exhaling a breath with a golden arc.

This time the advancement brought a huge improvement. The energy runaway could not be controlled. The cells efficiently produced energy, released the energy in the body, and accidentally exploded a planet. In order not to be seen by the people, the advanced The moment he finished it, he immediately put on a spare set of Royal Mech and ran away.

He chose the advanced place in the depths of his own place for the sake of confidentiality. The original strength had already jeopardized the major forces. If the outside world knew that he had made progress in a short period of time, it would be more than jealousy. It was frightened, and it might have an adverse effect, so he chose to keep it, and did not want others to know it now.

"Master Om, the General Command Center of the Fenrir Galaxy has reported your high-energy response incident. They don't know why, how can I reply Om?" Philip's milky voice sounded in his mind.

"It's so fast? That's good. You can reply as usual, and send some detection troops to go there for a symbolic stroll."

Han Xiao shook his head and smiled.

Over the years, the Black Star Corps has established a complete monitoring system in the seven galaxy jurisdictions of the Gaolu Star Cluster. As soon as his front foot left, the report of his hind foot came. He was satisfied with the response speed, and the early warning mechanism in the territory was very effective. No money for nothing.

Putting down this episode, Han Xiao reopened the panel, and the prompt to complete the advanced has popped up. He rubbed his hands excitedly, opened the advanced panel, and observed the changes above.

[Total Level: 340]

[Main occupation: Department of Mechanical Engineering]

[Race: black star race]

[Attributes: Strength 15914, Agility 15423, Stamina 27010, Intelligence 56460, Mystery 13107, Charm 6430, Lucky 0]

[Free attribute points: 135]

[Awakening point: 9]

[HP: 41039094]

[Physical strength: 31662700]

[Power: 293475]

[lv25 total strength bonus: strength +6620, agility +7745, endurance +10308, intelligence +14187, mystery +6060, physical strength limit +4382600, mechanical affinity + 9806%]

[Energy Level: 98510]

[Order: ss]

[S rank bonus: endurance bonus +150, all resistance + 45%, highest attribute + 40%, remaining attributes + 25%, additional 750 free attributes, 50 awakening points]

[The higher level door is slowly opening to you ...]


Han Xiao took a breath.

This time the advanced effect is excellent! Each attribute has increased tremendously. Counting it down, each attribute has increased by about one-third compared with before the advanced ... Except for luck, this thing dropped when the last time the universe treasure was washed. At 0, I forgot to order it back.

The current attribute is much stronger than the state when it just entered super a, especially the strength bonus starts to continue to exert force in the later stage. Each level of the realm will get a stronger increase. The strength bonus of lv25 is more than that of just The lv15 bonus when entering the super a level has increased the effect by about ten times! Sure enough, strength is the king of each super a level to improve themselves!

And the completion of the attributes brought by this sublimation of the race, the degree of increase is approximately equal to the strength of lv21 to lv25, which is also a huge improvement.

Especially the amount of blood, let alone the enemy, Han Xiao felt vomiting when he saw it. At this moment, he had the urge to imitate Wei Yan and wanted to shout who can shark me!

"Even if I do n’t use machinery, I can only use my body to fight with super-A martial arts below the level of 52000. I can still kill my opponent alive! And with my current intellectual properties, plus all aspects of the bonus, the mechanical army The intensity is already extremely scary. "

Han Xiao squeezed his fist and felt the explosive force in his body, smiling.

With our current strength, even if [virtual purification and restoration] is not needed, we should not be afraid of the old Maitou offering prisoners. As long as his body dares to appear in front of us, we dare to arrest him for training. Among the peak super-A levels in this era, it is estimated that there is a [God Chooser] Ulnos who does not know the depth and may threaten us.

The later the energy level is, the larger the span between each point is. It ’s a pity that Han Xiao did n’t charge 100,000 this time. After all, this is like a threshold that may trigger something.

However, considering that the limit of the super a level was not an integer and there was a decimal point, the 100,000 level might not have any special meaning.

The rank has not changed. Han Xiao feels that ss may be the peak of s rank, and further upgrade, it should be the higher realm desired by the gods, which can once again produce qualitatively changed levels of life, as between super-a and natural disaster levels. The divide.

The free attribute points brought from level 331 to level 340 are useless. He just dropped a little bit of luck into the luck and turned the eggs into sticks, and then threw all the remaining free attribute points onto intelligence.

He took a look at the upgrade costs, and the amount soared again. It was completely an astronomical figure. Even big leek households such as Han Daji, looked at it secretly.

After admiring for a few more minutes, Han Xiao hadn't fully looked away, thought about it, and pulled down to the ability bar.

Before I was busy advancing without thinking about the change of divine transformation, this time, Han Xiao met the five conditions of divine transformation during the advance, and got 5 points in full.

But [Divine Transformation · Mechanism] It takes 6 points to reach the eleventh floor, which is still 1 point. He wants to try whether the mission settlement card can take effect and reduce the free cost.

"Theoretically, the settlement card is useful for advanced tasks and also for such upgrade conditions."

He murmured, took out the settlement card, chose the requirement of "developing golden drawings by himself", took it up, and then hurriedly looked at the panel prompts.

[You used a mission settlement card]

[Task settlement card has taken effect]

[You have completed one of the [Divine Transformation · Mechanical] upgrade requirements, the upgrade cost is reduced by 1 point, currently 5 points are required]

"Yo, sure enough." Han Xiao's eyes brightened.

He has received a lot of random reward opportunities over the years, so he has stored some settlement cards, which can have an effect on divine transformation, which has another important use.

"Well, although it is good news, I don't know if the requirements for each subsequent upgrade will increase. It is better to save the use. Some requirements that can be achieved are as much as possible. It is no harm to improve the strength." Han Xiao secretly said.

He still decided to upgrade [Divine Transformation · Mechanism] first. If the limit level is still a question mark, he may switch to investing in the Divine Transformation of the Void Route. What will happen to a route after it is full.

Just then, the communicator suddenly rang.

"Hmm ..."

Han Xiao took it out, and on the screen was Cuzye's big face.

"Hei Xing, are you done? When are we going?"

Han Xiao once agreed to Csuye ’s team request, but because of the delay of Modo ’s affairs, after the release of Modo, Csuye sent an invitation every three points and five. The most recent time was four days ago, Han Xiao In order to advance, he replied and waited, and today Csuye called again, and he couldn't wait.

"Okay, you came here by coincidence. I just finished my business. When do you say go?" Han Xiao said helplessly.

Csuye smiled. "Now."

"So urgent?" Han Xiao was surprised.

"Yes, do you have time?"

"I'm free, but I don't know where to go. Don't you have to prepare?"

"It's okay, let's go to the void dimension collection and tell you the specific situation at that time."

After speaking, Csuye didn't wait for Han Xiao to answer, and then quickly hung up the communication.

Han Xiao was playing with the communicator, and he became more and more curious.

He promised Csuille's invitation. It was originally just a friend's help, but now he is more and more interested in the purpose of Csuille's trip. What is it that makes Csuille's people at this level so urgent.

I don't know how much time it will take to get there. Han Xiao thought about it and sent a message to Xi Weiya.

"I'm going to the secondary dimension world. I don't know when I will be back. I have to keep you in charge for a while."

After a while, Han Xiao received a reply.

Sylvia: "Don't come back at all."

Han Xiao is helpless.

Alas ... Even if we all know how to work and rest, Xi Weiya has to work overtime endlessly. It's normal to have a little bit of resentment. We don't care about a guy who is in danger of having a hairline.

Han Xiao was preparing to summon the secret ability to bring him into the secondary dimension world, and suddenly stopped.

"Well, I now have the power of the void, and I can go in and out of the secondary dimension at will without the secret energy of chaos."

He closed his eyes to activate this talent, and communicated the void dimension in the midst.

Consciousness seems to have sunk into a colorful world, with colorful bubbles passing quickly in the field of vision, and soon, a large bubble filled with gray-blue appears in sight, getting bigger and bigger.

Han Xiao moved in his heart, and in accordance with the instinctive response brought by the power of the void, let his consciousness insert the void dimension from this very macro perspective.


A smooth voice sounded in my mind, and my consciousness was inserted into the void dimension. There was no obstacle during the whole process. It was smooth and moist like grease, leaving a mark on the core of the dimension.


At the next moment, Han Xiao felt that his consciousness was suddenly spreading, covering the entire void dimension. The void energy in the dimension seemed to be an extension of his own body. For example, he could also use the link of consciousness to ignore the distance to draw the energy of the void dimension. It's like an invisible energy transmission pipeline.

"Originally, the connection to the secondary dimension is like this, which is almost the same as described by Hella ..."

Han Xiaoxun was surprised.

The super-a level that can be connected to the secondary dimension is a minority. Csuye is connected to the void dimension, Hella is connected to the earthen dimension, and the traveler is connected to the evil energy. Now he has also entered this rank. I have to say that the secondary There is a constant flow of energy to nourish the body.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Csuye is also connected to the void dimension. I wonder if he will find out ..."


At the same time, the void dimension.

Csuye had just returned from the main universe to the palace of the void dimension, and was waiting for the black star to come in, while absorbing the energy of the void to adjust the state.

Suddenly, he was shocked, looked up suddenly, and was shocked.

"Someone connected the void dimension again ?!"

Csuye doesn't mind others connecting to the void dimension, because the energy in it is endless, he doesn't mind sharing it with one more person, after all, he is not the traveler's macho who treats the secondary dimension as his wife.

But this is not a one-time event. Only Nether species have such qualifications. They need to use mental power to wear off layers of obstacles in order to reach the core of the dimension and establish a connection. At the time, Csuye tried countless times before it finally happened to the Nether dimension relationship.

But this unknown newcomer has no foreplay, and the first communication dimension reaches the core, making it difficult for him to understand.

"Who will this guy be ?!"

Csuye was secretly shocked, and at the same time a little bit sour.

This feeling is like the pursuit of a sweetheart, and only a little progress has been made after hard work. However, when I turned my head, I found that my sweetheart did not show any coldness to himself when facing an airborne high and handsome man. Difficulty.

"Even I can't do it so fast, why is this person ..."

Csuye's thoughts became more and more unpleasant, and the emptiness in his mouth suddenly ceased to smell.

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