The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1216: Confident Destruction Course


The phantom blast's light flickered frequently in star space, and a steady stream of mechanical corps killed the barracks and landed on the battlefield.

The five figures were wrapped in different colors of energy, drowned by the mechanical ocean, and shuttled back and forth between densely packed clusters like a meteor. The light when the various abilities were activated appeared from time to time in the gaps between the piles of soldiers.

Among the five, there are four occupations. Only the mechanics are missing. The mechanics of those who have lost their family base have fallen sharply.

Youzu led five dozens of apostolic weapons to fight five people. After the increase of mechanical force, with the tacit apostolic weapons, several people were fussed and surrounded by danger.

The mechanical gods stand on the battlefield, and Xing Xingdao chases several people in a series of chops, dancing into a group of sword lights. The weapons are large but fast, and they cut out a wave of phantom blades of energy, mixed in a heavy flat a. Gaeta ’s wave of punches exploded, pouring out the lethality of the explosive table.

In particular, Pan Ergong was given special attention. Han Xiao likes persecution the most ... hey, the arrogant iron head baby.

However, this time the opponent is not a well-known old wheat head, and he still needs to maintain a strong style, so Han Xiaoyu held a little, and did not bomb each other with a chat stream.

Several people tumbling for a while, Han Xiao fought an enemy, and for the time being, there was no show of stagnation. The scene did not fall, and even had a slight advantage. The crow-like mechanical army rushed back and forth, like a black rag. Wipe off five stubborn stains.

The five men, Panergong and Begel, were far from reaching their heyday, and they were not food delivery. Although they were quite passive, they could still stand firm for a while under the cooperation of each other.

Only the five of them felt extremely tricky. They were the first time to deal with this style of mechanics, and they just couldn't get started.

In their cognition, the best way to deal with the mechanics is to make a face. At first, when they saw Hei Xing's body present, they were surprised. They felt that the other party was too cautious, but now they find themselves wrong. The mechanics in their impressions have completely opposite styles. One is as crisp as paper, and the other is even a spirit that is supposed to be a weak point. The **** is simply not bad!

The sudden-face tactics have been abandoned for more than half. Turn your head to hit someone ’s legion. The opponent ’s family is too thick. The secondary dimensional barracks are still sending troops. I do n’t know when it is head.

After much deliberation, it seems that only the protracted battle can be used to consume the opponent's strength, but the combined damage of the opponent's apostle weapon, mechanical corps, and mechanical **** is terrible, which makes their fault tolerance rate very low, and their energy consumption is also very high. high.

In this way, the five are not sure whether they were seriously injured first or whether Black Star ran out of strength first.

"Does this person have a weakness?" Begel was startled.

"I did not expect that there was such a terrible character in this era!" Mei Ji marveled.

"If my weapon is still ..." Pan Ergun shattered dozens of bones again, gritted his teeth.

"You can save it, the martial arts were beaten up by a mechanic close to you, so embarrassed to talk?" Another said uncontrollably.

"Okay, stop arguing, think about how to deal with others. If five dozen and one were killed, it would be shameful." Baigel said in a deep voice.

The five people walked like steel wires to avoid or resist the set fire attack of the Mechanical Corps, trying to find Han Xiao's flaws. However, they never found a breaking point, but became increasingly passive.

With the blessing of [Fearless Hearts] and [Legendary Fighting Skills], the power of the legionary fire is very scary. Among the five people, only one of them has a true injury reduction, and the other four can not carry it. How many rounds of shelling live.

Had it not been for a mentalist and Begel for several people to continuously shield themselves, someone would have been seriously injured.

The most important thing is that several people suddenly found that Han Xiao was fighting more and more bravely, and his strength continued to grow with the battle.

Begel maintained the state of the phase phantom spell, avoiding the siege of several apostolic weapons, decisively:

"The battle has dragged into the opponent's rhythm, and the situation will get worse and worse. Try again. The five of us work together to attack his body. I don't believe that his body has no limits, and there is nothing else to do. Effective way. "

"What are you going to do? His body is now hidden in the mechanical gods and protected."

"You forgot the space I have mastered? I can pull the target out of the mechanical gods briefly to create an opportunity."

Several people quickly reached a consensus, and Begel did not delay, pinching a handprint.

I saw an exquisite enchanting circuit lit up on his neck, a space repulsion burst out around him, and the mechanical warriors around were pushed away and squeezed into one piece.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and cast a collective scintillation, which instantly moved the remaining four to the side and gathered them together.

He kept on spelling, and instantly constructed a new magic circuit. The space not far away suddenly rippled. Han Xiao, who was supposed to stay in the body of the mechanical god, appeared in a casting position designated by Baigel out of thin air.

Han Xiao only felt that as soon as the sight was in front of him, his position changed. As soon as he lifted his eyes, he saw that the five people's prepared fire was coming forward, the light was dazzling and the ferocity was coming.

"Oh, this little trick."

Han Xiao teased with carelessness, opened a new barracks gate next to him, and dragged his hands, rows of space-time amber **** were torn out, forming a transparent wall in front of him.

Wow! !!

The next moment, the five men's violent long-range attack hit the space-time amber barrier, as if the water column fell on the lotus leaf, immediately swiping the ground and sliding down to all directions, and Han Xiao behind the barrier was intact.

"What it is?!"

Seeing this scene, the five pupils shrank.

Just then, Han Xiao laughed on the wide area channel.

"The magic of this type of space replacement is good. I have similar abilities. Can you taste it?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Han Xiao's figure flicker, and he jumped back into the body of the mechanical **** with a void jump. Before a few people took further measures, he immediately replaced the target with his own position.


Pan Ergong took a look, and suddenly found himself in the body of the mechanical god. Before he responded, the surrounding space suddenly disintegrated, turning into a mechanical army to surround him in the center, and set fire to him as soon as possible.

Tietou was beaten in the distance, and Han Xiao's figure changed to the other four.

Facing the shocked eyes of the four people, he smiled, and was shocked, and suddenly began to open the void.

The next moment, the movements of the four people became stagnant, and they all fell into this field. Only Han Xiao could move freely.

He launched the apostle with all his strength. Numerous mechanical units fed back massive attributes to himself. His right arm was bent like a bow. The surface of the mech was illuminated with energy loops. The psychic energy was rippling like water waves.

"Geta Wave Fist · Star Hammer!"

Han Xiao Yiji straightened his fist, and wrapped his bright fist in the side of Baigel. In the slow motion of the Void Prison, you can clearly see that Baigel's face is shaking, deforming, and spreading, throwing out a drop of blood.

Boom! !!

The faint blue shock wave burst open, and Begle rolled and shot out.

Han Xiao kept moving, the mech's fire was on, and his head covered his face and exploded to the remaining three, as if there was a residual image going back and forth between the three.


After being violently beaten, several people finally got rid of the restrictions of the Void Realm, hurriedly withdrew, and flew back. The whole body hurts everywhere, and it felt like they were beaten dozens of times from head to toe.

At the same time, Pan Ergun in the distance was not locked by a strongman. He slammed through the blockade of the Mechanical Corps and rushed out of the siege. However, in a short period of time, he was exposed to multiple fires and was bathed in blood. Extremely embarrassed.

Han Xiao stayed in place without chasing, but the five of them avoided him far away, all showing fear and dignity.


Begel covered his **** face and was shocked. Not only did the tactics not work, he was also beaten by Han Xiaofan. The other party could injure five of them in succession, with Pan Ergun being the worst injured.

A few people were shocked by this series of battle results. They did not know what special abilities Han Xiao had, and he dared not approach them easily, for fear of being recruited again.

Seeing that Han Xiao was looking at them in situ, the five men were vigilant by 12 points, completely dismissed the last point of contempt, raised all their attention, and were nervously preparing for Han Xiao's next offensive.

However, at this moment, Han Xiao stopped all the army operations, glanced at the crowd, and smiled softly:

"Let ’s stop here as I see it, presumably you already have an intuitive understanding of my abilities. If you continue to study, the scene may not look good. I agree with Mei Ji's suggestion. Don't hurt your peace by drawing a tie. "

After hearing the words, the five of them stunned and saw that Han Xiao's performance did not seem to be fraudulent, so he relaxed his tight body.

They stared at each other, with more or less expressions of bitter smiles, shame, and shame on their faces.

How many people don't know, Hei Xing is giving them a step down to make them feel better, but this way they are more worried.

What kind of tie is this? Obviously, we are five to one and still abused!

We don't feel comfort at all, we just feel ashamed!

"... A strong man like you is unique even in the exploration calendar. I served it. We underestimated you."

Begel sighed, his expression complex.

Experiencing it for myself, Heixing ’s combat power was far beyond expectations, and he was severely calmed down.

Even if there is no fancy combo, simply from the strength of the Mechanical Corps, everyone can see that the hard power of Black Star is far superior to them.

With this in mind, the faces of some of them were somewhat lonely, and they were not proud.

You can experience the magnitude of this blow when you put yourself in the place. The new generation feels uncomfortable changing the old one. It almost makes people wonder if they have really been eliminated.

Pan Ergun was most embarrassed, his face was cloudy, and his wounds were still hot and painful, but compared to the internal trauma, the pain in the body was nothing. This unacceptable result made him unable to avoid himself. doubt.

Han Xiao glanced and smiled: "I may not be able to control my strength, I started a little heavier, and I hope you don't go to your heart."

"Ahem, it's all a trivial matter, we don't care."

Beagle was blushing, and he remembered saying something similar to Black Star not long ago.

"Can we continue talking now?" Han Xiao spread his hands.

"Yes, we can continue to say."

A few hundred and eighty degrees of change in the attitudes of several people have brought respect and awe between their speeches.

Although psychologically unsuited to this kind of change, they can be super-a-class strong, and fists are the foundation of standing. It is naturally impossible for several people to take out the arrogant tone of not long ago to treat the existence of anyone who can single them out.

Seeing this, Han Xiao smiled, returned to the surface of the planet, and saw that the swearing man was staring at him closely.

"What do you think I do?"

"……It's nothing."

The swearing person suppresses the inner shock and tries to make his tone seem natural and calm as much as possible.

Han Xiao's performance just now also surprised him!

Unlike other originals, the oath man knew that Han Xiao was very powerful, but he did not expect it to be so powerful!

Before today, the swearing man felt that he and Black Star were five or five away, but he saw the battle of Black Star with his own eyes. He strongly suspected that his judgment had deviated. The true combat power of Black Star was much stronger than rumors!

Fake news kills people!

Swearing people couldn't help but be glad that they didn't choose to kill or kill their mouths, otherwise they might be killed.


At the same time, the remote monitoring room of the distant Covenant organization spaceship was dead, and the needle was audible in the room.

Many of the first people to watch the game were stunned, their eyes were rounded, they were shocked and speechless, and their faces were inexplicable.

It took more than ten seconds before someone shook his mouth, his voice filled with incredible emotions.

"Five to one, even lost ?!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone immediately fry the pan, and the room was uproar.

"This is the strength of Hyundai Super Class A ?!"

"Looking at him, it seems like he's still at ease, not at all struggling. Panergong five of them didn't even reach his limit!"

"What is his energy level, 80,000? 90,000? Could it have broken the 100,000 mark ?!"

"Perhaps people are right, we are out of date, the times have really changed ..."

The first people present felt that their three views were broken. At first, they also felt that the black star was pretending to be a force, but finally they found that they were really awesome and felt their faces beating.

Fortunately, they are just watching the game behind the scenes. They don't have to worry about face problems. In their eyes, losing is losing, losing is losing. Naturally, they do not take the result of a tie.

At this moment, I recalled that before the start of the Black Star war, everyone suddenly became a frosted eggplant. Their self-confidence was severely hit, and their sense of superiority as the original was directly defeated by others.

It seems that people really didn't say much, this is a lesson for us to help us recognize the reality ...

Everyone at the scene had to accept this reality, and the pride, arrogance, and swelling mentality brought about by the resurgence quickly subsided and became cautious, modest, and cautious.

The only problem is that the effect is too good. Many people's mentality has slipped to the other extreme ...

"Black Star is just the vice-chairman of the Super-A level association. There are still many Super-A levels on the Internet saying that he belongs to an echelon, and should have similar strengths ... hiss, modern is too scary!"

Among the crowd, some of the original people who had originally planned to set up another stove, at this time played a retreat, deeply doubting whether they had the capital to set up another mountain.

Well, the goal of some people's recovery is to avoid wars of exploratory history, to enter the era of peace, to develop new forces on their own, and to gain huge power.

But Han Xiao's performance today gave them an illusion that they are now such masters everywhere.

This discussion not only dispelled their confidence, but also intimidated some people to temporarily bury their ambitions.

With our strength, I'm in a hurry to do something. I'm afraid I'm not going to die. I'll talk about it for decades. I can't afford to lose that person if I don't keep up with the times!

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