The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1226: Stop pretending, I know who you are

The perception spreads rapidly in a spherical range, and the area covered is getting larger and larger. Gao De soon discovered a hidden energy source quietly hovering directly in front of the fleet, but the naked eye is not observable. It seems that some kind of perceptual occlusion is used. ability.

At the moment when the target was discovered, the opponent revealed his figure, and a figure appeared suddenly in front of the fleet, his whole body covered under the dark mecha, and his identity could not be seen.

"Is there only one ... well? This breath?"

Gao De's face changed slightly, his powers were very sensitive to energy fluctuations, and he basically remembered them. He found that the attacker's breath fluctuations were not strange, and he might have met.

Because of the radar failure, he sensed the surrounding environment and found that the space in this area was anchored. It was a common trap, and the space abilities such as jumps and flashes were all unavailable.

And his perception extended to a certain extent and could not continue to spread outward, it seems that there is a film to isolate the outside world.

At this time, the captain also found the figure of the attacker, responded quickly, and shouted to the crew: "Find a way to reconnect to the network, report this to the empire, and immediately pull out the smart chip, switch the spacecraft control mode, give me Switch to manual driving and the pilot will evacuate immediately! "

As soon as the order was issued, the crew moved quickly, and the on-duty personnel in the main control room hurried to the engine room to remove the smart chip and use hardware to cancel all the spacecraft's intelligent control authority. Restart the paralyzed spaceship.

This imperial fleet is only responsible for transporting high virtue and has only a small formation. Although the performance of the imperial battleship is higher than most types of spaceships, this team is too small and has limited combat capabilities. .

The most important thing is that the communication is cut off and the outside world cannot be contacted for help. The first task is to find a way to pass the news, so the captain does not want to die. These are all examples written in the Imperial Commander ’s Tactical Manual.

However, although his idea is good, the communication network is cut off, causing the conventional command system to be paralyzed. His commands cannot be immediately transferred to other positions, and it takes a certain time to switch to the emergency command system on the magic side ... and this time difference, It becomes the difference between life and death.

Not waiting for this imperial fleet to take action, I saw that the figure of the attacker suddenly burst into countless dazzling golden arcs, and in the arc, the black bean-like particles suddenly enlarged and turned into an overwhelming mechanical army, instantly filled up Everyone's vision!

Mechanical force, soldier nest!

Compression ball innovation and martial arts!

It was Han Xiao himself who came to attack Gaode!

He deliberately released the news, causing the major forces to suspect each other, but all the calculations must finally be implemented, that is to solve the virtue by thunder, otherwise it is in vain, other forces do not do anything, and can only go out in person.

Historical experience tells him that the more links in a plan, the factors of instability will also multiply. Many conspiracy calculations are not complicated at all, there are not so many reversals, so the means do not need to pursue bells and whistles, The most important thing is to seize the main contradiction.

Undercurrents are now surging under the surface of the water. There are many suspected objects. The goal of touching fish in muddy water has been achieved. The next step can be taken and the whole person can be started.

According to the empire's course of action, he calculated the path that the other party must take. He was sent to the frontline stronghold early with the royal mech, and came quietly to this place. I found a rare place and arranged a kill trap.

This area is not only equipped with a space-time blockade device, but also uses a large-scale detection and shielding device similar to the world's sky curtain to "close" the area, not only the inside cannot be detected outward, but the outside can not be seen inside. In any case, no matter what the inside looks like, the remote astronomical observations outside can only see the picture of calm waves, and can not sense the energy fluctuation of the battle, so as to reduce the chance of outsiders discovering clues.

In addition, Han Xiao also arranged devices such as magic disturbances, mental wave partitions, and anticipatory shielding. Basically, every method was thought of, in order to minimize the possibility of leaks, and only the mechanics could put up such a battle.

These technical universes already exist, and Han Xiao used his own improved version. It merged some similar drawings in the Jess technical treasure, which is very cutting-edge and the effect is much higher than conventional products.

Of course, higher civilized warships have corresponding detection methods for these traps. If they sail normally, the Imperial fleet can find the anomalies here far away, but Han Xiao ’s virtual range is very far today, and he has quietly tuned the empire. The fleet's intelligence, no one knows that the fleet does not feel the control of the fleet, which makes the other party unaware, otherwise the imperial fleet will not step into his trap.

Although Gao De's energy control is powerful, he is also blind in the virtual field, and he can't find anything, and the art has specialization.

As soon as the mechanical troops showed up, they shot at the paralyzed Imperial fleet without hesitation.

The endless light shines in the darkness, the next moment, the downpour of rain and rain will penetrate the formation of the imperial fleet!

The shield array of the imperial battleship was frozen, as if exposed to bullet rain. I saw a beam of light piercing the hull, the thick outer armor was twisted and torn, and each ship burst into a series of fireworks in the blink of an eye!


However, at this moment, a dark blue splendid energy barrier suddenly appeared, protecting the remaining spacecraft, and the firepower of the mechanical legion quickly shattered the barrier, but it was also delayed.

And in this short moment, the propellers of these spacecraft suddenly ejected a flaming tail flame, and accelerated instantly. Before the light rain came, they escaped from the frontal range of fire coverage.

Among the pilot ships, Gao De's eyes were shining, his palms became claws, and a light mass floated in his palms, exuding thousands of filaments.

Just now, he launched his ability to create a secluded energy barrier to block part of the firepower, and use the power to activate the energy furnace of the remaining battleship, bypassing the heavy authority controlled by the spaceship, and forcibly activating the thruster.

After a round of blows, this fleet has already suffered heavy casualties, leaving only seven or eight ships.

"so close……"

Gao De's expression was solemn and his nerves were tense.

At the moment of his hands-on, he sensed the energy level of the other party's explosion, and definitely reached the level of the peak super-a level, and he is the strongest of them.

There are only a few mechanics at this level in the universe. No matter who they are, he is not currently able to deal with it ... Of course, the most likely thing is the old thing of Manison!

"Can't fight, go!"

Gao De glanced at the captain, who was frightened, and activated his ability again, pushing the surviving spacecraft to quickly rush out of the enclosed area.

He knew that these crew members could not help, but he did not want to save people, mainly because his flight speed was not as good as that of a warship, and he needed to use the ship to run the road.

Only when it escapes from the space-time locked area and escapes from the other party's shielding trap range, can there be a way to send a message to the outside world.

But at this moment, there was a sudden throbbing of heart, and Gao De's intuition felt a strong threat. He immediately broke through the bulkhead and escaped from the spaceship.


At the next moment, five extremely condensed red rays were emitted from Han Xiao ’s fingertips, easily penetrating layers of phantom barriers, and then pulled horizontally, instantly cutting the surviving battleship into pieces. Block, the cut surface is smooth like a mirror.

The next second, the spaceship's energy core burst, and the red energy expanded from the inside out, immediately exploding into fireworks, engulfing all the spaceship fragments.

The fleet disappeared in an instant, leaving only Gao De suspended in the battlefield.

"Awesome energy rays seem to have amazing penetrability for shields of all energy forms. If I were just hit, I would be injured ..."

Gao De secretly palpitated, and was almost hit by the red rays just now.

He looked up and saw that Han Xiao ’s inky black mecha had some red energy circuits all over it, densely packed like blood vessels, all connected to the fingertips, and as five red rays erupted, these energy circuits dimmed again , Seems to have entered the cooling.

Seeing the attack fail, Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"This anti-neutron cracking cutting line is quietly replaced by a general freshman Super A level. It should have been a stroke. He deservedly inherited a part of the spiritual strength of the past and predicted the threat."

After several years of research, Han Xiao has created more than one kind of cosmic treasure-level mecha. This set of black mecha is itself a golden drawing in Jess's technical treasure. The new type of technology was finally successfully improved and took a new name, called "Black King Long Range Armed".

And this is just one of the products in the same series. There are three variants of "Melee Armed Forces", "Legion Armed Forces", and "Defensive Armed Forces". They are proficient in different abilities. They are collectively called "Black King Sequence", all of which are golden quality armor!

Han Xiao did not hesitate to catch up, and Gao De turned away.

Unfortunately, without the spaceship, his physical flight speed is far inferior to the mechanical force, and immediately fell into the heavy encirclement of the mechanical force and fell into a hard fight.

As soon as he fought, Han Xiao discovered that the virtue of Gao De was too dominant. Not only was it scarcely resistant to energy attacks, but it also absorbed the enemy ’s attack energy during the battle. The efficiency of returning to the blue was amazing. At the a level, this power has an infinite blue effect, which is extremely abnormal!

The superiority of the power itself is full, and it is simply the arrogance of the sky. Relying on the ability advantage, Gao De resists the offensive of the Mechanical Legion with difficulty, and there will be no signs of loss in a while.

"As soon as I enter the Super A-level, I have this level of combat power. Given time, who else can control this guy?"

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but marvel at Gao De's talents, and at the same time he was even more affirmed in the idea of ​​removing hidden dangers as soon as possible.

With a flash of figure, he personally burst into the encircling circle, approaching the other party quickly, and flicked away a burst of energy ray shot by Gao De in a hurry, successfully approached, without a word. A powerful tomahawk stomped from top to bottom.

Gao De's face changed, and he hurriedly raised his hand to stop it.


The majestic force struck, even if he used energy to protect him, his body was not overwhelmed, his tendons broke one by one, his bones cracked one by one, and the pain was like flooding.

"I didn't expect me to be faced by a mechanic. If my rank is higher, I will let you go back and forth ..."

Gao De gritted his teeth with pain and was about to pull back, but found that his arm was stuck to Han Xiao's leg armor, and he couldn't pull it apart.

He looked around in a hurry, and saw that the black nanoparticles spread out at the site of contact, quickly covering his arm and spreading all over the body.

"Not good!"

Gao De groaned in his heart and hurriedly mobilized energy, trying to break free, but then the brain suddenly shook, and his spirit was dragged into a vast world constructed by a stream of data, losing control of his body.

Before he could react, an earth-shaking figure suddenly appeared, slapping his spirit into the ground.

This trick is ... a virtual soul!

Gao De still remembers this, he gritted his teeth and asked:

"Maison! Is it you ?!"

Han Xiao turned a deaf ear and attacked.

In the virtual realm, Gao De's spiritual body had no power to fight back, and was beaten by a meal. Fortunately, his mental strength was far beyond the freshman's super-A level, and he broke free as soon as possible.

Gao De's consciousness returned to the body. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he found that his whole body was wrapped in machinery, as if wearing a layer of mecha.


Before he broke free, he saw Han Xiao snapping his fingers.


At the next moment, Gao De's figure disappeared, and the Emperor's Mech took him to break through the anchor of time and space and teleported away.

"Implement the second set of plans."

Han Xiao immediately turned his head to allow the mechanical legion to wash the area and fire, remove all traces that the fleet might leave, and control the mechanical force to fold and compress in batches and return to his body barracks.

He has prepared several plans. If he can quickly solve the high virtue here, of course it is the best. But if the high virtue has the ability to resist, then he will find a way to change the battlefield.

Although many traps have been set, the fourth phase of the Shining World is too busy after all. There are uncertainties everywhere. There are many nights and long dreams. He does not want to stay here for too long to avoid being broken.

Therefore, Han Xiao made second-hand preparations. When he traveled with Ke Suye last time, he recorded many deep-level dimensions along the way. When the main universe was waiting for the rabbit, he was not waiting in vain. There is a stable dimension of man-made visits, several sets of "thrones" of the emperors are placed, and mechanical forces are left, and the dimension is transformed into a larger enclosed area.

To the deep world of the secondary dimension, this is to cut off all the retreats of Gao De, so that the sky should not be called the earth, there is no way to escape!

Han Xiao quickly resolved his hand and tail, cleared the traces, withdrew the troops, then replaced another set of emperors, and instantly disappeared.

I saw a sight, and came to a new place.

There is a pale earth here, a barren land, without any life, as if it were a black and white world, only outsiders have color.

In mid-air, another mechanical unit ambushing in this secondary dimension is besieging Gao De, making him unable to escape.

Seeing Han Xiao appear, Gao De suddenly turned his head and looked over, his eyes full of consternation.

The teleportation function of the emperor is already one of Han Xiao's hallmarks. After the stroke, he finally knew the identity of the attacker, and he just couldn't believe it!

Gao De struggled to resist the siege of the mechanical forces, while staring closely at Han Xiao, his tone was shocked and puzzled.

"Black Star! It turns out to be you! What do you mean?"

He couldn't understand why the black star attacked him.

Are we not friends now?

Don't you still want to make a passionate relationship with me?

Why should you deal with me? !

Determined that Gao De became the turtle in the urn, Han Xiao didn't finally speak the first sentence until now, and the tone was calm.

"Don't pretend, I know who you are ... Alien God, do you really think you can cut off the past and be reborn?"

The voice just fell.

Gao De's pupil shrank into a needle tip, and his mind was in chaos!


I did it perfectly, how could he know! !

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