The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1232: Rhythm master

It didn't take long for a remote projection of Han Xiao, Clotty, and Shylock to appear in the office.

"Your Excellency."

The three nodded.

Ulan Riel nodded, pointed to the report on the virtual screen, and came straight to the point: "This is the result of your work during this time? I am not very satisfied. You know that what I want is not this kind of evidence that fools outsiders . "

Sherlock stepped forward and said daringly: "My Excellency, we have been trying to track down the whereabouts of the real murderer, but the enemy has no flaws, we have no clue, just when we discovered the mutual relationship between the Superstar Alliance and Manison Framed, so ... "

He explained the recent work of the ad hoc group. In short, there is no real clue. A lot of fake and confusing evidence is collected.

Seeing that the outside world is increasingly questioning, coupled with the pressure and hints of the high-level, in desperation, Sherlock can only extract a part from these forged clues, and use his reasoning and analysis ability to form a self-consistent evidence chain, although It ’s fake, but after his analysis, it sounds like real.

Ulan Riel frowned, "Give me a precise statement, how long do you think you can find the real murderer."

"... It seems far away at this moment, unless a breakthrough is found." Shylock shook his head helplessly.

"Both of you have the same idea?" Ulan Riel turned his head.

Clottey was sinking into the water, not speaking, and nodded slowly.

Han Xiao spread his hands and made a look like "I can do nothing", saying:

"The people who attacked Gaode were very cunning and left no flaws. Even me was clueless. According to the current state of affairs, I think that the empire can only look at the problem from another angle, consider it from the perspective of interest, and need to find a suitable one. The object of the crime is to temporarily calm the storm. The superstar cluster is the most suitable ... And they are anxious to get rid of the crime.

Ulan Riel shook his head: "But someone outside will see through our intentions, and the superstar cluster will not easily plead guilty, this is to the empire ..."

"I know your concerns, it's just that it doesn't matter." Han Xiao interrupted her and talked eloquently: "When Gaode was attacked, the empire lost. It was already the loser and could only try to recover. What the empire needs most now is the result, showing attitude and force, unable to block others ’mouths, but can block others’ courage, so that even if someone mocks, the person who should be afraid will still be afraid, and the purpose will be achieved . "

"But in this way, if the real murderer saw that the empire had hit the wrong person, wouldn't it be a laugh? Some people with ulterior motives would therefore feel that the empire could use it?" Ulan Ruier said in a deep voice.

She is worried about this. Once the outside world sees through the empire's practices, some people will feel that the empire is very easy to deceive, which also reduces the prestige of the empire.

"Then there is no way. The two evils are the lesser, and there is always a trade-off. You can't always do things according to your preferences, right?" Han Xiao's face was thick as armor, and he smiled: "Besides, this is not necessarily a bad thing. , Giving him a chance to show his feet, maybe one day, it will bring us a breakthrough. "

The high-profile intelligence officials also echoed: "Your Black Star is right, we always have to make a choice."

Ulan Riel sighed and signed the order, "Then do it."

In fact, this proposal appeared on his desk, and Ulan Riel knew that this was the silent consensus of the first-level empire of the empire, and only she had signed it. The head of state can't do whatever he wants. Also, she has to walk out of compromise and checks and balances.

After signing the order, Ulan Riel was inexplicably relaxed and shook his head.

"It seems that the task of finding the real murderer can only be handed over to the next head of state. Fortunately, I can relax a lot."

At this moment, Han Xiao flashed his eyes and said: "Actually we are caught in inertial thinking. There is another possibility for the disappearance of Gao De. I wonder if the empire considered it?"

Everyone turned around and looked at it.

"Oh? Tell me about it." Ulan Riel was interested.

"You said, is it possible that this is Gao De's own behavior, take the initiative to swindle and play missing?"

Hearing the words, senior intelligence officials couldn't help laughing: "His Black Star, we have made this assumption long ago, and the final judgment is impossible. Gao De has no such motivation."

"I don't think so." Han Xiao shook his head. "The lineage may not be completely loyal, is it possible that he just wants to use the resources of the empire to step into the super-a level, and then swindle and jump out of the camp's barriers, incognito."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at everyone obscurely, and put a few people's disapproving expressions into his eyes, adding immediately:

"Of course, I just made a logical judgment. I don't know the origin and life of Gao De. Naturally, I will not completely believe him. Anyway, in my eyes, this kind of thing is not impossible, and it has not happened in history. Example? "

Sherlock thought about it, "Well, your suspicions make sense, and the time Virtue played for the empire is still too short."

Ulan Riel glared at him, opening his mouth as an old official: "You don't have to worry about it anymore. The empire's censorship of the heirs has its own system. It will not receive anyone with doubts. The empire absolutely trusts the loyalty of the heirs ... "

Han Xiao glanced at the expressionless Clotty, and he understood it, knowing that Ulan Riel didn't want to continue this topic here.

He shook his head and smiled, pretending to be casual: "Well, I just mentioned it casually."

Shelock asked, "I'm rather curious. Why do you have the idea of ​​high-handed fraud? There must be some factor that makes you think this way. Do you think he has doubts?"

Han Xiao looked at him in surprise for a moment.

This thick-browed and big-eyed man likes to be so arrogant? I do n’t know if I should say that you have a strong curiosity for learning, or if you do n’t pay attention to the occasion where you are speaking. Did n’t you see that the senior empire intelligence officer next to you was already jealous?

Han Xiao suddenly realized that this was a rhythmical opportunity. His eyes rolled and he coughed pretendingly, and said:

"On the one hand, I couldn't find a clue, it was too clean, unlike an outsider attack, on the other hand ... It wasn't that Gao De revealed anything suspicious, but I just knew a guy who succeeded in scamming, so I only associate Get up. "

"Who is that?" Shylock wondered.

"This person is also famous. You must know that it is the Sorokin chant of the Infinite Consortium."

Not waiting for everyone to ask questions, Han Xiao said to himself:

"I discovered his little secret by coincidence. He is not as weak as it seems. I feel threatened from him. The strength may not be lower than me, but I have always shown myself as the weak, and I don't know what to plot. And , The real age of his soul seems to be far beyond the present. I tried him and found that he may be a super a-level in history, suspected of using the trick of death to conceal the name to the present ... "

He concealed some of the key information and uncovered Sorokin's old man with ambiguous words, and heard several people questioning it.

"How do you know?" Ulan Riel wondered.

"This involves a piece of cosmic treasure that I obtained not long ago, which has a wonderful effect in the field of soul." Han Xiao smiled, without a specific explanation, pretending to be an unpredictable gesture.

Ulan Riel knew that Han Xiao did n’t want to say, and did n’t ask, thinking of Sorokin ’s previous behavior, thoughtfully: “If this is true, Sorokin has a lot of plans, and he needs to adjust his Attitude ... "

She won't believe it right away, but Han Xiao has a lot of political assets, and even the wonderful addition of [civilized leader assassin], whose clarity is more valued.

Ulan Riel intends to investigate Sorokin in private. Compared with Black Star, Sorokin is an outsider.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao was on the spot and didn't want to expose too much, as long as he aroused the empire's interest in Sorokin.

This is the benefit of Shangdatian listening, and it happened to be the right time today. He gave Sorokin an eye medicine directly in front of the empire.

After all, the superstar cluster is only an expedient measure for the empire, and it will continue to find the murderer in the future. The matter is not finished, so Han Xiao would like to take the opportunity to engage in Sorokin.

This guy is proficient in the road of Gou, who can bend and stretch, and hides too deeply, and he doesn't know what he is planning. If he can be exposed, he can't continue to load chicken, it is undoubtedly a good thing.

There is a high virtue thing, once Sorokin's strength is exposed, it will become the object of doubt.

Although it seems to Han Da technicians that Suo Tsai has no motive to commit crimes, at least he can be sick of this dog thing ... hum, let him conspiracy to calculate the old man every day behind him, when our little book is a white book? !

"Okay, that's the situation, I have nothing to ask, if nothing else ..."

Ulan Riel was about to end the communication, but before he had finished speaking, he heard Han Xiao speak again.

"Wait, there is one last thing."

"... you say." Ulan Riel gritted his teeth secretly.

She thought Han Xiao was about to make a small report, but she saw that Han Xiao straightened his face suddenly, his face was serious, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, I am now talking to you as the vice president of the super-a-level association. I support the Empire ’s behavior against the superstar cluster this time, but I hope this matter will not implicate the members of the association."

Hearing the words, a few of the people here were refreshed and gave Han Xiao a surprised look, his face became serious.

"Continue." Ulan Riel narrowed his eyes.

"I believe we all know that the super-clusters of the super-clusters are hidden in the neutral super-a class. The Empire is targeting the super-clusters this time. I am very supportive, but I don't want the super-a-class of the super-clusters to be in the ranks of revenge. I am not covering the murderers, but asking the empire not to anger some neutral and suspected super star clusters of super-a class. Perhaps there are murderers, but they are protected by the association before they prove the real murderers. "

Han Xiao's expression was solemn, and he had a stance that he would fight against the empire without hesitation.

Ulan Riel and others immediately understood what he meant. Black Star knew the ins and outs and understood how the evidence came. Although he supported the empire ’s actions, he did not want it to become an excuse for the empire to take a super-a knife.

One yard to one yard, you can play super star clusters, you can't implicate other unrelated super a-level!

The transition of identities is seamless, and the last second was an ally intended for the empire. The next second became the vice president of the super-a-level association, seeking his place in his place.

"You really don't leak water." Ulan Riel's eyes were complicated.

"If I don't speak for the association, after passing it out, will my vice president still be able to do it?" Han Xiao didn't care.

"... OK, I know, the empire's target is limited to the forces of the Supercluster League. Before obtaining the perfect evidence, they will not start with the super-A level of their hidden descendants. After all, the association has also expressed its assistance to us."

Ulan Riel sighed.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao smiled again, thinking for a while, hehe said:

"Okay, if the empire does not mind, cooperate with me to promote it, saying that the empire wanted to track the whereabouts of the neutral super-a, and even conducted a mandatory interrogation. The idea of ​​the empire was dispelled, and my role in it was highlighted. "


Although several people did not speak, they all revealed the same information in their eyes.

Wow, you're so welcome, and you're shameless!


Ulan Riel took a deep breath and calmed down, otherwise she was afraid she couldn't help but grab the thermos on the table and hit Han Xiao.

Although she was suffocating, she decided to publicize and improve Black Star's voice and reputation in the association. The Black Star presides over the association, which is more beneficial to the empire than to its disadvantages. Who is cheaper than its own reputation?

After receiving a definite answer, Han Xiao retired with a smile.

He lifted the remote projection and returned his perspective to the office where the ontology was located, which gave him a long sigh of relief.

"My wave of rhythm has finally taken the empire's path completely ..."

Han Xiao felt a lot relieved.

Fortunately, he has enough political assets to make it easier for the empire to accept his opinions.

If it was n’t for McNison and the superstar cluster to explode, he would have to work harder, but now it ’s equivalent to picking up the ready-made ones, and using the questions to play, it can be said that both sides helped him a lot, making things a lot easier, and directly grasping the main Contradictions, no bells and whistles.

Moreover, it can also brush a wave of prestige of the association, and let members see the deputy chairman's "duty" to fight with the empire in order to protect the interests of the association. As the saying goes, a leader who does not fight for his interests is not a good leader. This wave of estimates It can convince more people and see the benefits of their power.

How many birds were hit by this stone, Han Xiao is not easy to say, he only knows that the negative impact of Gao De ’s attack has been solved by himself, and when the empire announces that it will take action against the superstar cluster, the matter should be temporarily ended. .

As for other unknown chain reactions, he can only wait and see.


On the other side, only Ulan Riel and Clottey were left in the head office.

Ulan Riel pinched his fingers subconsciously, his face hesitant, and after a while, he whispered:

"Do you think he will be the next weapon country?"

Clotty gave her a glance and shook her head.

"He is a hundred times more dangerous than the Armored Kingdom."

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