The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1192: Divine transformation secrets and extremely difficult tasks

Somewhere in the void dimension, a light flashed, revealing Han Xiao's figure, transmitted through the void power.

"Xuye should be here, go find him first."

With the power of the void, a small map of the void dimension was added to his mind. It was very convenient. Han Xiao distinguished the position and moved towards the central region of the void dimension, which was the place of Csuye.

The effect of the Void Shuttle has been greatly increased here, and each flash can span a long distance. It didn't take long for Han Xiao to reach the periphery of the Cthulye Territory and thought about it in a void serving as a border post The crystal floating island stopped outside, releasing a little of its own breath.


The surrounding void energy caused a storm, the guards in the post were alarmed, and a large void air group flew out, confronting Han Xiao, led by a void lord.

"Who dares to break into Lord Xsuye ... Oh, it is Lord Black Star!"

Before the warning of the void lord was finished, he saw the appearance of Han Xiao, immediately put away hostility, and immediately became friendly.

Han Xiao's fame in the void dimension is not small. The deeds he left here last time have spread. Most of the strong men at the top of the void food chain know this void creature on the same level as Csuye. Among them are [Void Conqueror] Impact of Milestones.

"I have an appointment with Csuye, what about others?" Han Xiao asked.

"Master Csuye is waiting for you in the main hall. Come with me."

The Lord of the Void let the troops disperse, took Han Xiao into the post, came to a platform where the mysterious lines were carved, and then took out a dark blue crystal, motivated by the energy of the Void, and the next moment, the energy of the Void around him surged. A gray-blue space vortex was formed on the platform's ground.

"Void technology's unique portal?" Han Xiao glanced.

The rules of the void dimension are different. It has its own technical system, which is based on the energy of the void and uses its various characteristics to basically take effect in the void dimension.

He stepped in, and the energy of the void swarmed through his body, such as falling into the clouds, and the next moment he saw his eyes, and immediately came to a magnificent luxurious palace, made of crystals of various colors, very exquisite.

"Hey Star, you are here."

There was a familiar sound behind him, Han Xiao turned his head and looked at it, and at a glance he saw a small table, and Csuye sat aside, nodding slightly.

As he was about to continue speaking, Csuye suddenly acted with a stunned expression.

He suddenly smelled the same kind of breath from Han Xiao. It wasn't just a sibling induction, but a very high level of void blood.

"You ... have evolved again?" Csuye was surprised.

"No, it's just a little progress." Han Xiao was modest.

As a void creature, it is difficult for his own sublimation to hide Csuye, but the other party can only detect a breath and cannot see his exact situation.

"Every time I see you, it surprises me ..." Ksueye narrowed his eyes and tentatively said, "Just inserted ... heh, isn't you the guy who connects with the void dimension?"

"Oh, you were spotted." Han Xiao spread his arms and smiled. "I just tried it. I didn't expect it to be that simple. It succeeded once. I remember you said you didn't mind others connecting the void dimension, so you Shouldn't it be okay? "

"It's okay, I'm just curious ..."

Csuye's eyelids twitched, and he waved his hands, his face pretended that it didn't matter, and his heart was crazy lemon.

simple? I tm want to strangle you!

Just try it and you can get up to the dimension of the void, so what is my hard work? !!

He just couldn't lose his temper, and he was in place once. That was the skill of others. Envy and envy didn't come. People were more popular than death.

At the same time as his abdomen was vilified, Han Xiao suddenly stepped forward and stretched his fingers to cover his face.

Csuye Ye was on the spot, looking up with Han Xiao's big eyes.

"You, what do you do?"

"It depends on whether you are a clone or an ontology." Han Xiao was curious.

"... I'm the body now!" Csuye snapped Han Xiao's paw away.

Han Xiao wondered: "Don't you say that the dimension to be explored is dangerous? I thought you would send an avatar in the past, but I didn't expect it to be the body ... just your small body, how dare you wave like this?"

Csuye's face twitched.

What's it called, do you think I'm brittle?

... Okay, it's really crispier than you, but I'm anyway a pinnacle Super A grade, no matter how crunchy it is.

Csuye was speechless for a long while, but pointed to the seat opposite, "Please sit down and eat something. I'll explain the purpose of this trip to you first."

The voice dropped, and a few void creatures with trays came in, and the table was filled with food and drinks. The dish was a colorful, translucent crystal, very beautiful.

Han Xiao glanced at the food on the table, and twitched at the corner of his mouth.

If you read it right, this thing seems to be the excrement of the Void Worm, and it is still the most essential part ...

"What's wrong? Eat something."

"No, I don't have that heavy taste."

Han Xiao quickly waved his hand.

This is the hometown dish of the Nether creature, which contains pure Nether energy, but after all, he is a converted species and has no such habit.

Seeing this, Csuye didn't force it, took the glass and took a sip of wine, explaining the goal of the trip:

"At our present level, divine transformation is an indispensable way, and you must have touched this field. And you may not know that as the degree of divine transformation becomes higher and higher, there will be a kind of meditation. The intuition of consciousness can detect some transformational opportunities, which may be some objects, or to complete some nihilistic things. As long as you find an opportunity, you can greatly reduce the difficulty of the next divine transformation.

And this time, I sensed an opportunity, and my intuition guided me to find the secondary dimension that we will explore later. There seems to be something in it that will attract me and help my divine transformation ... "


Han Xiao suddenly moved in his heart.

Opportunity for transformation? This is very similar to the pre-requirements that appear after the divine transmutation ability reaches the tenth floor.

‘It turned out to be like this in normal people ... then there must be a line of divine transformation in Csuye ’s that reached more than ten levels. ’

For the super-a level, the information about divine transformation is valuable knowledge. Csuye spoke at this time. Han Xiao listened for a while and learned more.

According to Csuye, after the divine transformation reaches a high level, something similar to the mission will be sensed. When this mission is achieved, the divine transformation will be steadily promoted. Explaining it with mysterious words is like proof. Same as his own "Tao".

It sounds very vague, but Csuye gave two real examples. For example, the mission he sensed was to become the most powerful overlord in the dimension of the void, which was conducive to his divine transformation. Become the main **** of mechanical gods, this is still old Laotou told him privately.

Why did this happen, Csuye also has some speculation.

In his view, divine transformation is not only the sublimation of individuals, but also tangles with the fate line of countless external factors. Only by bearing and integrating the luck of some groups can the final divine transformation be completed, as if the strong need to bear Fate.

"Are there such things?" Han Xiao secretly surprised.

After thinking about it, since the divine transformation has the word "divineness", it seems that there is no such possibility, that is, I don't know what will happen after the transformation is completed.

No wonder Csuye was so impatient that he saw a further opportunity.

However, in his perspective, this matter can actually be explained simply with a panel-presumably similar to the requirements of the high level of divine transformation, it is no longer a hard indicator such as level, ability, attributes, etc., but progress with some stages. Steps or transfers have become the type of task to be done, and one needs to complete something related to the course of transmutation, so in the eyes of normal characters, it feels like they have sensed their own mission.

Because it has been tested that the mission settlement card can take effect on divine transformation, although Han Xiao was surprised at this time, he did not feel embarrassed, but was happier.

——It is not important how to practice a normal super-A level. Anyway, we are not in a system, we will finish it.

At this moment, Han Xiao suddenly realized a problem.

"I am also a void creature. It should be the same as your transmutation route. According to your theory, shall we not become competitors?"

Csuye shook his head and said lightly: "Even with the same transformation route, everyone feels different things. Although there is not much information, my intuition tells me that everyone's path is unique ... ... at least for contemporary generations. "

"Then your intuition is really rich." Han Xiao groaned, and then asked: "I already understand the goal, this time is to help you find the opportunity of divine transformation in that secondary dimension, right, the situation there How is it? Have you explored the road? "

Upon hearing that, Csuye's expression suddenly became a lot serious, his frown slightly, and he said in a deep voice:

"I have sent two avatars there, which are located deep in the world of the secondary dimension. The turbulence of space is very violent and the environment is dangerous, but this is not the main thing ... there is a group of powerful creatures guarding the dimension. I Failed to repel them twice! "

Han Xiao narrowed his eyes suddenly.

Being able to repel Csuye ’s avatar means that the total combat power of this group of creatures can be compared with the peak super-a level. It is undoubtedly the worst place in the secondary dimension world. It is very rare. If ordinary super a-level encounters, the basic Nine dead a lifetime.

"Have you tried communicating with them?"

"I tried it at the time, but their memories are empty, there is no valuable information, and they seem to have no self-awareness, they will never respond to me, and I don't know what species they are, there is no record in the database."

"let me see."

Han Xiao frowned, worried that Csuye was the one who had encountered the World Tree, but that would not be great.

However, after watching the picture shared by Ksuye, Han Xiao was relieved. He also didn't know this kind of creature. He hadn't seen it in previous lives, and 80% had nothing to do with the world tree civilization.

"The guardian on the outside of the secondary dimension alone has such strength. I don't know what's going on inside. Have you been there?"

"No, I haven't broken through the blockade of this group of creatures and don't know what's inside."

"It's so dangerous outside, it's definitely not much better inside, maybe it's the lair of this creature ..." Han Xiao looked weird, "So you really want to go over there? Don't think about it?"

"The opportunity for transformation can only be discovered when I go there. It shouldn't be a problem with your help this time. The mechanical department is best suited to deal with large-scale battles. That is your strength."

Czuye smiled and said honestly:

"And I specifically invite you, not only because of your ability, but also to borrow your Royal Mech. If the situation is wrong, we can immediately withdraw, and only you have such mobility."

"So it is."

Han Xiao nodded and thought for a while, saying:

"Then I will accompany you on a trip. The mechanical body is too brittle and not safe."

After hearing that, Csuye didn't know what kind of expression to do for a while.

Only the mechanics of the universe can only say such improper words ...

Ding ~

At this moment, Han Xiao heard the prompt of the task trigger on the panel, took a chance and opened it.

[You trigger the task [Cuzye's invitation]]

[Mission Brief: In order to find the opportunity of divine transformation, Csuye decided to explore a dangerous and mysterious unknown secondary dimension. Because of his ability, he sent you a team request.]

[Mission: Help Csuye find the goal of this trip]

[Bonus: 4500e experience, random reward x6, character card x3, Csueye's favor +30, divine transformation point x1, milestone-unknown]

[Note: This task is extremely risky, it is recommended to choose carefully]

"450 billion experience ?!"

Han Xiao stared and almost suspected that he was wrong.

The experience reward is often linked to the difficulty of the task, and it is only about 1000e experience to play an old wheat. At present, the task with the highest experience reward is 10000e [Dark End], which is basically a task that is impossible to complete.

And the reward of this task can reach 4500e, and it is also specially reminded that the difficulty is very high? !!

At this moment Han Xiao can conclude that there must be a big secret in that mysterious secondary dimension!

In the past life, there was no one of his own. The teammate of Csuye ’s trip is likely to be Madison. Since the two of them are safe and sound, it means that even if the risk is high, it will not exceed the peak A-level ability.

He has just advanced, and his strength has improved greatly. What Manison + Csuye can do should not be a problem.

"I took the place of Madison. If there is something good in that secondary dimension, there will be no old wheat ..."

If you think so, is this another opportunity that has taken away Madison?

Han Xiao's eyes brightened.

His biggest hobby now is the persecution of the old wheat head.


At the same time, Old Sun Xinghe was somewhere.

"Ah sneeze!"

Madison, who was studying the drawings, suddenly sneezed, his face suddenly glooming.

He is so experienced now that he almost guesses that he must be a black star who is thinking about him!

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