The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1247: Annexation

The disappearance of Sorokin and the collapse of the Infinite Consortium have had a certain impact on the economy of the interstellar society. However, the collapse of an oligarch represents a group of giants. Many forces have absorbed the nutrition of the Infinite Consortium, completed the transition, and filled the infinite. The business vacancies caused by the consortium's failure continue to maintain the services of interstellar social life. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

In this competition to divide the cake, the budding consortium relied on Black Star ’s shareholder identity and the military advantage of the army, inherited the multiple ace businesses of the unlimited consortium and a large number of talents, swallowed the jujube, almost became a fat man, and the scale expanded suddenly. The stock price soared.

After this experience, although the Infinite Consortium kept the last industry and survived the storm, it was also a vital injury, leaving only some elite children of Sorokin to stay in the family business.

But even if the Infinite Consortium was dismantled like this, it just fell from the position of the top cosmic chaebol, and barely still ranks among the ranks of the first-class star-level large consortium. As a means of making money, no one in Super A level may be better than him.

If it were not convenient for Suo Tsai to appear in front of the public, Han Xiao almost wanted him to be the head of the legion ’s business field. He had already confirmed that making money was really one of Sorokin ’s few hobbies.

According to Suo Suo's own words, the growth of money is visible to the naked eye, which is much easier than the improvement of strength. He likes this positive feedback mechanism of snowballing. The rise of assets makes him feel physically and mentally happy.

However, Han Xiao did not intend to let Solomon idle, simply let Sologen handle some of the business affairs behind the scenes, from the boss to a combination of senior consultants and professional managers, from others to work for him, to his Work for yourself.

Anyway, this guy likes to make money, is idle and idle, let him continue to develop hobbies is also a kind of entertainment, big deal to give some money dividends to Suo Tsai ... anyway, he has no place to spend.

In Han Xiao's opinion, the most unlucky player of the Infinite Consortium is waiting. When the new version comes back online, the response is exactly the same ...

Where is my camp? What a big camp? !

When Han Xiaoguang thought about it, he felt so greedy ... cough, so miserable.

It seems that we must embrace these homeless leeks in a warm embrace and let them feel their true feelings in the world.

On the other side, after the Scarlet Empire issued Sorokin's wanted order, it seemed that Gao De's storm finally settled, and the Empire had no follow-up action, and calm was restored.

The focus of the interstellar society immediately moved away and returned to the development of the shining world. The fourth phase of exploration has ended, ending with the superstar cluster, and then the fifth and sixth phases of exploration, etc. are all based on Peaceful development is the main theme, and subsequent development basically has little to do with super-a-level allies.

A few months later, the budding consortium finally digested the "legacy" of the infinite consortium, and finally presented a detailed report to Han Xiao.


The Black Star Palace, the regiment's office.

Han Xiao carefully browsed the consortium report on the screen. It took a long time before he nodded in satisfaction, looking at Sylvia and the remote projection of Interpas.

"You have done a great job, annexing these businesses of the Infinite Consortium, and the Legion's expansion of the branches in the various star regions has taken a big step at a time, saving them at least two decades."

"This is all your leadership, you are the lighthouse of the legion, guiding our direction." Sylvia smiled flatteringly.

Han Xiaomo held his back, "I read it in the report, we recruited some of Sorokin's children, and some people even took the initiative to switch over ..."

"That's your personality charm no one can resist." Sylvia licked another wave.

Han Xiao gave her a strange look.

Has this woman changed **** today? Isn't she ignoring my love?

Han Xiao ignored her and turned to look at Interpas, "How are you going to arrange for Sologen's children?"

Interpas touched his moustache and said slowly: "Although Sorokin absconds from crime, his children are basically innocent. Many of them have always been trained to be elitist. These people are the reinforcement of the budding consortium. Of course, I will let them assess their positions and limit their power. They are scattered and placed in management positions at all levels. "

"Well, do what you say."

Han Xiao's face was quiet, but he was a little guilty in his heart.

Is this wave considered a thief?

Well, I feel that with the character of Suo Tsai, these children are born just to cultivate assistants, and will not have too many feelings.

It is very common for super-A-level breeding descendants to act as assistants, but most people make children normally. In order to improve efficiency, most people perform multi-player sports. Extreme practices like the beast ancestor are the only part of this era.

"The offspring are really good, and they can be customized and cultivated from an early age. Maybe I should build a baby too ..." Han Xiao said to himself.

Sylvie Arden's eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth:

"I do! Maternity leave is also fake, I don't dislike it!"

Han Xiao almost slipped under the table in shock.

No, are you already so mad about asking for leave now?

Not only want to take a holiday, but also want to sleep with the boss, how can there be such a cheap thing, yuck!

Interpas coughed a little next to him, and whispered: "If you want to take maternity leave, I can actually help ..."

Sylvia glared at him, "Think beautiful, get out!"

Interpas' expression suffocated, with Han Xiao's meaningful gaze, very slickly off the assembly line.

There were only two people left in the room. Xi Weiya suddenly smiled and twisted her waist to walk in front of Han Xiao, leaning her hands on the table, leaning forward, leaning her lips against Han Xiao's ear and exhaling gently: " I was n’t kidding, did you have any ideas for me? "

"You are in estrus? It seems that I have to remember today's day, figure out your cycle, and have to hide from you in the future."

Han Xiao thoughtfully.

Xiweiya's face was twitched, her smile stiffened, and she couldn't bear it. She said: "Don't you really know how attractive you are? My admiration for you has already flooded into disasters, so be patient Is it for me? "

"Let's come here for a while, it's not good for me, just say something."

Unaffected, Han Xiao slapped her head on Sylvia's forehead and pushed her head away.

What are you doing? I am a decent person, deeply educated in socialism. I have never worked as a secretary. I have nothing to do as a secretary. I am very decent.

I usually do n’t say anything to me, but today I ’m in the form of a flattering machine that feels so affectionate.

Xi Weiya's face collapsed, kicking Han Xiao's calf fiercely, and then rubbing her toes with her teeth, grinning:

"I have been a chief affairs officer for decades, so you can use me like a toolman, right? I can't stand it anymore, I want to change my position!"

Han Xiao thought so too, although Xiweiya was very loyal, but the toolman has been working for a long time, and she also has opinions in her heart. In particular, the life span of a natural disaster level is far inferior to that of super-A level. In business.

He always said that the hairline is the endurance value of cadres, but Han Xiao feels that he is still quite human. As long as the requirements are reasonable, he will not really use cadres as tools.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I want you to teach me to be super a!"

"What?" Han Xiao thought he had heard it wrong.

"I did my best for the legion, and had a good time abandoned, but you are not even willing to teach me!" Sylvia swelled.

"That's not true. It's just super a-level talent. Even if I teach you, your hope is not great ..." Han Xiao was helpless.

"No matter, I just want you to teach me!"

Xi Weiya took Han Xiao's arm and shook it coquettishly. She was a decisive and capable chief affairs officer in front of outsiders, but in front of Han Xiao, she was occasionally just like the original, just a teacher Little girl.

"Okay, okay, when the handover is over, you will come back to me and continue to be a student." Han Xiao had to agree,

Hearing this, Xi Weiya just raised a big smile, let's take a look at Han Xiao's profile, and then fled away like a thief who stole the chicken.

When she walked to the door, Sylvia stepped in and looked back, smiling like a lively elf, her face reddish and her tone naughty.

"I'm really not kidding about the previous proposal."

Having said that, waiting for Han Xiao's reaction, she seemed to run away.

"Hey, believe you a ghost, a grin." Han Xiao shook his head and wiped the lipstick mark on his face.

Thinking of the previous life, Xi Weiya could only wander the universe aimlessly after her father was in prison, and now the legion has given her a destination, so that she has the goal to fight for, Han Xiao can not help but feel some emotion.

Unconsciously, many people's fate has changed because of themselves.

"The potential of Sylvia should not be enough to reach the super-a level, but everything is absolutely absolute. Even Koller and Beoni can be super a-level. With my training, Sylvia may not have no hope ... Let me know how to teach her some of the treasures. "

Han Xiao nodded secretly.

"Beep beep ..."

At this moment, the communicator suddenly rang, and he took it out and looked at it, which turned out to be Emersy's communication.

Sylvia's forefoot had just left, and Emerson's life-threatening call came?

"What a coincidence, is this the sixth sense of a woman?"

Han Xiao shivered secretly.

He settled down and answered the news.

Emerson appeared on the screen, with one hand on his cheek, and an elegant smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Do you want to come and talk to me? Aesop brews a new batch of wine."

"That's it? Don't go or not!"

"And ... I miss you a little bit." Emersy blinked.

"let's go."

Han Xiao didn't say anything, just changed the king.

Apart from the regular meetings in recent years, I have n’t met Emersy privately. I ’ve been patronizing plots and researching machinery. I ’m a little bit overwhelmed, and he just needs a little adjustment when he finishes the big thing.

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