The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1210: Oath return

Nearly a month later, it shone in the world's Gaolu star cluster and the base of the outer ring of the Black Star Palace.

Today is the day when the version is updated. There are a crowd of people in the lobby. Countless players gather here. There are three people in a circle to chat, and the crowd is full of excitement. It is here to wait for offline.

The meat buns roamed through the crowd, the video function was turned on, and the scene in the hall was filmed with interest, with a little assistant beside him.

In the 4.0 version, the meat bun business has made new progress. It has become an important cooperative reporter of the club, so he founded the studio, no longer cut the video alone, recruited some staff, was responsible for all aspects of the business, and the most important thing was to help him. Collect footage.

This type of employee has his own work account, with the prefix of the studio. At this time, the little assistant around him, the id name is "meat studio · wheat", it looks like a happy little fat man.

"Boss, what can we do here to shoot the base, can this also be used as material?" Wheat was curious.

"Stupid, who knows what the next version of the Legion will look like, and if there are changes in the future, these are historical data. It is entirely possible to produce a period of nostalgic images, and a period of water videos." Roubao taught.

"Boss, you have a vision!" Wheat gave a thumbs up.

"Well, your business level needs to be improved. Look at it and learn it." Meat bag hummed.

In the corner not far from the two, a group of professional players formed a circle and made a low noise.

"I'm ready to retire."

The prince spoke to each other, which immediately caused everyone's surprise.

Mad Knife has always regarded the prince as an idol, and it is unbelievable, "We have just won three consecutive championships, why do you want to retreat?"

"Yeah, yeah, now is when our Huaxia is at its peak." The people next to him also echoed.

"Oh, because I won three consecutive championships, I was able to retire with peace of mind. Originally, I had such an idea after winning the last championship. Just to achieve the dynasty, this only waited another year." I waved my hand and said casually: "I'm not too young. I can feel that the level of competition has started to decline. Now the rapid retreat is just right. The retirement application has been passed to the club's senior management. The team respects my choice. As the captain of the Dynasty, I have to give others a chance. "

After hearing the words, everyone turned to look at the Taizi aside.

Mrs. Tai has always hoped to overtake the princely general and take the captain's position, but now that his dream has come true, he has not expressed his happy mood, but has been silent, somewhat depressed.

The prince Wang looked at him and smiled, "Don't you want the captain's seat. Now that you're right, why aren't you happy?"

Mrs Taizi touched the corner of her mouth and showed a reluctant smile. "Blindly, I'm obviously very happy and finally got you away, haha."

Everyone shook their heads, and they could see that Taizhangzi was insincere. She was sad and lost in her heart, but she was still stubborn and unsuccessful, her mouth hard and soft.

Since joining the team, Taijizi has fought on the field with Wang Houxiang. Although he usually likes to fight against each other, he has always regarded Wang Hou as the closest comrade in arms. He has a good personality and hopes to hold the prince under him, not to gain the captain's position in this way.

As soon as he thought that he would not be able to fight side by side with the prince in the future, Taizhangzi became empty and sad.

"Rest assured, although I retired, but I still work in the club, I should be the coach of the team." Wang Hou took a photo and patted Taizi's shoulder, and laughed: "So ... this means I'm still on you Stay with me, don't be patient with me. "

Although he didn't say it directly, he had a meaning inside and out.

My brother is always my brother, do you still want to stand up? Dream it!

Tai Taizi changed her face in an instant and scolded: "Who can't bear you anymore? Hurry up and resign, get bored when you see me!"

The crowd immediately regained their sight, and they couldn't stand the weary atmosphere of loving and killing each other.

"When it comes to retiring, I actually have such a thought." Long Moon's Mingyue finally sighed, "I should be the oldest veteran and can't move, now is the best time to retire. I feel that this year will be a wave of retirement, and it is time for the newcomers to pick the big beams. Does Jiangcheng play well? It is a rising star. "

"It's okay, yes, we won this year, and it's our turn to treat guests." Kuang Dao shook his head.

A group of professional players are discussing their respective careers here, Li Ge is secretly pleased, and expects all the competitors to retire. He seems to see the temple team rising soon.

Time passed slowly, and it didn't take long for the time to finally reach the version update. I saw a white light flashing, and the players were offline one after another. It was just a very busy base hall, which suddenly became empty.


[4.0 version update enabled]

[Data saving ... Save completed! ]

[Player forum closed]

[Update time is unknown, please be patient]

In the private machine factory, Han Xiao looked away from the monitoring screen in the base lobby and glanced at the panel that sounded a beep.

"The player is offline."

Han Xiao exhaled and quickly adjusted his mentality.

This time it will take longer to return the farmland to forest, so you can get a good land.

The fourth professional league gave him another wave of experience at the end of the version, but there are still not many reserves. The current upgrade experience cost is too huge, even if the rewards of the several missions of the Star Alliance are used to quickly The upgrade is still stingy.

In the decades following this version update, Han Xiao decided to focus on the divine transformation route, first raising the mechanical branch to the top, and then engaging in the void branch.

The divinity has changed to the tenth level. There are pre-tasks. It has been tested that the task settlement card is effective. Han Xiao intends to do more tasks with random rewards during the version update, and get more task settlement cards. Sexual metamorphic points.

On the other hand, the main source of divine metamorphic points is the production of golden drawings. There are many golden drawings in the technical treasures given by Jess. This is a large source of points. Han Xiao decided to study the technical information in this area first.

With the technical treasure, there is no need to exchange the drawings of the three major civilizations, and it is not necessary to change the contribution of the task. This saves a lot of time and energy, and allows the three major civilizations to misjudge his technical knowledge, thinking that he does not have too much. The golden drawings have many advantages.

"For a few decades, there will be a batch of new super-A grades. I don't know if anyone will be promoted under my hand ..."

Han Xiao calculated with his chin.

In his eyes, there were only a few legions of Legion cadres who had stepped into the super-A field for decades. Only Aurora, Fording, Hardaway, Jotina, Rotel, and Raki.

Among them, Aurora has no bottleneck and normal development is very slow, but there is a holy light seed cut leek, which can greatly accelerate the development process, while Fordine and Rotel are talented and have the possibility of breakthrough. As for Hada William, Jortina, and Raki have a deep foundation and have a chance to accumulate a lot of money.

However, Evans's training career is too short, and decades of growth are not enough for him to grow. The "New Gods Training Program" still needs time.

As for Carrot is a late-generation type, far from the peak of his previous life, but Han Xiao does not know if this time with his influence, Carrot's growth curve will change.

"It's still more important to focus on cultivating Aurora. Earlier, help Buddhism reach a three-super level A achievement, and let Buddhism reappear in us ..."

Han Xiao smiled secretly.


At the same time, a covenant base.

A secret hall is arranged as a large-scale laboratory. In the center of the room is a circular mechanical base with a diameter of about 50 meters. It is covered with complex patterns, energy transmission pipes, and magic circuits. At first glance, it looks like a ceremony. site.

In the surroundings, many members of the covenant organizations in white lab clothes were intensively debugging various instruments, and Luo and Fei were present to supervise.

"How long is it from the agreed period?"

"There are three minutes left, and the preset time range is about to enter. The receiving device has been warmed up and can be activated at any time."

"The information state stabilizer has been set up and everything is ready."

Luo looked at the time, his face was solemn, and his palms were sweaty.

Today is the agreed date confirmed by the Son of Destiny. According to the information passed down by the organization, the space-time velocity of the sanctuary is very special. It briefly coincides with the main universe at random points in time. Once you miss the time node, you have to wait a long time. It was for the purpose of connecting with the swearing person. It was also the first time that everyone present tried. I do n’t know how it works.

Everyone was tense, time passed by minute by minute, and finally reached the preset time node.

"Enable!" Luo drank immediately.

At the next moment, all instruments are activated in sequence, the circular mechanical base in the center of the room runs, and the surface energy circuit lights up from bottom to top.


Shocking sounds were heard in the room, and the space above the base was distorted by the naked eye.

This lasted for more than ten seconds, a light gate suddenly appeared in the sky, spit out a figure, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everyone quickly looked up, and immediately looked overjoyed, and it was the oath that had fallen away for many days.

Luo and Fei quickly rushed forward and helped the oath, and saw that the other side was stunned, as if just waking up, in a daze here.

"Leader, how are you back?"

Swearing that he looked at the two with a confused look. After a while, he seemed to think of his identity, his eyes gradually focused, and he slowly returned to his heart, covering his foreheads immediately, and sulking:

"It seems to have a long dream, there is a strong sense of illusion in the sanctuary, just like in the dream, I seem to have discovered many amazing secrets, but only a small part of the fragmented information remains in me Let me sort out the memories ... "

He covered his forehead and difficultly remembered the experience in the sanctuary, faintly remembering the shock of deep into the soul, but the relevant memory was rapidly diminishing, only fragments were left, and details could not be remembered, just like the dream after waking Quickly forget the same.

After a while, the oath man gradually restored some of the information, and suddenly he was shocked, his face flashed with horror.

"Have you remembered anything?" Fei asked, catching the shock of the oath.

"... No, nothing."

Swearing a deep breath, suppressing the inner emotions.

The functions of the big restart, the iteration of the universe, the revival of the sanctuary ... various pieces of information flashed in his mind. These things are too subversive. He intends to keep it secret and does not plan to keep the amazing information he saw in the sanctuary. Tell your subordinates.

‘In the entire universe, it ’s the only information I can get at the moment. The value is inestimable. It ’s almost a prophet ’s advantage. Later routes need to be adjusted significantly ...’

Swearing someone flashed this thought.

At this time, Luo looked around and saw no other figures, and couldn't help but ask, "Boss, did our plan succeed, did you bring back the resurrected people?"

Hearing that the swearing man seemed to think of something, flipped the palm, and saw a peculiar golden imprint on the back of the hand. In his remaining memory, this is a one-time sanctuary resurrection mark, which can let him in the Lord The universe is resurrecting history with media that builds links to a level.

"It should be successful ..."

The swearing man paused, looked around, and suddenly raised the pitch, loudly:

"Empty the ground immediately and welcome the return of the original with me!"

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