The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1258: Tentative and welcome

After a round of enquiries, only a few of the second batch of resuscitators chose to join the association. Han Xiao recorded their names, and then looked at the members of the covenant and nodded:

"It's here for you. Anyway, you usually have nothing to do. Let's help the newcomers integrate into the times. Should you be okay?"

"Relax, we are familiar with this field, and we are missing new players."

Bai Ge smiled and responded for everyone.

The swearer nodded subconsciously and suddenly reacted.

Wait, is n’t this my organization, why are you giving orders?

"That one……"

The swearer wants to speak.

However, just beginning, Han Xiao clapped his hands, interrupted him, and laughed:

"I'm glad we reached a consensus. Let's disperse first. Let's get more familiar with the situation in this era."

The voice fell, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly eased a lot. The members of the covenant led the crowd out of the room, chatting while walking, and the conversation was getting farther and farther away.

The oath twitched slightly.

Is this leader of my organization ignored? I don't want to lose face!

At this time, Han Xiao came over, patted the oath on the shoulder, and smiled:

"I'm afraid you will have to work hard for some time. These recoverers are temporarily shocked by me, but I can't stare at them all the time. There must be someone who wants to find a chance to sneak away. You have to watch closely, but don't be too Obviously, so as not to cause them disgust. "

"Understand ... cough, I know how to do it without you teaching me."

The swearer coughed.

Han Xiao smiled, summoned the virtual screen, and quickly compiled a list.

"This is a partial list of keys for several other sanctuaries. You are professional in this regard. It is best to collect them in unlimited quantities. The more key shares we accumulate, the more confident we will be."

"Did you find it in the Third Sanctuary?" The oath was surprised, "Why didn't I see it when I went?"

"It may be that your authority is too low ..." Han Xiao shook his head and explained casually, as to whether the oath was deliberately concealed, it is not the time to care about such details.

"Yes, so it will be more convenient for us to open the sanctuary in the future." The oath was happy.

Although the information recorded in each sanctuary is different, the sanctuary recovery is universal. Mastering the opening methods of other sanctuaries means that the efficiency of supplementing the recovery times has been doubled, greatly reducing the collection time of the sanctuary keys.

Putting down the list, the swearer paused, and the words turned and asked:

"Did you think about the timing of the first recovery?"

"It is estimated that within these few months." Han Xiao yelled.

"After they are born, the attitudes of the three civilizations will change dramatically. Are you okay?" The oath worried.

No matter how much psychological preparation is in advance, as the leader of this storm, it is impossible not to worry. In particular, this is a fuse event that will inevitably cause a drastic change in the universe. It is a turning point of super-a-level fate. It has a far-reaching impact and may turn the future of the interstellar society into another unknown direction. .

"I know that this is a step that must be taken without looking ahead."

Han Xiaowei smiled and patted his shoulder.

The swearer frowned slightly, and slowly said: "And ... we concealed the truth of the sanctuary's recovery, and made others think that there is only one chance for recovery. In this case, although the three civilizations will still be afraid, but they probably won't Abandon the idea of ​​general cleansing ... so do we really not reveal the true situation of the sanctuary recovery? "

Hearing this, Han Xiao shook his head.

"It's okay, this hole card has to be hidden. It can be revealed that although the three major civilizations can be used as a bogey, they will adjust their strategies accordingly. It's better to give them a wrong message. After all, there is no limit to recovery ... it's just not practicing. If a major cleansing event does occur, it will not be too late to recover, not only can it upset the strategies of the three civilizations, but also a surprise to the deceased.

Moreover, fear is the shackles of desire. If the truth is told to the recoverers now, it will be difficult to manage, and they will not be able to take off. "

The swearer was helpless, "Just in this way, you will be under too much pressure ... The resuscitator is introduced by you. Everyone will think that you have the truth. The three civilizations will definitely rush you, can you stand it?"

"The problem is not big. As long as the association sees the resurrection of the sanctuary, the super-A level will unite with me unprecedentedly. In addition to my ability, power, and the existence of the underworld, it is no problem to fight against the courts of the three civilizations temporarily. There is room for consultation. "

Han Xiao smiled and gave the Oather a pill.

The oathman nodded, solemnly:

"You just have a plan. In short, whether we can walk freely in the sun in the future depends on you."


The next day, Han Xiao re-hosted the association, and Ke Suye retired as his deputy. He contacted Han Xiao more than once in private. He wanted to knock on the side and inquire about the result of Han Xiao ’s trip, but he was all fooled by Han Xiao.

After disappearing for about four months, Han Xiao appeared again in front of the public and did not attract much attention. Super A-level outings are too common. For the short-term disappearance of Han Xiao, the forces of all parties did not think about it, and they were not surprised.

After waiting so patiently for more than half a month, the three major civilizations took action and sent out an invitation for private talks.

"After watching for so long, can't I sit still ..."

In the room, Han Xiao saw the invitation notice from the communicator, and suddenly he was upright and straightened up.

He opened the network link of the invitation letter and remotely projected into the online conference room.

In the next second, the sight went to a secret meeting room, and the remote projections of the three heads of brilliance, empire, and virtual spirit were already in the room.

"Black Star, you are here."

The head of the empire, Ma Bruce, smiled hard.

Han Xiao glanced and hung up the signboard of the old ninth old man. "Three lords, what's the matter with me?"

"Your appointment as the president of the Super A-level Association, we have not formally congratulated you, congratulations on being the president." Mabrus nodded.

"Thank you." Han Xiao smiled. "It's all members' love."

"We are very optimistic about you. You are more suitable to lead the super-a-level association than Manison. We agree that under your leadership, the super-a-level association will go further and further on the correct path of win-win cooperation ..."

Several people talked about each other's business as usual, and this was the point.

Glorious President Louis touched his moustache and said, "We are calling you today, there is a major problem that needs your help ... The chaos of the members of the Super A-level Association privately imparting the ultimate knowledge of each superpower system has continued. For a long time, Manison was indulgent in his reign, regardless of whether or not, now you have become the president of the association, I hope you can help deal with this problem. "

Han Xiao raised a brow, "I try it, but it is not guaranteed to work. After all, I cannot limit the private life of each member."

As if listening to Han Xiao's perfunctory, the head of the False Spirit coughed, increased his tone, and slowly said: "Black Star, we attach great importance to this problem. The chaos has lasted for decades, and it is impossible to allow it to exist Patience is limited, and we hope to witness the improvement soon. "

"I will try my best."

Han Xiao was not angry, just kept a smile, did not refuse positively, and was not surprised at heart.

Because the laws of the three civilizations have never let go of the limit of ultimate knowledge, the association can only spread each other in private. This is an important factor for attracting fresh blood, and Han Xiao naturally cannot agree. The three major civilizations must also be aware of this point. This motive was made intentionally. Part of the motive was to test his attitude as the new president. Another part of the reason was that 80% was paving the way for "big cleansing."

If you do n’t follow suit, the three civilizations will have an excuse to target the association and become famous. If the association compromises, it doesn't matter. 80% of the people's hearts are floating and disagreement. Besides, there is still a way to go.

The three took a deep look at Han Xiao.

"Then we will wait for your results, you will not let us down, right?"

"Of course, I have always believed in the win-win route, you know it." Han Xiao smiled, "If nothing else, I will be offline?"

"Well, you are busy with you."

It is said that Han Xiao did a simple courtesy, hung up the communication, and the remote projection left in the room disappeared.

There were only three leaders left on the field. They glanced at each other, nodded, and reached a consensus.

"It seems time to take substantive action."

It is the right time for Black Star to replace the Gundom, because in their view, the biggest difference between Blackstar and Gundom is that Blackstar knows how to seek advantages and avoid harm, and is not as tough as the Gundom, and the probability of turning the table is very small. This is also one of the reasons why they wait for Han Xiao to take action-the leader's character is very important.

The three did not plan to deal with the Black Star. The plan was to kill a group and pull a group. The basic peak Super A level is not the goal of the three major civilizations. Instead, they will appease and attract this group of people when they are acting, so as to let the super Class A group internal differentiation.

According to the personality analysis made by big data, Black Star has a strong tendency to seek benefits and avoid harm. In order to take care of its own interests, there is only a small probability that it will completely oppose the three civilizations for other super-a levels, as long as their attitudes to action Resolute enough and fierce enough, Black Star will have a good chance to protect themselves, which provides them with the conditions to split the association.

The ideal result is that the super-a-level association is disbanded, the backbone and the bottom forces are dead and wounded, most of the instability factors are eliminated, and only the members of the lineage and the peak super-a level are left. Under the control of civilization, restore it as it is.

As the three discussed the plan, in the office of the Black Star Legion, Han Xiao put down the communicator, his eyes blinked, and he murmured:

"The situation is approaching a critical point. It seems that it is time for the revivalists to be born ... Exactly, a new member has recently applied for membership and can take the opportunity to appear and announce their existence to the entire universe."


Half a month later, the super a-level association headquarters, Fein Xing.

A small fleet dragged the blue tail flame slowly into the planetary airport.

In front of the main ship's bridge porthole, a thin figure was standing, looking out at the panorama of Fein Star.

"Finally, the Super Class A Association finally accepted my application ..."

Maher was relieved and relieved.

He was born a few years ago, a new super-a class, cultivated by a galaxy-level civilization-although the probability is slim, it is not entirely impossible, and some civilizations are lucky.

As the only super a-level civilization, Maher has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. After stepping into the super a-level field, he served as a guardian of civilization, consolidating forces and seeking benefits for civilization in the region, and did not join super a first time. Level association, while also rejecting the olive branch of other civilizations.

Until now, he only applied to join the association. He came with a mission. He hoped to stand firm in the super-a-level association and borrow the resources of other members to feed the civilization.

Today is an orientation meeting specially held by the association for him. For this day, Maher made a lot of preparations, and even invited professionals to draft a speech. He memorized it and planned to make a decent speech at the orientation meeting to win others. People's favor, quickly integrated into the collective.

"hope everything is fine……"

The spacecraft stopped at the port, and Maher walked up to the dock. While following the reception staff from the internal passage to the temporary lounge of the venue, he continued to rehearse in his mind what gesture he should use to speak.

Soon, Maher came to the entrance of the restroom, pushed the door and walked in. He lifted his eyes subconsciously and suddenly froze in place.

I saw sitting or standing in the room, waiting for dozens of people, talking casually, heard someone pushing the door, and stopped talking, his eyes focused on him.

‘Is the temporary lounge not a single room? Am I going wrong? ’

Maher froze for a moment, took a step back, glanced at the house number, and was confused.

That ’s right, this is the lounge where new people are waiting to enter. Should n’t it be my room? Where did this group of people come from?

At this moment, everyone in the room suddenly laughed, and the person near the door stood up, pulled in the elder with question marks, and pressed it on the sofa.

"Yo, a real newcomer is finally here."

"Hurry up and sit down and eat something."

"This is the first time I have seen a new man in a new era."

Others gathered around, looked up and down curiously, and greeted each other.

Mael was caught in the middle by the crowd, overwhelmed, could not help but asked:

"What kind of people are you, this should be my room, please go out for irrelevant people!"

Hearing the words, everyone looked at each other, revealing a subtle smile, and suddenly they were all shocked.

Boom! !

The momentum of the super-a class has exploded, and it will be taken away immediately.

Maher was frightened and froze in place, the whole person was stunned.

The strangers in this room are all super a-class? !

"You, what the **** ..."

Maher's eyes widened, and her brain was short-circuited.

Baige's tone is playful, "Don't be so nervous, like you, we are all newcomers to the association."

"Impossible! How could there be dozens of new Super A-class silently in the universe! Who are you!"

Maher suddenly stood up, and the whole person lost his mind.

Was n’t the orientation meeting held today to welcome him alone? !

Bai Ge smiled and waved his hand, "We are not strangers, do you have a good look, do you know us?"

Upon hearing this, Maher hurriedly glanced at the people present, and suddenly his face changed dramatically.

"I have read your information ... are you the first one ?!"

"Haha, I said you know us ... don't look like this, we are just resurrected, what a fuss."

Begel smiled and patted Maher's shoulder.

As if her bones had been removed, Maher slumped on the sofa, and the whole person's eyes were dull, as if she had lost her soul, and she looked completely broken.

At this moment, his brain was blank, completely in a state of ignorance, leaving only one thought ...

When did I fall asleep?


ps: py pushes the book "The Detective of the World of Movies and TV", the author of Sanyuan Bingyuan, reborn in the United States, incarnates the story of the police world detectives into various film and television copies, I have seen a paragraph before, and the writing is very interesting. Yiha.

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