The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1259: After birth, the times have changed!

Just when Maher doubted his life, in the conference hall across several corridors, remote projections of super-a-level members came to his seat, chatting in twos and threes.

"Today is the orientation meeting again? I remember the last newcomer was Aurora, only half a year from now."

"I don't know if you have any feelings. The frequency of birth of super-a class in recent decades seems to be much higher than before."

"Indeed, it is good to remember that three or four Super A-levels were born in a few decades ago, and eight Super A-levels were born in recent decades. Although this kind of thing is very random, it also has It can prove that the times are improving. "

"Yes, the population base of the interstellar society has increased exponentially, the research on super energy systems in the universe has become more and more perfect, and super-a seeds have also accumulated to a critical point. Under the influence of various factors, I think there will be a new super-a Level blowout period. "

Before the start of the meeting, the convention is the time for members to exchange their feelings. Everyone chats casually, a lively scene.

Han Xiao ’s projection sat on the throne, smiling at this harmonious scene.

Looking at everyone's unknowing appearance, Han Xiao's mouth twitched an arc ... These people don't know yet, here today will be a major event that will overturn the universe.

At this moment, someone suddenly pulled the topic to Han Xiao.

"I was warned by the Glorious Federation a few days ago, and I was strictly forbidden to continue to spread the ultimate knowledge in private. Lord Black Star, do you know this?"

It is said that many people immediately agreed, and they all said that they had also been warned by the three major civilizations, and they all looked to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao glanced at the lineage of the three great civilizations next to him, and nodded: "I talked to the leaders of the three major civilizations not long ago. They hoped that I would rectify this situation and put an end to the chaos of spreading the ultimate knowledge in private.

"How did you answer?" Manison asked lightly.

"The three major civilizations maintain the order of the interstellar society, and I will cooperate with them as much as possible without affecting the operation of the association." Han Xiao said with a smile an empty mandarin.

Manison snorted softly. He knew that Han Xiao's smoothness would not explicitly reject the three civilizations. The most likely thing was to have a round about it and verbally agreed.

At this time, a sister-in-law said, "What method are you going to deal with this problem?"

"Don't think about it yet, do you have any suggestions?" Han Xiao turned his head and looked over.

"I think that one of the reasons for disseminating the ultimate knowledge privately is that the association's charter is too loose and does not clearly limit this behavior. I suggest improving the charter and severely punish the communicator ..."

While the sister-in-law was speaking, all other members of the normal association shut up silently and exchanged glances.

The heirs of the heirs are different from the normal super-a-level interests. These are the two clearest factions. As the three civilizations become more dissatisfied with the behavior of the super-a-level associations, the two factions have more and more differences. Privately, he quietly suggested that Han Xiao kicked his heir out of the association.

After listening to the speech of his sister-in-law for a while, Han Xiao suddenly interrupted the other party and said with a smile:

"These suggestions are good. I will consider them as appropriate. This topic will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Today is the orientation meeting after all. Do n’t make a mistake."

He flicked the topic lightly, and his tone was meaningful.

The sister-in-law's super a-level tone was suffocated, and he heard Han Xiao's faint warning and had to sit down.

The other members of the Super-A level are in a spirit of resurgence ... Distinguish between the primary and the secondary, not to say who is the master of the association. In a disguised way, warn the heirs not to think that the three major civilizations can issue orders to them.

With Han Xiao ’s obscure reply, many people relaxed a little because Black Star and the three civilizations were so closely related that some people felt uneasy after all, fearing that Black Star would change the hard way of the Kingdom of Machinery and compromise with the three civilizations.

Upon seeing this, Kesuye played round the sidelines, "The chairman is right, we are here today to welcome the newcomers and not to talk about business."

Hearing the words, the atmosphere became cheerful again, and everyone moved away from the conversation in a tacit understanding, and instead guessed the identity of the newcomer, and some people had nothing to do to start a gamble.

After arguing for a while, someone went to Han Xiao and asked quipped:

"Chairman, should the new recruit this time be Maher? Isn't there always a new super-a cadre in the Black Star Legion?"

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, seemingly smiling:

"I can only say ... This newcomer is definitely everyone's acquaintance."

Everyone waited while chatting, and after a while, the staff finally arrived.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao raised his hand and greeted everyone to calm down, laughing:

"It's almost time. The orientation meeting can start. Be quiet. Prepare to welcome new people."

After hearing that, everyone was quiet, turned their heads in unison, and looked at the side door of the venue. According to the usual practice, newcomers would come out from here.

It didn't take long before the side door was finally pushed open, and Maher came out and showed it in front of everyone.

The crowd suddenly murmured low voices.

"It really is Maher, and I knew it was him."

"Haha, I guessed it right. Don't betray your debts, be willing to gamble and lose."

"Huh, how strange does he look?"

Everyone looked at Maher, and soon discovered the anomaly, and saw Maher's face was dull, as if he was traveling in the sky, motionless, completely feeling that he did not put everyone in his eyes.

"What does this person mean when he stands there?"

"Why don't you even say a word, isn't he dumb?"

Everyone just felt baffled.

However, at this moment, another figure came out from behind the door, followed by the second and third ... Soon, dozens of people came out and squeezed Maher aside.

"What, what is this? Isn't it the orientation meeting?"

Everyone suddenly froze at the scene, confused.

At this time, Han Xiao laughed and slowly spoke:

"Don't be surprised, these people are all newcomers to the association this time, everyone, please welcome them to join."

When the words fell, everyone was stunned, with a look of "you're **** kidding me", even the three civilized heirs who watched silently widened their eyes and were startled.

Without any prior notice, they thought it was a normal orientation meeting today, but did not expect it to be such an unexpected situation.

Every orientation meeting is held exclusively for one person. When did so many brains accept so many newcomers?

And when are there so many new Super A-levels in the universe? This number has almost caught up with one-third of the associations! It is simply impossible!

Is it a festival today, so the chairman deliberately teased us to play?

It must be so!

Everyone flashed the idea, and subconsciously looked at dozens of "newcomers", and suddenly he was shocked.

"Wait, these people are familiar!"

"They are ... the first one ?!"

"How is it possible, how many years have passed since the first one died, they deliberately dressed like this!"

"Ouch, it's exactly the same. This is, camouflage technology is too good!"

Everyone hurried to check the information of the original one online, and they all met with the resuscitators present. They couldn't help but look surprised.

Manison frowned and looked at Han Xiao, Shen Sheng asked: "What do you mean, deliberately looking for a group of people to pretend to be the first person, and want them to join the club, what are you doing?"

"Do you think it's fake?"

Han Xiao glanced at him, but he was not surprised. After all, in the eyes of uninformed people, this kind of thing is too incredible. Everyone has to doubt it.

He slowly stood up and looked around the audience. The arc of the corner of his mouth gradually expanded, cutting the railroad:

"I know everyone has doubts, but the group of people you see, they are the Super A-class individuals that have existed in history. They lifted the coffin from the grave of time, brushed away the dust of history, and resurrected, Finally decided to join the association to glow for the entire super a class! "

The voice fell, and there was a sudden silence in the field.

All Super A-levels present were stunned, with a look of "you **** teasing me".

With the exception of one person, Kesuye was trembling with excitement. He was another insider who recovered from the sanctuary, and immediately thought of it.

Could this be the result of Black Star disappearing for four months? !

"... Tell me, is this true?" Ke Suye turned his head and stared at Han Xiao closely, eager to know the answer, for fear it was just a joke.

Han Xiao returned an unspoken look, slowly opening his mouth:

"I use credit as a guarantee, and today I am not kidding anyone!"

At this moment, ecstasy, shock, admiration and other emotions exploded in Ke Suye's heart!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his heart ...

Black Star ... he succeeded! !

At this moment, the headed Begel chuckled and stepped forward, greeted everyone with a suspicious gaze, and spoke lightly:

"Later, the times ... changed!"

The voice just fell, and dozens of super-A-level forces rose into the sky, this time without reservation!

Bang! !

With a loud noise, the zenith of the entire venue was suddenly lifted off, and the ground and walls were cracked!

The huge pressure suddenly swept the entire planet. At this moment, all the creatures on the Fein star were almost overwhelmed by the pressure, and the harsh alarm sounded through the sky!

Super A-levels present are all long-range projections, which can't feel the impact on the spot, but everyone's forces have offices in Feinxing.

Almost at the same time, everyone received the office's emergency detection report. Every radar detection screen showed dozens of super-a-level energy sources, and the marking objects were just these dozens of people! There is no better evidence than this!

At this moment, all the members present changed their faces dramatically, unbelievably and horrified.

Is this actually true? The original one is alive? !

How can it be!

Everyone was ignorant!

An irresistible impact instantly shattered their worldview, leaving only endless confusion.

At this moment, few words could describe their inner horror.

Even Manison was stunned for a few seconds. Huo Ran turned his head and stared at Han Xiao.

"What did you do? How did they resurrect?"

Everyone suddenly woke up like a dream, and the shocked eyes fell on Han Xiao.

These resurrected people were introduced by Black Star to join the association, and they could not be separated from him, he must know all the inside information!

"Black Star, what the **** is going on?"

"Quick answer us!"

"say something!"

One by one can't wait to know the answer, and the group is excited.

Looking at the excited crowd, Han Xiao smiled, spoke without hurry, and finally saw the poor:

"In this world, there is a special information state phenomenon called" Resurrection of the Sanctuary ", as long as you step into the super a level, you can leave a record, even if you die, you will not leave any debris. This phenomenon is resurrected by other people.

This opportunity is only once, which is equivalent to giving all super-a second life ... and I use this phenomenon to regenerate them in the historical grave! "

With a positive answer, everyone was stunned.

Then, the shock and ecstasy suddenly exploded in everyone's mind!

Is there such a wonderful phenomenon in the universe that specializes in super-a level? Could it be another spectacle of the universe!

Everyone realized that this is the gospel of the entire super-a class!

If you have heard this kind of thing in a hurry, everyone is likely to sneer at it, and it is basically impossible to believe it, but the live examples are now in front of you, which has proved that Han Xiao is right.

The next second, everyone's eyes on Han Xiao changed.

Black Star has recovered so many originals, which means that he has mastered the use method. He said the mechanism, but did not explain the method of sanctuary recovery, so for now, Black Star is estimated to be the only way for them to enjoy the "Sanctuary Recovery" ? !

Considering it from another angle, Black Star has only been in office for about six months. According to common sense, he may have mastered the sanctuary recovery method long ago. If he did not become the president, he might have been hiding ...

At this moment, everyone felt that choosing Black Star as the chairman was simply the wisest decision!

Han Xiao glanced at everyone, looked at everyone's expression in his eyes, and smiled gently:

"Since everyone no longer doubts, don't forget the theme of the orientation meeting today ..."

With that, Han Xiao raised his hand, the seats of the round table began to adjust, and rows of new seats protruded from the ground. It was the seat reserved for the resuscitators, and immediately applauded.

"Everyone, join me in welcoming the return of the old times."

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