The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1248: Xinghai Calendar 780

In the Dragon Palace in the center of Longtan Island, Han Xiao's figure passed in, and when he looked up, he saw a round table in front of him, and exquisite snacks and fruits were neatly placed on it. , Seems to have been prepared. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

Emersy was smiling at the communicator. When someone came, he ended the communication, put away the communicator, and looked at him, keeping the corner of his mouth up.

"I knew you would come, sit down, the wine is ready."

Han Xiao stepped forward and sat down next to Emersy. He said helplessly: "I have been busy recently. I haven't come over for a while. I'm neglecting you."

"What day are you not busy?" Emers was unsure.

Han Xiao shook his head, took a sip of the glass, and smacked his lips. "How is the taste different from before?"

"After Aesop came back last time, he improved the formula."

Emersy controlled the force field and filled Han Xiao with wine again.

Han Xiao chuckled, "Speaking of Aesop being kidnapped, you didn't refuse Aesop's request to travel, which really surprised me. I thought you would ban him for a long time."

"I wouldn't agree if I had a soul-changing instrument." Emers snorted.

After Fording received the soul-changing instrument, Han Xiao made suggestions for Aesop. After considering for a long time, Aesop adopted his advice and asked Fording to temporarily transfer his soul to the other strong and follow the other strong to go out. , Both secret and safe, Emersy finally agreed to his request.

"Turn the soul instrument, it is indeed a good thing, but unfortunately Fording is only a natural disaster level, and its limited effect." Han Xiao shook his head, and suddenly remembered something, the words turned, "I have a gift for you."

"Send me what?" Emersy raised her eyebrows.

Han Xiao took out a pure white ball from his pocket, handed it to Emersy, and said with a smile: "This is a cosmic treasure that I got by accident. It can help the power system develop its ability and give you it."

Emersy took the ball and manipulated the force field to fly a few times, curiously: "What is the name of this thing, how to use it?"

"Just call it the Power Enhancement Ball. The usage is very simple. Use force permeation every day, just put it on."

Han Xiao explained the function briefly.

This thing is one of the cosmic treasures secretly collected by Sorokin. He was seized by him. The item description on the panel shows that the role of this thing is to randomly strengthen the various power parameters of the ability. The chance of triggering the effect is unknown, and the improvement of each trigger is not high.

Accumulating to the limit will increase the power potential by one level at most, allowing the ability to complete an upgrade transformation, and then it will be invalid for the same user.

However, the reinforcement effect does not necessarily appear, and may be useless. According to the introduction, the probability of triggering reinforcement depends to a certain extent on the luck attribute ... Basically, it can be understood that the black-faced people will not receive.

Han Xiao had a dragon before, and remember that Emerson's lucky value is very high. It should be able to trigger this treasure. After it is used up, can she not lend them to her due to her relationship with Hella and others? Simply perfect.

"Then I will accept it, thanks." Emersy played for a while and put it away.

In recent years, Han Xiao often gave her gifts. In the past few years, Han Xiao even quietly sent a full set of knowledge of the power system, which made her almost think that Han Xiao ran to invade the database of the empire.

While eating snacks, the two chatted together.

Most of the time, Han Xiao said that Emersy was listening, holding his chin in his hand, and Xiao Yinyin stared at Han Xiao.

After chatting for a while, Emersy suddenly spoke, interrupting Han Xiao.

"I found that you have been very worried over the past few years."

Han Xiao froze for a moment, "How do you see it?"

"I know you too well." Emersy smiled softly. "Do you want to talk to me?"

Han Xiao looked helpless.

Indeed, since he learned the secrets of the sanctuary and iteration, his psychological pressure has increased. He has been immersed in research for several years, making him very busy and not dare to slack off.

Han Xiao thought for a while, and said in a low tone: "In recent years, I have been thinking about a problem. If our world is only a phantom of the past, and the reality in the eyes is only the illusion in the cage, what will happen?

"Why do you suddenly think this way?" Emersy wondered.

"... It's just contact with some information, which has led to associations."

Han Xiao's answer is ambiguous, he naturally will not easily disclose the information of the Star Alliance, the universe iteration, the sanctuary and so on.

In fact, he had such doubts very early, but it was difficult to have an answer to this question, so he kept pressing on the bottom of his heart. He didn't have more conjectures until he contacted the sanctuary and iterated.

Although Emersy didn't understand what Han Xiao was talking about, he could feel the pressure revealed in Han Xiao's tone, as if with a sense of alienation and a little confusion.

Most of the time, Han Xiao is very confident. She rarely sees the performance of Han Xiao. Although she does n’t know the reason why Han Xiao has been so stressed in recent years, for her, these are unimportant details. She only knew that Han Xiao in front of her needs her own comfort.

Thinking of this, Emersy showed a faint smile.

"It doesn't matter, I only know that breathing is real, temperature is real, touch is real ..."

With that, Emersy held Han Xiao's palms in both hands, held them in his hands, blinked his eyes, and said softly:

"I am also real."

The two looked at each other and looked at each other for more than ten seconds.

"... cough, hold on, this is not in the secondary dimension."

Han Xiao suddenly coughed and pulled out his hand.

"Oh." Emers chuckled, meaning inexplicably.

The two tacitly discussed the topic, and chatted casually for several hours, and then Han Xiao got up to say goodbye and sent away.

Looking at the empty seat, Emersy suddenly sighed softly.

After spending so long with her, she has long felt that Black Star seems to have a wide range of friendships, but I do n’t know why she keeps her heart closed and prevents anyone from going to the deepest point.


A secret military training base of the Scarlet Empire is where "cultivating" high virtue.

A spaceship docked at the port, the hatch was wide open, extending two long dragons, one lined up to board the ship, and the other was fished out. Most of the former were downcast, while the latter was basically confident.

This is a carrier ship that transports a new batch of trainees, and is also responsible for picking up the eliminated trainees from the training base.

Carrot mixed with the team on the boat and couldn't help but look back at the direction of the training base.

All along, Carrot has been walking on the edge of each phase of the elimination list. If he had not been supported by Gao De, he might have been kicked away by the base supervisor. But now, the high morality has evaporated, and the original words will naturally lose their effectiveness. The base supervisor will no longer give Carlotte special treatment, and he will be included in this phase of the elimination list, no longer focusing on training.

"I have been studying here for almost ten years, but unfortunately I have n’t been able to stay here ..."

Carrot sighed softly.

He was not very depressed, but just felt sorry.

After working hard for so long, I finally discovered the training tips of the superpower system. Before I had time to change my exercise method, I was kicked out ...

"Forget it, at least you haven't wasted this decade of study, and you can just gain something."

Carrot shook his head, withdrawn his gaze, no longer nostalgic, strode on the spaceship, and the whole person's uplifting mental outlook was incompatible with the downcast crowd around him.


After the dust of the events of Gao De and Sorokin settled, the interstellar society finally entered a period of stable development.

The superstar cluster civilization that failed in the shining battle silently licked the wound, the major forces participating in the war recuperated, and continued to digest and explore the dividends. The red empire and the glorious federation changed, which required a period of stability, while the super-a-level association continued chemical reactions to create Stakeholders.

In the atmosphere of the peaceful development of all parties, the Shining World successfully completed all the exploration plans of the fifth and sixth phases. Finally, the entire Shining World was officially included in the territory of the explored universe. Even with the interstellar society, it has become more prosperous. , Has brought countless business opportunities.

Even if it is a pig, it can fly on the tuyere, and the shining world development has spawned many emerging forces. From time to time, new consortia appear in the shining world.

After the Black Star Legion annexed part of the business of the Infinite Consortium, the development was more rapid, and it expanded rapidly in various star domains. The power became larger and larger, which also made Han Xiao's status rise.

The two hidden dangers of Gao De and Zuo Luojin were solved, and Manison was accumulating strength in a low-key manner, so no one in the universe would provoke Han Xiao during this time, and he finally got a longest period of peaceful development so far.

The external environment is calm and calm. In addition to daily activities, Han Xiao has been immersed in researching Jess's technical treasures and occasionally trying to analyze life energy. Basically, he is busy and full every day.

As a person who has been on the cusp of public opinion for a long time, every time he said he wanted to be low-key, he would eventually be beaten by himself, but this time Han Xiao finally faded out of the outside world, just like the normal super-a level of other retreat practice.

Although the character of him is remembered in the universe, the stage is vacated and left to the newcomers.

This situation continued until 780 years of the Xinghai calendar. On this day, the super-a-level association attracted its fiftieth anniversary.

At the same time, this also means that the 50-year term of president has finally arrived.


ps: py publishes the book "Monsters will die if killed", the author is cloudy and hidden.

Brief introduction: A story of happy enmity, dispelling the haze, letting the conspiracy dissipate, and defeating evil. A story that reverses fate, overcomes tragedy, and turns all grief into a complete story.

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