The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1225: Suspicion and attack

On the other hand, the situation of the super-a-level meeting also reached the hands of the civilizations of various superstar clusters, which attracted the attention of the senior leaders of various civilizations.

Ancient star desert, star arc civilization mother star.

"Unprecedented power to control the power ... This kind of rumors will not appear out of thin air, check! Confirm the truth of the information as soon as possible!"

The star-arc civilization leader is in a heavy mood.

Over the past few decades, the development of the Scarlet Empire has been too smooth. It has simply entered the golden age, and no higher civilization is envious.

The empire already has such characters as Dark Emperor and Black Star, and now has a promising high virtue, and it is still a **** heirloom. This news is undoubtedly a bad news for the superstar cluster civilization. Every potential talent in the three major civilizations, The pressure of the Superstar Alliance in the field of individual power will increase by one point.

At the beginning, the traveler was publicly executed by the empire. Although it was a good brother, Modu, who was inexplicable, the star arc civilization leader watched his loyal ministers executed by the empire live broadcast. It was impossible not to resent in his heart. Down.

If the high virtue can be removed and the pillar of the future township of the empire can be strangled in advance, the traveler ’s hatred will be reported, and the empire will pay a corresponding price for the original behavior ...

The star-arc civilization leader's eyes changed, and finally he sighed softly, suppressing his inner impulse.

"Forget it, the situation of the shining battle is not optimistic. The alliance has been retreating, and it is already in a difficult situation. At this time, it is not a wise move to provoke the Super A-level to participate in the war. The situation is too lenient and dangerous ..."

At present, there is no Super A-level to participate in the shining battle. The three civilizations promise not to use the first lineage. This is a good thing for the Super Star Alliance. Once the unspoken rules are violated, the Super A-level will only worsen their situation.

The shining battle is a weak hope for the superstar alliance to turn over. Compared with the civilization strategy of a super-a class, whichever is more important, he will naturally be clear.

The three major civilizations control the resources of the explored universe. The stronger the stronger, the virtuous circle, and the latecomers develop under the constraints. In any case, they ca n’t keep up with the development speed of others. The gap will only increase. This is the development of civilization. The general trend is that it doesn't help to kill a super a-level.

If the shining battle is completely defeated, revenge will be able to get some interest, but now the risk of action is far greater than the profit, and he naturally refuses to do it.

"Good virtue or black stars, let them go." The leader of the Star Arc civilization shook his head. "Just don't know what other superstar cluster civilizations think, no one should take risks, the overall situation is important. As for the glory and the virtual Spirit, it is unlikely to be infighted at this time ... right? "


Somewhere in the old Sun, the secret base of the Kingdom of Machinery.

Manison released the remote projection, opened the virtual screen, and retrieved the high moral information circulating on the network. His fingers gently tapped the armrests of the chair, and his face showed a deep color.

"Gold ... I have never heard of this name before, and it is not a super-a seed in any star field. It is now born, which means that he has been secretly cultivated by the empire. The last person with a similar experience was Clotty, with dark matter. The ability to manipulate is advertised by the empire as soon as it comes out of the mountain ...

Generally speaking, the three major civilizations will promote the new super-A-level abilities, but the current empire requires high morals to keep it secret. This is a treatment that Clottey does not have. It proves that this guy ’s ability is extremely special, and the statement of energy control is not necessarily It's fake, interesting. "

An interesting expression flashed in Manison's eyes.

If it is really such a perverted ability, he is really a bit emotional. If it is put in the past, it is mostly necessary to try to calculate the virtue and arrest it to make it a prisoner's training.

But now he has planned to wash his hands in the golden basin. If it is not a special case, he will not create new prisoners, otherwise he will not be able to gain a foothold in the association. He was really disgusted, and he wished to suspend Black Star and slap his ass.

"Let's wait and see. Afterwards, if Gao De wants to build prestige, he will definitely show his ability. He can't hide it. Maybe before he leaves the shining world, someone can't wait to find him."

Manison narrowed his eyes suddenly and whispered to himself:

"So many super-A-class and armed fleets have been staying in the shining world to facilitate the deployment of personnel. Now there is the most dangerous star field in the universe, the soil that nourishes conspiracy and scheming ... well, I do n’t know the brilliance, phantom and super star cluster. Alliance, will you do something ... "


On the other side, the infinite consortium shines the world branch.

"There is another potential stock ~"

Sorokin crossed his hands and ran under his nose, remembering the situation just before the meeting.

In his view, Gao De had a promising future and had the protection of the empire. He would surely grow up smoothly, and book the position of the pillar of the future town, and the empire must have high hopes.

"If it works properly, it may be able to provoke the second peak ..."

Sorokin secretly calculated that it was a good opportunity.

If you take out your hidden strength and quietly assassinate the High Virtue, making the Empire Thunder anger, you should be able to provoke a huge storm, break the situation created by the association's hard work, and allow the camp to fight again.

Although he joined the association, he was the one who didn't want to see the Super A-level group. The goal has not changed. On the one hand, it is to make money, on the other hand, to reduce the privileged Super A-level, and create a favorable environment for him.

Moreover, the hidden danger of Black Star is a thorn in his heart. He is used to it, and instinctively wants to remove all the factors that may expose him.

"If you work on Gao De, maybe you can find a way to blame Black Star and get him into trouble ... But he knows my background, he will doubt me, and I will be at risk."

Sorokin frowned slightly.

Despite this idea, the actual operation is difficult, because Black Star has no incentive to deal with Gao De.

In his eyes, even if he acted, the empire doubted that no one would doubt Black Star's head, and it was basically impossible to marry.

He didn't dare to take risks easily before he worked out a detailed plan.

"Specifically how to do it, you have to think long."

Sorokin's eyes flickered and he began to mumble bad water in his heart.


A few days passed quickly, and with the help of interested people, the situation of the super-a meeting was exposed. This time, it not only circulated on the black market, but also spread widely in the interstellar society, causing widespread concern.

The topic of super high-risk abilities is very high, which has stimulated the discussion interest of countless interstellar citizens. The rumors have intensified. Although there is no strong evidence, under the guidance of some forces, the interstellar society seems to have determined that the ability of high virtue is "energy control" Too.

Although the forces of all parties are surprised, because of different considerations, no one has taken any action, just staring silently at the three civilizations and the superstar cluster alliance, guessing whether they will act.

In the eyes of various forces, as long as there is no change in the two camps, nothing will happen.

Changes in the outside world did not affect the itinerary of the Imperial Fleet, carrying Gao De to sail through the star space to the exit of the shining world.

In the ship's luxurious practice room, Gao De was suspended in mid-air, shimmering in the whole body, the sound of water waves echoing in the air, and the energy tide was being lifted in the body.

After a while, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath, his light dimmed, and his body returned to normal.

Gao De reached out his hand and gently turned his palm. At the next moment, a small light black energy suddenly appeared, like a little snake wrapped around his wrist intimately.

He played with this energy and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Energy control is worthy of the so-called" superior power ", which is less than a month later. The structure of evolutionary energy has been cracked by about half, and semi-finished products can be faked, which is smoother than I thought. In this way, I am very You can quickly master this special energy, and then you can make it at will, and become an evolutionary block of walking ... "

Every ability enters the super-a level, the ability will produce new effects, and energy manipulation is no exception. As long as an energy structure is analyzed, it is equivalent to permanently mastering this energy, which can be transformed anytime, anywhere.

Controlling the object is not just a common variety of energy, even special energy forms such as evolutionary energy and primordial powers are included in it. As long as it is cracked, it becomes his own skill. Every time he masters an energy form and strength Will go up by one point.

Not only that, Gaode also has a feeling that when he grows to a higher level and masters more energy forms, it seems that he can create new energy forms out of thin air!

Rao is so knowledgeable and ca n’t help but marvel. The potential of this metamorphosis is really terrifying!

"The primitive powers are erratic, but Black Star seems to have two in his hand. I am now a colleague with him. He wants to have a good relationship with me. If he makes a request, he should lend me ... This is much easier than snatching Now. "

Gao De is in a good mood, only feels that the air is so fresh, and the future is so worth looking forward to.

In the past, when he was a wanted criminal, he only wanted to grab good food and **** food. Now that he has moved to the order camp, he finally feels comfortable with py.

Gao De sighed for a while, and then opened the door and walked out of the practice room. The imperial soldiers encountered along the way respectfully saluted him, and he was used to it.

Returning to the bridge command room, the captain took the initiative to say hello.

"Your Excellency, we are close to the edge of the fourth phase of the shining world, and we can reach the entrance of the Star Gate Passage in two days, and take the Black Star Legion's site to quickly cross the remaining star cluster.

"Well, it's hard work." Gao De responded lightly.

"It's okay, it's my honor to serve you ..."

The captain is respectful.

But he hadn't finished his words yet, the hull shuddered suddenly, and he suddenly exited from the jump mode and stopped.


The staff at the scene were staggered by inertia, and some people fell directly to the ground.

"What's going on?" The captain held the table and shouted loudly.

Soon, an operator responded with a horrified look, "Captain, the spacecraft intelligence suddenly lost control, automatically locked the engine, emergency brake, shut down all detection radar, weapon array, shield array, and also disconnected The link to the quantum network! We ca n’t reach any other spaceship! "

"Is it an enemy attack ?!" The captain was exasperated. "How dare to dare to attack the imperial forces! Immediately start standby intelligence to regain control of the spaceship!"

The operator quickly returned to the work post and performed some operations, which was immediately full of sweat.

"No ... no! All functions of the spacecraft are frozen!"

The imperial crew in the bridge's command room was in a hurry, and Gao De glanced at it without paying attention. He turned to look out of the porthole, frowning.

"Can the enemy come to me?"

Gao De's face was surprised, and he felt that this was the only possibility.

He had analyzed it earlier. The possibility of various forces acting on him in order to take into account their own overall situation is extremely low. He thought that his journey in the shining world was calm and calm.

"It looks like a virtual machinist's method, would it be the old man of the mechanical kingdom? Hey, would this guy really want to capture me back to be a prisoner? "

Gao De wondered.

But surprised, he was not too nervous. His experience of encountering a surprise attack was too rich, and there was no fear reaction.

Moreover, he is not really a freshman super a-level, although his strength is not as good as before, but he also inherited some things, hiding the super-spec combat power, which is one of his reliance.

If the attacker is an armed state, he believes that he can't win the opponent now and can only find a way to run.

But if other forces want to stifle him and deal with him as a freshman super a-level to deal with, it can only be said that he is alive and dead.

In his eyes, there are currently motives and the ability to deal with his forces. Only the four camps of the radiance, the phantom, the superstar cluster alliance and the mechanical country can hardly be other people.

When Gao De's thoughts moved, the super-a-level perception suddenly spread, covering the whole area.

"Let me see who exactly wants to kill me!"

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