The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1231: Wolf police return ticket

"I don't know what the reward is."

Han Xiao was a little curious.

The task requirement is to seize the "murderer", not to say "real murderer", he feels that there is room for operation, depending on whether the task's decision logic is based on objective facts or from the perspective of the empire.

If it is the latter, can it be accomplished as long as it proves to the empire that a person is a murderer?

In this case, there is still a chance to complete.

It is impossible to surrender oneself, it is impossible to surrender oneself in this life, and the werewolf will not do it himself. Only by blaming others, can one maintain a life like this.

Han Xiao shook his head. He did not clear the obsessive-compulsive disorder of all tasks. In his opinion, this task can be completed best. If it is not completed, it will be pulled down, so he is too lazy to bend around.

According to the nature of the mission, the reward is mostly based on the contribution of the empire. In the past, he still needs this kind of thing in exchange for some technical drawings of the empire, but now with Jiebao, he is no longer the contribution of the camp of the empire. Only political assets can make him slightly tempted.


The next day, Han Xiao regained his strength, seized the time to enter the online channel of the Empire Task Force, and the remote projection came to a conference room.

Before entering the room, I saw projections appearing one after another, looking at each other.

There are acquaintances and strangers in it, and Han Xiao saw Clottey, Kant, Ravenlaud and others.

Before waiting for everyone to talk, Tarrokov appeared, attracting everyone's attention.

"All the members present are members of the Empire Task Force, so I wo n’t say anything more. Everyone knows what to do. This group brings together professionals from various fields. All the resources of the Empire in the world are available for you to mobilize. The Empire only has One requirement is to find the whereabouts of the murderer and Gao De. "

At the next moment, Clotty spoke lightly, "I am temporarily the leader of the ad hoc group. All applications that require resource mobilization can be told to me. As for the specific arrangement of work, the deputy leader decides."

At this time, a tall and thin male imperial cadre stepped out, looked back at everyone, and performed an imperial greetings.

"Everyone can call me Sherlock Dillman and serve in the Imperial Intelligence Department. I can't disclose the specific organization. This time, I was transferred from the top to serve as the deputy team leader, responsible for coordinating the search work. Everyone works together. "

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Shelock? This name sounds like a detective. This person is definitely not simple. It should be a special talent of the empire in the field of solving crimes.

The ad hoc group does not need force, as long as it has professional ability, so Shylock becomes the deputy team leader, and the super-a status in the group is an expert in different fields, which is simply a tool person.

Everyone introduced themselves one after another. There are three experts in charge of the quantum network search, oneself, Kant and the imperial lineage Judith.

Sherlock assigned tasks to the experts in different divisions of labor, and soon came to the three people, and quickly said the request again.

"... this is the case, the virtual field is the key area of ​​the search, please be sure to find the clue, please come to the three lords."

Sherlock bowed, respectful, and turned away when he had finished, and ordered others to go.

Seeing others walking away, Kant scratched his head helplessly, "It's enough for you two, I'm not a virtual mechanic. What does the empire pull me over?"

"It is estimated that the empire is polite with you, did not expect you to agree, did not expect you to really shameless." Han Xiao quipped.

"... Black Star, you will lose my friend like this."

Kant's mouth twitched.

"Cough, two honourables, the authority has arrived, let's start work as soon as possible." Judith said aside.

Han Xiao settled down and received the quantum network permission shared by the other party.

The empire brought together these experts. Naturally, they did not let them fight alone. The empire opened up almost all the resources that shine in the world.

Take the three people, for example, all virtual mechanics of the Empire in the Shining World can be mobilized in one sentence. At the same time, the quantum network base stations set up by the Empire in the Shining World all open background permissions to the three, allowing direct login as an administrator. The quantum network that shines the world.

Even, some of the permissions of the Empire ’s intelligent heroes were temporarily opened to the two "outsiders" Han Xiao and Kant, and Judith ’s task was to prevent the two from getting chaotic after getting such high network permissions, in addition to investigating the case. Come.

Han Xiao landed on the background authority, and his mind sank into the horizon of the quantum network, only to feel suddenly bright.

Most of the networks that shine in the world are unobstructed, and they are all under control. It seems to become a processing center. It can read any data stream passing through the base station at any time. It has great power and even an illusion of omniscience and omnipotence.

"Comfortable." Han Xiao enjoyed it quite.

No matter how powerful the virtual intrusion is, it is also a thief who slides the door and locks, and now it seems that the owner directly lent him the entire house, almost doing whatever he wants.

Although Judith and Kant watched each other next to each other, but with their own abilities, they should be able to hide from the two of them and do some tricks.

More importantly, mastering this kind of authority can completely erase the possible flaws, further clear the evidence, and confirm his absence certificate.

Since the empire gave this opportunity, he would naturally "cherish" it.

In the next few days, Han Xiao has been immersed in the quantum network, cross-searching with Judith and Kant.

Han Xiao originally thought that there would be no clues, but these days it turned out to be nothing, he found that things have changed subtly.

Without using their own hands and feet, the superstar cluster and Manison took the initiative to make a trip to each other. They wanted to forge clues to accuse each other's crimes and began to blame each other.

Both sides are relatively secretive, and if they have mastered the background authority of the Quantum Network that shines the world, Han Xiao can't find the behavior of both sides.

At this time, with the permission, coupled with his amazing virtual technology, the small actions of both sides did not escape his eyes.

"Huh, obviously you didn't do it, but you can't wait to dump the pot ..."

Han Xiao twitched.

It ’s okay if someone else sees this kind of behavior, but he is the real murderer. From his point of view, this situation is like two villagers biting each other to be a werewolf. The werewolf was uninterested, afraid to break his belly.

But when he thought about it, he understood the ideas on both sides.

The superstar cluster was afraid that the three major civilizations would give them a "necessary", so they started to be strong, and McNison knew this and made countermeasures, so both sides found out that the other party was not well-intentioned. Thunder ignited the fire and pinched it directly.

This is the purpose of our muddy water.

Plan to pass!

"Both parties are guilty of blaming each other, and there is suspicion, because it is impossible to find the real culprit, so there must be one party who will be used by the empire to operate ..."

Han Xiao's eyes rolled.

Now both sides have the offensive and defensive, and can't take the responsibility of the other party into account, so there is room for their own operations.

With the development of this situation, it is easier for yourself to shake the pot than expected.

With his current power, it only takes a light stroke and does some tricks to influence the judgment of the empire and help one party overpower the other, which means that the dominant power is in his own hands.

"Who is better to help ..."

Han Xiao thought about it secretly, and had a certain mind.

He has never dealt with Manison, but in this matter, he intends to help an old wheat head.

After all, Manison is the current president of the super-a-level association. If he loses his head, although he has hit his personal prestige, the super-a-level association will also be implicated and not badly affected-the president secretly To start with new members, many members of the association put themselves in danger and become more vigilant, which is not conducive to the construction of the association.

In turn, letting the superstar cluster backfire can cause another effect, making the super-a class think that the high virtue is suffering because of being involved in the battle of the camp, so it will make people think that if they do not join the camp, they will not encounter such a broken thing, but Increasing the recognition of the association beyond the super-a level will help development.

The most important thing is that the three major civilizations and the Super Star Alliance are already fighting. If they lose their blame, they will not involve more people.

Although the empire will not stop searching for the real murderer in the future, for now, the effect of making the superstar cluster unlucky and taking the risk of itself can be reduced to a very low level.

"Huh, old Maitou, I'm not helping you, I am the care association."

Han Xiao pouted.

With a few grunts in his heart, he immediately operated.

——The two good guys are tearing harder, the result is not decided by me, the wolf police.


"I always feel that a mysterious force is helping me ..."

Among the secret bases of the Machinery Kingdom, Manison had a strange face.

These days he noticed that the superstar cluster had indeed misconducted him, so he took countermeasures to harm each other with the superstar cluster.

Both sides were originally suspected and had no evidence, and now they add a lot of "vulnerabilities" to each other.

Between this silent offensive and defensive, Manison is actually in a weak position. After all, his opponent is the entire superstar cluster alliance. Although he is powerful in virtual technology, he can't support it alone and is exhausted.

However, not long ago he discovered the anomaly. Some of the superstar cluster forged evidence disappeared for no reason. It seems that someone is helping him to resist the other's blame.

"Can I find the battle between me and the superstar cluster, and also have the ability to intervene ... Could it be that the three civilizations participated in secretly?"

Manison's thoughts flew.

The reason why the three major civilizations did this is that they confirmed that the superstar cluster is the murderer, so they do n’t want the other party to succeed in blaming and get rid of their responsibilities. It was because of strategic considerations that the superstar cluster was charged with "unnecessary" and settled for them. Afterwards, it was calculated after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

If you think about it deeper ...

Menison thought deeply and fell into a matryoshka cycle.


Seven or eight days later, the red empire star, the head office.

Ulan Riel browsed the report of the task force and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

"After these days of searching, you came to a seemingly complete chain of evidence, pointing all suspicions to the Superstar Cluster Alliance ... but this is not the original intention of the empire."

In front of her was a long-range projection of a high-level empire intelligence department, helplessly said: "Is it true, it does not matter now, as long as this chain of evidence is enough to convince the outside world."

"What I want is the whereabouts of the real murderer and Gao De, otherwise what should the task force do?"

"But time waits for no one, the real murderer has not left any clues, continue to search step by step, the truth is far away, the outside world is already questioning whether the empire can find the murderer, and even some people on the Internet begin to worship this murderer who has angered the empire but is still at large. Now ... we can slowly take the time to find the real murderer, and now the empire desperately needs results. "

Hearing this, Ulan Riel frowned.

After the various hands and feet done by Han Xiao, the project team unearthed a complete chain of evidence pointing to the superstar cluster, but after careful deliberation, the project team knew that this was forged, and 80% were the hands and feet of Manison-the two sides dumped each other The behavior of the pot did not escape the eyes of the empire.

But even so, after consultation, the project team finally submitted the results to the high-level, and the first-level empire seniors knew it well, but they still handed over the report to the Ulan Riel table.

All kinds of rumors in the outside world are now clamoring. What the Empire needs most is a "result", whether it is true or not, and the target pointed by this evidence chain is already in line with the Empire strategy, and the superstar cluster is the best object.

What's more, the superstar cluster's move is to create a "killer" by itself. The head of the superstar cluster is the alliance. If it drags on for too long, others will succeed. The empire does not want to see the other party's abacus.

Ulan Riel hesitated for a few seconds and did not immediately agree, sighing: "Call Kloty and Shylock, I hope to hear their opinions ..."

At this time, she paused and added:

"By the way, the black star."


ps: (The moderator has reorganized the new event and called me to promote Yiha. One is the fourth book review event. This time, in addition to the humanities, it also solicited paintings from other people. The other is the fifth book review area. Catch up and go to the book review area to see related posts, which have a detailed introduction)

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