The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1249: Forty years

Xinghai calendar 780 years, May 13.

Shining World, Gaul Cluster, Sigama Galaxy, No. 3 Restricted Zone.

After 40 years of vigorous development, the territory of the Black Star Legion has been very prosperous, and there are fewer and fewer undeveloped areas. This is the Black Star Legion's base camp in the shining world and is not open to the public.

In the arched areas of several satellite bases, a soft white-gold energy flashed, as if a golden star radiating, expanding and contracting like breathing, and radiating a circle of light golden energy with a ripple-like rhythm .

One black and one red figure was suspended not far from this "star", surrounded by dense mechanical soldiers, forming a defensive circle to protect this area.

"This day is finally here, and Aurora has stepped into our field ..."

The red figure sighed softly, with a touch of satisfaction and pride in his tone, and his always cold face showed a kind smile of "my children grow up in general".

The two are Han Xiao and Hella. Not far away, the golden "star" that is glowing and glowing is Aurora, who is undergoing the final step of super-a transformation.

Forty years have passed, and there are no traces of years left on Hella. Except for the temperament is more cold and majestic, the appearance has basically not changed. For ordinary Super-A level, this time is only equal to six or seven years of ordinary people, and for the special Super-A level, such as Hella, who holds the power of death, it is just a flick of the finger.

"If you let Aurora accumulate on its own, it is estimated that it will take more than 100 years to enter the super-a level, and it is now earlier than I expected."

Han Xiao smiled slightly.

His appearance has not changed much, but forty years of precipitation have made his aura even more unpredictable.

The Legion has expanded steadily for 40 years, and the bonus of the [Leader ’s Certificate] has been continuously improved. On the other hand, Han Xiao has researched Jebao and has transformed the divinity to a very high level. The overall strength is more than 40 years ago. Not as strong as a star.

The Holy Light particle cutting leek method shortens the process of Aurora ’s energy accumulation. In addition, there is no bottleneck feature. Aurora ’s super-a level is a matter of course, and the time is similar to Han Xiao ’s initial judgment.

After a long time, the golden "star" in front of the two began to shrink, changing from a huge light cluster like a star to a figure with a pale golden light, exuding an inviolable holy temperament, just like motherhood and gods. Sexual union.

Aurora's image has changed greatly, his figure has become very tall, and his facial features are amazingly beautiful. Using a tacky description, it is completely an angelic face and a devilish figure. The whole person has suddenly changed from a petite and cute style. Yu Jie's style is not like the same person.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao and Hella flew to Aurora and looked up and down with a look of surprise.

"How did you change?" Hai stretched his hands, and found that Aurora was still half a head taller than himself.

Han Xiao stared at Aurora's figure for a while, and decisively concluded: "This must be secondary development!"

"This is a new ability, I can control the change of body shape."

Aurora smiled with a smile, his whole body bloomed, and instantly restored his original petite figure, proudly:

"How about, you look better than your sister just now, I can switch back at any time."

Hella said with a sigh, she moved away from the topic and asked, "What new capabilities do you have?"

It is said that Aurora immediately showed it, all functions have been strengthened, and at the same time do not need to develop their own capabilities, directly inherited the legacy of the predecessors, many skills and expertise are added at once, which fully reflects a link Forced happiness.

Entering super-a level, Aurora ’s efficiency in replenishing life energy every day has increased countless times. Basically, there is no need to worry about milk shortage, and there is also a passive aura effect. As long as you are within a certain range, your own life can be blessed. , Greatly improve the recovery speed, and the scope of the aura can also slowly expand with growth.

"Also, I should now be able to integrate the power of resurrection perfectly."

As Aurora spoke, a burst of life energy popped out, and Hella also released a burst of death energy. When the two were combined, they turned into a golden orange resurrection force, and the strength of the two energies reached a balance. Very stable.

Hella's eyes flicked, "In this case, you only need to be familiar with your abilities to play the recovery function of the Underworld."

The Seventh ... Oh no, the Eight Great Spirit Kings have been living in the underworld, and now Aurora has become a super A-level, so they have gathered the last piece of the "Reincarnated Earth" puzzle to let these heroes play their fighting power.

With the help of the Netherworld Eight Heroes, the two sisters have become the strongest in the universe. This is the biggest legacy left by the predecessor. Aurora can get enough self-protection, and the summoning stream is her battle mode.

On the side, Han Xiao smiled, "You are now super a-class, do you want to be the deputy army commander like your sister, or say you have other ideas?"

Aurora's eyes rolled, and he urged, "I can now protect myself, can I move freely?"

"... in principle, this is the case." Han Xiao nodded.

"Then I want to travel alone, you must not stop me." Aurora's tone can't wait. She has been suffocated all these years and basically can't go anywhere. Now she just wants to travel the universe alone.

Han Xiao and Hella looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Now that Aurora has stepped into Super A level, she can no longer arrange her as before, and she has to respect her personal wishes.

However, there is no need to worry too much about security issues. With Aurora ’s current capabilities, most accidents can be resolved.

"I approved it, but you must bring the throne of the emperor ..." Hella asked seriously.

It was said that Aurora was very excited and turned to look at Han Xiao, "Yes, can I join the Super A-level Association now?"

She has been fascinated by the Super A-level Association for a long time. I heard that all the members in it are talented people, and they speak nicely. She has long wanted to see it for herself.

"Yes, I will arrange you in ... Well, two months later is the election of the president, so that you can go in and get strong momentum for me."

Han Xiao did not refuse.

Now that Aurora has grown up enough to protect herself, she doesn't need to keep hiding, and she doesn't want to hide anymore. Joining the association is a matter of time.

Although this will make the major forces once again associate the two sisters among the original, Han Xiao can now withstand this storm.

Maybe Aurora's ability can further promote the super-a-level joint ... Is anyone who doesn't want to ***?

Aurora blinked, "Are you sure you can succeed the president this time?"

Hearing the words, Han Xiao smiled, "At least I have 90% assurance."

After fifty years of development, the super-a-level association has completed some of its original ideas and successfully formed a huge consortium of interests. Although it was secretly targeted by the three major civilizations during the period, it did not break out too violent conflicts.

Therefore, he has persecuted Manison for many years, and he has absolute control over the association. Most of the time, Manison can only be a mascot.

In addition to the support of internal members, external forces also support his superiority. The right people and people are on their own side. If they develop normally, they will certainly be able to smoothly hand over the authority of the president at a meeting two months later, allowing them to exceed the a level. The association entered the era of black star power.

It ’s just that Manison has been low-key for decades, and I do n’t know what he ’s planning. Han Xiao does n’t know whether he will watch his election as president and still have some action ... but no matter what kind of situation, Han Xiao does it. Prepared accordingly.

After chatting for a while, Hella took Aurora to the Underworld to get acquainted with her ability, leaving Han Xiao alone.

Han Xiao watched the two leave and secretly said:

"Now the Legion has a second self-cultivated Super A level, which is also unique. If Rotaire also has a breakthrough, it would be better."

Rotel has been immersed in hard work for the past 40 years and has made rapid progress. He has been on the road to transformation, but he does not have the bottleneck like Aurora, and he is still some distance away from the super A level. As for other legion cadres, no one has any signs of stepping into super-a rank in a short period of time.

Han Xiao touched his chin, thinking about the presidential election two months later.

The second place is the most important one. The most important thing is the chain reaction. For example, the seniors of the covenant organization have been cultivating for decades, and the appointment time was just after they were elected as the president of the super-a-level association.

Han Xiao can imagine the reaction of the entire interstellar society at that time. Even if many details have changed, it will inevitably re-enter the development trajectory of the superpower disaster.

"Forty years, many new people have been born and are active in the universe, and I have been low-key for so long. It seems that this time I will return to the cusp of public opinion."


Super A-level associations already exist as giants in the interstellar society, and the presidential change has also received the attention of countless forces.

Brilliant Federal Mother Star, the Grand Presidential Palace.

The current Glorious President Louis Lodge tapped his fingers on the table and spoke to the presbyterian group in front of him:

"The Super A-level Association is about to change. Menison will definitely be ousted by Black Star. What do you think?"

The Chief Elder shook his head, "This is the general trend. Although Black Star is an ally of the empire, but their honeymoon period has passed, let him come to power, we will not suffer."

Louis frowned, "I'm not targeting Black Star alone ... No newcomer born in the past 40 years, even none of them joined the three major civilizations, and all went to the Super A-level association. The existence of the association has shaken our interests."

With the development of super-a-level associations, the three civilizations have become increasingly difficult to control the association. For example, the situation of privately spreading knowledge between super-a-levels is becoming more and more frequent. The a-level system was severely hit, and no new allies could be recruited.

The three civilizations naturally did not agree to impart knowledge to the association, so this behavior can be regarded as a violation of their ban. However, the association did not publicly disseminate knowledge. The three civilizations are very troublesome to blame, and it is difficult to prevent private transmission because the current super-a level With the association as a backer, I increasingly care about the three civilizations.

"This is indeed a problem, but if you want to solve it, you must face the Super A-level association, which will cause great turmoil. I suggest that you do not take action easily before formulating a mature plan." Another The elder of the council said.

Louis knocked on the table and narrowed his eyes.

Former President Badr did not want to lift the Super A-level table during his tenure, and this task fell on his head, and Louis could only take responsibility.

After decades of contact, he increasingly determined that the Super A-level Association was the primary opponent he had to resolve during his tenure.

In Louis's view, the Red Empire and the 80% of the False Sect think so.


Covenant organization base, old age activity room.

"Super A-level association renewed, and finally waited until ..."

"After the Black Star comes to power, we can go out of the mountain as agreed."

Many first-timers looked at the news broadcast on the virtual screen, and some people were excited and expected, with different looks and talked in a low voice.

The oathman stood by the door, his arms were standing, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and he said to himself:

"This day is still coming ... Black Star, I hope your predictions are correct."

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