The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1257: Liwei and Deterrence

Everyone looked around, and saw that the person who spoke was a tall, burly male creature with dark skin and long, pale, long hair like a lion's mane. He was standing with his arms crossed, looking straight at Han Xiao, and his face was cold.

"Oh? What do you think?"

Han Xiao squinted at him, and the person's resume appeared in his mind.

"Fist of Ji Dao" Bagnita, an extremely powerful martial artist, martial art style burst, fierce, and amazing destructive power. The founders of many powerful martial arts schools are especially good at Ji Dao Liu, although not of this school. The founder, but it is the most well-known person in the history of polar flow.

This guy is not a character from the pinnacle of the pinnacle, but an earlier super-a, neutral camp, the cause of death is unknown, leaving a surviving family, also in this batch of recovery list.

Bagnita was wearing a sleeveless vest-style military uniform and the muscles on his arm were beating, coldly saying: "The thing I hate most is the multiple choice questions that others give me. I can help you, it depends on me. Mood, if you want to force me, everything is free! "

"Persons with personality often don't live long." Dilron snorted.

Hearing the words, everyone could not help but glance at him, nodded deeply.

Bagnita was too lazy to look at him and looked around at him, he said with a deep voice: "All of them are super a-level, whoever is afraid of blood, stand by my side with blood!"

Han Xiao shook his head and found that his mood was quite calm, and he felt used to it. If one day the head of the martial artist was not strong, he might be surprised.

He turned his head and glanced at the many resuscitators, spreading his hands:

"Who else thinks so can stand up."

Everyone looked at each other, hesitated for a while, but no one responded, but backed away one after another, isolating Bagnita.

Upon seeing this, Bagnita frowned, and said coldly: "Huh, the super a-class of future generations is not as good as the next generation!"

Dilron smacked his lips and sneered, "Hey, incite us to play with you to play, if you fight, with your strength, 80% can withdraw from the whole body, anyway, the sacrifice is not you, if you want to be a cannonball, just say it Well, here are all insiders, who is the sounding show? "

"Stupid." Bagnita glanced at Dillon, his tone disdainful.

Seeing this scene, Han Xiao turned his eyes back to Bagnita and raised his eyebrows:

"It seems that you are the only one, do you want to continue?"

"Since no one dares to cooperate, there is nothing more to say."

Bagnita snorted and lowered his arm around his chest.

Han Xiao couldn't help laughing, "You know the current affairs, but don't you think you think it's too beautiful? In two sentences, you want to incite other recoverers to riot together. If you can't do anything, you just give up and think of Nothing happened, how could there be such a good thing. "

Bagnita frowned and tightened his arm muscles again, "What do you want?"

Han Xiao stepped forward and walked slowly into the crowd of resuscitators, near Bagnita, and then opened his mouth while walking:

"We are reviving you to benefit the mission of the entire class, not to do charity. Just now I have made the situation very clear. Everyone is cold, they are all partners on the same front ... But even so, we also I did n’t want to treat you as cannon fodder, and did n’t even force you to take risks. I gave you the option to stay in the covenant and watch our struggle. We won, you can enjoy together, we lost, you can continue to hide in the dark, Save yourself.

You may not be grateful that we gave you a second life, but you do not hesitate to destroy our overall layout for personal needs ... Of course you have such freedom, but since you do this, don't blame others for handling you. "

As soon as the voice fell, the change was steep!

The violent energy rushed out, and Bagnita's fist was flaming with dazzling martial arts, traversing the meteor-like trajectory, and struck **** Han Xiao's chest!

Boom! !

"Knowing that I am a martial artist, I dare to take the initiative to approach me to find a fight!"

Such thoughts flashed in Bagnita's heart, so he would not sit still and wait to see if Han Xiao was wrong, and he would start with the strongest.

At the next moment, the fist burst suddenly, and the concentrated martial arts flame thinned out from the back of Han Xiao, turning into a conical energy shock wave, blasting the entire room into a huge gap.


Looking from the universe, at a certain position of the interstellar base, a dazzling beam of light was suddenly emitted from the inside out, as if an explosion had occurred inside.

In the room, everyone was surprised that Bagnita shot so decisively, and took their own actions, some wanted to come up to help, some wanted to back away.

But before they could move, I saw that Han Xiao, who had been hit by a heavy punch, didn't even shake his body. Like a boring person, he fought back and forth between the electric light and flint, and his hands hugged Bagnita's head, Pressing down, raising your leg is a strong knee hit!


Bagnita failed to withstand the explosive force for a while, his head was squeezed down, he came into close contact with Han Xiao's knee, his nosebleed flew out, and his brain concussed.

Not waiting for him to recover from the sudden dizziness, Han Xiao caught Bagnita's head with one hand to form a lock, and the other hand lifted his elbow and hacked, hitting the arch of Bagnita Back.


The sound of a spina bifida was clearly heard in everyone's ears, and there was a clear reflex in the back of Bagnita's spine.


Many people took a deep breath and looked at Han Xiao's eyes again.

After taking a shot, he didn't hesitate to injure his opponent with an injury ... it was not a martial artist, and we didn't believe it!

At this moment, Bagnita got rid of the short-term negative state, screamed, his body flame exploded again, his body muscles swelled, the rich blood gas instantly spread out, and the whole person's attributes suddenly jumped up.

Immediately after, Bagnita hugged Han Xiao's waist, kicked his legs, and his strength exploded. He hit a metal wall against Han Xiao and flew out like a meteor, falling into the universe.

"This is extreme flow!"

Everyone was well-informed and immediately understood the changes in Bagnita.

Relying on the special explosive ability of the pole channel, the martial arts' combat power can generally cross a small class, and the name of Bagnita is very loud. As a recognized master of the pole channel flow in history, the effect of the pole channel flow It is even more amazing, and under his exclusive improvement, the side effects become limited.

Bagnita itself did not reach the level of peak super-a, but with its powerful cross-level explosive ability, it was enough to compete with the peak super-a opponent, breaking out the nickname "Fist of the Extreme". Come, the strength is very strong.

Many resuscitators' eyes changed. Although they felt that Han Xiao's energy level fluctuations were very alarming not long ago, they did not see Black Star formally shot and had no intuitive feelings.

Now that there is an opportunity, many recoverers have not helped or stopped it, and want to take this opportunity to observe the actual combat level of Black Star.

The vast majority of Super A-levels are arrogant and arrogant, and the recoverers present want to take a look at what the so-called "Super A-level leaders" are and what they have to have.

Many resuscitators thought they could see a fist-to-fight dragon fight, but the next second's situation change made them unexpected.

I saw that Han Xiao also locked the Bagnita with his backhand, and immediately, he shot with all his mechanical strength. At the same time, countless mechanical soldiers swarmed out of the interstellar base, covering the sky and covering the sky. Say, then violently output towards the two people holding together!


The expanding ball of energy is like a newborn star, illuminating the starry sky instantly!

The aftermath of the explosion spread, the protective cover of the interstellar base was stimulated, and it was crumbling, and the entire base was pushed out and vibrated violently.

The sudden bright light made everyone squint subconsciously, and looked surprised.

"The two of them will not die together?"

"The play is too brutal, aren't you afraid to play off."

"Speaking of Black Star turned out to be a mechanic? That physical quality, how can I be considered a martial artist!"

The people could not help worrying, looking around, but found that each member of the covenant looked like an old god, as if there was no worry.

"Don't you worry about the safety of your partners?" Some people couldn't help asking.

Bai Ge turned his head to look at these people, then pouted his lips and smiled, saying, "Oh, something that can kill Black Star, I'm afraid it doesn't exist yet!"

At this moment, the light gradually shrank and diminished, and the two close figures flew out of the center of the explosion, quickly approached the base, and flew back into the room from the gap.


The sound of falling to the ground sounded, and Bagnita was lying on the ground like a dead dog. There was almost no good meat all over him. He was seriously injured and was dying, leaving almost one breath.

Everyone was shocked and looked up. I saw that although Han Xiao also had injuries, he was recovering at an incredible speed. He almost recovered in the blink of an eye. It was he who brought the dying Bagnitta Came back.

Han Xiao's face was calm, and he swore at the oath.

"Give him the injury, don't let him die."

The members of the covenant were not surprised. A few people stepped forward and turned Bagnita's body over, turned around, and took out a healing spray. It seemed inexplicable to feel the sense of brushing the barbecue sauce. .

Seeing this scene, the revivalists found it difficult to believe their eyes.

this one?

From the match to the end, is there three minutes? !

They thought it would be a fierce battle, but no one expected that the Black Star would get rid of Bagnita in three seconds, five divisions ...

This is not a super fish a-level, but a famous master in history!

At the beginning, everyone knew that Black Star might be very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful, it was completely beyond their experience!

‘No wonder they dare to call themselves“ Super A-level leaders ”, and they really have this qualification ...’ Many people were shocked secretly, flashing this thought.

Han Xiao twisted his neck and moved a little sore muscles caused by the bombing massage just now. When he turned his head, he saw the more intense fear in the eyes of everyone. He nodded secretly, quite satisfied with the effect of this battle.

He wasn't actually angry, and he blamed Bagnita for just playing the game and making a stand.

Because he knew that there must be many people with similar ideas, but because the situation was stronger than others, he did not dare to respond. If he wanted to dispel these people ’s ideas, relying on the super-a number alone makes the other party ’s mouse control device not enough. The other party feels the huge gap in individual strength ... The so-called seeing is believing, direct action can give people the most intuitive deterrence.

The best Li Wei effect is to kill Bagnita.

Therefore, Han Xiao deliberately showed the meaning of hands-on while actively approaching the other side, in order to let Bagnita and his own close combat, so that he can use the same life and life is the most efficient spike tactic!

His biggest advantage is that his intelligence is not equal. As long as he knows his people, basically no one dares to approach him, and these recoverers do not know this, so Bagnita follows the old experience and has not let go of the fighter. "It was melee combat, and fell completely into Han Xiao's trap.

When Bagnita chose to fight, the outcome of this battle was destined to face unsuspecting opponents, and the same life is almost the best tactic.

The result of dropping Bagnita in seconds reached Han Xiao's expectations, which caused a huge impact on the young minds of this group of people, leaving only the last step.

Seeing that Bagnita's body was gradually recovering, Han Xiao turned over and took out the time and space amber, directly wrapped Bagnita, and said lightly:

"I don't kill him, but in order to avoid instability, let him shut down and calm down."

At the next moment, time and space amber took shape, and Bagnita's body was frozen, frozen in amber.

"What is this?"

Everyone was puzzled, and the covenant members next to it explained.

Soon, everyone on the scene knew the function of time and space amber, their expressions have changed, and they were shocked and scared. This thing is almost all the dreaded nemesis of the super a level.

At this time, Han Xiao turned his head to look at everyone and smiled kindly:

"The person who asked the question has been solved, so everyone, have you made your choice?"

Everyone looked different, and some people smiled bitterly, and some swallowed.

Under heavy fear, their choices have no suspense.

"... I am willing to stay in the covenant."

"me too."

Someone started, and others responded.

Of the two routes, almost all of them chose Gou in the Covenant Organization. At least until they figured out the situation, they did not want to show up in the outside world to avoid taking risks.

Soon, only Dillon was left alone.

Han Xiao looked over, "How about you, do you stay in the covenant or join the association?"

Dillon rubbed his fingers against his smooth, white chin and grumbled:

"I don't want to miss such an interesting thing ... I join the association! If I fight with the three civilizations, count me a copy, and I still have to find a good account with them!"

With that said, Dirlon seemed unhappy, and turned to glance at the other resuscitators present, Yin and Yang strange airways:

"Sure enough, the book is right, the mediocre people who are scared are always the majority."

Hearing that, Han Xiao couldn't help but glance at Dillon more.

You are deserved to be beaten up, I really want to kill you ...

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