The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1209: Interview and Forecast

As soon as Jiang Cheng defeated Thunder Python, the impatient Chinese players swipe the screen on the forum, venting their ecstasy and excitement.

"Congratulations Jiangcheng !!! Congratulations to Huaxia !!!"

"Three consecutive championships, Niubi !!!"

"Ha ha ha ha, continue to besiege our team, even if we target again, we can still kill the siege!"

"Comfortable, those little tricks that target us are not good enough. Ironworking still needs to be hard!"

"Congratulations to the North American Kitty Runner (Funny)"

Since the stage of the group stage, Huaxia players have held their breath. They have seen that Huaxia's team has been treated unfairly and constantly targeted. Now they finally raise their eyebrows and let out their inner depression.

Starting from the second league, Changkong, Dynasty and Jiangcheng have each brought a championship trophy to Huaxia. As the saying goes, everything is three. The three consecutive championships have a specific meaning in the eyes of the players, which means a ruling level of achievement and great honor.

Officials of the Jiangcheng Club quickly posted announcement posts after the team won the championship. In just three minutes, the response volume of the post broke through one million. All of them were congratulations. With the popularity of the championship, they instantly rose to the top of the hot posts list.

Congratulations to not only Huaxia players, three consecutive championships to create history, but also attracted a large wave of foreign fans, many players in various countries, there are many audiences who have always supported the Huaxia team. Achievement regardless of nationality, even if it is a supporter of other teams, at this moment also has a sense of witnessing history.

Dynasty, Changkong and other Chinese teams that were eliminated early also posted congratulatory posts in the name of the club at the same time, congratulating Huaxia for its three consecutive championships. It was mentioned that this was the result of everyone's joint efforts. The team's dedication laid the foundation for three consecutive championships, and received a lot of praise from players.

Huaxia's side is celebrated all over the world. Many foreign teams are uncomfortable. The sniper has failed. The teams that participated in it have received a lot of ridicule and sarcasm, but they are also lost and helpless.

——We have exhausted our means and failed to prevent China from winning the championship. This can be done, and we can only accept the reality.

"Three consecutive championships ... really amazing."

In the office, Han Xiao smiled as he watched the carnival on the forum.

No previous country has achieved three consecutive championships. Even the most dominant North America has won three championships, but they are separate. Now under his influence, the Huaxia team, who had previously struggled to win the championship, has achieved such a good record and has become a dominant devil. He also feels honored.

As the main camp of Huaxia players, the benefits are naturally obvious. It can be expected that the camp ’s attractiveness will increase again, which is extremely beneficial to its own plan. In the next version, if other camps come to dig the wall, the success rate will definitely decline further.

Han Xiao was secretly pleased, and suddenly remembered his thoughts during the war.

"Well, it's time to send rewards indirectly ..."

Yanhuang Alliance became the winner of the national war. At that time, Han Xiao was going to buy the Milton star as the main battlefield and give it to Yanhuang Alliance as a reward. This is the best time.

Although the war between the three major civilizations and the Superstar Alliance is still going on, the ownership of Milton Star has not been confirmed, and people cannot buy it, but it does not prevent them from releasing information to the outside world. Regarding the status of the Legion, no matter what the force that won the Milton Star in the end, such a small sale will not be blocked. In this way, it is equivalent to booking the Milton Star, and as soon as the war is over, you can pay for the ball.


The forum's enthusiasm has been maintained for more than ten days after the Jiangcheng team won the championship.

During this time, the "Xinghai Times" intensified production, and finally came up with a new program, invited Jiang Cheng, Dynasty, Changkong three championship teams as guests, unprecedented glory.

Han Xiao was also watching, and the barrage was dense. In the picture, one man and one woman were sitting on the side, and the three team players led by Kuang Dao, Wang Houxiang, and Haotian sat in turn. The interview had begun for a while.

"... From the first league, we have witnessed the rise of Jiangcheng step by step, and the team has continued to mature. After four versions, it has finally won the highest honor and laid the foundation for the giants. Captain Furious Sword Any thoughts? "The hostess asked.

Kuang Dao smiled proudly and said, "First of all, I want to thank the club for its cultivation. After the first league, Jiang Cheng decided to knock down and rebuild the team, which gave me great power. It can be said that without their support, there would be no present. Then I would like to thank my teammates, everyone sweating together to achieve today's results, without running in again and again, we will not have today's glory.

Then I want to thank the dynasty, Changkong and other Huaxia teams. Without their contributions in the previous two leagues, we would not be able to win three consecutive championships. This is the result of the efforts of all Huaxia teams, and everyone is winning the country.

Finally, I would like to thank the Black Star Corps. Although this is a bit weird, to be honest, I think the Black Star Corps has played an irreplaceable role in our China championships and may even be one of the main factors. "

The male host nodded. "It is true on the Internet. Many people think that the success of China's three consecutive championships is inseparable from the unique camp welfare, which means that there is a lot of luck. Do you think so?"

Mad knife agrees:

"Forget it, old players who have experienced four versions together understand that the Black Star Legion was very weak at the beginning. At the earliest time, we worked hard to build it, and it also brought us long-term returns.

Being able to join such a promising camp at the very beginning is the luck of our Chinese team, and it does have a lot of convenience. There is no need to deny it ... Of course, the team's contribution is equally important. The so-called work must be good Let's sharpen our tools first. The faction allows us to develop very well, and we also use this resource to give a qualified answer sheet. "

Haotian spoke on the side: "Knife is right, the honor of the three consecutive championships is part of the Black Star Legion."

In version 1.0, he was one of the "Big Four King Kong" under Han Xiao's seat. At this time, he also very much agreed with the mad knife.

Although it was a bit weird to mention an npc camp in the championship interview, most Chinese players will not develop such a feeling. In the four versions, the Black Star Army has already given them a strong sense of belonging, as their own. A part.

Seeing that the topic came here, the hostess flipped through the inscription card and asked, "Speaking of the Black Star Corps, just a few days ago, Black Star publicly stated that he would buy Milton Star and give it to her affiliates. The Yanhuang League as a base has caused a lot of resounding and is called a double happiness by Chinese players. What do you think about this? "

After hearing that, everyone turned to Fengyue. She is a well-recognized plot streamer among professional players. Everyone thinks her answer is more reliable.

Fengyue thought about it and said, "I think, although the behavior of the regiment leader is a bit abrupt, it is not strange to think about it. Everyone must remember that when we were in the national war, there was no The spacecraft with few npc forces is watching. With our sense of existence in the universe, it is impossible for the Black Star to pay attention to our national war.

Although npc does not know what we are doing, they can also make basic judgments. I try to put in the perspective of the commander of the army ... Although he does not understand why we are fighting, in his eyes, this is likely to be immortal He did not want to manage the internal conflicts, but Yanhuang Alliance was a registered subsidiary of His Majesty, and among the opponents were the groups of unbreakables in the Superstar Alliance camp, which created an environment of camp conflict.

Therefore, he saw that the affiliated organization of the Legion defeated all the enemies, and it was likely to produce emotions of satisfaction and comfort. Then he saw that we stayed on the Milton Star battlefield and established the main city. This scene may make him think that we Unwilling to accept this planet, he waved his hands and generously unpacked, and bought the entire planet to give to the Yanhuang Alliance. The basic intention of this move was actually to reward his affiliated organizations. "

After Fengyue's analysis, many viewers suddenly realized that the cause and effect were clear, and there was a lot of barrage on the screen.

"It is indeed a professional player who is good at digging hidden plots. The thinking is very clear. I will understand that.

"What are these imaginary heads doing? Just call the legion leader Niubi and you're done!"

"Let's fight the national war, even the camp will give benefits, and only the Black Star Army has such treatment, it is too comfortable."

National warfare is a spontaneous activity of players. Originally there was no reward, but because of the generosity of Heixing, he now has an extra bonus.

In addition, the guild alliances of other camps won the national war. I am afraid that such benefits will not be obtained. Only the players of the Black Star Army won this treatment. Is this too happy? !!

The guilds of the other camps were all red, envious and jealous.

Seeing this, Han Xiao smiled with satisfaction, and he liked such players with excellent brain tonic ability, giving his legion a sense of existence.

The two hosts interviewed many questions in succession, allowing players from the three teams to have room to play. They ended the interview in a happy atmosphere, then entered the last part of the show, reviewed the history of this version, and predicted the next version. Case.

The male chair sits tightly and slowly says:

"In version 4.0, we have witnessed many historical ** pieces, such as the establishment of a super-a level association, the battle of the black star, the outbreak of intelligent plague, the black star received the Xinghai Medal and was hired as a consultant by the three civilizations, The outbreak of contradictions between civilization and the Superstar Alliance and so on ... We have also experienced many, such as the establishment of a large number of affiliated organizations, the Black Star Cup, participation in the shining world war, national warfare, etc., and so many achievements have been reached ... "

Many viewers have been drawn back to their memories, reviewing their rich experiences in recent years.

Then the hostess said, "We have experienced a lot in version 4.0. The opening of the World Service has made this version of special significance, but now the universe is still in turbulence. It is difficult to see what will happen in version 5.0. Certain conjectures can only be made based on existing intelligence.

This is the early stage of the shining world war. I do n’t know how many years have passed between 4.0 and 5.0. In our opinion, the next version is likely to jump to the end of the war and let us participate in the final battle. The middle process is Omit, it feels more than ten years apart ... "

Listening to the speculation from the Xinghai Times, Han Xiao shook his head. "This time they guessed wrong."

From the player's perspective, Shining World War is just like red tide. They thought that this would be a cross-version of the main line. Naturally, the main line of version 5.0 was a super calamity, and players in previous lives were so confused and involved in this conflict.

However, it is no wonder that the players involved are not high-level and cannot know too many clues. There are also big unexpected factors in superpower disasters. Nowadays, basically no one can guess.

Now that the butterfly effect is constantly expanding, I am afraid that the trend of version 5.0 is even more confusing, and even he himself is not sure, the player is even more impossible.

As he thought, Han Xiao's fingers lightly moved across the edge of the desk, and the blue virtual screen popped out immediately.

He glanced at the date in the upper right corner and exhaled:

"There are only 27 days left until the previous version update, 4.0 is finally over ..."

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