The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1217: Elderly Killer

Berger and Pan Ergong returned to the pale planet, and Shiji slaughtered in the star space. Everyone consciously avoided the planet, and part of the aftermath was sworn by the oath to save the planet.

Han Xiao took up the topic not long ago and continued to talk with everyone. This time, he felt that the atmosphere was much better. The scene was so peaceful, and Begel and others became seriously listening to his opinions.

The old saying is good, as long as the fist is big enough, you can calm the other side and listen to your reasoning, Lu Shuren will not bully me.

"... Your current situation is definitely not suitable for birth. After all, after the recovery, your fighting has declined and you have fallen behind the times. It is best to find a way to make up for this gap. If I say, you should spend more time retreating and learning. Order new technology, new knowledge. "

Han Xiao said.

This statement was not convincing before the discussion, and now everyone is convinced that they think the recovery is limited to one time, and it is hard to get back to life. They have the opportunity to make up for regrets, complete their ambitions, and climb the peak. Be foolproof.

Opportunities are rare. These first-timers have patience and nothing can't wait.

"Hey Star, you are today to give us some insight into the old antiques. Even in the exploration calendar, few people are your opponents." Baigel sighed.

A few days ago, a few people faced each other with shame, but they didn't remember their hatred at this level. At this level, they were not ignorant.

The two sides are not enemies. Although Han Xiao's words are harsh, but they are true, a powerful benefactor's weight in everyone's heart is naturally extraordinary.

"I have always suggested that you join the super-a level association. Although modern is more peaceful than exploring, it is also undercurrent. The super a level is not safe. You can check the Internet to check the peak of the peak. That is the cleansing of higher civilization. Event, they have always wanted to control our number, so holding the group is a necessary trend. "Han Xiao began to promote the association again.

This time, with the exception of Pan Ergun, who chose to "throw this body for the sake of revenge", the other four people dismissed the attitude of disapproval before starting to pay attention to Han Xiao's opinions and lowered their heads to seriously consider this line.

Seeing this, Han Xiao continued: "There are more benefits to joining the association. You have just recovered and you are all alone. Your Majesty has no power. Even if you start from scratch, it will take a lot of time, and the cakes of each star domain have been The forces are divided, even if you have a strength, you will encounter many obstacles ... On the contrary, if you become a member of a super-a level association, you can immediately borrow the information, materials, military and other resources of other members. If you want to build power, we will also Negotiate, help, and help you become a member of our collective of interests ... "

Hearing that everyone nodded, more or less tempted.

The universe is too big, no one has no money, and it is not convenient to do anything.

During the exploration, various civilizations have supported them. Several people are used to the taste of power. Now they are starting from scratch and are not used to it.

Charm Ji groaned for a while and said, "We are willing to support you, but you are only the vice president, and you can't completely decide, and you have such strength, the president will definitely not be weak ..."

"Well, this is the truth. We appreciate your kindness, but we also have to plan for ourselves. In comparison, isn't it better to support the leader?" Baigel asked.

Han Xiao laughed.

"You do n’t know. I have a disagreement with the president. Our route is different. He is ambitious and too aggressive. He wants to bind the association to go black with him. It has annoyed many people. No Possibility of re-election, and he is too old to know who will be gone someday, so there is no future to support him. And I have many friends, the position of the next president is basically settled, and the chance of re-election is very high I'm the best choice for investing. I don't brag about this information. You can all learn about it on the Internet ... By the way, he is still a loser for me. "

Although he has won only once in the machine country, the total record is more or less defeated, but it is not a deceit to say that he was the loser of his own ... Anyway, old wheat is not here, can he still have a disagreement?

"So it is."

A few people were stunned, the old wheat head comment was killed again.

The people talked for a while, Han Xiao gave a lot of opinions, and analyzed the current situation of the universe. Baigel and his team all listened to it, only to find it very beneficial.

After talking about the subtle relationship between the three civilizations, Han Xiao stopped talking, the words turned, and laughed:

"Speaking of which, I am very interested in exploring the historical period, but the only way to learn is to find information online. You are all parties in that era. Maybe you can tell me the specifics of that era?"

His trip was not only for the super disaster disaster layout, but also for the exchange of information with the original, seeing that the timing was right, he raised this topic.

"Then you ask the right person. Who else in the universe knows that era better than we do?"

Han Xiao was always saying that they were listening. At this time, seeing Han Xiao provoked the topics they were familiar with. The crowd immediately began to talk, and immediately talked about the glory of the past. From the dark forest to the warlords, Tiannanhaibeichao Non-stop.

Han Xiao nodded and listened, interjecting from time to time, and learned a lot from the population about the secrets of the expeditionary war, as well as some initial information.

"Speaking of, do you know Lingdi?"

Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

"Roville Sisok? I have played against him on the battlefield several times before, this guy has a little skill, but I died earlier than him, I don't know what happened to him later," said Mei Ji.

"The battle is dead." Begle shook his head. "I killed."

"You killed it?" Han Xiao immediately became interested.

"Well, to be more specific, the Emperor Ling died in the siege on the battlefield. I am one of the participants, and two other people participated in the siege, but I killed the blow."

Yo, this is no coincidence.

Han Xiao was curious about what Sorokin would look like after Begel joined the association.

Alas, to the extent that Suo Tsai's belly is dark, even if the storm is breaking in his heart, his face is probably still a smirk ... Should we stimulate him then?

Han Xiao depressed his inner bad taste and asked, "Are you sure he is really dead? His spiritual powers are relatively unique. Maybe he transferred his soul when the **** didn't know it."

"You mean he lied to death?" Berger froze, recalled for a moment, and shook his head: "I don't know then, but I didn't find anything abnormal at the time."

"I'm just guessing, if he lives as modern as the swearing person, you see him again, can you recognize him?"

"This ... it's not easy to say, if he hasn't changed, my soul detection magic can recognize the other side. By the way, the Emperor is also the former host of the soul inflammation. As long as he meets, the oath may have a sense ... ... but only if he doesn't change his own soul frequency, which is usually a unique sign. "

Hearing that, Han Xiao pinched his chin and thought about it.

Sorokin is a spirited connoisseur. He should not leave such a flaw ... but not necessarily. After all, Sorokin went to the modern era and would not expect to encounter the original people who once had an intersection.

No one in modern times can prove that Sorokin is the Emperor. Instead, the original people of this group of revivals have become strong evidence ... Well, if Sogel was recognized by Beger on the spot when he joined the association, the fun would be great.

"Hei Xing, I always feel that there is something in your words. Do you know something? Lingdi is really alive?" Baigel could not help asking.

"Who knows."

Han Xiao shrugged and hadn't figured out whether to call the vest of a broken cable, now is not the time to maximize the benefits.

He paused and asked, "Yes, there are a pair of sisters in the exploration calendar. They have the powers of life and death. What do you think of them?"

"Ni Gesi and Ai Ruosi ... the sisters are very strong, they created the earth, not many people are willing to provoke them." Pan Ergun found the opportunity to interrupt.

"What is the earth?" Han Xiao pretended not to know.

"That is also a way to recover, but there are more shortcomings, and it will become a vassal of the two sisters ..." Several people explained again.

The swearing man listened for a while, and then said: "Many of the original people were looking for a way to recover. We chose the covenant, and some people put their hope in the earth, but ..."

Charm Ji shook her head: "Let ’s say, the two sisters have delved into the concept of life and death. It is very unreliable. We once invited them to join the covenant, but they refused, and then they lost contact. I do n’t know how. Well, it should be dead. "

It ’s more than dead, you do n’t believe it, they turned out to be suicide ...

Han Xiao groaned in his heart, suddenly suddenly he realized what he was.

When he first heard the introduction from the earthen land lady, he didn't know the situation of the sanctuary, but now it seems ... the behavior of the two sisters to leave the seeds of informational power is equivalent to their alienation from the sanctum Only when the information was captured, did these two power seeds carry their lifelong insights with them?

Han Da technician was shocked, and the more he thought about it, the more difficult it was.

Is the reason why the two sisters committed suicide, in fact, they found the clues of the sanctuary's revival, want to resurrect immediately after suicide, confirm their ideas, so as to determine this line is correct? Maybe in the end, it failed, leaving only the power information, and failed to revive itself ...

Rethinking the situation of Csuye, will there be any influence on the task of divine transformation?

Before the death, the two sisters' last words mentioned the word "heritage" ... Does it mean not only the power seed, but also a metaphor for a big restart and universe iteration? !!

Looking deeper, can you use the sanctuary to restore Nikos and Aerose through the medium of Hella, Aurora or Muddy. If it fails, does it not mean that they are still living in some way?

Han Xiao secretly took a breath, only feeling terrified.

Depressing his inner doubts, he uncovered the topic and continued to talk with his party.

The people chatted for a while, and when Han Xiao saw that they were almost talking, he interrupted and laughed:

"Come here today, my opinions have been brought, we can be considered, if you need help in the future, please come to me, please contact me often."

After hearing the words, everyone nodded, expressing kindness.

Han Xiao said goodbye, and then the upper body of the Emperor's mech flickered and disappeared without a trace.

When the Lord was gone, several of Begel looked at each other.

"Let's leave, too. Hei Xing is right. I went back and prepared to immerse myself in exercise. With such a good opportunity, I just continued to seek breakthroughs, hoping to restore the strength of the heyday." Someone said.

"Well, twenty ... ah no, I don't plan to be born in forty years, just stay in the covenant."

Listening to the discussion of the little partner, he swears with a smile of relief.

Little tree does not repair or straight forward, the mentality of the little friends was finally corrected by the black star, and it took no pain for me ...


On the other side, Han Xiao directly used the Emperor to teleport to the Black Star Palace, which was separated by several star fields. The first time he opened the panel and glanced at it, he saw the task reminder flashing for a while.

[[Fist is the last word] Completed! ]

[Your behavior has gained the awe of the original, and the results are fruitful, and it will have an unknown impact on the subsequent trend.]

[Evaluation: incredible]

[Charisma treats you +20]

[Trip loves you +20]


[Pan Gong favors you +20]

[You get 2400e experience, random reward x8, blank character card x3]

[You get 10 Awakening Points]

[You get [Third Sanctuary] Fragment x1]

[You gain expertise [elderly killer]]

[[Elderly Killer]: When facing an opponent older than yourself, your base attack power will increase with the battle, the cap will be capped at 15%, and your charm will be increased by 40%.]


Han Xiao was full of black lines.

The reward is very generous. Few tasks directly reward the awakening point and give a new feat.

The effect of the feat is quite good. Like [Fearless], the basic attack power is increased ...

But there are too many slots!

I hit a bunch of first-timers, so I became the "elderly killer"? This is the rhythm of punching Nanshan nursing home? !!

Also, I can understand a little bit more attacking power. What kind of ghost can enhance charm? Do people think that my posture of hitting is martial and extraordinary, and cheering loudly while playing "good"? Are they all shaking?

Han Xiao's vomiting soul burned, but he finally held it down.

Aside from these slots, the trigger mechanism is suitable for himself. Among the existing super-A levels, no one seems to be younger than him ...

"It's a wonderful ability, and it seems to be a bit contrary to the traditional virtue of respecting the old and the young ..."

Han Xiao reluctantly shook his head and looked at the reward carefully before closing the panel and thinking about the impact of this trip.

"This time I took a stab at the original and defeated their arrogance. In this way, they should develop low-key for a long time, and the superb calamity will be delayed because of this ... I can feel at ease for a while."

Han Xiao exhaled.

He now has a lot of to-do items on hand, researching technology treasures, expanding legion branches, collecting sanctuary keys, and so on. The most lacking is time. The sooner the superpower disaster erupts, the better it is for him. After the appointment of a super-a level association chairman, the position will be very stable, and it will be more convenient for him to lead the trend of super calamity.

At present, the three major civilizations and the Super Star Cluster Alliance are underway. The universe is turbulent, but it is a period of stability for the super-a level. There are no external contradictions. It just develops in a low-key manner and promotes the integration of the interests of the association. It has only been established for a few years. The career has just started and there are too many things to run in.

It's time to develop well ... Han Xiao secretly said.


At the same time, Madison and Sorokin who were in different places suddenly felt a chill.

"Strange, I always feel that something bad happened."

Sorokin was restless, and flashed a dozen guesses in his mind.

And Madison's response was much more direct.

"It must be Hei Xing, the little bunny who is arranging me behind my back again!"

ps: Push a friend ’s book, “The Martyr is King”, the author is struggling to discuss the two-flowered flower hat, the old author is now, the quality is guaranteed, the interested brother is open to take a look

:. :

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